Villains Template

Chapter 810: Cosmic Tenjin Group

[[Spider-Man is Spider-Man after all, he blamed himself for not being able to save so many people from Yue Si, and for not being able to prevent people from killing each other, so in order to protect the weak, he tried his best to build this shelter.

Choose a suitable block, block some roads with construction waste and abandoned cars, and make this place complex like a maze. Ordinary people will probably get lost when entering this block. It is very difficult to turn over the construction waste, which is laborious. Even if the obstacles caused by construction waste and abandoned cars are cleaned up, it requires the cooperation of many people and the use of professional construction machinery.

Although Spider-Man did all of this very easily, it was done with nearly a hundred tons of effort, and it was impossible for an ordinary person to be the same as him.

Then, by picking up **** around, obtaining materials from specialized stores, using the technical reserves of himself and the artificial intelligence Iron Man, and processing the mechanical gloves that can be used as tools, he further enhanced his shelter.

The first is to solve the power problem. Although the Ark reactor cannot be made due to limited materials, it is also possible to make a few high-power and low-noise generators.

With the premise of electricity, Spider-Man laid a monitoring network and set up other facilities to officially ensure the use of the shelter.

Later, Spider-Man showed his real body as a superhero. With this name, he gathered a group of vulnerable citizens and brought them back to his shelter, allowing them to live here, away from the outside world. Fight and struggle.

Spider-Man didn't let those people eat and not work. The young and strong were mobilized, obtained weapons and equipment, and were responsible for the security of the shelter's perimeter. The rest of the people also had various tasks to do. The shelter is built more reasonably, and they will not be allowed to eat and sleep like domesticated animals.

This is the suggestion provided by the artificial intelligence Iron Man. People who enjoy asylum must be allowed to work. They cannot be made to feel that they are granted the asylum of superheroes, nor can they feel that they have paid for their labor. Superheroes must treat them Take asylum.

In this shelter, although people live very humble lives, they can only hide in this shelter. Food and drinking water are rationed and distributed every day, and all kinds of entertainment methods are lost. Even toilet paper is distributed according to the standard. , no longer wasteful to extravagant before, every bite of food and clean drinking water is precious.

After a long period of time, almost everyone in the sanctuary lost a lot of weight, but their spirits and spirits were not too sluggish and turned into walking dead, with some hope.

However, their lives are stable and peaceful, and they will not be in an environment that is hostile to everyone like other people outside the shelter. Even sleeping is a state of mental tension.

Even a patrol team that went out once brought back two astronomical telescopes. After they were set up, interested people could use them to watch the sky, the stars in the universe, and the space battleships arrayed by the invaders outside the atmosphere. Remember the existence of the enemy.

Back inside the shelter, Spider-Man received an even warmer welcome. Although ordinary people occasionally organized teams to search for supplies outside to meet various needs in the shelter, it was Spider-Man who really maintained the shelter.

The supplies he brought back by himself could match that of the entire patrol team. The food he found kept everyone in the shelter alive. The medicine he found was used to treat the patients, and order was maintained by force.

If it weren't for the absolute violence represented by Spider-Man, then these people who hold weapons to protect them will change their faces and become hunters who show their cruel side to the weak.

Moreover, only a very small number of people know that Spider-Man's plan is definitely not to let them linger here, but to lead everyone to truly be free.

Spider-Man went out again and again, in addition to searching for drugs and supplies, he was also searching for information—information about the underground sewage pipe network.

There are enemy space battleships in the sky, soldiers armed to the teeth on the ground, and individuals with unique abilities, so Spider-Man chooses to go underground and the sewage pipes.

Thanks to the process of urbanization, the sewage pipes are very spacious, and a car can drive freely in it.

By connecting directly to the sewage pipes outside the city, they can go directly outside the arena of this "death game", and they don't have to fight according to the rules set by that person, and rely on taking the lives of their own kind in exchange for their own chance of surviving .

But the structure of the sewage pipe network is complicated. If there is no blueprint to guide you, you don’t know which direction the pipe you are going to lead to, and the environment where the sewage flows across is very harsh, so Spider-Man searched for the blueprint of the sewage pipe while looking for it. With supplies, try to manufacture enough equipment so that more people can survive in the harsh environment of the sewer for a longer period of time.

There are also lighting, air, etc., which are all problems that need to be solved. Thanks to the suggestion of the artificial intelligence Iron Man, the people in the shelter are not resistant to the work, and there is no "you are a superhero, just The idea that we should be protected, taken care of, and provided for all our needs unconditionally” came up.

After distributing or storing the goods obtained this time out, Spider-Man returned to his room, did not take off his equipment, but fell asleep directly on the mattress.

The safety and operation of the entire shelter is almost entirely dependent on him, and his mental pressure can be imagined. Except for the artificial intelligence iron man, no one can understand him, and he must show a strong side in front of outsiders. Only when he is alone Only when people are alone can they relax a little bit, and sleep has become a rare way for him to relax now.

Under the battle suit is not a face that maintains fighting spirit and hope at all times, but a middle-aged man who looks haggard and tired, with dark circles and stubble, a spider who has endured too much pressure and responsibility Xia looks five or six years older than he actually is.

However, after not sleeping for a long time, Spider-Man suddenly woke up. The spider sensed like an electric current, which quickly dispelled his drowsiness and forced him to wake up. The artificial intelligence Iron Man detected the abnormality of Spider-Man Peter Parker and asked: "What happened?" what."

Before Spider-Man could answer, there were hurried footsteps and an eager knock on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw a middle-aged man with some inexplicable and inexplicable emotions on his face, which made him cry and laugh, surprised and happy.

"What happened?" Spider-Man asked.

There is no danger in his spider sense, and there is no enemy or chaos and struggle inside the shelter in the monitoring network that the artificial intelligence Iron Man is connected to wirelessly.

The middle-aged man slowed down for a while before finally saying: "Invader, the invader's fleet has withdrawn!"

"What?" Spiderman couldn't believe his ears, thinking that he had just woken up and lost consciousness and heard it wrong, but the middle-aged man repeated it again, and Spiderman was sure that he heard it right.

He hurriedly set off with the middle-aged man and ran to the floor where the astronomical telescope was placed. Spiderman looked into outer space with the help of the astronomical telescope.

And there are still many people here on this floor, probably idle, observing the enemy's warship through the astronomical telescope, which makes people fearful.

Before the Battle of New York, the forces of all the countries on the earth were gathered, and I am afraid that they would not be able to build something that could be called a space battleship. However, the group of invaders could fill the entire low-earth orbit with their warships, civilization and technology. The gap is so desperate.

Not to mention that human civilization has been completely broken up, the original logistics and industrial systems have been completely destroyed, and human beings have lost the opportunity to resist aggression.

The middle-aged man next to him explained to Spider-Man: "I am an astronomy enthusiast. Usually children come here to look at the stars. I explain the galaxies and stars to them. Some people come during the day to see the interstellar warships of the invaders. But just now, we saw that the warships of the invaders began to leave in batches, and began to move away from the earth."

Spider-Man saw that the space warships with a long and narrow design and many muzzles distributed on both sides of the ship's sides that were originally entrenched in low-Earth orbit had become much sparser, and many warships' tails sprayed out conical plasma, pushing The battleship moved forward little by little, and flew away from the earth.

" is this possible, what happened?"

"They, they are going to retreat, they want to evacuate from the earth... How could they abandon the earth and their homeland?"

During the time he came to this world, Spider-Man Peter Parker has been learning more about this group of invaders through the descriptions of other people. From these populations, he learned a lot that Nick Fury did not tell. things.

For example, those invaders were actually the ancestors of the Native Americans. They developed technology to a very high level a long time ago. Some of them took spaceships to explore the universe, leaving only a small part of them behind. On the earth, left on the land under their feet.

However, these people who stayed on the earth suffered natural disasters, their civilization was cut off, their technology was lost, and they degenerated to a very bad level. They were then wiped out by the colonists through various means, and now they have become a small part of this land. Can live in barren "reservations".

But this group of intruders actually just returned to their homeland, only to find that their land was occupied by others, and began to fight back, regaining their own land, and taking revenge on the colonists who slaughtered and oppressed their descendants.

According to the descriptions of people in this world, those people love this land deeply, as if the earth is not a planet, but a supreme temple. Although they are all wearing power armor, they have no respect for this land. concealed.

However, now their fleets are leaving the orbit of the earth and flying towards the universe. Although they don't know whether their destinations are other planets in the solar system or other places, this incident reveals an abnormal feeling. smell.

On the planet devourer battleship, the deity Yue Si is holding a ball, and part of the returned clone is basically here.

He said to one of his clones: "In the next period of time, the command of the fleet will be handed over to you, including the battleship under our feet."

Later, the deity Yue Si explained the reason:

"The Universe Celestial Group is coming."

"This universe belongs to their creation and is managed by them. They can decide the fate of everything. We outsiders are very unnecessary variables for them. It is inevitable to completely wipe us out—not to mention, we are born on the earth. Among them, Tiamu, the cosmic **** group, was aborted by me and put into a card, for the sake of their own race, they will also come here."

The avatar who returned from the world of "Three-Body Problem" said: "I brought back the technology that is enough to turn the tables, the technology that can reshape the universe, the technology that human beings pull the entire universe to die together in the desperate situation."

"No, I have to deal with it myself. The scope of the battle is too wide. It is not safe for the fleet to stay here. Let them evacuate to other star fields, activate the space gems, and go to the other end of the universe. When the time comes, people from the System family will definitely take advantage of this time to make a move, and when the battle is over, I will send you a signal."

"If I have no news, you can use the fire ax to open the space door, and let the fleet bring all the resources it can take away, and return to the world of Warhammer 40,000. From then on, you will be me!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Si delivered the cards and system card boxes he had mastered to the rest of himself, then stood up from the throne, his body collapsed into a tiny point, and when he unfolded again, he had already come to the surface of the earth On the road, came to the city originally named "New York".

If Spiderman Peter Parker is here at, he will find that the method used by Yue Si is the same as the way he came to this parallel world through the tachyon cross-universe exploration needle.

The building where he settled was originally called the Stark Building, which is where Loki activated the Rubik's Cube to attract the Chitauri.

Although many years have passed, the automation equipment designed by Tony Stark himself maintains the cleanliness and maintenance of the building. The Ark reactor used by Tony Stark supplies energy for his own Stark Building, even if the external power supply is cut off, It's still spotless, the lights are bright and the air-conditioning system is working perfectly.

The stand-in messenger Yue Si also received the message, left his "death game" and came to Stark Tower.

He is also one of the few clones left on Earth, and his strength is enough to participate in this upcoming war.

Sitting on the sofa, opening a bottle of wine collected by Tony Stark, Yue Si, the stand-in messenger, said: "I don't know if we can win the next war." times of reading, or Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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