Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1085: Dongyuan

  Chapter 1085 Dongyuan

   Pound is flowing with amazing aura fluctuations, faintly gathering not weak pressure.

  These pressures quickly hit Chen Xuan's body, causing a feeling of swelling and pain in his chest.

   Suddenly, the heavy pressure of a mountain made Chen Xuan have the urge to kneel down! He immediately clenched his fists, and the astonishing earth origin energy began to flow all over his body.

Most of the    flowed into his legs, making his defense power begin to become stronger at this time.

  "What if I must let you be my younger brother?" Pound sneered.

  Chen Xuan sneered: "Pavilion Master Wu Hai! This senior seems to be a bit bullying!"

   Just when his whole body was suppressed enough, Chen Xuan suddenly looked at the sky and made a cry for help.

Ok? !

   Pound suddenly became cold all over, Wu Hai is the pavilion owner of the Nine Palaces Outer Pavilion.

  Because his confidence and ability are extremely terrifying! If anyone dared to be presumptuous with him in the Jiugong Waige, it would almost be an act of seeking death.

  But where does anyone exist in the sky? Pound clenched his fists and looked again to see that Chen Xuan had disappeared.

   "What a **** little beast, I don't believe you can escape my control!" Pound roared.

  At this time, he was really moved and really angry. Pound did not expect that this kid would dare to use tricks when talking to him!

   "Boy, wait for me!"...

   "Chen Xuan...hehe, just follow me!"

  In this jungle, a pretty girl said with a smile at this time.

  This woman is wearing a green gown, her whole body is flowing with indifferent aura, and her overall temperament is also very calm, she knows that she is a pure and pure mind at first glance.

   Ye Fan saw the girl at a glance. He immediately stepped forward and looked at the girl, arching his hands and saying, "Well! I don’t know what the senior sister is called?"

   "Call me Sister Ziyu." The girl said lightly. However, Chen Xuan was still called by others, knowing that this girl with a very good temperament was called Xiao Ziyu.

   "I hope I can get help from Sister Ziyu in the future." Chen Xuan said politely.

  Xiao Ziyu nodded very satisfied, and looked at the youth in front of him with some appreciation, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes: "Well, let's not be so polite in the future, after all, we are all disciples of Jiugong Pavilion!"

   "Okay..." Chen Xuan felt that he had found a relative, and a very cordial feeling emerged, which made his mood invisibly better at this time.

  Immediately he followed Xiao Ziyu to familiarize himself with the environment.

  The outer pavilion of Jiugong is very large and has a range of hundreds of kilometers. There are tens of thousands of main buildings alone.

  In such a vast area, there are naturally many precious training places, and these training places are bound to be the main targets of countless talented disciples in the outer pavilion of the nine palaces.

During the    operation, Chen Xuan noticed that there were two distinct areas in this place. Its vertical and horizontal sides look very full, and the layout is reasonable and coordinated.

  The internal aura fluctuations are very terrifying and powerful. Those pure and incomparable fluctuations seem to be transformed into a state of water waves, and their crystal clearness is truly perfect.

   and its east side looks barren and sloppy, very dilapidated and depressed. The weeds and bushes look like a battlefield in the wild!

  There are only two parts separated by a wall at this time. There are such amazing differences at this time, which makes Chen Xuan surprised at the internal situation of the nine palaces and outer pavilions.

  After watching for a while.

  When dusk fell, they reached a low mountain. This mountain is located at the core of the entire dilapidated environment. Although the surrounding environment is very dilapidated, the place looks clean and tidy.

"Here will be yours in the future. The little guy should work hard and try to leave Dongyuan as soon as possible. After all, Xiyuan is the place where the real genius lies. If you can't enter Xiyuan within a month, then you are destined to not have it. What's the future?"

  Xiao Ziyu looked at Chen Xuandao with a smile.

  Chen Xuan nodded and watched the girl in front of him leave...

  Chen Xuan noticed that there were dozens of warriors in this place, and they were all over the barren hills of Dongyuan.

  But obviously the place where these guys are is is very different from the mountain peak at this central point.

  It’s not easy to say that the place where those guys are and the garbage dump doesn’t seem to be much different. Chen Xuan faintly noticed that the young people who came to participate in the competition this time were cultivating not far away.

  Chen Xuan remained silent.

  He knows very well that no matter whether it is in the Jiugongwai Pavilion or other places, he still has to rely on his own reality in the end.

  Although the starting point is relatively low now, it is not too cruel.

  After all, although this Dongyuan is still broken, there are still a lot of amazing auras under careful perception.

  As long as these auras can be absorbed, I believe that huge benefits can be obtained.

   Hmm... It looks like you can absorb and train now!

  The night sky is like a clean breeze.

  At the top of this very clean mountain, I could clearly see that Chen Xuan sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and paying attention.

  The faint light of aura lingers around his body, giving people a powerful and incomparable feeling.

  At this time, he could clearly see that the powerful and thick spiritual energy fluctuations began to quickly become stronger near his body.


  Chen Xuan smiled faintly, then he waved.

  A large number of scattered auras gathered together swiftly and violently. These scattered auras began to condense, and when they were condensed to the state of water waves.

   was absorbed into his body by a brain! At this time, Chen Xuan felt that his dry body was moisturized like water waves, which made his whole body feel extremely refreshing.

   exhaled a suffocating breath, and his training temporarily ended.

  'S eyes fell on a more distant place, and seeing that among the countless deserted hills, there seemed to be not weak spiritual fluctuations drifting away, which made him pursed his mouth at this time to show a smile.

"Seeing that Dongyuan’s aura reserves are not weak, why is the environment here so bad? It seems that this mobilized person is ignorant and does not want to make progress. As time goes on, he will be suppressed by his opponents. This has made Dongyuan today so dilapidated!"

  Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. If according to the current situation, Xiyuan’s aura might not be stronger than this one.

  It seems that what Xiao Ziyu said may not be all desirable.

  He moved his muscles and bones, and a smile appeared when he pursed his mouth. As long as he is given a period of time to practice, I believe that next time I see Xiao Ziyu, his achievements will make this woman feel so surprised!

  Chen Xuan pursed his mouth and smiled, as if he had seen this scene in advance, but it was also at this moment that his eyes suddenly sharpened!

  (End of this chapter)

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