Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 69 – Annual Tournament Arc

Less than two hours go by and I'm called once more to fight this time for round 3.

Once I arrive at the arena a hateful expression is shown in my opponent.

"Ladies and gentlemen the third round will now start between the representatives of the crown prince Julius lady Aurora and the red rose family successor Kai!

I look at him and notice that he's way older than me perhaps about to reach 16 years he has red hair and black eyes and looks strong at least ferocious.

"This is as far as you go you fake noble!" He shouts at me.

'I guess he has some issue with sister not that I care I'll just ignore him.'

'Should I kill him? If he stands in my sister's path it would certainly be good to remove him out of the way.'

'That does sound like a good idea, Iris.'

'Aurora? Did you sneak out?

'Well yeah, I was getting bored of waiting for you, so I came to see how you were handling things.'

'Makes sense are you enjoying the fights so far?'

'Actually am, there're some interesting participants including the guy in front of you, he overwhelms the opponents with the use of fire magic.'

"If you surrender now you won't die," I shout at him a warning.

"I rather die than lose to a maggot like you, you piece of trash."

'Well he said it himself,' Aurora laughs in my mind.

"Seems like it'll be a fired match, you may begin!"

"Ice wall," I place one a little further than me of around 10 meters tall to which he starts laughing, and then as he starts moving to strike around the wall.

Notice: 1000 mana has been deducted.

'Ice bind and ice expansion,' as I use my skills the opponent gets stuck on the arena in front of the wall while shooting a 20-meter fireball at it.

Notice: 1000 mana has been deducted.

The first skill roots the feet to the knees causing him some pain, and then my second skill activates making the ice bind grow which starts to climb through the legs, the first extension results in piercing through the right knee, the second through the left thigh, the third penetrates his liver and from there onwards it expands all the way up inwardly causing his organs to be pierced ending up with ice coming from inside to the outside of his body, as he didn't protect himself properly or even burnt my root skill which would've been enough to stop my combo, making me waste a lot of mana.

Notice: 100 experience has been received from a human.

System: The title human slayer has been received.

System: The title murderer has been received.

"Protection!" A couple of men outside the arena shouted while rushing inside and started healing him, but from the status and system messages, I knew he was already dead so I remained there staring at him with an innocent smile, as the mist disappeared slowly from the ice wall who got hit by a 20-meter fireball.

'That boy belongs to the second prince faction, so that's certainly one down which should make his father take his place.'

'Think the nobles will attempt to attack me Aurora?'

'Don't worry Iris it is in the rules that death can happen and people do sign up for this and he was older than you, how are you feeling though for having killed your first human?'

'To be honest, I didn't expect him to die that easily, but he's no different than the monsters we killed, after all, I understood back then that all of us have souls.'

'Correct, we could've been reincarnated into a monster territory, so I'm relieved to hear that you're okay, though do ask him if he's okay just to look friendly,' upon hearing those words, I voice," Sir Kai? Are you alright?" I make a worried expression, and then his body falls making the ice outside and inside break into smaller pieces, forcing a genuinely surprised face as I didn't expect that to happen.

"He's dead..." one of the healers says which the judge then speaks.

"Ladies and gentlemen the winner of this round is lady Aurora, as you all know in the rules death can happen and is something that our participants sign up for, our condolences to the red rose family," the men take Kai body out of the arena and I leave back to my usual spot.

At the benches where all the heads were sitting, Francis the head of the red house family rushed to the second room where they took Kai body, 'you stupid idiotic son, you saw she had two rings on her hand, you knew she was very strong and it's the representative of the crown prince why did you act so arrogantly!?' His thoughts didn't match the expression as he made a sad face while tears streamed down.

From all of the rose heads, there was only one happy about his death, Zylph,' this little girl seems pretty nasty, I'm surprised to see a successor die that fast, he was like level 10 but lowered his guard trying to overwhelm her with a big opening attack which resulted in the past matches, however, he failed to gauge his opponent strength, I'm looking forward to how many more foes she'll kill in this place with her exquisite ice element, as this arena used to be white dyed in red every year in the forgotten past.'

Ava who was watching the rest of the tournament after her loss thought, 'she did go easy on me after all, I've faced Kai before and he was stronger than me in a fire to fire match, however, by using both elements I'd outdo him, but even then he should've melted the ice in his feet, at least, that's what I would've done, the rare ice element... it truly is very artistic, when she grows up perhaps she'll even make beautiful art with those attacks.'

Upon entering the hallway and sitting on a bench, the leftover participants keep a safe distance from me, except for Alicia who sits next to me creating confusion on their faces making one of them say lowly," it is normal for two monsters to sit next to each other," to what the ones surrounding him agreed by nodding silently.

Almost with a whispering tone so that no one around us would hear even if they kept some distance from us the girl next to me said," are you okay Iris?"

I look at her with a kind smile and reply," I'm alright don't worry, I've killed plenty of others during my quests, not humans but monsters even though I see everyone the same, and well if I got hit by that flame ball I would be the one dead."

"That's for sure it was a very good wall the way you used it, ends up blocking the view of your opponent while shielding yourself giving you some time to do more skills, though if we face each other I would've just sliced it in half," as she says that I notice her sword that has a blue sheath and remind myself of the crown prince words, curiously I end up asking," is that the sword the first hero Rizia used?"

While smiling she unsheaths the sword and then points at the middle of it where the words Goddess Aria can be readen, "yes, it is, my father lends it to me for every tournament."

"Is there anything special about it?" I hold it in front of me looking at how beautiful it is.

"I don't know I've had blacksmiths inspect it, however, they weren't able to find much about it other than its attack and durability."

"In that case, allow me to appraise it," I use the skill on it while reading out loud the information I receive from the appraisal.

Notice: 1000 mana has been deducted.

[Azure Sword: 300 attack(+330) Magic potential is 0 Hero Effect may give the unique hero class. Durability 900/1000 Rank Blessed Weapon.]

After telling her the details I return the sword to her and ask," do you have a class yet Alicia?"

She takes a while to reply as she's lost in the amazing information that I gave her, so I decided to poke her cheek lightly.

"Ah!" She shouts surprised and looks at me almost as if waking up from a trance, "sorry I don't have one yet though I do have some options mostly melee classes, I was thinking of getting the blader class, however, if I could get a hero one then I wouldn't mind it at all even though we can always change classes unless we get cursed or blessed with one," she laughs lightly taking it as a joke making me realize I'm forever stuck with mine," how about you?"

"I have one related to magic," I say hiding which is it even though I trust Alicia who smiles at me and replies, "I actually expected you to take one related to sword seeing as how skilled you've become which means you must be more talented with magic..." she thinks, 'now it makes me wonder if I can beat her if it was a duel of swordsmanship I could easily beat her, but the ice magic proved to be dangerous, however, by using the elements I inherited from both my father and mother it should be quite possible, but I would need to go all out since the start.'

"They're calling for you Alicia seems to be your turn."

"I'll do my best to reach the finals so you better not lose till then, in exchange I'll beat you to a pulp and show you that my parent's swordsmanship is truly the best in the kingdom," she smiles happily while saying that.

"Sure and when you have the chance sign your name in the sword with your mana," I smile back at her, and then I get up and head to a little room which is a bathroom, and inside of it, I enter the mirror world.


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