Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 69 - A Burning Memory

The Gathering of Suits was an annual event that occurred in either one of the respective Suit Kingdoms, in this particular season—the Kingdom of Heart's domain was the meeting place and the host.

Presided over this occasion was the King of Hearts, it was usually the Kings who made the decisions and rekindled agreements made with one another after all. And the goodwill were ought to be spread with the Queens. 

But of course the Queen of Hearts wasn't doing it.

And there had been no harm if a visiting Queen didn't arrive durring this event if they had other concerns and tasks. But she was the host Queen this time… and she delegated it to Catherine Duke.

Was this her new method of throwing a fit?

He hadn't brought the Queen of Hearts to the Kingdom of Diamonds the last time, he had heard that there was a bitter rivalry between the two Queens and he wished to finish it peacefully last time. In addition to the fact that he had to rely on her to keep the Kingdom of Hearts afloat. But… so far, things were alright.

And now here they were, he had finally started to adapt to this world of theirs. He had distributed the multilateral trade agreement and had finished making concessions with the other Kingdoms—mostly with the Diamond Kingdom, they were adamant of adding their terms.

The Kingdom of Spades, he owed it to the Queen of Hearts for ironing out the situation, the King of Spades had heartily made an agreement. And Alfred Villeuce had even flicked the signed papers at him. It was hard to imagine that a person at this age could be so spiteful and foolhardy but that was an attitude of someone who always got their way.

As for the Kingdom of Clover, although His Majesty, Ivan Nordskov's temperament was something that made him a little nervous… in the end, he had also signed the agreement without much complaint. 

Alexander Hartsmichdt could only wonder if this was due to the influence of Neo Anasthasia. The name made his heart pang in a way that made it sting painfully. She wasn't here now, it was only him against the other Kings… he had gone and requested his Prime Minister to look after the Queen of Hearts agendas.

He could only wonder if the results would be good.

"Thank goodness we're finally done here," Francis le Diamant exclaimed. Their true personality was beginning to show up in this situation. Or perhaps it had always been this way.

"Hah! Excited to head back to eternal winter, are you now?" Alfred Villeuce laughed and eyed the other King with a mirthful smile.

"At least it's a lot better than a place always burnt by the sun."

Ivan Nordskov stayed silent and simply smiled as if the entire situation was something that amused him—or it was completely going over his head.

Alexander Hartsmichdt wanted to say that he was eager that this thing was about to end as well. He wasn't sure which King was the one who grated on his nerves the most… or maybe it was fair to say that they all had their own special ways.

Until he felt a searing pain across his body in a familiar place. It was right on time as one of the Clover Delegates, Dimitri Nordskov spoke up with an urgent look on his face.

. . .

There was no Chesire Cat to be beheld right now and Rosalyn Lockhart could only wonder how much success she had actually achieved in forming a deeper bond with them.

Was there any chance that he would return to her room? 

She had no idea but proceeded to walk over to her dresser and sat down for a moment. There was her hairbrush and a jewelry box that contained ornaments to be used… and among them was the King of Diamond, Francis le Diamant's gift.

Her fingers idly touched the festoon necklace adorned with a blue diamond. Her lips quirked at the color and she idly wondered if such a jewel would suit her… her mind flickered back to Jeanne la Monique, a jewel like this would look great on her. She begrudingly admitted that.

And even so, perhaps Alice would be able to bring out the full beauty of this jewel.

A small scorned smile appeared on her reflection as she pushed the necklace away—if she wished to vex the Queen of Diamonds, she'd wear this proudly.

But for now, her attention turned to the music box that was also placed on her dresser. When the King of Hearts… when Alexander Hartsmichdt had visited her room to bring this necklace back, wrought out of the effort of all the Kings, he had mentioned seeing this musical box as well during the Card Trial.

"A clue…" She muttered to herself and shook her head. There was no use putting efforts into thinking of that man, and yet she still had done it. Information to be gathered, she had not known of this in the past time.

Even the thing with the Queen of Clovers. 

She frowned and picked up a hairbrush, she had recounted to the Time Man that it was all Alice's fault that she had died in the end—but perhaps she was not as looking as carefully as she thought she had.

It was a little embarrassing to admit such thoughts, even just to herself.

But she had flaws and her own weaknesses, and the first way to move past from it was to acknowledge that such a thing existed. "And from this point, the events of the past will no longer be repeated."

Her gaze flickered back to her reflection and it made saying such things harder but she said it again, "If the things I did before had not helped me… then it only makes sense that I need to do something else to have a different outcome." She began to brush her hair.

After a little while, she opened the music box and watched the ballerina appear before her. She began to dance and twirl to the beautiful melody that filled her chambers. Fond memories began to fill her mind.

She hated to admit it, but she was also a sentimental and nostalgic person. A reason why she hadn't been able to let Julius Ginellevé go despite all the time that had passed between them from the moment they met. She closed her eyes and sighed.

The memory of the man lashing his blade at her to bring about her end… he had promised her that it would not hurt. A twisted way to finish her life as if he still held on and cared about her that time.

It contrasted with the young boy that had been adopted into the Lockhart House—a cry baby boy with puffy purple eyes that had clung to her, and when he grew up a bit, promised to be her Knight.

. . .

A happy hum escaped his lips as the man ventured alone on the cherry red brickroad. He could have taken a carriage or something else to arrive far quickly, but if an observer had been around, they would have seen that his steps took him further than it should appear.

It seemed that each step was equivalent to ten paces ahead.

The Gathering of Suits. It was an affair that brought out the Four Kingdoms together, perhaps in this time, an agreement would be settled if things were to go on smoothly. Who knew? 

But it wasn't only them who would converge together. Other elements would come into play, and this man was here to join in the fray. If things were necessary, he might have to stay. In perhaps a vision that was too clear for anyone else, he spotted a frightened cat that quickly disappeared from his sight that it seemed to have been an illusion.

That could be further from the truth.

The man carried on with his route. He whistled with ease and wished to hear the song of the birds join him, but they were not around. He was off to visit the Castle of Hearts. He first made his stop in the village or town closest to the Castle and took in the sights with a neutral emotion as they strolled in the street, others would notice his presence and others he would simply pass by without even garnering a glance.

That was his ability.

. . .

Nicholas Hatter was rushing in a frantic and mad manner as he made hats for full stock and quantity—he had been swept away yesterday to the Castle of Hearts, but this time, he was out to work.

This was a rush order after all!

He didn't exactly have any idea how long delegations occurred, a week or so? The Hatter should have considered it when he took in the bulk order from the delegate of Clover but it didn't change his enthusiasm as he sung and made hats.

He lifted his hammer and quickly stopped mid-way from a strike.

As if a freezing chill came upon his entire shop despite not leaving his windows opened at all. And he soon found the answer when he gazed out and saw the man, the person… if one could actually even refer to them as such.

This one strolled down the streets, other people began to gasp in horror while others simply carried on as if they had not seen a thing. If anything, Nicholas Hatter would fall on the former group.

And there was much a good reason why.

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