Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 173 - A Little More History Between Us (Chesire And Rosalyn)

"I'm leaving soon—er, do you wish to come along, Chesire?" Lady Catherine Duke wrapped her shawl around her shoulders. Her pink hair fluttered over the white fabric as she glanced at the cat man floating through the air. The two of them were walking together, well she was walking through her residence.

The Chesire rested his hand underneath his chin, "Why should I go there? Your husband is there, and he wants to take my head. And wouldn't it be bothersome for you?" he yawned, "Not that I care, but I already visited there once out of curiosity. I've already seen everything."

A small bead of sweat formed on the Lady's forehead. If it weren't for the fact that she had interacted with this particular and fascinating creature when she was much younger than she wouldn't have even offered it. The Lady had come from a minor House close to the Blue Forest and her husband's own territory.

It was a shame to her that the man found the cat bothersome than interesting.

"Well, I particularly don't mind you there—if anything, I think I've noticed something."

A soft yawn escaped his lips. He rubbed his eye for a moment. "Hmm? What do you mean?" He was an epitome of all things laid-back and carefree, even much more than the Lady.

"I think the Queen likes you."

He nearly dropped out of the air and caught himself for a moment, glancing at her with a more cool gaze. "Is that so? Hmm… What has made you come to this conclusion?" Catherine Duke to the Chesire was someone who could be brilliant and observant, but she also was ditzy at times.

There was no need to get too focused on her words—

"When I was having tea with her before, she had mentioned you." she said. There was a smile on her face as they passed by maids and servants in the manor, people moving out of their way. A butler showed them to the carriage, others preparing luggages. "And she even showed an interest in visiting here—I think she found you interesting. She might want to explore the Blue Forest."


There was no deflation in his tone. Absolutely none. People seeing him as something more akin to a spectacle was a common event. And that was how the Queen saw him as well, it seemed. Once again the Lady Duke jumping to conclusions, it seems with saying things that 'she likes you'. It was more akin to 'I want to find a use for you'.

Chesire ran his fingers through his hair. He didn't sound glum when he said, "Now wouldn't that be a disturbance?"

A gasp escaped from Lady Catherine Duke, "You would say such a thing?" she glanced at the other people shuffling past them and sent him a look. "I know you consider yourself as free and unattached from the Kingdom of Hearts, but if anybody else had heard you—it wouldn't do much very well for me and my husband. Especially since you're in my place."

His lips twitched into an amused grin, "Then you could ask me to leave and I might? Although, perhaps seeing your husband in jail is something worth seeing."

She rolled her eyes at him, a pout on her lips. "Now you're just teasing me. Warth is a perfect husband, although I do miss him now...he's more concerned with fulfilling his duties as a Lord."

The lovesickness was enough to make him puke. A furball might have even been appropriate. He waved a hand at her, "Enough. I've heard more than enough conversation about this. It's a wonder how Her Majesty of Hearts has tea with you."

She frowned this time, "Why now that's just mean. The Queen and I go way back, a couple years ago, but it's friendship, I tell you. I have to tell you that my most recent brew of tea made her smile and when she does—it makes me smile too."

"... I haven't paid much attention, but the test to become the Queen was a harsh one. I would assume that there would be much more bitter rivalry, some poisons and such. Seeking power and position and all of that." he muttered. "Weren't you supposed to be one of the final candidates?"

"And here I thought you do not involve yourself in politics."

"I am curious—I know everyone is mad here, but you're much madder for giving up the position of the Queen."

"You say that as if I could have won against Her Majesty of Hearts." an embarrassed red dusted her cheeks, "Besides, aren't you the one who's saying that all of these positions are nonsense and simply enforcing a lot of unnecessary responsibilities?"

He shrugged, not exactly having an answer to that.

"And look at it this way, the King and Queen are suited for one another." she said and walked along the hallway until they finally reached the entrance of the manor. A carriage awaiting her for her return to Castle of Hearts. She coughed slightly and continued down the stairs, giving him one last look.

The way she said it, it sounded like she was convincing herself.

He reappeared inside the carriage and plopped down on the cushion seats, "You're taking too long. I thought you were eager to get there and reunite with your husband and dear friend."

She eyed him and then stepped into the carriage, "You're awfully chatty this time." She sat opposite of him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Is that so?" He languidly raised a brow and smiled. "It must be your imagination—although it is interesting to hear what you have to say. I'm all ears this time. Tell me more about the King and Queen if you will."

He didn't mean to sound bossy.

And yet there was something about how the Lady had said it—she was chewing on her lip now—there seemed a lot to be unraveled if one were to ask her. Now the reason for his interest… well, he was bored.

. . .

"How it pains me that you wish for me to leave, it's quite a contrast to how you wished for me to stay at your side when you were younger." the Joker chuckled. "I think even your Knight was jealous of me even when he was a child."

When he said it, it made the Queen of Hearts pause. Her own heart stilling for a moment, a flicker of emotions once again springing up. She hadn't noticed it before. She was far too young to even think of it, but with the way that the Joker was saying… her Knight had liked her for so long.

Far longer than even he had let on.

She had assumed that it was brought by simply one night during the beginning of her reign as Queen. Something the two of them had done once and continued on. She pursed her lips. "He's overprotective… of course he would be wary of someone like you. Unlike me, I was a foolish child before."

"Not as foolish as your mother and father."

She narrowed her eyes at him and opened her mouth—

"Do I have to apologize in advance for saying things?" he sighed and flicked his hair behind his shoulder. "I am simply telling the truth and this is in private company, a child must come to accept that their parents are not perfect."

He would change from one topic to another—and yet each one was enough to put her on edge. How she had never noticed it before. Perhaps it was because he had treated her kindly before, but now he wasn't. At least even if he acted and liked to pretend that he was fondly remembering memories, all he did was put things to light.

Perhaps he performed his duties as the Joker too well.

She ground her teeth, fighting the urge to slam her tea at his face. "I do not think that there is much use in speaking about the dead."

"If we do not recall your history, then there is a chance of it repeating itself. But then again, nothing is ever new under the sun." he sighed and looked out the window. "Sometimes, I forget whether this is the third or second time in the last thirty years that the Noble Houses overthrew the Royal family. But maybe I'm mixing things up. It is fortunate that we have had a victor in the Card Trial—I hoped that there had been more survivors but backstabbing hurts. And I mean both the knife and the betrayal."

There was something in those words that made her blink, but then he said too much. Too much information now presented itself to her, and she sighed, rubbing her face.

But this was better than the other topics.

"Now that you're here, now is as good a time as any." She straightened up and looked him in the eye, "I've tried to search for Alexander Hartsmichdt before in the previous Nobility and even Royal lineage and I couldn't find anything. Neither did I find any commoners who came from the same family. Please do not tell me you choose people from outside of the Four Suits Kingdoms to become Royalty?"

The Joker stifled a laugh, "Of course not, I ascertain his lineage. But as for the name—I gave it to him. Well, he belonged to the Hartsmichdt bloodline. You should also cross-check your own information, some have been forcibly erased in attempts to hide things.. The Hartsmichdt existed perhaps over a couple centuries ago, but I doubt you're here for a history lesson."

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