Villainess and Grimoire

Chapter 99 – General Aurora Arc

Year 5009 after the system day 17 of the sun season in princess Liliana army camp.

A soldier upon reaching the tent running enters it hastily and says, "princess we've received a message from general Aurora."

The three women inside look at each other as it had been a while ever since they had been contacted.

"Do speak, I'm eager to hear what that little doll has for us."

"Yes your highness, she said she's going to dive into the territory of the goblins in 3 days and agitate things as her planning has come to an end, as well as this sealed letter which only you and general Angelica must-read so I haven't opened it," he walks closer and delivers it with a light bow, and then stepping back all the way to the entrance to not see the letter contents.

"We may have to discuss its contents so you may leave, we'll call for you once we have an answer for her, thank you for your hard work."

"Your gratitude is wasted on this messenger," he bows and then leaves smiling.

Once they leave one of the ladies says," men really can't help but smile in your presence princess."

"Well my dear Ange, that too is a woman charm, plus lady Angelica is here too and she's also beautiful, men can't help but be tempted and captivated by beauty."

"The numbers of our army did increase a lot ever since it became official that if one of them slew the goblin king they'd get to marry you..." Ange frowned remembering the talk they had about it.

"Indeed we've managed to get ourselves close to 400 thousand soldiers 70% men, but it's a good thing that even some women wish to try, there can never be enough manpower in an army," Angelica said finding it amusing.

"Exactly, as long as someone manages it for me that's plenty," the princess made a grin unbefitting her.

"We wouldn't have it as easy if it wasn't for the princess talents."

"Yes daughter, in this world talent and skills are everything, and it just so happened that our little princess received the cursed skill puzzle path which allows her to choose any path and depending on it a different puzzle is given allowing her to acquire information that she wouldn't know otherwise, by gathering knowledge and doing specific actions towards it, of course, that if she wasn't as smart as she is, it'd be a useless skill."

"Oh my Angelica praising me so much on this lovely morning," Liliana laughed gracefully at her own words.

"So what do you think Aurora's message will be?"

"There's only one way to find out," the princess says and picks a thin silver dagger cutting the letter carefully and upon picking it up and reading it with her full attention.

"There she goes again..." Ange said softly to not disturb the princess while her mother placed a finger on her nose to shush her.

Half an hour passes and the princess returns to her senses.

"This will work," she smiled happily as she had gained the chance to match Aurora and even surpass her achievements based on the information she gave her as she didn't know about the princess skill.

"What was the letter about, princess?"

Upon hearing such words she laughs wickedly and then as she stops words come out," I really want her in my army, that girl is a genius, I want her, I want her, I want her," she repeated herself while feeling possessive about it making the two ladies who were with her expressionless as they were used to the real her.

"Prepare a good amount of soldiers were going to capture some kobolds alive and burn the letter," the two of them bowed and executed her request, and then out of curiosity Ange who couldn't contain it asked.

"Kobolds? Why are we going to capture them? Weren't we focusing on the goblins instead?"

"Yes we were dear Ange, but this princess has been inspired by that blonde doll of my brother, so I can't help but make amends with such furry beasts, perhaps even taking them on our side on our war against the goblins."

Upon hearing that the ladies gulped and Angelica asked," do you really mean it? That we would go as far as to ally ourselves with the kobolds?"

"Aurora said it is quite possible as the enemy of our enemy can become our ally given the proper preparation and right set of emotions."

"Should we really trust her words, princess?"

"I chose the path to become a queen my dear Angelica, and Aurora seems to be part of that specific puzzle, in other words, we have to outshine her while using the abilities that girl owns towards war."

"If we're going to ally ourselves with the kobolds then I apologize princess Liliana, but I'm failing to understand why would we capture kobolds, wouldn't that give the opposite effect?"

"Normally it would, but she came up with a very exciting scheme that if done correctly would make this entire war quite entertaining."

Year 5009 after the system day 20 of the sun season inside the goblin territory surrounded by black trees who resembled coal.

"We've cleaned the pathing for the horses to run freely along with the traps that we've carefully prepared, so the rest is up to how well you'll command your group lord Zylph."

The man on top of the horse looked down to Aurora with a grin while having fabulous wavy hair, colored with white and red.

"It seems that despite the protests of my men against doing the physical labor of many types, they indeed grew stronger, as such, I'll reward you with an exemplary show on my side," he grinned feeling superior towards everyone else with slim gratitude towards the little girl next to him.

"I pray for your success as I didn't pick anyone else believing in your potential, so I'm sure you wouldn't betray this lady's expectations, isn't that so?" An eerie expression appeared on Aurora's face making Zylph experience a momentary sense of danger.

"Humph, just wait and see, I'll show you how the great Zylph shall taunt those pitiful goblins," he struck the horse slightly getting a tight grasp on the reins heading towards his men.

'Zylph really does find himself to be high and mighty, I really do hope he's not all talk, otherwise, I'll have to make him disappear and take hold of the cavalry myself,' next to Aurora a woman in white clothes spoke.

"That man really is unpleasant, no matter how many times I see Zylph, I can't bring myself to like him as a fellow human, feels no different than a beast."

"As long as he's useful I'll let him be Saintess, after all, we need his cavalry... we don't quite need him though," Aurora turned to the woman next to her smiling evilly.

'To think this little girl would make such expressions while having absolutely no disgrace whatsoever, it really makes me wonder what disgrace implies and why it doesn't reach her, the goddess didn't reject my choice, meaning it was rightful, but...'

"Don't make such a worried face Saintess, this world is filled with monsters, and we're here to defeat them all while using those who are on our side, plus I made sure Zylph wouldn't fail, I placed a few interesting people who know horseriding for this occasion  replacing some of his mercenaries without him realizing it."

'To do something that a beast wouldn't realize, I suppose that this little general is something even worse than that, but at least, she doesn't hurt children and people, nor does she have a liking to torture and crimes, so in a way Aurora is a good... girl.'

"That sounds interesting lady Aurora, what was it that you schemed this time around?" Saintess smiled happily while asking as she detested Zylph with all her might finding this extremely amusing.

Aurora then points at the rear of the cavalry that is now following Zylph further into the goblin territory.

"10 men in black clothes... does that mean they're men of Balthazar?"

"Yes, they're powerful magicians, who will use a large spell towards the goblin base as they'll be close enough to it."

"Wouldn't that angry the goblins making their number overwhelm us Aurora?" The Saintess asks with a worried expression.

"That would certainly be funny, the more they come the better, though I do hope it won't be every single one, they're sure going to find themselves in a world of surprises.

"At the end what surprises me the most, is all the confidence you have in everything you do Aurora."

"Well it would be troublesome and worrisome if I wasn't sure of my own plans, don't you think so? It would make you a lot more nervous if I wasn't self-confident."

"Well that is quite true, hum? that is?"

"Yes, I also made Romeo sneak in and take a trip with them as he has a peculiar skill, which allows the plan to become extra exciting."

"For someone as young as yourself, you sure seem to love war."

"My dear Serenity have you ever found that one thing that brings you the most joy? That you feel that you were simply born to do, that everything before that felt dull and boring through your entire life? Something like that for me is war."

'She once again speaks almost as she's lived for who knows how long, almost as if she's experienced those words herself...'

"Aren't you a bit too young to reach that sort of conclusion lady Aurora?"

The little girl asked with an innocent expression followed by a childish voice," ain't I too young to lead an army of 700 thousand men?" 

"Yes yes, prodigious one."

"Nothing's impossible as long as the goddess Aria is willing to bless us rightfully."

"It appears to be so, yet I've heard that you had quite the troublesome time, how'd you manage to survive for the first years you were sickly?"

"Obviously with the prayers to the goddess Aria and the daily healing from my father Luke the healer and his almighty unique light element."

"Being showered with light element and ending up with the opposite, that's quite ironic, and I've heard that name in the past, he healed someone from the royal family during one of his quests while working as an adventurer I think?"

"Yes, even though my father is currently retired as an adventurer, and a potion maker in the little Astia village where we live, sometimes working for prince Julius, even though I don't know who he healed that made him become famous."

"I'm not sure about the details either, I suppose you'll have to ask your father the next time you are with him."

"That'll depend on how long this war will take, I can't allow myself to leave this place anymore, earliest I can visit is when I have conquered the entire southern territory."

"Quite the great ambition you possess lady Aurora, though I'd be disappointed with less after how you made everyone think highly of you, but even so perhaps during the moon season when it's extremely cold, not even beasts would go search for a fight."

"Perhaps you are right, in their place I wouldn't disregard the dark nights that come with that season... I'll see if I can visit my parents by then, thank you for your concern Saintess," Aurora lightly bows towards her making the woman smile kindly at her.

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