Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 62 – The Peasant Rises Arc

Inside the usual room where the crown prince Julius does the reunions, he sat with Ryu and Aurora while chatting with both.

"That speech truly surprised me, a tad different than the traditional and simple approach I helpt writing, however, thanks to it I feel like our army will eventually grow from those who heard it."

Posing with a serious expression the crown prince adds," though the next time do warn me beforehand, if you wish to change anything Aurora."

"Alright your highness, I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. I'm sure rumors about you and me will surely reach all the parts of the Lumen kingdom, certainly useful peasants and nobles will want to join us."

"Honestly, your highness, I think the most surprised ones were your siblings as they heard the sound and voices echo all the way to the top of the wall due to this little general of ours."

"Indeed Ryu, they had some interesting faces to them, and apparently my sister is going to participate, even if indirectly which was unexpected as she's never shown the will to."

"I believe people change when they have some power in their hands," the girl mentioned knowing it beforehand.

"Wise words Aurora, also I've handled the resources and secured a path for them that won't be influenced by my siblings, as you've requested little general," the prince mentions with a happy smile.

"Thank you, your highness. Soon I believe our camp will flood with peasants and nobles alike, so we must be ready to handle the masses."

With a serious expression gazing at both men she continues.

"We may get too many mouths to feed therefore the next step shall be to contact the merchants for a lot of them to do commerce there, and we need some people to organize the new applicants and the already soldiers who are part of the army."

"I'll recruit some personnel for the logistic department, I know some nobles who would be great at it."

"I appreciate it, lord Ryu. This will help reduce the spies, and we could even use one of those books the adventurer's guild have to get their information."

"I'll look into that, worry not Aurora, anything else?" Ryu declared swiftly with a question while gazing at her.

"Honestly speaking, don't die here in the capital assassination or poison may happen from one of the other two competitors."

With an angry expression, Julius shouts at the girl.

"They're my siblings they wouldn't dare!"

After looking at Aurora for a while who remained serious, the prince started having second thoughts.

'Would they really attempt something like that? Just so they could become rulers? Like how my sister who didn't care about the throne is now charging south with her army? Can people change that fast by obtaining a glimpse of power?'

Aurora ignoring the prince shouting continues the conversation while aiming at the necessary steps towards the upcoming war.

"Finding ways of increasing our funds be it from a registration fee from the new applicants who wish to become a soldier to an entry price to our camp by anyone who wishes to commerce."

With a calmer tone, the prince takes notes on a paper and questions," anything else comes to your mind regarding the funds?"

"Perhaps something as simple as a small tax for those who wish to enter the capital which the total can be split by the three siblings so they accept such a law. I'm sure your highness can think of other ways to raise our funds meanwhile I head to the camp to meet Mark and resume the training of our soldiers."

"Thank you for the suggestions they're very good, and don't worry about money. I have plenty for the years to come, not to forget the late king trial ends in two years."

Aurora gets up and with a cold tone speaks, "no your highness, this will end when I conquer the world for the next ruler thus it is imperative that the fund increases in the long term."

Upon such words, a smile appeared on Julius and Ryu's faces

"I'll be managing things in the capital with Ryu for the first months regarding the long-term issues, and then we'll meet you at the front lines, ask the guard outside to escort you to your wagon, so you can start your trip general! Show us what you're truly made of!"

"Alright, see you later prince, lord," she says while staring at one at a time then goes through the exit, closing the door on the way out.

The prince starts writing a letter and once it's done, he seals it with a blue stamp similar to the Lumen kingdom flag passing it over to Ryu.

"Make sure it reaches Isabella, I'll be here thinking on ways to make money, just in case she ends up being right again, and worst-case the late king advisors may delay this dispute for a few more years if necessary."

"That sounds wise your highness. I'll head for the head of the pink house right away, and grab some flowers as well," the last part made the prince smile silently.

Upon reaching the wagon Aurora realizes two familiar faces are waiting for her along with the usual coach rider.

"I assume the hero and the sage will be coming with me to the front lines?"

"Yes!" They replied happily in unison, then the sage continued.

"The crown prince ordered us to keep you safe since you'll be surrounded by too many people, and there is a chance that assassins, spies, or even some soldiers attempt to attack you."

Sophie added with a gentle expression and kind tone," There's also the issue that you have a weak sickly body so we'll be there to support you."

"Any help is welcome, I truly appreciate it, shall we go?"

"Yes general!" Romeo and Sophie shouted happily once more.

On the way to the southern outpost, the hero suddenly points at the blonde girl's neck with a long sword while Romeo raised both hands at her channeling a light element.

'Did they figure something out?' Aurora thinks confused as she was sure her acting was very good.

"What's wrong?" She looks at them innocently making them waver.

"Forgive us general, however, we must make sure of something, Romeo, use it."

Mana starts channeling into his hands while he speaks.

"Human lie detector, tell me Aurora are you a summoned from our past world, the Aurora from there?"

"I'm not a summoned from any world, I was born here like everyone else," Aurora said calmly, ending it with a kind smile.

"How is it, Romeo?"

"It's okay you can lower your weapon she's not the real deal, so we can trust her. This unlucky girl just happens to have a similar name and a good brain, but if it was the real one the army management along with the tactics I've read in the notes she wrote would've been quite superior.

"She did give us insane trouble to the point of almost losing the war back then, sorry about this general hope we can remain friends."

"Yes, of course, just make sure you do not keep pointing weapons and magic at me every time you have some sort of doubt," Aurora says in a cold tone while sighing.

"We apologize," they bowed earnestly making her smile slightly, feeling that her acting so far hasn't failed while keeping a cool mind.

"As long as you understand, speaking of which what did the goddess Aria bless you two with?" She tilts her head innocently grasping for the fact they messed up, allowing their hearts to feel like they owe the girl an explanation.

They look at each other and then realizing there were no more doubts Sophie nodded and Romeo started speaking.

"I received a blessed skill sage's boost, and from the same tier amplification, which in my past life made everything more powerful, and the boost allowed me to get magic of any type, not sure about in this world Artana."

"I received a blessed skill named hero trumpets though I'm not sure what it does, however, I'll assume it'll be useful at some point as I've tried to use it, and nothing happens."

"It is a hero skill, so I'm sure it'll help us in the war to come," Aurora says while smiling kindly at them.

'Seems like we were able to relax her again, it would be troublesome if the general would get mad at us especially since she's quite talented, and also has the backing of the prince who's been helping us.' Romeo gazed at her feeling relieved to the bottom of his soul, finally letting go of that last line of doubt in his heart.

Sophie who was gazing at Aurora started thinking turning her face around to the wagon window checking the people and places out.

'This girl is pretty cute, kind, and has a great brain. I can't wait to see what kind of person she'll grow into. I'll make sure to help Aurora in exchange for being so friendly to us, and even being so forgiving, expected her to insult us or something while shouting angrily.' 

"It'll be a long trip so feel free to rest, I'll try to sleep a bit myself, it has been a nerve-racking day with the speech and all the planning."

"To think the general would be nervous since you hide your emotions pretty well," Romeo said as he's been studying her behavior since the day that they arrived in the room with the Prince.

"I've spent most of my time trying not to die so there hasn't been much space to emotions sadly."

Sophie who was next to Romeo got up and sat next to Aurora and hugged the girl feeling sad for her.

'This is... very awkward. Did I get into her soft spot or something?'

"You can rest while leaning on me I'll be sure to comfort you as an older sister."

"Thank you Sophie though make sure to wake me up so that the soldiers do not see us like this, I need to look mean to them."

Sophie and Romeo giggle while agreeing to her request.

'In different circumstances, we could've been friends, however, all that waits for the two of you, is the most gruesome and cruel fate once I use your bodies to the fullest of your capabilities as war tools. Till then we can play as friends so that your hearts become truly broken full of despair, once you realize who I truly am.'

After a while, Aurora falls asleep which Sophie takes the chance to place the girl's head on her lap while gazing at Romeo.

"Yet another merciless world awaits us where we'll have to wage war against who knows how many... even going as far as to make use of this little child..."

"Such is the fate of the hero, however, I'll make sure to support you as I've always been."

"Thank you, Romeo, you're truly the best."

She starts patting Aurora's hair softly," I hope there aren't many unfortunate kids like this one out there."

Sophie gazes at the girl while commenting "her hair is very beautiful."

"Indeed, but I still prefer your pink one it's just exceptional," Romeo smiles at her making Sophie blush.

"I'm glad I got to keep my appearance even if a very younger version of it."

"Same here actually, it was becoming quite hard to move on that aged body in the old world."

"Yeah... everything hurt it was horrible even with all the abilities we had, aging was simply superior to them," they laughed lowly to not wake up Aurora.

"So what do you think of this girl, will she be able to lead the humans of our side to victory?"

"If she was the Aurora we knew then that'd be with a 100% accuracy, but since they're different we can only hope the girl learns fast enough with that good brain of hers.

"I mean, since she already beat the Prince in chess, who won against you, we have a good chance."

"In other words, you see potential in her, for me, that's enough," he smiles while watching the woman pat the child.

"We'll soon reach there let's try to get some rest as she suggested."

"Alright, Sophie."

They lay on the walls of the wagon and slowly fall asleep while the long trip to the border continues.


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