Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 210 - Exchanging Notes With A Stranger (Rosalyn)

She produced the black book and then showed it to her brother, the familiar feeling of a rich texture brushed her fingertips but she smiled at Reinhard Lockhart, "I would like to give this to you now."

"I have no need for it," he said.

The Queen of Hearts blinked, "This is a book that contains all of the important genealogy throughout the entire history of the Hearts Kingdom and there is also an access to a reputable informant that I've obtained. It would be of good use for you to use."

"I understand, but I also have my own informant," he said with a light smile. "I think that Her Majesty would have more use for it than me." 

Rosalyn Lockhart blinked at her brother, but then clutched the black book closer to her chest. It was an unsure thing if it was his way of saying that he could manage without it unlike her, or this was one way of showing some care. Perhaps it was strange for her to change emotions so quickly—but it was her nature that dictated it. One moment could be her close to tears and upset at the world but then she could indulge in tea and tart and feel like she was on top of the world.

Maybe it was just her being able to distract herself well.

Regardless, she inclined her head and thanked her brother. And what soon happened after it was finally the two of them separating—the Lord would join the others in his position while Rosalyn Lockhart stayed in her office. The two of them had now both shown interest in cementing the Lockhart House among the top four Noble Houses, but a desire like that required careful planning.

Now she was alone, and she had made Gine escort her brother back properly.

The Queen of Hearts then idly opened the black book and accessed the last page, "It has been awhile since I have made such good use for it, but it's difficult to track down an enemy that has yet to appear." However, it did make sense that she should inform her informant and still make them work—whoever they were.

Rosalyn Lockhart had been so focused with her work and forgot to utilize this hasn't she? What with all the trouble and energy she had poured out for Alice's right-hand man, Hatter, she had neglected the others. It was a fortunate thing for her that Nicholas Hatter had Harold and Mallory with her.

Whereas she herself knew that the King of Hearts would exile her because of that girl, and so by proxy… even the Prime Minister was untrustworthy. That gave her five people she had managed to keep her eyes on—wait, there was the Chesire and that made for six people. "Catherine Duke too. She assisted Alice when I casted her out as a friend," The Queen of Hearts said to herself and didn't exactly find a reason to smile.

She had not expected that she did this well enough that she had already accounted for seven influential people that connected with Alice in the future, and even taking into account her Knight as a murderer. So that was at least eight people that she had been tending to all throughout this incident for the past month.

The Queen of Hearts still had ample time on her hands, but now wasn't a time to be at ease.

Events that she could once recall were now changing itself according to her own actions. Her intervention at the Gathering of the Suits earned her the King of Spades as a potential client and ally? His nature was straightforward enough that she could at least tell if she annoyed him. The Queen of Diamonds was the same as always, and Rosalyn offended her and her husband on the trial.

Well, the Joker was the one who did it more than her.

It was the Kingdom of Spades that suffered more affront for getting accused of being the place where the assassins came from. 

As for the Kingdom of Clovers… She now had a bigger picture of Alexander's relationships unlike before. If the King was from another world and abducted by the Joker, then it meant that it was the same for… "Her Majesty Neo Anasthasia." The two of them hadn't exactly parted on good terms, and she was exuberant when they finally left. 

But just because she understood the predicament that encapsulated the Card Trials—it didn't mean that she would look at the Queen any differently.

Between Alexander and Neo, the man did more. The Queen only relied on King Ivan Nordskov and his brother, Delegate Dimitri Nordskov. "The man who ordered a great number of hats for some reason." She pursed her lips and shook her head at the information she recounted to herself.

What were the chances that they would still be relevant when Alice came around?

As long as no war occured between the Four Suit Kingdoms, the Queen of Hearts would consider it a success unlike those that happened in the past. Which was good when it seemed like there was discontent among the Nobility around them. "It's time for pruning as always." 

Rosalyn Lockhart came across the final page and frowned slightly at a tiny scorch mark at the tip of the page. Had the informant burned their page a little by accident so it reflected the same thing on her notebook? She shook her head and grabbed for a quill. Once she dipped it in ink, the Queen wrote the most important people she could remember.

'Please look out for a young woman around the tender age of sixteen to twenty years old with blonde hair and striking blue eyes. She may respond to the name 'Alice' and if you find her. Do not engage but send information. 

Find information on twins across the entire Hearts Kingdom, male twins that look exactly the same as each other.

A man… that likes to use a pipe? If there is any notable individual with some unique talent.'

-R. L. H'

The exact moment that she wrote the words down were the same exact moment that new words were written down—both she and the informant were present at the same time. It was an uncommon thing, the two had no need to talk at the same time and so she pursed her lips and watched the sentences out of mere curiosity.

'Your Majesty, I have an important thing to tell you—I will be heading there to the Castle of Hearts. Your life is in danger. But I will bring the information that you ask for if I were to find them.

-I. B. L'

The Queen of Heart's face twitched, "Of course this person would figure out who they're communicating with—any good person could have figured it out. Albeit, the H could have been Hawthorne or some other House, it could even be another word as there is no designation at all."

She formed her own reply and sent it.

'I am always in danger, there is no need to bring the information to me. Simply write it down here, it's a lot more convenient.' 

The Queen of Hearts then added in another sentence.

'While I have protection around me, I am aware that the lifestyle of an information gatherer is much more precarious than mine. If there is anybody that you should be worried about—it is yourself.'

It took another moment before another set of scrawling appeared, albeit this time it was a lot more neater than before. Somehow it appeared that the man had a lot more time and space in his hands to be able to communicate peacefully? The Queen of Hearts pursed her lips at his reply.

'There is some great honor I feel for your concern, but there are some compromises right now, Your Majesty. It is only by upfront conversation where I can fully tell it to you without any hesitation. Such a thing like this is risking my life, but I must do it because it is you.'

"Do it because of me?" Rosalyn Lockhart pursed her lips and rested a hand on her cheek. There was no time to ponder when the man was speaking such things about danger and compromise… of his and her safety? But the way he phrased it somehow reminded her of Gine.

It almost sounded like something he would tell her with a note of endearment.

Perhaps this was just her preconceived notion since she thought of herself as the most beautiful in the land? The Queen of Hearts shook her head and finally wrote back a quick reply.

'Fine. Come here if you will—but you will come through the castle gates by yourself and introduce your nature. I do not think I can offer you anything to speed up or even ensure your survival, whatsoever though. So I can only wish you luck.'

'With such a wish of Her Majesty, I think it only makes sense that I will be there at the speediest of times. It would be a relief to see Her Majesty.'

'... Do you absolutely have no intention of perhaps giving me—er, nevermind. I have never met you and have no idea of your nature, if anything, this might be a trap.'

The Queen of Hearts almost asked this 'I.B.L' for their current whereabouts, but she did not wish to send any soldiers and much less Gine to go about and find this informant and bring them here. She really didn't like how neat their penmanship was now and even the subtext she kept reading into. "Hah… why am I being like this?" There were other more important things at stake.

Now really wasn't the time to get intrigued at all.

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