Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1058: Hidden secret

  Chapter 1058 Hidden Secret

  Chen Xuan was really surprised at this time, but even though the people mentioned in this Jingyue were legendary characters, Chen Xuan didn't care much, after all, these people might not interact with him for the rest of their lives.

  In this case, how strong they are, what does it have to do with Chen Xuan?

   "Master Chen Xuan really hope that I didn't leave you a bad impression today, and I'm leaving!" Zhang Jingyue said with a smile.

  Chen Xuan nodded faintly, pursing her mouth and a smile appeared, this girl was really polite!

   Then he clearly saw that under the feet of the girl in front of him, a faint light of spiritual energy radiated in the air, and then she disappeared in almost half of the time she could not breathe!

  It can be said that the speed is terrifying.

   "At a young age, the strength of the middle stage of the formation of alchemy, even the old monsters of Xiao Tianhe's level, is not an enemy of one in her hands. This really refreshed my understanding!"

  Chen Xuan helplessly shook his head and saw that he was really helpless at this time. Casting his gaze into the surrounding environment, he knew very well that this adventure should be over.

   "Two brothers, let's go!"

  Looking at the two people trembling in the corner, Chen Xuan's eyes sharpened.

  He knew that the people in front of him, including the people he saved earlier, had no patience or ability. But in Zipeng's narrative, these people seem to be very valuable, Chen Xuan immediately calmed down, and now he wants to know what the value of these people is! ...

  Hundreds of kilometers away.

  The rich and incomparable meat aroma in this valley makes people feel coveted. There is no doubt that if anyone can swallow it, I believe they can get considerable benefits.


  A flash of light burst out of the void beyond the valley. Accompanied by the emergence of this amazing scene. The previously seemingly hot barbecue behavior disappeared in an instant.

  In the space in front of you, it is not difficult to see at this time, the huge and lonely valley suddenly became a little lifeless.

   But in the valley in front of him, at this time, he could clearly see that Chen Xuan's figure came out with a smile, and the two weak and incomparable warriors behind him were pale.

  I felt like the sky was spinning the moment I fell to the ground. They immediately leaned aside and vomited.

"It's really weak." Looking at the two martial artists next to him, Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly at this time. This kind of person's ability is very weak, and there is no great ability, unless they are talented and potential. Have the advantage of terror.

  Otherwise, if you want to get the attention of a strong person like Zipeng, it is impossible to do it.

  In the space in front of me, I can see clearly at this time. After the figures that had disappeared before felt no danger, they all came out with suspicion.

After waiting to see Chen Xuan, they started cheering! ...

  People gathered together!

  In the deep valley in front of you, a group of hot and dazzling fire is radiating light.

Above the flames, the huge monster beast at this moment, with its extremely delicious meat exuding a faint fragrance, and the golden-colored hot oil coming out swiftly and violently. At this time, it can be clearly seen that everyone present is here. There is always a hungry hungry.

  The meat is really fragrant... Chen Xuan ate a few pieces of the fattest meat in that distant place, and at this time he pursed his mouth and smiled.

   "This is really delicious meat." Chen Xuan said lightly.

   "What's the matter with you?" Chen Xuan noticed the *** figure beside him. Since he brought these people back, he seemed a little unhappy.

  This naturally aroused Chen Xuan's attention. He ate all the barbecue on the silver plate. Chen Xuan licked the hot oil on his fingers. At this time, he really pursed his mouth and smiled.

  It’s just that there are some inquiries in this smile. Obviously, he really wants to know what happened at this time.

   "If you want to get those secrets, maybe you have to kill all these people." After a while, there was an indescribable killing intent in the depths of Elder Zi Peng's eyes.

  I have to say that this amazing killing intent makes people feel cold all over. Chen Xuan was shocked at once, and he asked in astonishment, "Is it necessary?"

   But for a moment, he felt that it was still inappropriate to say this, and he said again: "What's wrong with these people?"

   "They were not wrong but they were guilty of their crimes." Looking at the flames in the distant place, the depths of Elder Zi Peng's old eyes were cold and killing intent at this time.

  Chen Xuan pondered for a while, he looked at the old figure in front of him and said: "How serious is this?"

"Very serious."

   "Must do it?"

   "If we don't do it, someone else will do it!"

  Chen Xuan thought. After closing his eyes and analyzing the ins and outs of the whole matter, Chen Xuan finally found out the most original part of the matter: "What is the secret of these guys?"

  "It is something hidden in their bodies. Specifically, it should be fragments of some pictures!"...

   Thirty warriors in the valley in front of them are sitting cross-legged at this time. I can see that a faint spiritual energy is lingering on the surface of their bodies, and it must be said that it is very strong and strong.

  If you look closely, you may be able to find that the auras radiated by these people have a very subtle connection with each other.

  This makes these originally scattered people merge into a whole.

  It is not difficult to imagine that this amazingly powerful warrior is terrifying in terms of endurance and strength. I believe that as long as the strength can be exploded, it will bring terrifying blows and injuries to people in an instant.

  On the battlefield in front of me, I can clearly feel that in the fusion of these spiritual energy, these people now seem to form a whole.

  In the sky, these figures gradually transformed into a big outline. In front of this huge silhouette, Chen Xuan sat cross-legged and saw that his eyes were really exciting at this time.

   "Let me absorb it!"

   Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly sharpened. The terrifying siphon power suddenly surged out of his body.

  The huge silhouette in front of him started to move towards him. Along with the movement of this huge figure, it was possible to clearly see that the bodies of the thirty warriors present were all moved by the drag.

  At this time, he could clearly see that the faces of these people were instantly pale.

  Obviously when they continue to output aura, it is also when they are weakest.

  At this stage, any blow and impact on them is almost terrifying, and many people are now exhausted! And Chen Xuan continued to absorb in this state!

  (End of this chapter)

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