Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 174 - The Thoughts Of A Broken Knight (Julius Ginellevé)

Where was Julius Ginellevé? If one were to even actually search then they would not find him—but even then, the answer was just right under their noses. The Knight had never left. No. He had never left her side. Except he was unseen. Hidden in the passage of the walls, the Knight had begun to know all of the passageways like the back of his mind.

If the Queen were to even actually start looking for him then surely this would have crossed her mind.

And yet it didn't.

For the rest of the morning the Knight was forced to watch her interact with the King, the Joker and even Mary Ann. She would remark about him every now and then but did she actually go and search for him?


That didn't happen at all.

And yet instead of making the Knight see things clearly—all it did was cloud his vision. He paced back and forth, a cloud of dust forming in the secret halls. But if there was anything that he could do to appease his own turmoil in his chest, the Knight would lash out at others to mitigate the pains that he had.

The first of those would be none other than the Joker himself.

He could still rationalize, thought to look past the anger that marred his vision with red but even then he refused to let it go. The Knight placed the sword at the Joker's neck, "What exactly do you think you're doing here? Playing matchmaker? I don't think that's in your line of duties, Mister Rosswall."

There was no hint of fear in the Joker's face, instead he even touched the blade with his gloved hand and clicked his tongue. "The Queen has been searching fervently for you and yet you were just lurking in the shadows. How typical."

"I asked you a question." He dug the blade further down the man's neck, a thin trail of red formed on the Joker's neck. And yet the man said nothing. He narrowed his eyes at him, "I expect you to answer it or I'll make sure you'll never speak again."

"Geez, this young man—" the Joker moved his hand and procured a handkerchief, leaning slightly away from the blade. "You're going to ruin my suit, and it's a perfectly well-pressed combination of white and black. Bad boy." 

Julius Ginellevé stared at him in contempt, "Even killing you wouldn't be worth the effort."

"Now that's just cruel—I assure you that there is a hefty price for my head." the Joker scoffed and dabbed his neck with the white cloth. His blood drenched it with a bright red color.

...a color that only reminded the Knight of the Queen. He gritted his teeth and met the man's eyes, he prompted him once more. "You're the one who's at fault for all of this."

"Is that so? Why thank you for informing me, I was never aware of it." he parted his lips in mock-surprise. "I'm the one to blame? Never have I heard of it for the past centuries—most call me an instigator. I for one do not understand why you're here with me instead of discussing this with your beloved Queen, surely she'd understand." A smirk crossed his lips and he tossed the handkerchief at the Knight's face. "Unless you've decided to take my offer."

The stained silk cloth dropped on the floor.

And the Knight made no move to pick it up, but the Joker already moved past him and his sword. "Little boy, you're too consumed with your emotions—not a good match. Grow up some more or else she'll be gone before you know it."

"It's because of—"

"Of me?" the Joker glanced over his shoulder, and there was a glint in his eyes. "Quit blaming me for everything this one time and do something you dimwit." A cold and frigid smile formed on his lips. "Make yourself useful and give me a show, I'm terribly weary of this dullness. When will Rosalyn's brother arrive? That'll surely elicit—"

A sharp sensation cut through the air, cutting the man's words. The blade had scarcely avoided the man's earlobe and instead struck a painting that hung at the end of the hallway. Of an old couple in the portrait.

"Do show some respect to those who have passed on—shame on you, your parents would be chagrined to know this is what has become of their son." the Joker clicked his tongue and shook his head. "I'm not exactly sure where this temper comes from, you and the Queen alike. Well… she's doing far better than you. Alright, I'll leave you be, go back to your curb hole and sulk there."

Without letting another second pass, the Joker would finally remove himself from the hallway and left the Knight alone.


He was always alone.

And now she was leaving him, replacing him with all the people coming into her life. It was unfair. He took one step forward, he eyed the portrait hanging on the wall—his blade sticking in between the man and woman's faces. Both were adorned in regal attire, a sceptre in hand and a diadem in the other.

If he had been by any chances like them, would he have had a chance?

A miserable smile formed on his lips. Now that the Queen no longer needed a sword, his use was now defunct. Useless. Replaceable. A tool meant to be shed once its purpose was done. He held the hilt of his sword and pulled it out, the painting being split apart as he did so. He eyed it with mild contempt.

"To those who have passed on?" he said. The man looked at the blade in his hand, the weight of it was light to his hand and he could do it swiftly if he wanted to. The hours that had been spent alone since last night, the lack of sleep and even the lack of food—he could ignore it, and yet the pain that twisted in his chest was unbearable.

Would it feel better if he were to serve his heart to her and show his devotion.

He shut his eyes. Emotions clouding and blinding his vision.

Anger gave way to the fog of darkness that swept around him. It was a choking feeling, to be so consumed with someone in a way that they occupied both his thoughts and heart, even at this hour. Even when he had already felt betrayed, forgotten and lost… it was as if he could still hear her voice.


A young child with the lightest blonde of hair but the brightest red of eyes stared at him curiously. The little child had snuck out of the castle of Lockharts all by herself and had reached the barracks. She stared at him with an energetic grin, 'You look like a Prince—do you want to play with me?'

Before he could even say a word, she had grabbed his hand and pulled him along. 'Come, come with me. This will be fun.'

He hadn't been able to say no to her since then.


The same blonde hair and red eyes, except she was a little older. She was even towering him now, proud of her growth spurt. But even until now she looked at him with a warm smile as she tugged his arm. She wanted to escape her tutors, she wanted to ride a horse and he was the only Knight that she knew.

A Knight-in-Training but it didn't quite much matter to her.


A frantic look in her eyes, she grabbed hold of his hand and told him not to tell a soul. The young Lady left the House on horseback and swore to reclaim their honor.

Throughout the years, he had clung to one thing out of his mundane life and it was her. Prestige meant nothing, richness and power—if he could give it away to make her happy then he would. He already did. All of those things were irrelevant to him, nothing more but means to her own satisfaction and fulfillment. What was immeasurable wealth to her genuine smiles? Unrivaled power and unmatched glory than to have her at his side? Her own happiness was his, he was willing to give away everything for her. 

It truly was a double-edged blade.

He lifted his head for a moment and deeply sighed, even as he felt it sunk even deeper into him. Despite the danger, he had risked it for her. It seized his chest and took ahold of him—the cold wind caressed his face in this hour. And even now he continued to hear her voice calling after him.

While it had been faint before, now it was louder.

Far clearer than before.

If he opened his eyes, blearing it slightly then he could even see her face. Her eyes were only on him, and him alone. The words that left her lips was his name. The hands that touched him were hers.


To hear it was bliss.. Even if the sound in her voice were a little sharper than usual, there was a touch of pedanticness to it—but it was what he wanted even before everything truly faded away.

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