Villains Template

Chapter 811: Eternals

[["The other party is the cosmic **** group who created the universe!" Yue Si, the stand-in messenger, poured himself a glass of wine and said with emotion.

"It's not good to be timid before fighting!" The deity, Yue Si, held one hand behind his back, and the other hand held the ball that imprisoned the agents of the system family, looking down at the almost abandoned city.

After the arrival of the imperial fleet, people scrambled to leave the city that bears the brunt, but how could they escape? Based on the principle of proximity, they were first used as sacrifices and pushed into the pyramid, drained of everything, and traded to different dimensions Demon God, used to exchange the magic power used by psykers.

Their pyramids require a large number of people to convert energy. Even with the deterrence of absolute force, the normal operation of the entire world's production, transportation and other links is maintained, ensuring that the population of the earth will not decrease rapidly, but anti-urbanization It is inevitable that densely populated areas such as cities are the first places to be paid attention to.

The operation of the city requires a large amount of material supply, and self-sufficiency is simply impossible, thus creating various jobs such as transportation, storage, processing, and sales. If any link is missing, it will cause a shutdown.

Stopping these unnecessary thoughts, Ontology Yuesi said: "Someone is coming, be careful."

As Godzilla, Yue Si has the ability of bio-radar, and even if Yue Si does not actively use this ability, the bio-radar can cover more than half of the earth, so those few are obviously not human, but they have Yue Si already knew about the powerful individuals rushing towards him before they reached the edge of the city.

"It's the Eternals, the creators of the Celestial Group. Before their creators came, they must have served as the vanguard—heh, one who played ZZ correctly to the extreme, and the black and white Aladdin handicapped child is not bad, it can be called a hodgepodge team."

"White women with Asian men, Asian women with white men, white men with black women, and people with disabilities and LGBT people, and Niggs repenting for mushroom eggs... Niggs don't see him when they are used as slaves , chickens invaded and massacred, used humans as experimental subjects for bacterial experiments, and did not see him when thirty million lives were taken away. At this time, the wolf with a big tail is upside down."

The stand-in messenger Yue Si was full of sarcasm, then took a sip of the wine in the glass, and then spat it out again in a second: "Bah, what kind of wine is this!"

"Do you have confidence in the big boss behind them, the Cosmic God Group?"

The deity Yue Si said: "If it is a group of cosmic gods, I am confident, but if they come together, it will be difficult to do-but it is not them who are most worried, but the system group. "

"No matter how strong the universe **** group is, it is limited to this world. We can go to other worlds. No matter how strong they are, they cannot enforce law across the universe... However, if it is a system family, if it is targeted, it will be like a bone. Like maggots, hard to get rid of."

Yue Si pulled a pure metal suitcase and walked on the street, facing the direction of the group of Eternal Race people.

At a certain distance, the metal suitcase was loosened by Yue Si, and then a series of gaps appeared on the suitcase made of a whole piece of metal, and then opened, revealing the interior with a complex structure, and then there were a lot of inside the suitcase. The deformation combination of parts, such as gears, transmission shafts, bearings, etc., began to displace and mesh with each other, assembled a complex part, and started to run.

A pair of thick mechanical legs first emerged from the bottom of the suitcase to support the rest of the suitcase, and then stepped forward to follow Yuesi. During this process, the suitcase is also in a constant state of flux In the process of deformation and combination, the torso, arms and head first had a rough outline, then added details, and finally covered the mechanical skeleton with a thick layer of armor.

After the transformation, the original suitcase became a three-meter-high robot with a slender body and a compact structure.

Transformers—or combat robots based on Transformers' Cybertron compression technology.

This technology is one of the achievements of a certain Yue Si who went to the world of "Transformers". The foundry of the Mechanicus created this battle robot for the many technologies obtained through experiments, and equipped them with all the weapons they could think of. All of them were installed on this combat robot, and finally such a thing was built regardless of the cost.

Of course, the Mechanicus called it an intelligent control machine soldier.

Yue Si thinks this thing is very interesting, so he wants to come over and use it now.

It didn't take long for Yue Si to see those eternal clothes. They were wearing clothes of the same style, non-earth materials, with gold threads as patterns on them.

There are different races and different abilities, but they all have superhuman strength and agility. When the first few hands appeared a few hollow gold threads, and those golden threads began to be spliced ​​and combined to form gloves, shields, and spears. , it is obviously the melee route to take.

Some flew into the sky, condescending, and some possessed extreme speed and kept maneuvering.

Some obviously have the ability to attack from a long range, and are protected at the middle and short distances of the team, and those with healing abilities are guarded at the end.

Those with mind control and fantasy creation hide aside, do not appear directly in front of Yue Si, but are the first to attack.

"010101..." Yue Si entered the binary command to the intelligent control robot, and the intelligent control robot immediately entered the combat mode.

A huge amount of magic power was extracted from the pocket universe inside the pyramid, and filled the whole body of the intelligent control robot. The core reactor located in the center continuously output energy, and the two forces converged to drive the The extracted tachyon allows the intelligent control mech to briefly enter a higher dimension.

The Eternals, who used phantom abilities and mind control on Yue Si, did not touch Yue Si's consciousness, and were stopped by the intelligent control machine soldiers using magic means. The methods of magic and psychics provided by Kama Taj were collected and selected , Recorded in the database of the intelligent control machine soldier, although the method of using magic power is relatively rigid, but it is very easy to use. The magic of soul protection was launched at the moment when the eternal race launched a spiritual and spiritual offensive.

Warhammer 40K is a world of sci-fi and fantasy. The oil guys of the Mechanicus are also following the trend of the universe. Technology is usually mixed with psionic energy. All technologies related to subspace are controlled by technological means. The same is true of psionic powers, such as void shield technology, psionic power amplification, and even the astronomical torch that keeps the entire empire running.

Therefore, as long as there is a supply of magic power, it is entirely possible for the smart-controlled mecha to perform magic, and it comes from the world of Warhammer 40K where various forces are fighting, and the methods used by the oil guys will definitely not be so powerful. Be kind, take killing the enemy as the first priority.

The same is true for soul defense magic. They refer to the principle of the void shield system that directly transmits external attacks to the subspace, and the illusion and mind control are guided to other directions. In the dimensional space, the wills of the two eternal races were instantly divided and torn apart by the dimensional demon god.

One fell to the ground with a muffled grunt, and his consciousness had been scraped clean; the other was poured in by the consciousness of countless demon gods. Those dimensional demon gods wanted to use his eyes to see what happened, but so many consciousnesses The influx caused a conflict between the concepts of each other, causing him to crash instantly and become a "lunatic" in the concept of human beings.

The Eternals are the creations of the Celestial Group, with limited brain capacity.

One face-to-face, the Eternal Race lost two.

Immediately afterwards, the arms of the intelligent control mecha began to arm, the gauntlet on the left arm opened, and a power sword popped out; the right hand clenched a fist, and three sharp claws protruded from the gap between the fingers, which suddenly became a power claw. input, the decomposition force field is activated, and the air molecules that come into contact are decomposed by the decomposition force field, forming a series of arcs, crackling.

The feet of both legs became the shape of skis, and the intelligent control machine soldier also adjusted his posture and made a skiing action.

The time flow rate of the smart-controlled mecha in a higher dimension is not consistent with the outside world. It is manifested in the outside world that it has acquired the ability of super speed. Air resistance, friction, etc. are temporarily invalid under the power of a higher dimension, but in a higher dimension In the dimensional flow, running is useless, and gliding is a better method. Relying on this power, the intelligent control machine soldier chased the Eternal Race with extreme speed, and then solved it effortlessly. Power swords and lightning claws intertwine, turning it into a splinter.

And after doing all this, the face armor of the intelligent control machine soldier opened, and a mouthful of promethium flames fell on the body of the Eternal Race, destroying the body and destroying the traces.

Seeing this, the Eternal who flew into the air fired golden rays from his eyes, constantly sniping at the intelligent control mecha, but always took a step slower, except for leaving one mark after another on the ground, there was little other effect None were obtained.

But it can't be said that it has no effect at all, at least the intelligent control machine has to stay away from the rest of the Eternal Race, and can no longer launch an offensive through extreme speed.

And the intelligent control mech is also preparing to counterattack, retracting the power sword and lightning claw, opening the palm armor, revealing the dark muzzle, locking on the Eternal Race floating in midair.

At the same time, the body of the intelligent control mecha began to deform, and it was more able to withstand the recoil force. The joints were partially locked, making the whole body a whole.

In less than a millisecond from the outside world, the intelligent control machine soldier has already done a series of tasks such as deformation, aiming, and firing.

A scarlet beam of light was emitted from the cannon on the right arm of the intelligent control machine soldier. It was the miniaturized application of the light spear technology on the battleship. The high-energy laser beam penetrated the air, causing the air to ionize and boil, making a sound like a scream.

Facing this blow, the Eternal in the sky did not dare to resist, and dodged. The scarlet beam hit a building, directly dissolving a big hole at the top of the building, and the high-temperature dissolved material formed a Liquid, flowing down the perimeter of the building.

However, this first attack was just a feint, and the real killing move came from another cannon.


Like an explosion, the muzzle of the left arm of the intelligent-controlled mecha spewed out a ball of flames, and the strong recoil made the intelligent-controlled mecha slide backwards for a while.

2nd Cosmic Velocity Heavy Bomber - A shell fired from the Cyborg's left arm cannon.

This is one of the research results of Tony Stark, the Iron Man who has been in a long-term dream. It adopts the principle of two-stage launch of the bolt bomb, but increases its power as much as possible. After the second ignition, the flight of the bolt bomb The speed can reach the second cosmic speed.

This is a frightening speed. It hit the dodging Eternals almost at the moment the cannon was fired, and its tough body was instantly pierced and torn, and the toughness of the powerful body given to them by the Celestial Group was activated. The detonating device on the warhead exploded, and the shock waves produced gathered together before spreading far, forming a miniature black hole, which swallowed the remains of the Eternal Race and disappeared.

The warhead of the warhead uses the black hole grenade technology mastered by the dark elves who appeared in "Thor 2"—that group of overpowering dead survivors dared to invade after the empire took over the planet, trying to retrieve it in a vain way. The ether particles whose channel opens in the unknown space of the earth are also a manifestation of reality gems. For those existences with pointed ears, the human empire is of course the first to blow them up and then collect their technology. Carry out analysis and deduction, and use it.

The black hole grenade is one of the gains this time. Although the raw materials for making the black hole grenade need to be synthesized from ether particles, which are not universal, it is enough to be used in this universe.

The muzzle of the smart-controlled mech retracted in the palm of the hand, and the armor was re-covered. Then, the arms were turned to the back, and the back armor was opened. The two hanging laser guns were combined with the smart-controlled mech's arms, and the energy transmission was connected. pipeline.

Then, the intelligent control machine raised its arms, aimed at the Eternals approaching Yuesi, and then quickly opened fire, and laser beams shot out from the muzzle of the gun, accompanied by the buzzing sound of laser beams tearing the air Sound, suppressing those Eternals with dense raindrop-like laser to prevent them from charging towards Yue Si, forcing them to dodge, and stopped their charging.

It took only a few seconds from the time when the intelligence-controlled mecha launched the psychic protection to the direct elimination of the four Eternals, and launched an attack on the rest of the Eternals. Distance, for the intelligent control machine soldier, the reaction speed is in milliseconds.

"Don't underestimate the wisdom of human beings!"

Yue Si folded his hands, and taunted those Eternals who were dodging in embarrassment.

"You are artificial life forms, the creations of the Celestial Group, and my intelligent control machine is a creation of human technology. It can easily eliminate you, which shows that human wisdom is invincible, or the Celestial Group is not so relieved of you. , and did not give you real power."

"The only reason for your existence is to prove Taillight's talent, to prove that the theatrical version of Justice League is not the worst team super-English movie, you are." Baidu input "", you can enter this site

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