Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 70 – Annual Tournament Arc

I start feeling my mana recover fast and walk around the snow.

'It seems like the walls have reduced their range, I tried to enter when I had that gigantic amount of soul before and their range stretched infinitely, however, now it seems to be small again.'

I approach a nine-pointed star circle with a soul stone on each point except on one of them where I sit as I'm part of it.

"I've brought some soul to help you girls grow," I place my hands in the circle and feel my soul growing thinner and thinner.

An hour passes as I exhaust most of my soul, 'let's see how much I have left, status.'

Notice: 50000 souls have been deducted.

Notice: 10 mana has been deducted.


Level: 14 | Experience 1390/1400

Fame: 2300 | Disgrace: 25200

Unique Class: Babel Witch | Rank 3 | Experience 4030/8000

Race: Human | Name: Iris | 9 Years old

Health: 1170/1170 | Mana: 3690/3700

Status Points:0

Strength: 301(+29) | Stamina: 77(+40) | Agility: 85(+35) | Dexterity: 119(+20) | Intelligence: 244(+31) | Wisdom: 330(+40)

Attack: 0 | Magic Attack:0 | Defense:0 | Magic Defense: 0

Soul: 1754

Titles: Reincarnated+(S), Mana(S), Mana Exhaust(S), Health(S), Purchase(S), Wisdom(S), Body Training(S), Animal Slayer(S), Cooked Fish(S), Preyed Upon(F), Cheater (S), Heritage(S), Amalgam(S), Ice(S), Cooked Bird(F), Cooking Series (E), Slayer Series(F), Sale(S), Soul-bound(S), Element(S), Contracted(S), Peasant (F), Class(A), Monster Slayer(D), Slime Slayer(B), Skill Mastery(A), Criminal(S), Herbs Gathered(S), Herbs Types(S), Potion Brewer(S), Potion Types(E), Status Mastery(S), Beast Slayer(C), Horned Rabbit Slayer(C), Potion Administered(F), Goblin Slayer(E), Orc Slayer(F), Assassination(S), Herbalist Series(C), Skeleton Slayer(C), Noticed(S), God Series(D), Potion Selling(F), Potion Failed(D), Potion Succeeded(D), Alchemist Series(F), Money Maker(S), Merchant Series(C), Trading(S), Herbs Sold(S), Herbs Bought(S), Acknowledged(S), Disgraceful (S), Ignored(S), Forgotten(S), Zombie Slayer(F), Curse Slayer(S), Turtler Slayer(F), Corpse Transporter(S), Library Completion(S), Crime Series(F), Wise(S), Strong(S), Human Slayer(F), Murderer(F).

Completed Series: Fishing(S), Farming(S), Illusion(S), Reader(S), Tree(S).

Skill Points: 1

Actives: Status level 60(C), System Library level 100(S), Mana Coat level 70(B), Mana Wave level 20(E), Ice Bind level 30(E), Ice Sword level 20(E), Icicle level 60(C), Long Slash level 40(F), Ice Expansion level 10(F), Ice Hammer level 1(F), Ice Spear level 1(F), Ice Wave level 10(F), Ice Light Armor level 20(E), Ice Heavy Armor level 10(F), Triple Slash level 50(D), Thrust level 30(E), Parry level 40(D), Backstep level 20(E), Dance of Death level 5(F), Vanish step level 1(F).

Passives: Bleeding Resistance level 50(D), Swordsmanship level 50(D), Sword Mastery level D(40), Mana Control level 50(D), Ice Control level 38(E), Slight Wisdom Boost level 40(D), Slight Mana Recovery level 60(C), Acid Resistance level 1(F), Ax Art level 1(F), Ax Mastery level 1(F), Corpse Dismantler level 10(F), Brainwash Resistance level 100(S), Night Vision level 30(E), Slight Stamina Boost level 40(D), Slight Agility Boost level 35(E), Slight Strength Boost level 29(E), Slight Intelligence Boost level 21(E), Slight Intelligence Boost level 20(E), Slight Health Recovery level 46(D), Ice Resistance level 50(D), Cold Resistance level 60(D), Heat Resistance level 30(E), Lightning Resistance level 40(D), Knockback Resistance level 22(E), Stealth Detection level 15(F).

Class Actives: Dark Alchemy level 52, Magic Analysis level 50, Destiny Cards level 1, Cursing Objects level 5, Decay level 5, Mana Shield level 40.

Class Rituals: Snow Falling level 40.

Class Passives: Dark Alchemy Mastery level 40, Witchcraft level 100, Curse's Mastery level 100, Ritual's Mastery level 30, Magic Control level 60, Magic Knowledge level 60, Ice Mastery level 40, Babel Mastery level 20, Grimoire Mastery level 20.

Babel Arts: Grimoire Possession, Grimoire Renouncing.

Unique: Appraisal level 53, Illusion level 1.

Cursed: Unidentified Skill, Mirror level 51.

Rare Element: Ice.

Cursed Soul-bound(Grimoire Rank Unique Final Phase: 1/51200)

'With this much, it should be enough for them to awaken soon, Aurora really did a great job, the amount to rank her up further seems to be really far away hopefully she's able to gather more soul stones with that army of her.'

I get up and return to Artana's world, after passing through I make the mirror disappear just in case.

"Lady Aurora? Lady Aurora?"

I hear some shouts and head outside the bathroom," I'm here."

"Ah you were in the bathroom, apologies, it is time for round 4 to be open."

"That was pretty fast!"

"Yes my lady, it'll get faster and faster now as there're only 50 participants, we usually end the tournament after a full day of fighting unless unexpected events happen or when the late king requested to be delayed due to his health, but now that is no longer necessary."

"I understand," I move to the arena.

Once I get there the judge shouts, "it is time for round 4 we have Aurora the representative of the crown prince undefeated, and on this side a veteran of the annual tournaments, the successor of the blue rose family.

'Make sure you don't kill Lee, Iris he's the son of Ryu one of my allies."

'I'll do my best to hold back,' I walk on top of the arena and bow lightly out of respect as he too bows in respect for me, and then I say, "I do not wish to repeat what happened in the past round so feel free to forfeit," he looks at his father who can hear our voices due to the wind magic and sees no reaction, turning back to me and says," I shall use my rapier and mana alone a contest of skill, seeing as you have two swords, I'm sure you'd enjoy that lady Aurora."

"May the match begin!" The judge shouts creating a strong reaction as many are fans of Lee.

I place one of the two swords on the floor and make a stance lowering my hip and back a bit," I shall commit to those rules, however, you might still die, if you do I apologize in advance," a smile appears on his face which is then consumed by a serious and extremely focused expression.

As I'm about to move, the aura around my body becomes vicious and mana surrounds my body spiking crazily doing cuts in the air and deep ones on the black floor of the arena, surprising Lee who had never seen it, taking a defensive stance placing one arm behind him and walking slowly to the side.

'What the hell is wrong with my mana?' 

Notice: Mana and soul assimilation complete, the adorable witch has awakened, the contract has been successfully established; Status has been updated.

Notice: A black circle has appeared on your body back which will develop further as more witches are awakened.

My mana returns back to normal, ' that was way earlier than I expected, did she just consume the whole soul instead of sharing with the others? Perhaps that amount was enough for them? In the worst-case, my mana will spike a few more times if that happens.'

'Are you okay Iris?'

'Yes, but it seems one of the witches has awakened, the Adorable one, and a black circle supposedly appeared on my back.'

'You named her that?' Aurora started laughing in my mind.

'I kind of named them after what I imagined their personalities to be due to the different tones, temporary names...' upon hearing my justification Aurora laughs even more.

'Well it's fine just focus on your fight and if by chance another awakens just be careful with the aura around you, it looked very interesting.'

'Yeah, I didn't know we could use it that way, something worth exploring in the future.'

I dash at him surprising him with my speed, mana coating the sheath which he mimics parrying my attack still being slowly knocked backward due to the impact.

Notice: 300 mana has been deducted.

He quickly uses a thrust skill at my face which I dodge to the side resulting in a series of thrusts, making me backstep out of his range while mana waving horizontally in his direction.

Noticing the danger he falls on the floor with the whole body as fast as he can, making the mana wave disperse some seconds later behind him.

While he's laying on the floor, I step forward and thrust towards the face, and he uses his hand to push the body away rolling to the side, then getting up carefully after the mana wave completely disappears, while sweating from the relentless attacks.

"How come you don't unsheath your sword, is the rumor true that you only do it towards foes you find worthy?" He asks while catching up his breath.

Without knowing what to answer I say," you wouldn't believe the real reason if I told you."

"Try me," he replies seriously with a captivating smile.

"I'll be murdered by my teacher if I chip the swords he lent me," upon hearing those words he bursts laughing.

"You're a funny one lady Aurora," he then charges at me relentlessly aiming for my vital points, while mana coating his rapier which I mimic by parrying and dodging them.

Notice: 500 mana has been deducted.

'Just how much mana does this girl have? She shouldn't have this much after that last round, I'm glad she went on with melee combat otherwise I'd have to be a lot more defensive in this combat.'

"Ugh," upon hearing me he stops and gets some distance then asking," are you dissatisfied with something lady Aurora?"

I walk back and slash the air with the sheath on," it really doesn't feel right you know?" He looks at me confused yet admired at the speed of my slash.

I unsheath the heavy sheath out letting it fall on the floor making a low bang, and then I do another slash which makes a clean sound cutting through the air, making a smile fill my face, I pass the mana to the sword making it shine in a blue clear tone.

I then turn at him and say," as I have a really hard time holding back after training for so long with my master do your best to not die," I charge at him and start slashing him multiple times forcing him to parry and every time he does he can barely defend getting cuts through his body giving him pain and making his expression slowly look grim, I charge more mana into my sword step back and throw him another mana wave at him from a closer range leaving him no option but to duck this time around while preparing a stance.

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

Noticing my attack almost on his face, he shouts," unique skill repel," then the rapier attacks my mana wave throwing it back at me while releasing his own mana together with it.

I charge mana and attack the mana wave with a stronger one as fast as I can as I watch it getting closer.

Notice: 800 mana has been deducted.

The mana waves clash ultimately making mine win, then it goes towards him which is then cut in half with his sword coated in mana, and then our swords clash as I put more on my own to match his.

Notice: 200 mana has been deducted.

The crowd goes crazy making the floor and air vibrate with the euphoric voices of our fight.

"How about we do our best skill as the last attack next? You can even use magic."

"You have something nastier than that unique skill of yours?" He smiles upon hearing my surprised voice pushing my sword away then falling back 2 meters, channeling all his leftover mana to his rapier gradually making it very intense creating a wave of noise.

"Heavy ice armor," thick layered ice surrounds my body protecting me increasing my body weight.

Notice: 1000 mana has been deducted.

'I don't really like to use this much but it works against Ray, so whatever he attempts to do I'll be sure to defend it and counter-attack.'

"Whoa! That armor looks amazing! Alright, here I come unique skill lunge!" He dashes forward insanely fast lowering the body while stretching the feet and the right leg to the max along with his right arm in the same direction aiming for my face which I notice in time taking a large step further, forcing the rapier to clash on the ice protecting my chest.

A loud bang echoes and pieces of ice flew through the air as well as half of the rapier that broke and then without hesitation, I punch him with my hand that is covered in ice making him fall on the floor, then point the tip of my sword in the throat.

We stare into each other and he says," that was really tough" I breathe heavily while he starts laughing and then adds, "I surrender."

I then lend Lee a hand helping him get up," it was a nice match if you had user a bit more mana, I would be the one laying on the floor possibly even dead."

"I didn't expect you to be able to move that fast while in that heavy armor otherwise, I would've hit your face and likely to kill you," we smile at each other happily despite the morbid words.

As I'm about to turn back he asks," just how much mana do you have? I've been conserving mine through the rounds but you spent a lot last match."

"I have five thousand," I blatantly lie since I healed a lot of it in the mirror world.

"Insane I have a lot myself but I'm also a lot older than you, next year I'll be 16 so today was my last tournament and I believe you're like 8?"

"Today's my birthday so I'm currently 9," I smile and then leave.

"Happy birthday lady Aurora," he bows lightly out of respect and I walk to the exit while waving the back of my hand at him, eventually picking the sword and sheathing the one I used.

'Undo heavy armor,' the ice pieces start crumbling as I move towards the exit making it look like sparkles to the spectators who cheer for me.


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