Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 58 – The Peasant Rises Arc

54 days later on day 1 of the decaying season, inside a room in a private mansion where men of high status remain seated while chatting.

"Your highness Marty it seems your brother the crown prince Julius has risen a peasant to nobility this time an 8-year-old girl called Aurora."

Prince Marty upon hearing those words smacks the table angrily and starts shouting "doesn't my brother understand that we can't allow the peasants to become nobles!? What gives him the right to change the fate of their birth? Such an idiot!"

"Our informants told us that this time, he's making the little girl become a general of the army which will extend 70 percent of the total army, and the additional 10 percent of Ryu's, apparently the kid beat your brother in a chess match," the head of the green rose family said while laughing.

"What the fucks wrong with my brother's brain!? Just because of a loss in a freaking game? How retarded has he become!?"

"Your brother is too much of a humanist your highness, it'll influence the different rose families if he stays on the throne when your humble father dies, possibly breaking down the noble system as we know it," Charles the head of the black rose family declared in a neutral tone.

"Exactly before the crown prince there had been no peasant in history ever attaining the rank of noble, not even that old lady hero, peasants shall forever remain as lowborn's, like we nobles remain part of the nobility, and few of us are able to ascend to the rose family, the closest rank to the royal family," Kai the successor of the red rose family said in a high tone while feeling superior.

"We of the anti-peasant into nobility faction composed of me the second royal prince the head of the black and green rose houses, and the soon to be head of the red rose family, we may have to wage war for the king's seat," Charles mentioned while gazing at everyone seated around him.

"Talking about that prince, has your father chosen a method to elect the successor? Many kings in the past all had a unique method other than being born first," Kai questioned curiously in an attempt to find a way to make this prince the ruler.

"Perhaps on his dying will there'll be one, for now, father hasn't mentioned anything of the sort."

Violent knocking on the door disturbs the reunion.

"Come in!" The prince who was interrupted shouted angrily.

A man rushes and bows, "I bring terrible news your highness, your dad Lark the king has died this morning."

He gets instantly up feeling furious and grabs the man by the collar with both hands," what do you mean my father died!?"

"The healers say he died peacefully and painlessly during his sleep, possibly due to his age, they couldn't find poison or the like with their skills."

A few tears fell from the prince's eyes while clenching the teeth and hand gripping strongly, lowering the head feeling sad while loosening up. Despite his personality, it was someone whom he had huge respect for.

"Furthermore Lark, the now late King has left a will which indicates a quite unique proposal for the next successor, he called it the next ruler trial. The way it has been decided is something never chosen before, a very distinct method that surprised all the advisors who worked for your father."

The prince looked into the man's eyes and spoke while holding the emotions inside," tell me the details," the hands left the man in front. 

"The whole army will be shaped into 100 thousand soldiers and 20 thousand will be given to each successor, leaving 40 thousand for the kingdom defense," the prince gulps as he didn't have much military power before and started seeing this as a chance to increase his influence.

"The goal will be that in two years the successor of the three that expands the Lumen kingdom the most, which has been on a stalemate for a very long time towards the South, will be crown king or queen since there is also your sister the princess Liliana," the messenger regains the breath then resumes it.

"Every candidate will in a week face the population with a speech where anything can be said, and the last rule is that any sibling that attacks the other is deemed a criminal and sentenced to death."

Kai hearing that swallowed his saliva with a loud sound as the thought was crossing the mind at that instant.

"Candidates may choose whoever for the speech as depending on the circumstance there may be one of you who might be busy, and the army can increase or decrease numbers. It is not a fixed amount as some soldiers are bound to die in the wars to come, so hiring new forces is very welcome, in fact, the last great army we had a hundred years ago had close to 700 thousand, the late king expected for your armies to grow beyond that, seeing as we have 10 million humans."

"I understand, thank you for the clarification, I'll do the speech personally."

"Very well your highness I will inform the late king advisors who will observe the contest, and we will then wait for you and your siblings on day 14 of  the decaying season, and do not forget that day 7 will be the day where the king is cremated."

"Yes... you may go, I'm sure you're needed elsewhere." 

"Indeed, your highness I have some more reports to do, farewell and my deepest condolences I have a great respect for your father, always had," the man bows with a sad expression eventually leaving.

The prince slowly sat back on the chair where he was before the man came in. Once seated, those around mentioned while bowing their heads slightly," our condolences prince."

"Thank you, gentlemen, it seems that we have been blessed by the goddess Aria or even a touch of fate, nonetheless, we now have a territorial war to win. Leaving the princess on the side as Liliana is clueless, and honestly, I doubt she'll try to become queen since she's always wished for one of the brothers to become king. We'll have to focus our all on defeating my brother in these two years that will come if they don't extend the time."

"That is right your highness, we mustn't allow the crown prince to win at all costs since even if the princess somehow won, she wouldn't allow the raise of peasants to nobility. In which case, I'd honestly support her with my house but your brother... I definitely wouldn't," Eliane the head of the greenhouse declared as she dislikes the crown prince personality and idealism.

"There are a few conditions we must be wary of your highness, one of them being the goblin invasion in possibly four years, perhaps earlier, perhaps later, but that means the moment we start expanding south we might trigger them to act earlier of the time. This could result in small skirmishes, and that includes whatever other races we may find on the way."

"One way or another we can't expand anywhere else since the west is the sea, east is the mountains where there's a peaceful golem territory through the mountains that surround that side, and north is a very dangerous place. We'll have to focus on a part of the south and slowly expand till we clean our enemies," Kai stated the obvious making the rest of the table sigh as they realize that is truly the only way out of this mess.

"Talking about that, someone will have to lead the army, personally I wouldn't mind doing it but I'd be happy to have a few military advisors," the prince looked at them expectantly.

"I know everything of the traditional ways, in fact, I believe most of us from the rose families do. It is something we must learn in case we're called to lead the army, however, aside from myself in terms of skill... Kai father, and Ryu I'd say the two of them are in equal terms."

"Now that the tides have changed and both princes have equal rights to the military, I'll be sure to talk to my father to see if he's willing to join the second prince Marty faction, hopefully, he will, but I cannot promise you that your highness as my father is a very stubborn man who only ever cared about the king."

The prince started laughing while looking at him.

"Yes you're indeed right Kai, do tell him that when we win. I'm doubling the red rose family territory plus part of what he conquers to the south can be added to the prize, which would be beneficial as it would be close to the southern mines your family has.

"Of course your highness, I'll make sure to refer that to my father. Hopefully receiving all that he has to offer, my dad might be old and stubborn but in him without a doubt lies a man of wisdom and talent."

"Keep training the summoned who come to our families, and do welcome any that shows insight towards army management and warfare gentlemen."

"Yes!" The rose family heads and Kai confirmed the request.

"Make sure to send this information to the anti-church faction, and Zylph the head of the gray rose family who may be eccentric but can also be a great ally with a good brain on his shoulders."

"I'll see to it Prince," Charles mentioned as he has some backstory with the man.

"Appreciated, I'm sure that man will be useful since he is the leader of those dark priests. The cultist criminal group along with the many connections towards the gangs, the slums, the black market, the bandit groups, and even the pirates from the west in the sea."

"Is that wise your highness? Won't they betray us?" Kai asks unsure as he doesn't quite like Zylph.

"We could use all of them in the eventuality of our plan failing, thus usurping the throne from my brother as the plan b, and possibly even killing him without leaving a trace of it being done by me."

'That does sound-wise, this prince Marty really knows how to do dark schemes,' Kai looked at the Prince happily while rubbing the hands into one another.

"Now then let us prepare thoroughly for the speech and the wars that are to come," the prince started writing some words in a paper as the rest of them discussed ideas.

A special thank you to Nathan for joining Patreon!

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