Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 6 – Prologue Arc

After running around crazily through the house I find a basket with a lid made of straw knotted making it light and flexible.

I also find a similar straw hat which is a bit big for my head but with my long blonde hair, filling the emptiness I manage to hold it steady.

"Where do you think you're going, little miss?"

My mother stops me from running around.

"To fish?"

"Have you ever fished before dear?"

"No, but I know what I need to do."

"You do? How so dear? Where could you possibly have acquired such knowledge?"

"Books!" I smile at mother.

"We have a few at home, but we don't have one about fishing I believe... Or do we?"

"Oh right mother I thought of what I want to as a birthday present, I want a farming hoe, watering can, and seeds of all kinds."

"Don't tell me you received a farming class? Since you said you just wanted to try fishing for fun."

"No, mother I haven't decided on a class, I don't even know how to get one!"

"To get one you have to spend your first 10 status points and the 2 skill points to be able to use skills for the first time."

"Oh... So that's how."

"Yes, but we'll tell you how to spend them tomorrow when we start teaching you the basics."

"I've already spent them, mother..."

"What!?" Her shout echoed in my ears, "what did you spend on?"

"I wanted more mana so I spent everything in wisdom." 

"Oh my... That's not advisable honey at all."

"How come?"

"Well imagine you end up fighting something, without a balance of all status which are."

Interrupting her I say, "strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, intelligence, and wisdom."

"Exactly, they contribute in different ways to our growth as human beings, so balancing them is what every human does."

"Everyone does? Why?"

"It's due to the only thing we get as we age being stamina, and we need a bit of everything in our daily lives."

"Can I have an example?"

"Of course baby, let's see... A blacksmith that you visited recently needs the dexterity to use his tool correctly."


"He also needs strength to hammer it with the force he needs, and stamina to not get tired doing that repeatedly."

"I see.."

"He also needs intelligence to speak with fellow clients and to learn new things, and wisdom to have the mana for his crafting skills."

"Crafting skills?"

"Every class has a set of skills and being a blacksmith has its own, one of them is crafting equipment, material evaluation, and another is refining."

"Oh... That's interesting."

"Exactly so dear, and the more wisdom we have the better we use the knowledge we understand from this world."

"The knowledge that comes from intelligence?"

"Yes, the more you have the more things you'll be able to learn by observing the world."

"Can I learn them through books instead since I don't have much intelligence?"

"Of course you can dear, that's what books are made for, even though not many bother with them."

"How come?"

"Not many get to learn how to read and most rather put some points in intelligence and learn things as they go."

"I see..."

"You can consider books a mix of intelligence and wisdom, it also depends on the writer."

"What do you mean mother?"

"Well baby... If the writer doesn't express his knowledge properly on the subject you won't learn things properly."

"Ah... Now I understand."

"Another reason for people to not read books is that if the knowledge is wrong, their intelligence can decrease."

"The stats we put points in can decrease?"

"Yes, as we get really old our stats start decreasing as well around 70 years old for most."

"That's awful..."

Mother approached and patted my hair, "it's part of the cycle of life baby girl."

"From that explanation does that mean mother also has a skill called status?"

"A skill called status? That's new, I have what most people have baby, a skill called personal data, that opens a screen called status."

"That's weird my skill is called status and it also opens a yellow screen with black letters named status."

"It indeed sounds unusual Iris, but it sounds like both do the same, so don't worry about it, dear."


"Wait Iris, if you have a skill does that mean you have a class? Wait earlier you said you didn't..."

"I still haven't used my 2 skill points mother."

"Then how do you have a skill? We aren't born with skills Iris."

"I don't know, I guess I just happened to be an exclusion to that rule?" I look anxiously at her while saying the truth.

"Just how blessed were you by the gods dear?"

'Am I supposed to answer that?'

"Is there any other thing I should know about?"

'Should I tell her about the system library skill? It is my mother so there shouldn't be a problem...'

"I actually was born with another skill called system library."

"What!? Not only one but two skills? 

"I haven't heard of that one before dear, what does it do?"

"It allows me to read books, I've read baking, fishing, and farming books."

"Oh, so that's where your interest suddenly came from."

"Yes!" I smile feeling more relaxed.

"Sounds like you got very lucky with the skill you got, I'm totally in favor of my daughter reading a lot of books!"

"I'm glad to hear that as I love to read books!" 

Rosaline went into deep thought.

'Still, why does my daughter has two skills already?'

'Unless she's level 3?'

'Did she leave in the middle of the night or something?'

'No... That's impossible she's too young and too weak, even the weakest goblin would have more status than her.'

'I've heard that people summoned from the goddess Aria come with very special skills, their called unique skills, they appear when many ranked S skills merge to form a new one.'

'However, the skills my daughter seems to have gotten don't seem anything amazing, sure is nice to see the information, but everyone has that.'

'The other skill gives her the ability to read books, apparently about classes, knowledge is a good thing, but it won't make her strong.'

'Since in the end, she will not be able to have more than one class.'

'It'll still be useful for her to know what everyone can do, that way if in the future she needs something she'll know who to ask.'

"Well just in case don't mention those skills to anyone and also that you might have been born with them."

"How come mother?"

"Just in case dear, as we don't know if there's anyone who would force you to use them for their own gain."

"Can they steal them from me?"

"No dear, not like that, more like hurting you to force you to do their will."

'Ah... Now I understand what mother means.'

"Alright, mother I'll be careful!"

"That's a promise then," she smiles.

"What other things can you see in that personal data skill mother?"

"Personal data, let's see, I can see the level, experience, titles, name, age, status points, strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom, skill points, and skills."

"Anything else?"

"No dear that is all."

"Then how do you know what class you are for example? Or the race?"

"I know it from the skills I can learn, and I'm human I know from looking into a mirror," she started laughing.

"How about the titles and skills do they have small letters in front of them?"

"Letters? No baby it's only named."

"Fame and disgrace?" Mother makes a surprised face upon hearing that.

"Where'd you learn those terms dear?"

"I can see it in my status screen when I use the skill."

"That's... Very interesting, basically depending on the titles we get our fame and disgrace increase."

"How do you know how much you have mother?"

"When we attempt to advance our class we get to learn how much we have."

"We can advance classes?"

"Yes, you can also swap them if you don't like what you picked, but its level returns to zero."

"That doesn't sound so good..."

"True it's not, but you do keep the skills you learned, even though they won't level up as fast as they used to be."

"That sounds even worse..." Mother laughed a bit more upon hearing my words.

"Well, you should think wisely before deciding on a class, and despite we both being peasants which means you can learn one of the lower professions."

"The nobles can't?"

"They can, but their choices start from rank 1 classes like mage and warrior while we peasants have to work extra hard for it."

"Once you spend your skill points you'll receive a title that matches in what social class you were born in other words a peasant title."

'I used to be a noble, and now I'm a peasant, honestly, it doesn't bother me.'

"Oh... In other words, what do I do to become a mage?"

"You need to get the fame and disgrace dear to increase, in other words, titles!"

"Ah... I understand."

"The easiest ones would honestly be to kill other beings, like weak beasts or very weak monsters."


"I know they have personalities, can feel, they're no different than us, just a different body and aspect but..."

She kneels in front of me and stares at me.

"If you don't you'll end up being a farmer, a fisherman, or something along those lines, which I personally don't mind."

"I want to be a mage mom, I'd like to do all kinds of things with this life, and also be strong enough to protect you and dad."

A few tears fell from Rosaline's eyes as she was touched by her daughter's words.

She hugged her and said, "you're truly... So very precious Iris."

"Don't cry mother," I pat her while tearing up too.

"We were going to teach you the basics and let you decide if you wanted to learn or not, but it seems like you truly wish to learn."

"Yes! I want to be strong!"

She stared at me looking into my eyes.

"I can't get enough that you have such different color than my side and luke's side brown-eyed families."

She smiles at me.

"Their green right?"

"Yes, green like the vivid grass of the plains outside our home."

"I'll totally make a small field outside of the house."

"You should make it near the river baby, that way you won't have to water as much and it's easier to get water from."

"Mother you're a genius!"

"I'm sure you'd find about it in one of those farming books of yours, but better now as you won't have much time."

"What do you mean by time?"

"You'll practice swordsmanship with me in the morning, magic in the afternoon and you can go fishing afterward."

"I can wake up earlier to do the farming!"

"The first part of the training will be to build your stamina so that you have more energy to spend."

"How do we do that?"

"Laps around the house you can start today by running 30 in a big circle."

"Alright, mother."

"Meanwhile you do I'll head to the village and get you the gift you asked for."

A smile appeared on my face as I heard those words and say, "Thank you, mother! I love you!"

"I love you too my fluffy daughter, now go run and when your done you can rest, then I'll help you with fishing."

"You going to teach me?"

"Just the basics, I'm not an expert either, but I did learn a few things in the past."

"It shouldn't be too hard."

"It truly isn't as long as it's not big fishes, those have quite the strength, if it was in the ocean they'd be the ones pulling you."

"The ocean?"

"Yes, perhaps one day you'll visit some lands across the ocean to the west of the lumen kingdom capital."

"Sounds exciting!"

"It is pretty dangerous as well due to octopussies, big monsters that can damage ships!"

"I want to be able to beat them!"

"If you did, you'd be the first honey, they're truly strong, now go run, I'll be back soon."

"Alright, mother."

"Don't leave near the house, if anything happens just lock yourself inside, there's a short sword over there in the worst case."

"I'll be fine it won't take that long."

"We do live pretty much in nowhere, but I like to be sure to avoid accidents."

"Yes, mother, I'll do as you say."

"Good girl, get going!" She smiles happily.

Chapter 8 – Prologue Arc

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