Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 63 – The Peasant Rises Arc

Day 16 of the decaying season at the South outpost.

Aurora arrives with Romeo and Sophie inside the wagon which Jeffy opens the door and enters it waking up the three who are sleeping.

They all wake up and stare at each other awkwardly as Aurora appears to be sleeping on Sophie's lap while the woman's head is on top of Aurora's ass making Romeo laugh out loud.

They all get up and start leaving the wagon after Jeffy's, meeting Mark who's outside waiting for them smiling.

Once they're standing in front of him the old man's lips start moving," it seems like you had a pleasant rest," then he laughs unable to contain it further making Sophie embarrassed and Romeo laugh even more while Aurora makes an awkward expression.

With a low voice, Sophie adds without regret," well her ass was a good pillow if anything," this time it's Romeo who blushes upon hearing that as Aurora remains indifferent while feeling further uncomfortable on the inside.

She then starts walking to the camp while looking at the surroundings enjoying that her notes became reality while Mark quickly accompanies the girl," it seems the men have been doing what I asked, did they notice their status improvement with their skill personal data?"

"Yes, and the number of titles increased for a lot of the men alongside the different statuses that went up. We've also been reducing the forest trees which caused small skirmishes with different monsters and beasts making them gain experience and levels, and also we've stored the soul stones in a room that you requested as the notes said you had some experiments for them."

"Splendid does everyone have a place to sleep? Since it is the decaying season it's bound to rain anytime soon."

"Yes, we've been making simple yet large wooden structures for the men to sleep in along with the usage of the nearby villages to shelter parts of the army as advised in the notes, making the men there contribute to the different activities of the villagers, which would benefit the chances of new titles as well as the improvement of the image that our army receives."

"Very good, if we keep the people around us happy it'll make the villages around willing to work for us in return, and then the ones around them will be influenced to come out of jealousy."

"I see, that's a great plan as to be expected of the general," Mark smiles happily noticing a chain of reactions.

"It'll be best to acquire a great number of blacksmiths and wood artisans to come work with us in expanding our defenses further, also we'll have to coat our wooden walls with something that doesn't allow it to get burned easily. This will prevent the invasions to succeed easily."

"I'll talk with the magic institute and see what solutions they can offer, I'm an acquaintance with the leader Ryan, the strongest magician in the kingdom," Aurora nods slightly upon hearing such words, feeling curious about such a person.

'If he's the best mage, it would be interesting to recruit him, even if the odds might not work.'

After passing through a few wooden houses, Mark points at one in specific and states, "that's the one where I store the soul stones."

"Understood, wait here a moment," she goes inside and sees hundreds of stones transforming into a grimoire and consuming all of them.

System: The title Devourer has been received.

She then transforms back and says while licking her lips," thank you for the meal, I feel overflowing with soul power, status."


Level: 14 | Experience 1290/1400 | Class: Pandemonium

Race: Human | Name: Aurora | 8 Years old

Health: 1000/1000 | Mana 1700/1700

Status Points: 0

Stamina: 100 | Intelligence: 90 Wisdom: 170 | Soul Power: 52130

Attack: 5 | Magic Attack: 90

Titles: Aeternum(S), Uncursed(S), Soul-bound(S), Contracted(S), Noticed(S), God Series(F), Devourer(S).

Skill Points: 9

Actives: Status level 40(D), Darkness Barrier level 7(F), Piercing Darkness level 13(F), Mana Coat level 8(F), Dark Coat level 9(F), Mana Wave level 1(F), Dark Bind level 14(F), Extraction level 4(F).

Passives: Mana Control level 25(E), Dark Control level 19(F), Monster detection level 40(D), Beast detection level 13(F), Night Vision level 25(E).

Unique: Transformation level 15, Killing intent level 5

Blessed/Cursed: Unidentified.

Unique Element: Dark.

Cursed Soul-bound

Contracted Skills: Telepathy(F), Giver(E), Deconstruct(D), Stacking(C).

Consumed Skills: Infected Bite level 15, Human Detection level 40, Brainwash Resistance level 50, Fire Resistance level 80, Water Resistance level 70, Wind Resistance level 60, Earth Resistance level 40, Light Resistance level 30, Dark Resistance level 50, Ice Resistance level 20, Quick Stab level 50, Double Slash level 30, Ice Wall level 5, Dark Bind Level 4, Focus Level 10, Leadership level 20, Slight Stamina Boost level 30, Slight Agility Boost level 20, Acid Resistance level 25, Slight Wisdom Boost level 30, Slight Strength Boost level 40, Slighty Intelligence Boost level 20, Stealth level 2, Swordsmanship level 10, Sword Mastery level 6, Archery level 10, Bow Mastery level 5, Wand Art level 3, Wand Mastery level 1, Staff Art level 8, Staff Mastery level 3, Unarmed Combat level 15, Shield Mastery level 10, Nature Resistance level 5, Explosion Resistance level 3, Spirit Resistance level 2, Ethereal Resistance level 1, Poison Resistance level 20, Stun Resistance level 10, Knockback Resistance level 5, Concentration level 3.

'I probably have enough soul power to evolve further but here would be risky, I'll wait till I can return to Iris or find a good place to do it... I can't allow anyone to see it, especially those two...' she then exits the house meeting up with Mark.

Upon arriving she states," thank you for the experiment, it was quite successful, as such, we can keep storing them there."

"Certainly, I've told a trustworthy soldier to keep guard of it."

Mark then signals Romeo and Sophie who are a bit further away to approach and declares.

"The two of you can stay in that house over there and use two beds that you find fit, I request that you will join the front line whenever you are asked to."

Understood, they reply in unison with serious expressions.

"Be sure to fight freely alongside the men to make them familiar with having the hero and the sage around, as the forest is being constantly chopped down, causing enemies to appear. It'll be a good chance for the both of you to level up."

"Sure thing, let's go, Romeo," Sophie walked curiously to see what kind of place they built in such a short time.

"Ah... wait for me!" He runs after her who just moved fast too fast without hesitation.

Mark then walks nearby the house gazing at the inside of the room noticing some soul stones disappeared, causing his face to change into a startled expression.

"What did you do to the soul stones Aurora?" 

"I was born with a certain skill that transforms soul stones into knowledge. The real secret for being so smart at such a young age, as such, I've consumed all of them into brainpower, so I'm overflowing with all kinds of knowledge currently."

Mark hastily ran towards the door and opened it fully realizing that every single of the hundreds of soul stones had really vanished.

"Oh, my goddess... you truly weren't joking just now, what kind of skill is that even? I thought you couldn't use elemental magic?"

"That's true but I still have mana and with it, I can use the blessing skill the goddess Aria gave me."

She shows a blue light flowing through her right hand," but do keep it a secret from everyone, if other factions knew about it, they would certainly kidnap me and attempt to brainwash and even use me as a tool."

Mark while sweating nervously added," yes general I'll take that information to my grave, now then let us proceed as the men await your next orders," they walked together to where the core of the army was.

Upon a wooden platform after gathering a great part of the men Aurora spoke to the soldiers around.

"Starting today I'll be teaching and drilling you exercises, tactics, and formations. I'll make each and every single one of you become capable of doing what's best for the whole army." 

The girl gazes at everyone from one side to the other before resuming.

"In some weeks we'll start clashing with the forces hidden through those forests, by then I believe the other two human forces will have arrived. Once they do, we'll start expanding while hitting different fronts in large-scale wars to come while increasing the size of the army which is extremely small as it is."

The men cheered happily for having the general back but also for the good news as they wanted to be promoted, so learning from the girl in front of them would surely contribute to their rise a lot faster.

"I've heard that you men and women have become stronger, tougher, smarter through the different activities that I ordered you all to do. I want you all to keep doing them, to also try different things, as the more titles you have the stronger you'll become."

"You must have confidence in yourselves as all of you have the potential to become a hero of your own, share the knowledge of new titles among yourselves, and even tell that to me or the advisors, so we can further spread it."

"Don't forget, through the human history I've come to read about a certain woman who was one of the weakest humans ever born. The first peasant hero Rizia from the first chapter of tales of Artana is the sole hero who wasn't summoned from a different world that was able to do even more than those the goddess Aria blessed."

"I believe one of the reasons for that was due to her collecting titles from a young age, which is what you'll all be doing along with the information that I'll fill your brains with so that you become both powerful and wise from here onwards!"

As Aurora spoke more and more men would gather and cheer for the general, as they heard her eloquent tongue speak encouraging and informative words making them satisfied for having someone like that as the general, despite being such a young girl.

Slowly they would start seeing the girl as a real commander and gradually growing an affinity towards her charisma while respecting Aurora deeply.

"For the first four weeks, I'll be appointing some officers among you, each leading a group of 20 soldiers as I mentioned in the first speech. I'll be training them and replacing them if they don't fit what I believe necessary for such rank, eventually proceeding to higher ranks. Soon, Our army will be completely structured to the point of everyone knowing what they have to do so that when I call for a formation you all will move accordingly."

By the time she reached this stage of the speech she had gathered the majority of the army around her including Sophie and Romeo who had finished checking the different buildings finding some with beds, others with materials, and a few empty ones that made them lose interest quickly, making them lastly group up with the mob of the soldiers which made them curious as to why they were gathering there in the first place.

"Everyone! Take three steps backward without hurting each other," the men carefully moved back a bit.

"My first criteria of selection for the initial 1000 officers is that I want those of you that have the skill leadership, at least above level 20 to take one step forward from the place you are now.

About 3000 soldiers took a step forward, 'that's more than what I expected, though if our army expands three times more it wouldn't be a bad idea to train all of them already.'

I look at Mark on the side who nods as if he understood what was going through my mind.

"I believe our army will grow at least three times more after the speech I gave back in the capital to millions of humans, and as such, I'll take the three thousand soldiers that took a step forward, teaching them how each will lead at least 20 soldiers initially, we'll call them... hum... squads!"

"They will be composed of one officer and 20 soldiers from here onwards, the rest of you who weren't chosen for now resume your activities as I'll give you all things to do while I train these three thousand, and don't worry if you are not chosen now, the ranks will fall into different categories soon enough."

The men dispersed leaving exactly 3103 people behind as some were curious enough to stay and learn.

She walks to Mark and then tells him," make those who left, do the soldier exercises that I wrote, so that they acquire knowledge on formations and teamwork for when the officers are ready to use such information on them."

"Leave it to me, want to tag along with me, Romeo and Sophie?" Mark gazes at both after using a casual tone.

"Sure, I'll give you a hand," the young man said happily going closer to the old one.

"I'll stay and help Aurora out," Sophie said as she didn't want her new friend alone surrounded by so many soldiers, as such she walked closer to Aurora waving them goodbye.

"Take good care of her then, we'll talk later," Romeo smiled while they departed.

Sophie then walked past the last group of soldiers reaching close enough, looking at Aurora smiling.

'This one seems to have taken some strange affection to me or perhaps at my ass... sister's one even.'


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