Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 60 – The Peasant Rises Arc

On the following day 2 of the decaying season.

A little blonde girl stands before an army of twenty thousand soldiers as she does a speech.

"As some of you already know me, my name is Aurora, the crown prince Julius general. Without wasting time, I hereby declare that I will reformulate the current military system amongst yourselves."

Upon this statement, the men grew curious about what changes could she be creating.

"You all know that the military ranks used to be soldiers, knights, generals, and royalty."

"This makes a clear distinguishment of ranks almost based on the social status of every single one of you. In other words, from this day onwards everyone will go back to the initial rank, the one named soldiers."

"Those who are exceptional and work the hardest will be rewarded with better positions that will allow you to grow even if you're a peasant!"

The different men in the majority started irradiating with happy expressions.

"I am the living proof that even a peasant can acquire a rank that used to be only for the noblest and most prestigious members of our kingdom. A rank through history dedicated to the 8 rose family heads like this great man at my side Ryu the head of the blue rose family."

With a louder tone than before Aurora adds.

"From this day onwards upon the power bestowed by the great prince Julius, I hereby declare the extension of the new ranks from a soldier, to an officer who'll command 20 men below him. To a captain who'll command 100 men below him along with 5 officers, and a major who will command up to a thousand men along with 10 captains being the highest possible rank as of now."

"Gentleman the rank of majors will be commanded directly by me the general. This further indicates that your social status is unaffected. You keep your gained privileges outside the army, a noble remains a noble."

As soon as I finish the men start shouting favorably as even nobles were given the right to rank higher, even if they had to start from soldiers once more.

'This kid really doesn't hold back, to even use my name and rank as a stepping stone to raise the morale this much towards a new group of men.'

Ryu clicks his tongue as he's forced to approve of her making Mark who's at the side faintly smile upon noticing it.

"We will hereby from this day onwards commit to expanding the southern lands, as it has been decreed by the late king Lark who'll forever live in our hearts."

"We shall do as it was asked! To bring us, humans, to the very top, and conquer every other race sparing those who wish to submit to us. Eventually dominating the entire world!"

The men shouted in favor while unsheathing and then rising their weapons in the air.

"The ranks come with more responsibility of more lives, however, the salaries that you'll earn will also increase. The lands you'll be awarded will be greater, as a peasant you'll be able to own your own territory."

"Another important thing, do not forget this gentleman, the more lands we conquer the more territory you'll have for yourselves, for your families, for your future children, who will be able to explore a bigger part of the world."

"With everything belonging to us. We'll gain the ability to walk freely without fear of being harmed, by the creatures who live around us!"

The men sheath the weapons then start clapping, a few whistling, and others raising their voices with shouts filled with happiness. They start believing in the good changes that are to come for them, making the soldiers thirsty to kill.

'I can't wait to see this little girl in action,' Mark's hands tremble from the excitement of the voices that echo around him.

Aurora raises her arms and one of them waves downwards so that the girl's voice can be heard, very much like a maestro conducting an orchestra, and as soon as the men shouting ceases.

"We will head towards the southern lands in 13 days after the speech I'll give, and build what I'd like to call an outpost."

"That shall be the first real line of defense, and I will train every single one of you in the arts of war, alongside other activities that you gentlemen will not be expecting."

She raises both arms towards them to get their attention.

"But hear me out! I assure you that it'll make you all stronger and tougher than you are now. Once we're done with the training we will vanquish our opponents and conquer their territories, taking them to ourselves and bringing glory to the future king Julius!"

The soldiers started screaming king Julius while unsheathing their weapons, raising then lowering them in a repetitive cycle.

'With a speech like this, I can't help but wonder what kind of words she'll be saying in 13 days to the whole kingdom.' Ryu clenches his thumb inside the fist as he's loving it internally while smiling.

'Oh, oh, oh, seems like Ryu's been taken in by the fervor too,' Mark gazes happily at the man containing a burst of happy laughter.

Aurora then turns the back to her army and passed through Ryu and Mark whispering.

"Prepare me some empty books, we'll be moving the army tomorrow, and do as it'll be noted in them. I lied about the 13 days so that the information the spies from other factions receive are tricked, move them during the night."

She then keeps walking leaving them behind as both of them look at her back with surprised expressions.

Church Perspective

In a room with the 8 archbishops and the Saintess, the Pope yells madly.

"Why did we have to lose our army for the likes of the pink rose head Isabella!? Why did the king have to die!? Why!? Why!? Why!?"

"How are we supposed to defend the kingdom without an army against the invasion of the goblin king?"

"Now we'll have to wait for the new king to be crowned and only then, we'll know if we get to keep our old army or not, ugh this is infuriating."

The Saintess spoke, "not everything's lost, we just have to make sure Julius wins from all of them, he's our ally after all."

The archbishops agreed to her statement.

"Yes you're right, however, we were doing so well almost at 40 thousand, and now I'm sure they're just going to be used by someone else and eventually get the men killed."

"I wonder if that girl will be the one commanding some of them," Saintess voiced her thoughts out loud by mistake.

"Girl? What girl?" The Pope asked confused looking at the Saintess expression who bore an amused smile.

One of the archbishops spoke.

"You haven't heard Klaus? The crown prince Julius appointed a peasant which was raised to a noble and gave her the military rank of general which was only used by the rose families in the past. All this because the girl beat him in a chess game, it's one of the most spread rumors going on through the capital."

"What the fuck!? How does a peasant raise in ranks like that for just beating him in a chess game?"

"Apparently the crown prince has never lost in a 3 set chess game before," a different archbishop added being a fan of the Prince.

"Still that makes no sense, just who is this girl?"

"Her name's Aurora, daughter of Luke the healer, a friend of the crown prince which is the reason for their meeting, and her mother Rosaline who used to be an adventurer but not a famous one. That's the information we gathered recently with the help of the Saintess along with some spies," an archbishop declared resolute of the accuracy of it.

"Can we use her somehow?" The Pope voiced his thoughts making the Saintess's eyes open wider for a second while losing the brilliance of her smile.

"If I were to guess I'd say there's a possibility someone from the other factions might try to, and I wouldn't doubt if she got assassinated in the process. In case the anti peasant into nobility faction moved, since they don't like the crown prince, it would be a good way to make a move, especially since I heard that she was born without an element and almost died during the first years since Aurora was born. Though she's a little kid, so they might not give a care," the archbishop who spoke then gazed from the Saintess to the Pope.

"That'd be the first in history, I guess the brain got blessed instead? Possibly to the point of making everything else fragile? That would be more like a curse by the goddess Aria. I must meet this girl and check her with my class skills. If the results are unfavorable, we'll purge her ourselves as our elite force was left untouched since they weren't members of the army," the Pope said in a very cold tone, making one of the archbishop's smile.

"Do what you must, just don't make the crown prince hate us lowering our chances of receiving the army back," the Saintess replied coldly as she took a liking to Aurora, making the Pope notice her change in attitude.

"Worry not I am just following the will of the goddess Aria, and keeping the disgraceful sinners away, so where do I go to find this general?"

To that, an archbishop replies, "in 13 days she was requested by the crown prince to do a speech in his place at the south wall towards the masses, alongside the second prince Marty and the princess Liliana."

"That's where I'll be then, I must confirm such a rarity. I'll take a few of you and some elites just in case. We can easily stay there while I find an opportunity to go towards her and bless them after the speech, or even before if I get the chance."

"Understood," the archbishops agreed in unison.

"I'll take care of the church meanwhile," the Saintess said indifferently.

"Please do," the Pope replies promptly as he found something interesting to focus on.

Zylph's Perspective

A certain day in the past.

An eccentric man with red and white hair walks among the slums. Owner of many interesting places like the auction house, the black market, and the impoverished communities. With deep connections to the anti-church faction where he has a deal since, in the shadows, the man does quite the lustful and abnormal acts of all kinds.

He is known for being strange in wanting to fuck men and women alike as most people pick one of the two, but the true madness is that he does it with those who are underaged too. From torture to even training them to be sex tools.

All of this turned possible when he became the head of the gray rose house. On a different day shortly after that event, Zylph met a certain priest with whom he later got to know and build a sort of relationship.

The man belonged to a cult of dark priests that Zylph soon got to realize was an anti-church faction, which he gladly joined as there was a certain woman that he wished to obtain for himself, the Saintess.

Under a certain house in the slums there laid an underground base, where he walked to while keeping the surroundings checked.

Once the man got in and reached the deepness of it. Zylph was faced with the naked chained bodies of both humans, beasts, and even monsters caged. He would play with them from time to time in many ways.

He would even attempt breeding towards different female species to no avail, as they would be killed during intercourse or simply for fun, by one of the many who roamed that place.

Today he had been summoned with the max urgency, as something unexpected was happening in the deepest and most secured part of the sanctuary of the dark priests.

Once he entered the room after passing through some of the guards, the smile he had on his face disappeared completely. Taking some careful steps closer to the statues, he stares at the middle one belonging to the goddess of order Luna.

"What's the meaning of this?" While looking awkwardly at it, one of the dark priests who remain kneeled to the statue replies promptly.

"All the statues of this goddess have been bleeding from their eyes for a few days now, and we have some information that the ones spread through many monsters and beasts territories, are also doing the same."

"Is there a meaning to this creepy thing?" Zylph takes a gaze at the source of the voice.

"Yes, the almighty one from the prophecy is now among us, it is said that one who has achieved great amounts of disgrace is capable of obtaining the dark powers."

"Prophecy? Almighty one? Dark powers? What kind? Skills-based on the darkness element like most demons?" He places a finger in the lower lip while finding great interest in the dark priest's words.

"It is said that the church deems it unworthy of people to get too many titles since some of them can give disgraceful classes which may influence negatively the person. However, there has been someone in this world who not only achieved such a class but a version of it that made the goddess of Luna insanely angry."

The dark priest takes a cold glance at Zylph and continues.

"To the point of spreading a bad omen through all her statues in the entire world, as such, we must find this being. It'll certainly lead us to the purpose of our lives, as everyone here has a disgraceful class of some sort including yourself lord Zylph."

The man upon hearing those words starts laughing, "yes, that is so, basically, there's someone who's worth commanding this evil group. If that's actually true then I'm looking forward to meeting such a person."

"We have a unique item that guides us to the one, and the prophecy, in other words, it can locate a specific soul of our desire. That being soul isn't big enough to make our search easy and sometimes it disappears completely, so we must wait patiently for that day. The day where this world will fall into chaos with the being awakening."

The dark priest starts laughing insanely, and then adds, "but we must be wary of the witch of the south who may try to stop us from obtaining such power."

The many dark priests around start voicing out the words witch of the south, in a low ominous tone spreading it through the entire room in a creepy cursing way. Almost like chanting the most wicked of rituals.

"The witch of the south? What can we do to get to that being before anyone else does? Do we know its race? Is it a human even?"

"We believe that woman position marks the path, by coincidence or not. She is a witch and a powerful one enough to be banished by the church. The twin secret sister of Serenity the Saintess. We do not say her name as it is said that doing so can curse the person who has mentioned it, but she's called..."

The man throws a paper that Zylph picks and reads silently.

'The witch of the south Saphira? To think she'd have a twin sister... It seems like these guys don't share every secret they possess with me. How very selfish despite all the help I give them, perhaps I could grab this one while I don't find a chance to grab the Saintess.'

He smiles while getting hornier on such thoughts.

"If she's at the south we should... wait in there? That's where the Saintess had a premonition about the goblin king army invading our kingdom, could it possibly be related to that?"

As Zylph mentioned he starts to notice the surroundings, seeing every dark priest looking at him in a creepy way.

"Gentlemen it seems like the person may be a goblin or perhaps some human that lives in the southern lands, maybe even a peasant. That would be my best guess at least."

The dark priests start whispering to each other in a creepy way, then they hide their faces in dark hoods and start walking out. The one who spoke with Zylph earlier voices out close to him.

"We will search every corner of the south and come in contact with you when we find our fated leader, no matter how long it takes."

'I don't mind selling even my soul to such a being as long as I can have the Saintess and Ryu.'

Zylph due to the thoughts of the two beings he sought to obtain, became loyal to his ardent heart, pulling a different man inside the room, facing him towards the goddess statue.

A while passed and the nobleman could be seen with a happy smile, satisfied with the way everything was going. He walked to the exit of the underground base setting everything on fire, leaving no trace of anything.


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