Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 7 – Prologue Arc

While I was running from the two hours of exercise, I received a title called body training.

I'm sitting close to the river, with the fishing rod and the straw hat in my head.

'That sure was tiring, but it must've been worthwhile, status.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 1 | Experience 0/100

Fame: 0 | Disgrace: 10

Class: None

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 7 Years old

Health: 70/70 | Mana: 260/350

Status Points:1

Strength: 0 | Stamina: 8 | Agility: 0 | Dexterity: 0 | Intelligence: 1 | Wisdom: 35

Titles: Reincarnated(F), Mana(F), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(F), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(F), Body Training(F).

Skill Points: 2

Skills: Status level 22(E), System Library 4(F).

'Seeing as my health and stamina went up, it was quite worthwhile.'

Mother arrived while I was training with a few things; I believe she got everything I asked.

"Baby!" I turn around and look at my mother heading towards me with a basket, a bag, and a 60-centimeter long hoe."

"Alright, I was able to get everything you needed and also brought you an extra basket so you can keep the different seeds I bought."

"Thank you very much mother," I tell her happily and gratefully.

"You're very welcome, so which one would you like to start with?"

"We can try fishing first; I've already grabbed some rocks on the floor to put the rod stuck once everything's set, that way I can do farming afterward while a fish gets baited."

"That's very smart Iris, did you thought about that?"

"I read it from one of the fishing books."

"Oh... Well, that does help you with saving time!"


"Have you thought about what you're going to do with the fishes?"

"I'd like to learn how to handle them and cook them if I fish any."

"It'll be a bit bloody... I learned how to cut fish at 12 with my mother."

"You're the one who said I needed to get used to these things if I wanted to get stronger right?" My mother smiled.

"Absolutely! Alright, grab your rod and stretch it on the river, I'll help you stick it into the stones afterward."

"Okay mother," I do as she said.

"Now come closer and be careful to not touch the wire."

Once I get really close to her she continues.

"Open your hand and pick a worm from the box."

Without hesitation, I remove one of the fluffy worms from the box.

"They're kind of cute," I touch them softly," and they tickle my hand.

Mother makes a little weird face looking at them.

'I guess she's not into worms,' I smile.

"Now what you do is pierce the worm in this metal hook."

I grab the worm with my index finger and thumb, and grab the hook with the other hand and pierce the worm in it.

Mother does a disgusted expression as she sees the worm liquids coming out of it.

I notice it smiling at her feeling less bad for doing this to the little cute worm.

After some seconds it stops moving and voices resound in my head.

System: The title Animal Slayer has been received.

Notice: Soul has been unlocked in status.

'Seems like we even get titles for killing things... What is the soul?'

"Mother, what is the soul?" Upon hearing those words she looks surprised at me.

"The church says that the souls are what make us being who we are, the only immortal in other words the only aspect that never dies about us, kind of like energy."

"Like mana?"

"Yes, you could say that, but why do you ask?"

I lower my voice and say," it appeared on my status just now."

"Really!? What does it say about it or show?"

"Let me check, status skill."

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 1 | Experience 0/100

Fame: 0 | Disgrace: 20

Class: None

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 7 Years old

Health: 70/70 | Mana: 250/350

Status Points:1

Strength: 0 | Stamina: 8 | Agility: 0 | Dexterity: 0 | Intelligence: 1 | Wisdom: 35

Soul: 110

Titles: Reincarnated(F), Mana(F), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(F), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(F), Body Training(F), Animal Slayer(F).

Skill Points: 2

Skills: Status level 23(E), System Library 4(F).

"I'm not really sure but it says soul one hundred and ten."

"When I and Luke were adventurers and we'd kill a monster, a sparkling stone would appear consuming the corpse around it."

"That stone is equal to the soul amount; therefore the name the adventurer guild uses for it is soul stone."

"I see how much would this amount to?"

"I have no clue daughter, they use a device that ranks the different soul stones and awards them a rank, and same ranks are used towards skills and titles."

"In my status, I can see the ranks in other words the letters of my titles and skills, but mother doesn't so how do you know about their ranks?"

"We can check them on a device at the adventurer guild when we place our hand in it to make a card; a page inside with our information is saved."

"Inside the book? That's interesting, but that way other people would be able to see my skills no?"

"Yes, but you can rip the page, it's not against the rules to do so."

"If I ever become an adventurer I should do it so that I keep secret of these skills right?"

"Absolutely Iris."

"Okay, mom I'll make sure to do it if it ever happens."

"Just for reference the same book is used to apply to other places like the church, and the battle academia and the magic institute, important places basically."

"I see... what are the battle academia and the magic institute things?"

"They're a place where nobles learn how to fight, or research magic, you can even learn skills without using skill points by doing what you'd normally do with the said skill."

"Sounds like expensive places to go... So how can we learn skills?"

"Once I teach you swordsmanship, you should get a skill with that name, don't worry dear, with time you'll get what you need."

"Alright, mother I'll be patient."

I hear a weird sound coming from the riverside and look into it.

"Mother the fishing rod is bending!"

I walk to it and grab it.

"You got to wait a bit to make sure the fish is hooked and start lifting it so that you force the fish out of the water!"

I put my strength in my hands and feet and start lifting the rod in the air.

As the fish starts leaving the water I hear it splashing on top of it and then no noise when it's completely out.

System: The title Fish Caught has been received.

"Now you place the rod fully vertical so that the fish goes close enough for you to place it inside the basket."

I do as I'm told and the line comes closer to me bringing the fish closer, I take a grab of it and it slips my hands.

I try again and for the fourth time, I fully grab it and release it off the metal bait.

I stare at it as its life dissipates soon after stopping moving.

I place it on the straw basket I brought and surround it with two big leaves I found on the way here.

System: The title Conserved Fish has been received.

'Seems like I do get titles from doing these jobs, status open.'

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 1 | Experience 0/100

Fame: 0 | Disgrace: 20

Class: None

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 7 Years old

Health: 70/70 | Mana: 250/360

Status Points:1

Strength: 0 | Stamina: 8 | Agility: 1 | Dexterity: 2 | Intelligence: 1 | Wisdom: 36

Soul: 110

Titles: Reincarnated(F), Mana(E), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(F), Beginner Reader(S), Purchase(E), Wisdom(F), Reader Series(F), Body Training(F), Animal Slayer(F), Fish Caught(F), Conserved Fish(F).

Skill Points: 2

Skills: Status level 23(E), System Library 4(F).

'It seems like I got some dexterity and agility from the titles, my disgrace seems to have increased, probably from killing the worm and the fish, or the animal slayer title?'

'I'm not entirely sure but I think my mana also went up?'

'I wonder which title did that...'

'Probably one of the fishing ones.'

My mother approaches and pats my hair and says," are you, alright honey?"

'She must be referring to the fish... It did pain me a little bit, but I'm doing my best to contain it.'

"Yes, it was a little sad, especially when I received the animal slayer title, but I chose to do this so there's no turning back now."

My mother hugs me," good girl," she pats my hair some more.

"That's very brave of you Iris, it shows that you're maturing," I smile at the compliment she gave me.

"Alright, now you need to set another worm and repeat what we did before."


After we finish, I walk a little above following mother and she makes a big square with the hoe close to the river.

"Here you go, this is the field area, you can expand it when you have more seeds, and I tried to buy a few things that would grow easily."

"This is how you plow, you lift the hoe and smack the ground and then pull the earth backward so it makes kind of a long hole."

"Take it and do it so you learn," she gives me the hoe.

I spend three hours plowing the whole area of 30 meters while catching some worms I find on the way and placing new worms and catching new fishes.

I receive two titles called Plowing Fields and Fish Type.

I then spent 30 minutes placing some seeds of 4 different types and closing the holes, from that I received a title called Seed Types.

Another 30 minutes went by as I used a watering can that my mother got me from the house, she had one from a garden she was meant to build but never felt motivated to.

This awarded me with a title called Watering Field.

I lay on the floor exhausted.

In total, I caught 6 fishes which surprised mother as she didn't expect me to get anything at all from fishing, honestly neither did I.

"I'm going to prepare the dinner, come back home when you're done resting Iris if it gets colder than this, go home, take a shower and rest in bed."

"Will do mother thanks for teaching me."

"You welcome dear, even though you were the one who did the most work!"

We laugh at each other.

'I left the fishing rod on the floor with a rock on top of it and the bag with the worm boxes together with it.'

'It shouldn't fly as I also left the hoe close to it; I think I'll leave these things here and head home.'

'Mother took the bag with the empty seed boxes; she didn't tell me what was in it.'

'Guess it's her way of surprising me, but she certainly bought a lot to fill that whole area.'

'Tomorrow I won't have to plow anymore; it'll just be watering and fishing, so my broken body can rest.'

'Mother also said she wouldn't make me do any exercise, but father would get that chance to teach me about magic.'

'I'm very excited to finally use magic other than these skills.'

I get up and head home.

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