Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1084: Make a choice

  Chapter 1084 Choice

  Wang Yun's face turned pale. Although she still has the power to fight, after a brief period of contemplation, she still shook her head helplessly!

  Complicatedly looking at the young strong man who also kept her hands in front of her, she sighed helplessly and gave up the attack!

   Quietly retreated, Wang Yun chose to give up.

  Next is Zhou Jie.

  This person looks as sharp as a gun. The confrontation soon reached the point of white-hot, and then the cold wind suddenly rose, Zhou Jie turned into a flash of lightning, and he suddenly jumped to Chen Xuan's side.

  The astonishing storm whirled in the big hand. These fluctuations were as solid as flowing water, and they hit Chen Xuan with a punch.

  Chen Xuan counterattacked the weak fist and collided with him on the spot, Zhou Jie then groaned and withdrew.

  The not-weak collision made Chen Xuan also retreat two or three steps, and once again to look at the young man in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes inevitably seemed a little complicated at this time.

  Holding his fists tightly, he could clearly see that at this moment, he stared at the boy in front of him, and he really became a little frightened.

   "Two years of cultivation time in the early stage of alchemy, not bad."

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled, this guy is much more capable than Wang Yun.

  He moved his muscles and bones, and there was a popping noise all over his body. Without caring at all, his fists clenched the shocking aura fluctuations and rose rapidly.

  It can be seen that in the rapid heating of the spiritual light, silver light appeared.

  These rays of light are extremely dazzling, and at this time, under such astonishing convergence, they quickly formed a white color!

  This color is dazzling and clear, which makes Chen Xuan's combat power at this time suddenly rise.

   Amazing killing intent broke out!

  Chen Xuan sneered and stepped forward to De Zhou Jie's eyes, hitting him with three punches in a row.

  Zhou Jie groaned and vomited blood. While panting, he fell into the ring, and at this time he was hit by Chen Xuan and couldn't resist it.

  Because of this, I was defeated under the carelessness! ...

  The third game has begun!

   Facing the opponent who appeared in front of him this time, Chen Xuan just smiled faintly.

  Among the more talented young people, she is still relatively strong and has outstanding abilities.

  There is still some value in this game overall. However, although his opponent is not bad, in Chen Xuan's opinion, the specifications of this game are not high enough after all.

  Because in Chen Xuan's eyes, if he can't make him feel the danger and pressure of death, the price will be within a tolerable range after all.

  He nodded, haha ​​this thing is a bit interesting.

  On this battlefield in front of me, I can clearly feel it at this time, and the incomparable killing intent is terrifying.

   Kong Wei was originally quite strong, at least when confronted with Chen Xuan, she did not have much pressure and worry about existence.

   But when Chen Xuan brought it out, her face turned pale!

   trembled all over, her lips trembled unnaturally, and she looked at the young man inconceivably, she said in a little panic: "Why are your confidence so terrible!"

   "The more terrifying things are yet to come."

   "God's Annihilation Finger!"

   "Break it for me!"

   Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly became sharp. The astonishing spiritual light in the depths of the astonishing fingers surged, and it could be seen that he was really tyrannical to a certain extent at this time.

  The astonishing intensity of the fingers pierced the eyes in an instant. I have to say that this level of intensity cannot be easily resisted!

  "Thousands of flowers bloom!"

   Facing the shocking blow, Kong Wei's face became extremely pale at this time. Jiao Didi shouted angrily, and immediately sent the pink aura into his hands.

  The faintly blooming flower-core aura's spiritual energy fluctuations spread out in her hands. I have to say that this amazing intensity is a bit overbearing.

  A flower-core slowly emerged from Kong Wei's white hands. It is crystal clear, flowing with light like a work of art.

  This amazing brilliance really makes people feel dazzling. The white palms gently waved, and this amazing flower slowly moved out...

   Surging fingers of amazing strength, they immediately pierced the pierced flower-stamen in front of them, and it could be seen that the originally powerful fingers were hindered to a certain extent.

  But fortunately, the strength of this finger is naturally unusual. Although it was slightly obstructed, with the amazing piercing power surging inside it, it pierced it swiftly and violently!

  噗嗤! The astonishing and terrifying fingers immediately tore the pink flowers in front of him, and Chen Xuan's fingers unbiasedly touched the girl's shoulder.


   Flew out in an embarrassing manner, and at this time, he could see it clearly.

  Kong Wei withdrew seven steps in a row, hitting the tall plant behind her heavily, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

  The look in his eyes that looked a little indifferent and playful before, now became gloomy.

   When she rubbed her shoulders and looked at the incomparable youth in front of her again, deep fear appeared in the depths of her eyes.

  The battle is in its powerful play, slowly coming to an end!

   "What a nice boy."

  Pound looked at Chen Xuan in front of him, pursing his lips with a bright smile. But no matter how you look at it, there is something cold in this guy's smile.

   "Now everyone can choose your senior brothers and sisters. In the next few months, they will accompany you to lay the foundation." Pound said with sharp eyes.

  Several young people nodded excitedly at this time. After the tempering of the assessment, their current strength has improved a lot.

  What I can think of is that if you can enter the Jiugong Pavilion to practice, I believe you will get even greater benefits.

  Many people quietly followed Pound's guidance and walked towards the road. Chen Xuan was very low-key among them, and followed them gradually away.

   "Chen Xuan, please wait." Pound said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan slightly stunned him and looked at the young man beside him curiously, not knowing what he meant.

   "You don't have to go out to find others, what do you think of me?" Pound smiled faintly.

  Chen Xuan could clearly find that this guy had no good intentions. Before, he seemed to have a secret conversation with Zhao Yan, but he was actually heard by Chen Xuan.

   After all, his mental strength was not blown out.

   "I don't have much ability, I am afraid it will become a burden to you, sorry I don't want to accept your training and help." Chen Xuan waved his hand and refused.

  Pound suddenly narrowed his eyes and said with a flickering expression of dissatisfaction. He stopped Chen Xuan's path and said, "I am not afraid of any burden. Newcomers will take some detours. If you don't choose me, you will regret it."

  (End of this chapter)

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