Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1020: The strong under the big cloak

  Chapter 1020 The strong under the big cloak

  咚... the thick sword aura fluctuated into a substance like water waves, and then it slowly rushed out, and incredible scenes emerged.

  Zheng Junjian’s kendo level unexpectedly broke through at this time...

  Chen Xuan looked at the young man in front of him curiously, feeling the astonishing and powerful fluctuations of sword energy surging from his body, and he really pursed his mouth with surprise.

   "It looks like this guy's sword state has improved now! It is estimated that he will be much stronger when he uses the sword to shoot in the future."

   "It's really scary."

   "I wonder if other treasures can have similar breakthroughs?"

  A series of questions arose in Chen Xuan's mind, but at this time his main concern was the old things in front of him.

  The cold killing intent was condensed in his eyes, and he really sneered when he saw it.


In the    space, Chen Xuan turned into a stream of light and slammed towards the warriors of the late foundation construction stage in front of him, and he could see that his strength and ability were terrifying.

  The amazing strength of the piercing edge makes people feel that they can’t easily resist it, and the terrifying aura of light among the ten fingers gathers in front of them.

  He pierced his finger fiercely, and immediately pierced the chest of two of the old men.

  The terrifying aura quickly vented from his fingers, and these forces almost tore his body apart in an instant.

  The astonishing tear caused the body of the old man in front of him to split apart, and the body of the old figure in front of him was shattered when his palms separated.

   swiftly moved forward to see that these old men were killed one by one during his blow.

   Their old bodies were torn apart in terror, and blood and money broke out. Now Chen Xuan can completely use the early stage of foundation construction to tear up the strong ones in the late stage of foundation construction!

   Of the seven elders present, six of them were killed by Chen Xuan in an instant. The light of blood in the space of the entire battlefield radiated into the space in front of them.

  I have to say that such an astonishing breath of blood mist makes people feel terrifying. Chen Xuan walked out of the light, and he looked curiously at the surviving old figure in front of him.

  He was covered in a very large cloak, and he could see that this person's ability and ability should be the strongest among these old men.

  "The old things, you messy things are gone. If you choose to surrender now, you may be able to get a more comfortable way to die. Otherwise, I will use the most painful means today to let you know what is truly cruel."

  An extremely cold voice came from Zheng Junjian's mouth. At this time, he really mocked to a certain extent, with a cold and merciless killing intent, Zheng Junjian's eyes seemed to have sharp sword aura bursting out of the depths of his eyes.

  These brilliance are too fast and terrifying, it seems that as long as they are stronger, they can kill people.

"Be careful!"

  Chen Xuan's voice suddenly remembered! At this moment, he clearly felt the strong man who was covered in the big cloak from before his eyes, and he could feel the terrible breath surging out of this man.

  But at this time, even though he spoke a warning, it was too late. The terrifying piercing power turned into a lightning-like wave, and it pierced and impacted quickly.

  In an instant, this extremely powerful shock wave will pierce the shoulder of Zheng Junjian, and the terrifying and powerful light is like an astonishing sharp blade. This powerful combat power pierced away from the shoulder of the man in front of him.

   suddenly made Zheng Junjian seem to be dying. A huge blood hole appeared on his young shoulder at this time, and blood was sprayed out of it without money.

  If you look closely, it might not be difficult to find that Zheng Junjian's aura has become disordered.

  His body was swaying, and his face was so pale that he was about to die. On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan looked at the strong man in front of him in awe.

  Chen Xuan now knows that the guy in front of him is not easy. Without the slightest intention, he stepped forward so swiftly and violently that he was in front of his eyes, and the astonishing light of terrifying aura was swiftly transformed into a storm-like state while he was moving.

   Suddenly suppressed the person in front of him. The strong spiritual energy fluctuations in Chen Xuan's hands quickly became stronger, which made his hands feel like a mountain of heavy pressure at this time.

   "Get out of here!"

  Looking at the strong man who was covered in the big cloak and didn't know what his identity was, Chen Xuan didn't have the slightest tolerance at this moment.

  Whh...With the swift and violent blows from Chen Xuan's palm, the space presents an astonishing and terrifying burst at this time, and the terrifying force of suppression is swiftly coming.

  I have to say that such astonishing terrorist killing intent is scary. The warrior, who was covered in the big cloak, laughed jokingly, and the huge and fat clothes had no wind at this time.

  At this time, the extremely white face suddenly appeared in the **** cloak, and a pair of **** and mocking eyes gradually became clear.

  It turned out to be the face of a young man!

   seems to know that there is no point in hiding the identity after being discovered. This white-faced youth suddenly flung the big cloak away.

  The horrible light of aura vented along with the end of his action, and the space of tens of meters was suddenly within the range of this rich aura.

  The shock of the amazing aura makes people feel very terrifying and intense. In the space and battlefield in front of you, you can clearly see at this time, even if Chen Xuan and Zheng Junjian are such relatively powerful warriors.

  They also seemed a little irresistible when facing the shock of such astonishing power in front of them. Chen Xuan felt that his chest was hit by a big stone at this time, which made him continue to withdraw at this time.

  After getting a few meters away, the arms he was wearing suddenly waved.

   The sound of the explosion of the aura came out, and after Chen Xuan teared the light of the aura in front of him, he looked again to see that the previously mysterious youth had disappeared.

   "What a powerful and strange strength!" Feeling the strength of this man before, Chen Xuan immediately squinted his eyes, and now he is really uncomfortable. After all, this powerful strength is beyond his expectation and control.

  If this guy wants to hide and attack him in the future, it might cause him cruel harm.

   "Junior Brother Chen is really thanks to you this time, cough cough..." The blood dripped from Zheng Junjian's mouth. At this time, he could clearly see the darkness in his eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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