Villainess Of Hearts

Chapter 92 - Distant Days In The Past

The coronation day.

A young woman clad in her ceremonial gown sat in the carriage and it had been several days already since they were travelling from the Marmoreal to the Castle of Hearts. But today would be the day she arrived, and though she would never admit it aloud, her hands were cold as she rubbed them together.

Leaving her own place was—she shut her eyes and forgot the scenario.

Once she left the Household of Lockhart, there was no longer the need to return. She would never, oh, she was sure she could go back and visit them if she wanted to. But whether they would allow her back in the lands? Would he even look at her? The man hadn't even watched as she set off of their house.

And it wounded her heart.

But this was the only way.


She lifted her gaze away from her hands and saw the young man seated across from her. The man who had sworn to be her Knight, of course she would take him away from the house. For this moment, the soon-to-be Queen of Hearts laid back on the furnished seat and eyed the Knight. "Gine, you have to get used to calling me by my title."

"I—My apologies, Your Majesty." A bashful look spreaded on his features. Those amethyst eyes of his averted to the windows, the posture he had was meek and even timid. Despite the countless years they've stayed together—he still retained his gentle personality.

Rosalyn Lockhart chewed on her lip and scratched the back of her neck. It was hard to resist that kind of look and she felt bad that the boy she grew up needed to accustom himself to the norms when he clearly felt comfortable calling her differently. She tilted her head at him and fiddled with her fingers, "Maybe once we're alone, you can still call me by name."

"Thank you, Rosa." His eyes lit up and a sweet smile formed on his face. 

Even when they were younger, he didn't get used to calling her 'Lady Rosalyn' and that was out of her own doing. The Knight looked back at her and a blush formed across his face. He really was too cute for his own good.

She spoiled him too much.

"Remember, when we're alone. It wouldn't leave a good impression if anybody else were to hear of it." She told him with a serious tone as she repeated the lessons she had learned in etiquette. "First name basis are only appropriate in the most private of times and with certain people. With family, only the closest of your friends and… your partner."


A man she had never met before. The Lockhart House were the ones most taken aback by the sudden upheaval of the Card Trials and it had already been a year since then. A year after the events of the Heart's own search among the eligible women for the crown, for the partner of the winner of the Trial and her pursuing it.

A year after all the trouble that ensued among the Nobility and the rest of the people. Those who wanted to continue with the old and the ones who...

"I...if I can speak out of turn, Your Majesty." Her Knight spoke up tentatively. There was a look in his eyes that told her that he wished to speak about this matter.

But she was already resolved about it.

And she had already gone through the whole ordeal and came back to her House to announce her victory—but was only met with… Rosalyn Lockhart rubbed her face. "I did this, Gine. I won't back out, if I do that now—can you imagine the shame that would already befall on our House further? Besides, I am the most eligible, do you not agree?"

"You are clearly the best." He nodded, a thoroughly convinced look on his face. "Out of all the participants, you were the most beautiful, intelligent and—"

The corner of her lips twitched at his remark, she raised a hand at him. "You can quit flattering me, Gine." If she ever needed someone to reassure her that there was nobody else who was the most suitable person in the world. She could count on him. And she had no idea what he had gone through—

"I was only saying the truth, Your Majesty." A pout formed on his lips.

She chuckled, "I already know those things." He seemed fine with the way he acted childish. But she wasn't sure if he truly was, and yet shouldn't she be thinking of herself in this hour? The young woman already knew what her Knight was trying to point out. And she gave way to a little hope that blossomed in her chest, "But you have my thanks, Gine. I'm doing what's only the best for the Kingdom of Hearts. Can you imagine the victor of the Trials? I'm not sure where they came from—but if left alone and unattended, wouldn't the collapse of the Kingdom already be on our way?"

"...and so he needs a Queen?" Julius wrinkled his nose.

"It wasn't as if the people and Nobles were and are marrying for love, Gine." Rosalyn Lockhart pointed out to him. Unlike her, the man had the option to pursue whoever he wanted to, and if he had wished—he could have retired, the Lockhart House could give him enough money to settle down. The man should have retired after the events from last year, but he insisted to stay by her side and she took him. She couldn't imagine leaving him at Marmoreal and leaving them with him.

"You're not like other people, Rosalyn."

She fiddled with her thumbs, and ignored the compliment. The very same hope that blossomed in her chest was something that made her want to say it. The memory of Katherine leaving the tests of becoming a Queen in order to be with Lord Duke was gossip eaten up like roseberry tarts. It sparked her some form of envy.

Which was amusing because she was the one who gained the crown.

And yet that childish dream she had still made her speak to her closest confidante. If she could not tell it to him, then who else could she tell it to? "Besides, what if the person who won the Card Trial is someone I can perhaps fall in love with?" She coughed and caught the look on her Knight's face. 


"I'm not being delusional, but it is certainly possible that the two of us could get along and form a deep bond of some sort?" Her cheeks colored as she realized what she said, and she waved her hand. "Indeed, but that's just wistful thinking. For all we know, the victor is an old man." The thought of it made a shudder run down her spine. News of the Kingdom of Diamonds and Spades relief at not having any winners were widespread. She wasn't so sure about the Kingdom of Clovers, they were a little caught up in their own world, but this event changed the history of their world. And it was up to her to adapt from it.

The Knight across from her didn't look happy, and though he didn't say anything and kept to himself now. He looked like he had swallowed a cup of bitter tea that contained no sugar. If it had been anyone else, she would have gotten annoyed that they didn't give any reply and left her as the one who last spoke, but she chose to take note of the silence.

A prickly feeling settled on her stomach. Maybe she really shouldn't have mentioned it. There was no doubt that he was unhappy about it, and maybe her nerves were getting the better of her. But regardless, she had to be the one who rose up—


Rosalyn Lockhart blinked as she was swept up from her feet. Her arms instinctively curled around the neck of her Knight as he picked her up into his arms. She pulled back to give him a stern look, "Gine…"

"You don't seem eager to get into your room, Your Majesty. Haven't you said that you'll have a busy day tomorrow?" A small smile formed on his lips as he inclined his head, "As someone who needs to ensure that you're well-protected, I believe it is my duty to take you into your room, unless you wish for me to carry you back into mine." His amethyst eyes gleamed at the last sentence.

It made her chew on her bottom lip, and he chuckled.

Her heart pounded, a mixture of both hesitation—the memory was still fresh in her mind's eyes—and something that made her daze for them. The man in front of her was also capable of stirring up emotions that she very much wished that he didn't. But soon enough he opened the door to her chambers.

Her room was spotless and clean.

There was no longer any track of the dead body and she… she had also left her dagger here. It had also been carried away. Something nagged her about it, but she could still commission another dagger if it was necessary. There were other thoughts that crossed her mind—had Chesire kept sleeping in her office? She still needed to ask Mary Ann early tomorrow about making more tarts.

Julius Ginellevé kneeled and gently placed her in her bed. She seated down for a moment on the mattress as he pulled himself up to his feet. The two of them shared a moment together in silence as she tried to pretend that her heart was not being tugged at by the man staring at her. She cleared her throat and folded her hands together, "Thank you, Gine. You can go now."

"Can....Can I stay here with you? It's better for me to guard you here."

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