Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 68 – Annual Tournament Arc

Not even 10 minutes later and Alicia returns.

"Apparently we both won the match with one strike each it seems you've grown stronger old friend," she sat next to me while smiling.

"Yes, I got myself a good teacher the strongest swordmaster in the kingdom."

"Didn't you decline my father?" Upon hearing that question I smile feeling like I heard that line before.

"I'm studying under the man who taught your mother teacher Ray."

"I've never heard of that person before is he strong?"

"Yes, very I've never beaten him even by using all my power which is not as small as it used to be even though I have a very long way to go."

"Same here, I came to this tournament to find possible sparring partners and I'm assuming you came here to do something similar."

"Yes, that's right and also to do a favor to a certain clingy sister," I giggle cutely making her laugh placing my hand in front of my mouth.

"It seems like Isabella is attempting to recruit you, I didn't expect... then again you're probably strong enough to become a knight of any house or at least have the potential to do so."

I pat her hair," don't look sad at me I couldn't cope with the speed of her placing that ring in my finger she was that fast, almost like a forced marriage of sorts," I instantly make her laugh with such a bad joke.

"I'm truly happy to see you doing well my dear friend," she hugs me while I keep patting her hair, "it seems that I have been going through the struggles that you have been with this teacher of mine he's a complete sword maniac," she laughs as she hears me venting.

"We both seeketh to become the strongest so it's normal that we'll cross paths at some point in this tournament if we don't lose meanwhile there're many strong opponents so don't let your guard down and when we meet I'll also go with everything I have, I wish to see how strong my dearest friend has become."

"Please go easy on me, my teacher will kill me if I chip one of his favorite swords," I lift them showing her.

She looks at them and notices that the sheath and the short swords are both beautiful and of great quality," this must've cost a fortune you should truly treat them with care otherwise you'll have a debt for the rest of your life," she says it with a serious expression making me nervous.

"I-I'l be c-careful with them..." she starts laughing at me seeing as how I'm still childish in her eyes.

"By the way, what's your swordsmanship and sword art skills at now?" Alicia asks curiously as we shared this information in the past.

"I'm at swordsmanship level 50 and sword art level 40 so far."

"Sounds like you've caught my old me when we met, I look even more forward to dueling with you now, I'll be happy to show you the difference between the two of us," she gets up and walks away smiling.

'I wonder what's her current levels, now I'm very curious and am itching for a fight.'

Two hours go by and they call for me," the second round for all of you will now begin and lady Aurora you'll be opening this one and all the ones till you lose."

"I understand," I say in a serious tone as my sister has an image to maintain.

"Please do head to the arena the judge and your opponent are waiting for you," upon hearing those words I move there while holding both swords in the middle of me with my arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen the second round will now be open by the representative of the crown prince the general Aurora and this girl from the west of the capital Ava."

"Good luck my lady," she bows respectfully.

"Good luck to you too Ava."

"I've heard that you only unsheath your sword towards strong opponents so I'll make sure to force you to pull it off with my rare element," she placed her hand in my direction and a two-meter fireball flew my way which I dodge to the side and then with her other hand an explosion below me erupts which I backstep barely in time as my clothes get grazed and I receive an injury.

Notice: 100 health and 100 mana have been deducted.

'That explosion was unexpected does she have two elements? It seems like I'll face her with my magic instead, mana shield,' I let my weapons fall on the floor and start running," icicles!" I imagine they appear in specific positions.

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

They appear behind her in blind spots and a fire pillar surrounds her as she points her hands below protecting herself by melting them. 

She then shoots a fireball at me and I use an ice wall taking a step back hiding behind it which she then uses explosion magic behind the wall missing me.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

'Ice spear,' as the weapon appears in my hand I throw it against her with all my strength the moment the wall melts.

Notice: 300 mana has been deducted.

Pointing as fast as she can the hands in front of her casting a fireball against it, but they get pierced by it, as Ava couldn't do it in time but, at least, enough to melt the tip which hits the middle of her chest without piercing it instead causing some impact and pain.

"Icicles!" four icicles appear from blind spots and as they start heading towards her she screams," I surrender!" a protective barrier appears around her from the mages that are keeping the tournament safe, as much as possible so that no one dies.

Notice: 100 mana has been deducted.

Before I leave I lightly bow at her out of respect which makes the crowd cherish for both of us, encouraging Ava of her effort, I then pick my swords and leave.

'It seems she too had a rare element and a supposedly weaker than mine, I didn't expect her to materialize a weapon like that and throw it at such speed, just how much strength does that little girl have?' Ava thought as she recalled the way she lost,' she certainly got me, if I hadn't melted the tip in time, it would've made a hole in my chest, probably letting me gravely injured, if more mana had been used, I'm sure Aurora could've since I didn't see any unease in her expression. In the end, I couldn't make her unsheath the sword, I'll be looking forward to this tournament.' 

One of the royal guards melts the ice spear and a healer treats the hands, while a different mage fixes the arena as a part of it exploded with the earth element.

As the tournament went on, Zylph noticed a black raven heading towards him so he got up excusing himself, eventually receiving the message which he unfolded and started reading in a somewhat safe spot.

'Dear friend, it seems we were close to finding the estimated leader, however, it now points towards the capital, possibly due to the annual tournament, and as such we're heading there, we'll surely take a while, so feel free to pay attention to any who may use some strange elements like darkness or skills related to disgrace,' a smile filled his face as a bump stretched from the pants,' it seems one of the winners should be the one we seeketh, possibly even the winner, ah, I can't wait...'

After 10 minutes the matches resumed and the echoes of the stands started once again.

I sit on the bench where I was before.

'Sorry teacher I was careless, if it wasn't for the skills you taught me, I would've certainly become heavily injured with that combo.'

"Here you are lady Aurora," a man appears and starts healing my wound reminding me of my father Luke.

"Thank you," I lean my head on the wall behind me.

"If you permit me saying, that was a fantastic duel for both sides."

"I agree it was enjoyable."

Notice: 100 health has been recovered.

"Seems like you're done, thank you for healing me," the man makes a surprised face as he didn't realize it before her.

"You are indeed right lady Aurora, I'll be cheering for you on your next matches, hope you win," he bows lightly while smiling.

'I wonder what my parents are doing, I couldn't get in touch with them since 30 days ago, so I don't know if they came to watch or not.'

'I also have to get at least in the top 20 or Ray will feel offended as he thinks I can go that far.'

'Aurora is probably bored waiting in that room, I bet she'd be much happier being in the tournament even though she'd probably kill her opponents.'

I start hearing a conversation from two boys in front of me.

"It seems like none of the royal and rose families representatives have lost yet."

"Indeed there seem to be quite a few unknown names and dark horses this year-round, I wonder who'll win."

"Well, 100 participants to go therefore we'll know soon enough if not today then in the following days, even though it usually doesn't last that long."

"True, it seems like lady Alicia has won yet another match without as much as receiving damage."

"Prodigies don't know what's it like to work hard after all," the two boys start laughing about it.

'After taking damage like that I'll make sure for it to not happen again as to not bring shame to my teacher, and once I'm back to training I'll put even more effort.'

They continue with their chattering.

"That representative from the crown prince was pretty interesting too, she had amazing magic control with her icicles if the ones protecting the participants aren't careful, she's bound to kill someone from one of the blind spots."

"Yeah, she's very sneaky most mages use their hands to aim their spells, however, I didn't see any motion from her combat style, it's truly interesting."

'If my father heard the discussion between these two he'd smack some sense into them,' I smile while reminiscing of the days he taught me magic.

'One day I'll become famous like my father  even though I don't have the unique light element to help people.'

'Ray says I should stick to one path, and in my case to become the strongest is a goal that he and my mother respect.'

'He told me that when my mother was younger, she'd often say things like surpassing Sylvia and become the best adventurer ever.'

'I'll make sure to reach that goal in your place mother no matter what.'


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