Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 70 - The 'Fool' Card

"The Joker has been sighted." 

Such innocuous words were uttered but already the effect has already spread inside the Royal Conference Hall. Different responses and different reactions. Delegate Dimitri Nordskov's face contorted as he gazed at the other Kings, he was the one who had announced it and yet he made no move. The King of Diamonds rubbed his face and looked at the other Kings with an expression that said— 'Can you believe this is actually happening right now?'

The King of Spades frowned before waving a hand and cleared the silence of the air, "Well, if he is coming here then it's up to the host Kingdom to welcome him in, don't you agree?" Sounds of agreement sounded from the representatives of his Kingdom. 

"Indeed, that is true," The King of Clovers agreed with a nod. Nothing else was said from him but his smile was twitching slightly. The delegates from the Clover Kingdom simply stayed in their seats.

The King of Diamonds could no longer stop himself and said it at last, "Hah, this is a troublesome situation though—what does he want this time? Hasn't he already had enough?" There was some mild sound of protest and complaints.

The King of Hearts recalled the burning sensation in his shoulder, an imprint that left him scarred as he fell silent. He said not a word unlike his counterpart Kings. Despite the situation, they still had the time to act as relaxed as this… but he— He shut his eyes and then bolted up from the seat, "Where are the other Queens?" The Prime Minister was not here but the Lord Warth Duke was here and he was simply waiting for orders, unaware of his own distress.

The King of Diamonds frowned, "Well, how would we know when all four of us are gathered here? It's not like we can always keep an eye on our respective Queens, you know that very well." They had the time to give that kind of remark.

"Hmm… the Queen of Hearts delegated it to Lady Duke, hasn't she?" The King of Spades shrugged in half-answer.

The King of Clover chimed in, "Do they need to be here now?"

Despite the shock of the sudden appearance, in the end they were willing to get this situation over with.

It was only Alexander Hartsmichdt that was disturbed by the presence and he couldn't believe that the King of Clovers, Ivan Nordskov could still smile—did he not know what it meant to the Queen of Clovers, the arrival of this person? Of course they wouldn't know it. He gritted his teeth and made his way out of the Royal Conference Hall, he would have left without saying a remark but looked back once, "I will be making arrangements in regards to the Joker's arrival then, I leave the Lord Duke to preside over the finalization of the agreements then."

And then he walked out.

It was a lie of course, arrangements? He didn't have any time for that nonsense—if he saw Blyke Edelweiss, then he'd pass the need for it. But the bastard didn't need to be welcomed into the Castle of Hearts if he had any say, the King of Hearts ran out of the hallway in search of the other Queens.




He was quick on his feet and soon enough he arrived in the Castle of Hearts without any intrusion from the soldiers on guard. He passed through the garden and took note of the sights with nothing but a grim determination, but it was there that he realized that he arrived far too late.

In the distance, the Queen of Clovers had collapsed into the ground wordlessly. The other two Queens were taking care of her with some concern as Lady Duke stared unsurely and fended off the strange person who arrived. He couldn't hear what was happening and it felt like blood was pounding into his ears.

The Joker was finally here.

And before he could even run forward to throw a punch at them, the man paused from talking with the people in front of him and turned to him with a smile, "Ah, it's you! I was wondering when you'd show up. Long time no see, Alexander. Winner of the Card Trials, how does it feel to be King? But before you answer that, it seems that Miss… Neo is overcome with shock and joy to see me."

He had the nerve to say it like that—

"Why are you here?" The King of Hearts asked.

"This doesn't feel as welcoming as I thought it would be, it's a pity that you haven't adjusted well to your position. Hmm, you there," The Joker shook his head and turned to Catherine Duke. "Former candidate, I believe?"

What nonsense was he speaking now? Whatever he was saying, he didn't need to give him any time, his priority was the fallen Queen. Alexander shook his head and ran towards his friend and blocked the sight of the Joker from her. He quickly cupped her cheeks, "Hey, look at me. It's already over, don't pay attention to him."

. . .

A rapid succession of knocks interrupted Rosalyn Lockhart from her musings. One of her eye twitched but there was an urgency in the knocks that she couldn't ignore, "Come in."

It was Blyke Edelweiss who strode in and bowed low, "F-Forgive my disturbance but a situation—diplomatic event has sprung up that requires your attention, Your Majesty."

The Queen of Hearts lifted her gaze to the figure in front of her. Once upon a time, this man served her primarily before Alexander Hartsmichdt became King. And once the man did become King, she then tasked him to take care of the duties in teaching him. It had been quite a long time since he personally begged of her to intercede… it was obvious that the Prime Minister favored the King more than her.

She sighed and rested a hand underneath her cheek, "What is it this time? Did he offend one of the Kings?" It was an unlikely event, despite her being more accustomed to the role of being Royalty—Alexander Hartsmichdt got away with his charisma and the love of the people. Unlike her, the man was slow to anger and patient enough to befriend people.

"N-No, Your Majesty. The Joker has arrived."

Rosalyn Lockhart's brows furrowed at the words. The Joker? Why would someone like them come here? Did something change, she glanced at the man bowing to her. "What happened? The Joker is…"

"The one that keeps the Four Kingdoms in check and sentences the Card Trial, Your Majesty."

She clicked her tongue and stood up, "I know that, someone like them wouldn't come here unless something wrong has happened. Lead the way, but you really could have handled this situation by yourself."

"They want to see you, Your Majesty," With a speed that exceeded hers, the Prime Minister was quick to hop back to his feet and move. The Queen of Hearts could only follow after him. 

Her memories were spinning.

Had something like this happened in the past? No. Nothing like this occurred even when the brink of a war was happening behind the scenes? Rosalyn Lockhart's palms sweated as she chased after the quick-footed Prime Minister. Her surroundings seemed to blur as she followed the person in front of her—he was muttering and nervously glancing at his pocket watch.

The Queen of Hearts felt her heart pound.

Never had she regretted the fact for not paying attention to this kind of possibility occurring. Even before when she was simply but a young girl in the House Lockhart, she barely paid attention to the Card Trials and things concerning this Joker. She thought that it didn't particularly concern her—her family never paid attention to it. Nobody had ever actually won the Card Trial according to them. It was biting her in the back now. She already knew that things were changing from the moment she didn't splash Catherine Duke with her spicy tea—they would never be the same.

It wasn't only her who seemed to have been caught in surprise, there were several servants going back and forth with much hurry. Unlike with the Gathering of Suits which was prestigious and handled annually, this was an event that held more importance and weighed more heavily in their minds.

Blyke Edelweiss suddenly stopped in front of the luxurious double doors. They were going inside the Throne Room this time to welcome the Joker? He looked back at her once, and this time, instead of the normal fear he exhibited around her—there was a fervent look of hope as well as trust in her position.

Rosalyn Lockhart tried not to roll her eyes and exhale loudly. Somehow it appeared that it didn't matter to him right now that she was the 'evil' Queen of Hearts that beheaded her own people. It was in the mere fact that she was the Queen of his people—their representative.

A bigger situation had emerged and they were counting on her. Where was the King of Hearts now though? She idly looked around before nodding her head at him. There was no servant who opened the door, it was the Prime Minister himself who did it as their presence was declared.

"The Queen of Hearts has arrived."

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