Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1086: Battle of the Peak

  Chapter 1086 Battle on the Peak

  At the top of the barren mountain in the center of Dongyuan, Chen Xuan's hands were knotted in the practice.

  But while he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered that in the distant place of the mountain, an extremely cold figure was moving strangely towards this side.

  There are more than a dozen figures behind this figure, following this guy quickly moving forward in the dark night.


  Chen Xuan immediately squinted his eyes, but he remained silent and ignored.

  On top of this mountain a moment later, there was a young man in a black robe. With an extremely cold killing intent, he locked Chen Xuan down.

  "New here! Starting today, you will deliver five aura crystals every day, and I will collect them every evening! If you can't get it done, don't blame Lao Tzu for being polite!"

  The young man in black robes looks very domineering. There is an astonishing killing intent in the extremely black eyes, and the cloud-like form is even more terrifying!

  He locked Chen Xuan fiercely, and sneered and mocked.

   "If you want five pieces of spiritual energy, why don't you just grab it." Chen Xuan relentlessly fought back.

  The so-called aura crystals are naturally the martial artist through the continuous refinement of the aura, making it from a gaseous state to a liquid state.

  After a long time of hard work again, the liquid becomes solid!

  Even if it reaches a solid state, it will take a long time to refine it to extract a little aura crystal!

  This is a very difficult and tedious process. Even if Chen Xuan is able to endure some hard work, he should get four spiritual crystals.

  And if it is quite exhausted, five will be forced to make.

  The kid in front of him turned out to be five spirit crystals, which really made Chen Xuan feel a little bit dumbfounded.

  Looking at the kid in front of him, Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with a deep killing intent.

  His fists are clenched, and the spiritual fluctuations flow on the surface of his body. It can be seen that he is really a bit playful and joking at this time...

   "Boy, do you dare to confront me?"

  The eyes of the young man in the black robe suddenly began to sharpen. Chen Xuan vaguely heard from the dark shadows behind him that the kid in front of him seemed to be called Wang Tao.

  Wang Tao was surging with astonishing spiritual energy fluctuations. These dazzling rays of light contained a kind of extremely terrifying power and deterrent.

  It can be seen that his attitude began to gradually become cold.

   Staring at Chen Xuan, there is no such thing as a good face!

"You have a lot of nonsense. I advise you to take your people with you now, and go back wherever they come from. Otherwise, once you do it, you want to end it easily, but it won’t be so easy. ."

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes.

   An extremely cold aura spread all over his face. At this time, Chen Xuan's warning smell was very obvious.

  Wang Tao was said to laugh. He curled his lips and said sternly: "You kid really know how to say it, I want to see who is not so easy to end this matter."

  He moved his muscles and bones, and cold and merciless killing intent surged all over his body. These astonishing killing intents quickly suppressed Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan looked a little embarrassed at this time.

   Clenched both fists.

  Wang Tao suddenly turned into a touch of light, swish to De Chen Xuan's side.

  The white aura in the palm of his hand quickly became dazzling.

  His shot was the most powerful and fierce attack, and he immediately tore the air and fell fiercely!

  The cold and ruthless killing intent makes people feel very overbearing and terrifying. I have to say that this level of intensity is terrifying.

  The amazing intensity cannot be easily resisted...The death-like blow makes people feel heavy breathing.

  Wang Tao was really scornful and banter at this time.

   "Get off." A deep voice came from Chen Xuan's mouth, and he sneered and punched it out.

  In an instant, Chen Xuan's fist became more dazzling! The color of Senbai feels scary.

   Suddenly the fists of both sides slammed together. The shocking blow caused Chen Xuan to retreat three steps. At this time, he squinted and said: "It has been nine years since the beginning of pill formation? The confidence is really strong enough!"...

  Wang Tao also exited in embarrassment during the shocking collision. He retreated seven steps before stopping. He looked at Chen Xuan in astonishment and his eyes looked a little uncertain.

   "You know how strong I am!" Wang Tao said with a stern tone.

   Chen Xuan licked his lips and said, "But this is only a relative point of view, and it is nothing compared to me."

  He deliberately angered the warrior in front of him.

  After all, he has entered the nine-year period of the initial stage of pill formation. During this long period of time, his compression of spiritual energy and his ability to master the realm must have gradually reached the point of achieving perfection!

  Such astonishing strength and confidence, even those who have just entered the middle stage of the pill connection by virtue of their genius level, I am afraid they cannot be compared!

  If you don’t have enough ability to fight against this kind of person, or if you are careless because of contempt, I believe you will pay some price.

As expected, Wang Tao roared immediately after hearing Chen Xuan's words.

   "Then I will show you my true strength!"

  Fists clenched an astonishingly powerful treasure and appeared in his palm, and a black and dazzling steel hook suddenly appeared in his hand.

  The countless lines on the steel hook are surging with dazzling light.

  These lines are like earthworms, flowing on the surface of this black, rigid hook.

  It is these dazzling lines that increase the sharpness of the hook, making it possess and possess quite powerful destructive power in a short period of time.

  At this time, Wang Tao's eyes were filled with astonishing killing intent.

   "Just let you kid know how to get along and talk to seniors!"

  The extremely black Gang Hook in his hand swept out swiftly and violently, and a black trajectory suddenly remained in the air.

  The remaining power made people feel torn and corroded, and suddenly came to Chen Xuan's side.

   "The Evil Sage Cracking Spirit Clock." Chen Xuan sneered, and his palm with some spiritual energy fluctuations gently slapped the surface of the big clock.

  咚...The shockingly strong evil sound wave burst out suddenly.

  The horrible shock wave made people feel very overbearing and shocking. At this time, the shocking ripples made Wang Tao's face a miserable defeat.

  A pair of eyeballs became blurred at this time, and the damage of the treasure he burst out at this time dropped several times.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Xuan stepped forward.

  The cold air current gathered on the extremely black Evil Holy Cracked Spirit Clock in his hand, and a buzzing sound emerged from the inside of the big clock.

   With an indescribable heavy blow, he slammed down the steel structure almost swiftly and violently!

  The Evil Holy Spirit Splitting Bell is naturally not weak, and the astonishing force burst out, and the two sides immediately collided fiercely.

  咚... Thick ripples erupt, and a cruel sound of deafening emerges!

  (End of this chapter)

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