Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1019: Zheng Junjian's breakthrough

   Chapter 1019 Zheng Junjian’s Breakthrough

  No matter for anyone, the material of Lingsheng Baiguangcao is a material that cannot be ignored. This thing can be used to make the Nine Dragon God Pill, which is the top fetish in the legend!

  As long as it can be made, the basic strength of the warrior can be permanently improved, and it will cause cruel blows and damage to people within a period of time, which can be called the top existence among all the medicines.

  No one can refuse such a powerful pill!

  But the sacred grass is too scary and precious, and it is not easy to get it in your hands. Even though Chen Xuan had put in considerable effort, he still could not find it.

   Chen Xuan was continuing to search for treasures this day, but he never thought that a cruel and fierce battle was going on frantically in a place not very far away near him.

After getting the way, Chen Xuan was surprised to discover that Zheng Junjian was under siege at this time!

  The people who attacked him are all very powerful and confident old men! It can be seen that these guys are not the head of some place, or the head of other places.

  In general, these guys are very powerful and domineering! Zheng Junjian is holding a cold sword in his hand and is cruelly counterattacking, but although his ability is not bad, he is surrounded by so many people on the battlefield today.

  And the people who surrounded him are mostly terrifying strong men who are close to the half-step pill formation stage in the late stage of foundation building! It is obviously impossible to fight against such a powerful being!

  Zheng Junjian’s powerful strength was constantly being consumed, and he was already pale at this time, several times in a row, if it weren’t because of his actual combat ability, it’s okay.

  It is estimated that he will be shattered his chest abruptly! This kind of cruel and incomparable strike force can be described as terrifying. On the battlefield in front of him, the sword in Zheng Junjian's hand violently collided with one of the knives.

  The knife looked very huge and sharp, and the undulating matter rushed out in the space.

  This makes these substances feel terrifying and amazing, and the big sword in Zheng Junjian's hand has been directly bounced out!

  The amazing light of the sword became extremely strong quickly. This indescribable intensity reached its extreme level almost in an instant, and the terrifying and thick striking force radiated a tyrannical force.

  In an instant, he was in front of Zheng Junjian. A faint ridiculous voice emerged around him: "Little beast, you have a lot of treasure, but you don't know how to advance or retreat. If you don't hand it over, do you want to take this treasure by yourself?"

   "If you don't know the current affairs, your current resistance can only show your stupidity. Even if you take the initiative to hand it over, you will die today."

   "The fate of offending some of our old things is death!"...

  Chen Xuan looked at the battle in front of him curiously. He heard the mysterious words of these elders at this time, and his heart was slightly surprised and shocked: "Did Zheng Junjian get the legendary materials?"

  He must be incredible at this time! You must know that this medicinal material is completely different from monsters, monsters are a powerful natural life between heaven and earth second only to human warriors.

  When these powerful monsters are affected and affected by their own safety, they will inevitably explode with terrifying combat power to protect their own safety.

   But relatively speaking, those medicinal-level things are not so serious and scary. As long as the warriors still have some power, they have the opportunity to get powerful medicinal materials or something in their hands.

  Because anything related to accidental acquisition of treasures on this continent actually refers specifically to these medicinal materials.

  Zheng Junjian's survival ability is still acceptable. He often goes to Nanban to fight in those places where he can survive comfortably, as for other places.

  It should be said that this kind of person who often mixes outside has the vision to find the most powerful medicinal material, and before everyone even notices it, Chen Xuan still believes.

  He looked at the seven staring old men in front of him and saw them almost instantly, sweeping out the seven cruel sharp blades.

  He knew that if he didn’t make a move, Zheng Junjian might be finished.

   Immediately he roared!

  Sound fluctuations surging with amazing aura intensity exploded swiftly and violently, and the cascading sound fluctuations made people feel very uncomfortable.

  At this moment, the movements of those who shot have been affected to a considerable extent. The aura is flowing in the palm of the horror, and it can be seen that this makes his hands possess and contain very terrifying and amazing power.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan waved his palm with a terrifyingly powerful spiritual energy. Emerging from the four of the seven old men, they fell down with a heavy blow and smashing force like a mountain!

  咚, 咚, 咚.

  A series of palm shadows emerged. Each of the palms contained power that seemed to break apart. In an instant, these old figures who had reached the late stage of foundation building, they all marched forward in a blast.

  The momentum and rhythm of the strike were instantly destroyed. Seeing the sudden opportunity, Zheng Junjian, who was already embarrassed, smiled with excitement at this time.

  Strong shot without missing a chance, but at this time, he could have assassinated one of the old men with a single sword, but he lost it because he was empty-handed.

   "Fool! You don't have a sword in your hand, but your fingers are also swords!" Chen Xuan looked at this in front of him, and the young man who seemed a little chilly and helpless suddenly said harshly!

  A sword without a sword in the hand? !

  Zheng Junjian suddenly felt behind him. He actually squinted his eyes at this moment, and the light of the horrible sword aura grew swiftly and violently, and the sword aura between the whole world seemed to converge towards him.

  In an instant, shocking surges of sword energy gathered in the entire battlefield. It could be seen that in the astonishing surge of sword energy in front of him, the many elders who had previously taken powerful blows and surrounded him.

  Their bodies are enveloped in it. The previous strong and domineering posture has completely disappeared and replaced by a deep weakness.

   "Is this a key moment to comprehend kendo?!" Chen Xuan was really surprised at this moment! You should know that when the level of cultivation reaches a certain level, the teacher can no longer give him the slightest guidance on many things.

  Most of the time, it is necessary to rely on the students to comprehend by themselves! It's just that this understanding varies from person to person. Some people are born with powerful comprehension abilities, so no matter what they master, they can pay the least price and master the most powerful force.

  However, some people who understand the disadvantaged cannot do it, and even hard work is in vain!

  Chen Xuan looked at Zheng Junjian in front of him, and felt the light of the surging strength of sword aura at this time. He really pursed his mouth and showed an appreciation and smile!

  (End of this chapter)

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