Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1057: Zhang Jingyue

   Chapter 1057 Zhang Jingyue

  The woman who appeared mysteriously on the battlefield gave people an extremely cold feeling, and the extremely white dress looked really pure in color.

  A pair of beautiful legs with amazing length, and a faint halo under the sun.

  Chen Xuan looked at the beauty that appeared suddenly, he was really surprised.

  It seems that this girl is completely on his side now, but he has never had the slightest contact with this girl. If you just pass by and help out, this seems a bit too ridiculous!

  Chen Xuanming looked at the woman in front of him, and at this moment he really seemed a little curious.

  However, Chen Xuan at this moment can faintly feel that the girl in front of him will not hurt him, and Xiao Tianhe in front of him seems to be in trouble...

  Xiao Tianhe became cold all over. He looked at the girl who appeared suddenly in front of him in disbelief, his old eyes were filled with deep spirit: "Zhang Jingyue! Why don't you practice in Jingyue Temple, why are you running here?! Come to intervene in the affairs of the old man? I don’t know if this is a bad rule, understand?"

  Zhang Jingyue said: "I only ask you a word, go or not."

   "You..." Xiao Tianhe was really aggrieved at this time! There was an uncertain light in his old eyes, and he was really embarrassed when he saw it.

   His face flushed like an eggplant! But even though he was extremely angry now, he didn't dare to deal with the girl in front of him at all! This kind of wanting to strike back, and the result is still a little bit afraid, really makes people feel a little bit ridiculous.

After Xiao Tianhe pondered for a while, his very cramped face calmed down a lot. He nodded faintly and said, "Since today-you are going to intervene in, then I won't say anything, but you have to remember one sentence today. I will avenge my revenge!"

   "There is so much nonsense." Zhang Jingyue sneered, her red lips showing a mocking arc.

  The concentration of aura in the white palm burst out. call out! A touch of aura and the blade came to my eyes.

  This blade is really not weak. It can be seen that it tore the air, and instantly pierced into the body of the guy in front of him.

  The terrifying waves are amazing, and the tearing power makes the old man in front of him extremely cold.

  A shocking intent to kill appeared in his body, and he was really terrified at this time.


  The cold and ruthless killing intent fluctuated quickly and violently. This terrifying killing intent made people feel that they could not easily bear it.

  Xiao Tianhe snorted and was pierced in his shoulder. The blood mixed with internal organs spurted out of his mouth, and he immediately flew out in embarrassment.

  During the retreat, Xiao Tianhe's body glowed sharply. But at this time, he could see that his embarrassed body began to gradually stabilize.

  Foot points in the space in front of him, his body quickly stabilized. At this time, I could clearly see that Xiao Tianhe disappeared in a flash with an attitude of incomparable hatred...

   "This girl...well, strong enough!" Looking at her now, Chen Xuan couldn't tell the taste and feeling in his heart.

  To say that his efforts in martial arts can be regarded as okay. And in terms of talent and potential, he is also top-notch.

  The most important thing is that he still possesses an extremely strong technique of refining medicine, but compared with this girl, there seems to be some gap.

  This made Chen Xuan feel a little sad at this time, and he could only think about the heavens and the human beings!

   "Master Chen Xuan!"

   Zhang Jingyue's killing intent suddenly disappeared. At this moment, she seemed to be really quiet like everyone else! At this moment, she looked at Chen Xuan softly, bowed and bowed, looking really quiet and feminine.


  Chen Xuan was immediately stunned! He rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw at this time.

  This is a top-notch girl in terms of strength or appearance. If you say that there is no arrogant personality, he will not believe it.

  In the previous battle with Xiao Tianhe, the strength that the girl showed was full of horror.

  These amazingly powerful girls may not have a small personality and a small temper at all times, but it is obviously very difficult to let them treat people with a quiet and soft side!

   And Zhang Jingyue’s behavior at this time really made him puzzled! He looked at Zhang Jingyue's eyes at this moment with the meaning of scrutiny.

  I can see what Zhang Jingyue has noticed at this time. But at this time she looked at Chen Xuan, but there was nothing to hide: "I was introduced by Liu Kong!"

   "Liu Kong?" Chen Xuan was really stunned, thinking about the deeply poisoned guy, Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes... didn't he let him go out to find medicinal materials, why did he send such a person?

   Chen Xuan suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart. To say that the girl in front of him from martial arts can easily defeat Xiao Tianhe, this definitely does not require Chen Xuan's action.

  Obviously, there is only one purpose for her coming this time, and that is to use pill.

  Although as a pharmacist, the elixir is in stock at any time, and as long as the materials allow, no matter how powerful and high-quality elixir, they can easily refining it successfully.

  However, this requires effort and time cost after all. For a pharmacist, time is often worth more than materials.

   Chen Xuan suddenly turned dark, and blamed Liu Kong for seemingly arrogant, but in fact he talked about him like a big mouth! ...

Zhang Jingyue said with a smile: "Don't be too much. I'm just wondering how old a master alchemist like you can be. I didn't expect to be just a young man. But this also strengthened my idea of ​​attaching importance to you. Maybe we still have a chance to cooperate in the future. Ha ha... I met my wish as soon as I saw it today, and there are not too many extravagant hopes."

  Chen Xuan was relieved. "You are……"

   "That guy? Haha...just a very ordinary and ordinary friend. We are all disciples of Jiugong Pavilion!" Zhang Jingyue said lightly.

   Chen Xuan immediately became curious. He looked at the girl in front of him and said in astonishment: "Jingyue'an is the power of the Jiugong Pavilion?"

"Well...not just Jingyue An, Liu Kong's Kongming Mansion, Zhao Heng's Zhao Jiajun, Li Du's Jiu Xian League, Zhang Hong's Hongbo Escort... these are all forces from Jiugong Pavilion!" Zhang Jingyue smiled faintly. Tao.

  Chen Xuan really started coughing slightly at this time, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Most of the people the girl had just mentioned were the top powerhouses active in the Jiugong Pavilion.

  In the recent period, he has heard a lot about the deeds of these guys, so now he has heard of these legendary names.

   just broke into this circle accidentally, which made Chen Xuan feel very surprised!

  (End of this chapter)

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