Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 59 – The Peasant Rises Arc

A few hours earlier on day 1 of the decaying season.

At a table with the advisor Mark, the blue rose head Ryu, the crown prince, a representant of the white rose family, Aurora, the sage Romeo, the hero Sophie and two other advisors were discussing the future.

"Now that you've ascended as a noble and the official general of any force I may possess Aurora, it is time for you to start training the soldiers so that we can start showing the different factions of our prowess, especially in expanding the territory since I got to get 80% of the total army of this kingdom," he said with a satisfied smile and proud expression.

As Aurora was about to reply one of the doors of the reunion room was open, and a messenger with a guard went through.

"Your highness I bring terrible news, your father Lark, the king has died a few hours ago through natural causes."

The smile he had vanished and a serious expression filled his face while placing the elbows on the table while gripping his hands on top of the head, almost pulling some hairs," as much as it costs me to say this, that is not the worst of it is it?" The crown prince Julius said with a trembling voice.

"Your father has left a will and the process of crowning has been decided, may I elaborate it?"

He started shaking harder while becoming rather anxious from the question and said coldly, "proceed."

"The king wrote that the army will be shaped into 100 thousand soldiers and 20 thousand will be given to each successor, leaving 40 thousand for the kingdom defense, the goal will be that in two years the successor of the three that expands the Lumen kingdom the most that have been on a stalemate for a very long time towards the south."

"Every candidate will in two weeks face the population with a speech where anything can be said and the last rule is that any sibling that attacks the other is deemed a criminal and sentenced to death, on that regard the king Lark cremation will be executed in a week."

"Candidates may choose whoever for the speech as depending on the circumstance there may be one of you who might be busy and the army can increase or decrease numbers it is not a fixed amount as some soldiers are bound to die in the wars to come so hiring new forces that are not part of the 40 thousand is viable."

"I'll..." Interrupting the crown prince Aurora said, "Prince Julius if you'd allow me, your most recent addition to performing the speech, as I'll be leading the army in the future clarifying my existence in the Lumen kingdom would bring me the greatest honor, and of course I believe I'm the most suited for this task at hands, as we've lost 60% of the total army earlier agreed, it now seems we should focus on recruiting instead, and I believe the crown prince face would reflect in a greater aspect towards that, through the many connections that your highness may possess."

The crown prince looked at Mark who said," I agree with the general, we have a lot of important matters to go through now that it has come to this since, we did not expect it to happen, and it has backfired everything we achieved," and then he looked at Ryu and the representative of the white rose family.

"60 days have passed since I've met this child that is now the army general, and her prowess during the different trials that we made her do reflect the capabilities over and over again to the point of beating 1000 men with half, and since she'll indeed be the one the soldiers will receive orders from, I must agree that showing everyone her face will possibly end up as a good result, despite being the first time an ex peasant doing something of the sort, in a way, it could give some sort of impact"

"Your highness, I believe lord Alfred the head of the white house would be happy to comply with such a request," Robert bowed lightly as he spoke taking the side of the girl as repayment for Iris's actions.

The crown prince then turned to the man who was waiting for an answer from him," you've heard them, messenger, appoint it so that it'll be my general to do the speech," the crown prince then faced the young girl, "I do expect it to be a good one," Aurora smiled at such words while thinking, 'oh it surely will.'

Romeo the sage then spoke," Your highness, I'd like to know what kind of paper will the summoned ones partake in this king trial to come."

"They will be given the chance to tag along if they so decide, it would allow them to grow tremendously by killing hundreds or thousands of enemies, which would convert into experience granting them levels."

"There is also the risk that many of them will die so those who survive will surely reach higher heights," Mark added with a calm and honest tone.

"I honestly wouldn't want to see any summoned die but the same goes towards any human, like me and Romeo, we too are humanists and see every life equally, however, I also know that wars must be won and between us and the monsters, we'll surely lend your highness a hand for taking care of us so far," Sophie declared with a serious expression.

"I appreciate it, however, you're both in the little general hands," their eyes meet Aurora who smiles kindly at them.

"We'll do our best to support you Aurora for what's to come."

"I'll make sure not to push you two too hard, so rest assured," she smiles kindly yet again as her words end.

"It is fine you can surely make us do more than others, we do have unique classes and skills, we're here for that!" Romeo declared with a shout as he didn't want to let her kind words hurt his pride as a man, and as the great sage of a different world.

"Indeed, I as the hero will do the work of 100 humans as well!" Sophie shouted excitedly to put more weight on Romeo's words.

'I'm sure you will, I'll deliberately place the two of you in the easiest places of the battlefield so that neither of you becomes powerful at all, have to wait for Iris to awaken, I felt like she was going through a good path, but lately I haven't felt her soul getting stronger by any means, I wonder what sister doing, I've tried to use telepathy a few times but it seems it doesn't reach that far sadly.'

"With the speech out of the way, what will happen to the many factions as they had armies of their own messenger?"

"Every faction army has already been stripped of their ranks, and the whole 100 thousand men are currently controlled and kept by the pink rose family, the only noble family whose side is always the current king, even though by the estimations of the late king advisors the army is a lot bigger than 100 thousand as a lot of forces have been investing in its increment."

"Is that so?" The crown prince asks slightly curious.

"The church alone had 10 thousand in the beginning, but ever since the Saintess had a vision they got to 30 thousand, most of them being fanatics and the number was increasing greatly due to their influence," the crown prince takes a glimpse at my way as he hears the first words of the messenger.

'Seems like I was right to have the Saintess join the army, too bad the king had to die and ruin my planning though, everything has become a lot harder, but nonetheless, the goal stays the same, to show my prowess and get the most territory I can, 20 thousand is still plenty to scout and build a core,' Aurora then smiles innocently at Julius.

'This little girl's brain truly is something amazing to have predicted this far without ever coming to the capital once, I figured the church wouldn't pose a problem as we're allies, though with those numbers they could've seized the throne and make this a religious kingdom instead, but is it right to rely on such a young girl? Aurora is bound to make mistakes as everyone does... well I do have Mark and Ryu to watch over her, so I'm sure that she has all the right tools for her brain to expand and progress towards a good future in the art of war, plus she did beat me and I've never lost badly like that in all my life, it seems I'm wavering with the loss of my father, I can't allow myself to back down here and must show the path towards those below me especially this little girl who choose to abandon their family to be here and support me,' Julius breathes deeply and then smiles at the girl with eyes of expectation and a new resolve to do what he feels is rightful and necessary, then turns the gaze back to the messenger and asks, "has one of the messengers gone to talk with my sister yet?"

"Not yet your highness, I'll be meeting your brother once I'm dismissed here and then I'll be talking to your sister."

"In that case, head for my brother and leave my sister up to me and my mother."

"As you wish your highness," the messenger left to deliver a message to prince Marty.

The crown prince got up from his chair and said, "on that note, I'll be heading towards my mother and sister, Mark check with the advisors of the late king our part of the army, and have Aurora train it right away, as for the two of you keep studying about our world and train with the soldiers, once you have strong bases we'll start sending you both in missions or even questing in the adventurer's guild, so that you may improve yourselves by facing different enemies as you're both still level 1, I believe?"

Romeo and Sophie said in unison," yes your highness," then the girl continues," we've acquired some skills from the get-go but we're still at that level."

"Then once Ryu decides you two are good to go, you both shall be dispatched towards one of the towns and start helping out the Lumen kingdom, perhaps in the southern border as you'll get an idea on how the goblins fight which will be one of our main concerns."

"I'll make sure they're ready for it, as well getting them a good equipment, your highness," Ryu bowed lightly towards Julius.

'Those two near Iris could prove to be bothersome, but I can't really influence the crown prince decision here, I can only hope they don't cross paths early on,' Aurora felt a little nervous.

"I'll be taking my leave now, we'll meet later everyone," the crown prince left through the same door the messenger went through.

Mark gets up and looks at the blonde girl, "let us go Aurora, hopefully, the patch of soldiers we get, are the ones that already know you, it would make things easier"

"Yes, I hope so too, take care everyone it was nice chatting with you all," Aurora says while smiling happily at them.

"Take care lady Aurora, I hope we'll meet again soon!" Sophie said happily as she in a short time has grown to like her a good chunk.

"Have a good day Aurora if you need anything let us know!" Romeo said while smiling and waving softly.

"See you later," Ryu said seriously as that's the typical tone he uses to talk to those with talent and a cold tone for those that are useless.

A gigantic thank you to Aleas32 for joining Patreon!

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