Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 211 - Will You Walk With Me? (Rosalyn Lockhart)

What could one even say for the events that happened for the day? It was mundane, the same, and there was a certain rhythm to it that always occurred—and one of them was dinner. The Queen of Hearts mostly left the handling and entertaining of the Nobility to the King. He did a much better job at it.

She had the excuse with her brother for what happened after lunch.

And now she had finished dinner and watched the rest of the Nobility be provided with their temporary quarters, the numerous guest rooms of the Castle now fully put to use. Now if there was anything that was unlike anything else in this place… perhaps it was the solemnity of the Joker.

He was still here.

Somehow Rosalyn had the feeling that he really wouldn't leave for some reason. And by virtue of his position, he could stay as long as he wanted, and even the uncomfortableness of the King himself could not make the man go away. However, instead of being talkative, the man just sipped his drink.

He still didn't eat.

But he seemed caught up in his thoughts and then left quickly after that. Of course Rosalyn Lockhart bid those who left for their guest rooms with a warm goodnight and a smile—she could do that at least. What she had difficulty was in mustering the same amount of warmth and genuine tone that Alexander could do.

Soon enough, the two of them were the only ones left in the dining hall except for the servants clearing up the mess between them. Alexander was the first to break the silence, "How was your day, Your Majesty?"

It was the kind of question that fitted along those 'a lovely weather today' and other simplistic ways to hold a conversation. Needless to say, it was plain uninteresting, and she frowned at him, "If I were to say that I am having a terrible day, what would come of it?"

Her answer earned a wide-eyed look from the King before he said. "I would try to do something to make it better if I can… or at least listen to it."

Once again it was the suggestion of 'talking about what were one's problems to feel better' routine. It reminded her of the Hatter… but even then, she only sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Then there is no need to do anything about that at all. My day was adequate. Nothing of interest to speak about."

It was a difficult thing to fully transition from one's hate for a person to a begrudged manner of speaking with them. Rosalyn Lockhart also had no inclination to do just that either, and it was apparent in the King's face that… it was a little sobering for him.

He placed his hands behind his back and watched the other servants scurry away. And then he finally said. "During the morning, I woke up with a sore neck and it was a terrible feeling—and I think it was aggravated because all I did during the afternoon after you left with your brother was nodding along with all the Nobility, both men and women."

A tired smile was on his face.

"I did not ask about your day." She said. Albeit, she had to admit that his statement earned a quirk from her lips—but it was only the ridiculousness of it all and the way he said it. There was a certain animation to his voice and face that really captured the essence of reluctance in how he said it.

One could almost relate to it.

"During the morning, I promised the ladies to walk with them… and I had hoped that you would have joined me. But you were gone when I awoke."

"I don't recall ever promising you to join you."

"Indeed." He stretched and fixed the crown atop of his head, and soon Alexander offered a hand to her. A smile played on his lips, "Would you care for a late night stroll instead, Your Majesty?"

… She stared at him.

"My hand is getting a little tired of waiting for yours."

"You really have begun to act more casual with me and do not think that I would look lightly upon it." she said and then stared out at the closed doors. Rosalyn Lockhart knew without a doubt that her Knight was waiting outside of the Royal Dining Hall and fervently waiting for her. She couldn't leave him just like that. 

"Are you thinking about your Knight?" he asked. "We can bring him along if you like."

The Queen of Hearts eyed him, "What did you say?" She wasn't sure if she heard him correctly… but then again, it was the King of Hearts she was talking with. Or Alexander. He didn't act much like a King when the two of them were in private, which only went to show how far well he was with pretending like her?

Possibly even more skilled than she was.

"I know that it's a little late and it might make you nervous to go out, so we can have your Knight 'Gine' as a bodyguard, right?"

"Don't call him, Gine."

He managed a weak laugh and scratched his head, "Sorry, but would you like to take a stroll with me, Your Majesty? You missed the one in the morning, so we could at least take a night one."

"I want to remind you that I never promised anything—but… fine." Rosalyn Lockhart looked out the window and into the night sky. The moon was once again shining brightly tonight and was perfect for a walk indeed. This was a chance for her to get some exercise and remove the excess energy she still had within her and perhaps clear her head before she went to bed.

When the Queen and King left the dining hall, however, the Knight was nowhere to be seen.

The Queen of Hearts felt an electric jolt spring in her chest and she looked around quickly, "Where did he go?" He had been with her for the rest of the day and following so and so. He did stay outside of the drawing room and the office when she had her conversation with her brother…

But surely he didn't go somewhere else in a fit of panic once again, did he?

"... What if he went to the servants or soldier barracks for dinner?"

"Dinner," Rosalyn Lockhart blinked.

"Please don't tell me that he follows you around all day and without any chance for eating or doing anything? Does he even have a break except for when you're asleep?" Alexander Hartsmichdt paused. "Or does he even watch you when you're sleeping?"

His voice was light and airy, a contrast to the spiraling energy that swirled around her.

"When I wake up in the morning, Gine… my Knight is already present to greet me and escort me to the dining hall for breakfast or to the office and simply request Mary Ann to bring me something to eat." The Queen of Hearts stared out at the available rooms outside of the dining hall. "He does stay with me but also goes out from time to time… possibly to train the soldiers in the barrack, and I suppose, to eat and do other things."

"Your brother brought Knights, hadn't he?"

"Yes, yes, he did bring them."

"Aren't they all from the same Order of Knights? Have you considered that he met up with them for dinner right after he brought you here?" Alexander Hartsmichdt began to walk. "If I had the chance to meet up with the people that I haven't seen for a long time, I think I would also be a little late."

There was a wistful look on his face.

"Then I'm staying here." Rosalyn Lockhart stood by the Royal Dining Hall's doors and refused to take another step forward. She had never seen her Knight interact with his peers when they were younger, but then again, perhaps she had only been concentrating on their friendship to give notice about anything else. "I do not wish for him to return here and find that I am gone."

"If he finds that you're not here in the dining hall, then he'd surely come looking for you." he said. "And I have good reason to think that his Queen finding skills are top tier."

His words didn't exactly make her smile.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Haven't you said that we need a bodyguard before we go out to the garden?" The Queen of Hearts gave him a look. Rosalyn Lockhart didn't even know why she was being accommodating right now… but perhaps it was because she was taking into account the necessity to get along with him.

There was also the fact that even she wasn't that blind to effort.

"... You're speaking to the winner of the Card Trial?" he said. Alexander Hartsmichdt said it with such an amount of confidence that it was a significant contrast to how he reacted when the Joker mentioned it before.

The man was surprising in his own way.

Rosalyn Lockhart raised a brow at him, "I still haven't seen that Card Trial and I will not see it, but a quick stroll would do." The Queen of Hearts moved past him and walked towards the Castle of Hearts exit without another second's delay.

"Your Majesty, please wait up!" he jogged right after her.

She didn't exactly stop even when he said it, and neither did she throw a look into his direction at all. Somehow the words of the informant raced through her mind at this exact moment of 'danger' and yet she still stepped outside without hesitation.

And perhaps that was a failure in her decisions.

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