Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 98 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 6 of the sun season in Astia village potion shop.

"Business sure is skyrocketing Vincent," Luke laughed happily yet tiredly as they've been in a chaotic situation where their stock is running out ever since the war began.

"Gosh, true war hasn't even started and it's been quite a hassle, potions enhanced with your unique light element sure have become popular but we can't produce enough, we're forced to close the shop earlier every day as we run out."

"Yes, I know, we've even put Elise to make some with the skill I taught her, but it is still not something we can handle by ourselves."

"We can't make miracles, plus we get to go house earlier it's not that bad, with both girls away I get to trains more village kids too."

"It's almost like you're making an army of kids Rosaline," Vicent started laughing while teasing her.

"At least, if the village is ever attacked they'll be able to defend themselves."

"That's very true dear, you're doing a great job, come let's close the shop for today and I'll stay behind making some potions, I'll meet you home when done."

"Alright love."

As Luke finishes exhausting his mana on the last potion storing it inside a box with proper divisions so they don't move while the box is reallocated, he sighs and then looks through the window wiping his sweat off.

'I wouldn't have minded joining you in the front lines dear daughter, but I couldn't possibly leave the shop and the business with the prince unattended, so I hope that my potions at least help you over there, I pray to the goddess Aria every day to keep you safe, my little Aurora.'

A while passes and Luke sits on a bench near the usual fountain surrounded by a small garden.

'Been a while ever since I sat here, not as pretty as the river I have closeby home, but it's still pleasant.'

'From time to time, I receive a report from his highness himself and all the gratitude he has towards me, but ever since Aurora rose to a general, and has started to achieve victories after victories, he's been requesting me to assume my family as nobility and even own land...'

'I still remember how Iris didn't want to become a noble or a knight when lady Alicia gave her the opportunity to, I suppose this was the reason why since things do get complicated the more influence one has.'

'I've achieved my share, and have done my share for the girls, but I don't think I'll be assuming nobility much less the territories awarded to Aurora for her ascension... it sounds too troublesome.'

'Living quietly in Astia village has been my and Rosaline's dream as well as decision, turning our backs on it now sounds awkward.'

'I'll wait for my daughters to return home and see what they'd like to do, for now, I'll refuse his highness saying... what could I tell that wouldn't upset him?'

He crosses his arms while thinking for a while.

'Perhaps that I don't want to be a noble? Not sure he'd be happy with such an answer... perhaps I could tell him I want lands close to where I already am? Towards the river and the mountain area... that way I'd still be able to remain close to Astia village instead of living close to the capital.'

'That sounds like a great idea, that way in the future if the girls want to they can have animals and expand their fields, perhaps even hire some peasants to attend their territory,' Luke smiled happily, and as he did he left his seat and started heading towards his home as he had come to a solution.

On his way there he'd stop by to greet a few people who knew him eventually reaching his house, upon arriving he would look out every day of the field his daughter Iris made with a lot of effort and remember the money he had to spend to make her happy, which filled his heart with warm memories as she'd be super ecstatic seeing as how things grew from a little seed to big fruits and vegetables.

'Iris has... always been quite a kind and happy girl, I hope her pursuit for strength doesn't change that side of hers,' he kneeled some dirt from the ground and rubbed it with both hands as it slowly fell while he prayed to the goddess Aria.

Rosaline who was sitting on Iris and Aurora's bed was staring at his husband who had been doing this every day since the one Iris didn't return home, in order to train with the swordmaster Ray, she had been sitting on their bed for a little while looking at the window.

She got up and headed outside once she reached him she knelt next to him and prayed with him.

"And so we pray for the safety and future of our beloved twins who were born on a scary and dangerous world full of horrors and chaos, we seek the guidance of Aria the goddess of good as she brings fortune and life to us, humans."

They hadn't been much into praying but ever since the Saintess blessed Aurora at the annual tournament, in other words, Iris, they've become pretty reliant on praying to her as they knew their fate was now connected to the goddess in some way.

Once they finished their praying Rosaline got up extending Luke a hand who took it gladly and she pulled him towards the river where they walked happily, as they got there she took her shoes off and lift her pants upwards then placing her feet inside the water.

Luke amused copied her sitting next to her and then saying," you used to do this with the girls from time to time."

"Yes, it was by doing this that I first saw Aurora smiling kindly, in the end, despite trying I didn't get to uncover the past life of her, I did learn about Iris's one, however, it was a pretty short one."

"The mother died, the father despised her, the new wife and their children bullied her, she became a book worm back then which ended up reflecting in this life as she became an avid reader, eventually becoming a happy girl as she was meant to from the very beginning."

"It's a good thing we were able to mostly heal her."

"Mostly... we did our best as her parents."

"Yes, we did what we could, but Iris's heart had already learned fear and hatred with a big intensity, to be fair while I was surprised when she told me her class had been witch, it also felt like it matched seeing as how she suffered before."

"Indeed, there's a big chance her old world memories and experiences influenced the system choice in this one though I do believe as a witch or not she'll be always a kind and happy girl."

"I believe so especially since she has honorable reasons to become the strongest human, our little girl said she wanted to have the power to protect those who she loved," Rosaline upon finishing talking leaned her head on Luke's shoulder while smiling.

"A nine-year-old protecting us isn't that funny in a way, makes me wonder if I shouldn't have kept adventuring becoming further stronger which would allow me to teach her more things."

"Don't think like that, our choices aren't meant to be regretted plus if that had been a thing, there was a chance Aurora wouldn't be where she is now as your relationship with the prince Julius was a must."

"Yeah... ugh, talking on that I think I'll tell him that I'd like him to give me the territory all around here towards the mountains and the southern forest, eventually it'll be suitable to live if our little general conquers the enemy kingdoms there."

"Aurora just placed her earnings on you didn't she?"

"Yup, she truly just does as she pleases, without allowing me to contest it," Luke laughed making Rosaline smile happily.

"Well ever since we met her we knew she was very... special, not to this extent since we didn't quite know what to expect, but for sure interesting enough to one day become someone extremely unique."

"They must find it hard to believe how a 9-year-old knows war from the palm of her hand, if only they knew her true age..."

"Yeah, when we visited Iris at Tonne village and she told us about the dark robes and the red book I couldn't believe it myself, to think she was that old."

"Putting the ten thousand years apart that she was sealed into a mirror type of pocket dimension like the magic bag that was eventually destroyed, she as a fellow human lived at least 200 years and apparently was a general in Iris old world, with such an age it's not unlikely to have mastered war, and well... their world was more advanced than ours in that regard, so I'm fearful to say, but to Aurora what's she doing is but child play."

"True, I don't know what she did while being sealed but she must've thought a lot on everything perhaps including how to better improve her war knowledge, kind of like people play chess alone to figure out new plays and ways to counter oneself style."

"In her place, alone for 10 thousand years, I doubt I would've remained as sane as she appeared to be," as soon as such words left his mouth, Rosaline grabbed his hand tight and spoke.

"I... don't think she's sane anymore... it would justify the affinity to the dark element, the ominous aura, the eerie and creepy expressions, and the only reason she didn't attempt to murder us, is most likely due to Iris having saved her from such torment."

"In a way, Iris was blessed with a monstrous being, on the other hand, it may be a burden too heavy for her to carry."

"There was no information about their soul-bound, no book about releasing the curse she implemented onto Iris, so we can only pray they'll be able to get along in the future.

"Since both can die if one of them dies, I don't think Aurora would ever dare to hurt Iris reason why I've been able to hold in the worries ever since I met for the first time."

"Yes, all in all, everything she did has been to help Iris whom she feels like she has a huge debt, even if they may argue in the future, at this point it would most likely be as two sisters of the same age."

"Sisters... she might even see Iris has a granddaughter or a disciple of the sorts."

"It was not explicit as to how their old world worked, but Iris said witches also existed back then, and I wondered if Aurora wouldn't have been one of them, since through soul-bound it could've happened to pass to Iris."

"That's... not impossible... but since she's a book now and her class is apparently grimoire related I don't think she can have access to her old powers so it should be fine, I hope?"

"Personally I wouldn't mind if she had as it would be useful to teach Iris, and if both became truly strong, in the big picture it would be best due to the other races."

"The enemies humanity can't defeat," Rosaline said coldly tightening Luke's hand hurting it.

"Yes, that's why I wouldn't be bothered if Aurora somehow became capable of destroying all of them. Since she's a weapon, then at least she could become the necessary tool for that to be achieved. Thanks to her war knowledge, I'm starting to believe that it'll be possible for us to live a truly peaceful life with both of them in the future."

"That'd be the best, by the way, Luke..." Rosaline while burning inside sits on top of his legs and whispers to his ear," I'd love if they had a younger sibling when they returned... I want a baby," and as soon as she finishes saying that she kisses him fiercely.


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