Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 203: Do everything in one mind

   Chapter 203

  Chen Xuan can be said to have become a busy man, and even some of the things that Lanshan said in front of him, he did not hear clearly, just nodded vigorously and said yes.

   "Did you hear what I said just now?"

  Lanshan looked at Chen Xuan's absent-minded appearance, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

   "Well, huh? What did you just say?"

Chen Xuan put down the charms in his hand. These days, Chen Xuan once again refined a set of Tiangang Five Thunder Array charms. After these spells were combined, the effect was remarkable. If the two imperial powers had not had some last resort on that day, , I'm afraid it was already killed by the Five Thunder Array that day.

  In fact, the power of the Five Thunder Array that day was very powerful, and even under the control of someone, it was more than enough to deal with the five imperial powers.

  Now Chen Xuan has too many enemies, even if it is not safe in this Medicine Master City, so this hand also needs some deterrent methods.

For example, a strong man like Shangguan Natian is about to step into the emperor realm with one foot. Such a person is quite threatening. Chen Xuan has made so many preparations for the principle of proximity. When the refining is successful and the preparations are sufficient, they will be killed in the Shangguan City.

  Refining all the Shangguan family.

  Such a thing Chen Xuan seems to be only in pediatrics.

  In the previous life, the number of people killed was almost innumerable, and his hands were stained with blood, even more than a person’s hair.

  Exterminating a Shangguan family in Chen Xuan's eyes is not a great thing at all.

  If Chen Xuan is really offended, then he will directly refine those ten forbidden drugs and poison all the people in the entire empire. In this way, the entire world will be much cleaner.

   "I just said that tomorrow, Fang Ziwu and the others will come, and the second prince, you must not provoke the second prince!"

   Lanshan said bitterly, Chen Xuan waved his hand after hearing it.

  ‘Okay, okay, you’ve been talking about these things these days, and your ears are almost getting calluses. If you delay your work any more, you can leave them all to you. "

  Chen Xuan threatened, and then pointed to Zhao Xuanwu and others who were trying to train themselves.

  Lanshan people are old and fine, naturally knowing that these people in front of them are all the pillars of the elder generation of the empire, and one of these people can be taken out, and they are all the people who stomped the medicine city.

  Even when Lanshan came, he would say hello one by one, but the Duke of Red Mountain can be said to be very easy these days. He wandered around in this Medicine City every day, and sometimes even picked up his sisters by the way.

I've been carefree and comfortable, Chen Xuan has gradually remembered this guy, and he even dared to put himself in secret.

  Threw some pots on him.

  "Ahaha, I succeeded, I finished writing, Lord President, look, look!”

The first one to finish writing turned out to be Zhao Xuanwu, because Chen Xuan previously agreed to Zhao Xuanwu. If Zhao Xuanwu could finish writing first, then he would tell the latter about the arrangement of the three-level spirit gathering array, and advance it. Let the latter learn the arrangement of the second-level spirit gathering array.

  That's why Zhao Xuanwu would use such labor.

   "What, just rely on this little ink in your stomach. I'm afraid that you can't even recognize the words on the Tao Te Ching, and you have written it first."

Nangong Jing said mockingly, who doesn’t know that Zhao Xuanwu is a big boss, let him kill, it is simple, but if he wants to write, he should use his mental power to control the pen to write, it is more than asking him to pick it up by himself. It's harder.

   "Oh? Let me have a look?"

When Chen Xuan and others got in front of Zhao Xuanwu's calligraphy and painting, they suddenly felt that they were hit by nine hundred and ninety sky thunders. The whole person was softened by thunder. This guy is too much. Come on, do you think you are blind?

I wrote it out, but this character can almost be danced with dragons, flying, and phoenixes. Even after Lanshan saw it, he couldn’t help but snorted, and finally he forcibly held it back, so I didn’t dare to laugh, but this character was written. It's really a bit stubborn.

  "When did the old man practice martial arts all his life, when did he write the words? Anyway, I have drawn this Tao Te Ching from beginning to end. You are right one by one!"

Zhao Xuanwu was also pouting his beard and his face was dissatisfied. Although he said he could not write, it was indeed written from the beginning to the end according to the entire book of Tao Te Ching. It was indeed amazing, in order to obtain Chen Xuan. The guidance can be said to be exhausted.

   Chen Xuan also smiled dumbly when he saw this.

  "Remember, mental power is not your own, but an existence beyond your own. Does imagination know?"

   After Chen Xuan finished speaking, seeing the old men shook their heads blankly.

  In the end, he sighed helplessly.

"What is imagination? For example, when Zhao Xuanwu saw Widow Zhang, who was on the opposite side, was handsome and beautiful, with **** and fat buttocks, but he also had a wife. What should I do? Then imagine, imagine what you are doing. Pleasure, mental power is such a pleasure, although you can't get it, but you can imagine! This word, you write badly, because you take mental power as your own hand."

  Speaking, Chen Xuan also used his mental power to control a brush, and a piece of white paper was spread directly on the table. For Chen Xuan, who possessed the imperial mental power, it was really a simple matter.

   "In reality, mental power is not anything, but it can also be anything."

  After finishing speaking, a series of movements were made, and the brush actually wrote exactly the same handwriting as Zhao Xuanwu on the white paper.

   "The reason why the mental power is strong is because there are infinite possibilities!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the hundreds of writing brushes on the table were all flying! Falling on the white paper, and each pen is writing a different word, the entire Tao Te Ching was written in less than a minute!

This. At least it's done with one heart and one mind!

When they saw this scene, Zao Wou-ki, Nangong Jing, Liang Yiqiu, and others finally understood why Chen Xuan’s mental power was so powerful that he could lay out a three-level formation and refine a three-level spell. It was because Chen Xuan’s clear understanding and thorough understanding of these principles can almost instantly enlighten Dao,

  In the realm, it is far inferior to Chen Xuan.

   "Wonderful, wonderful!"

  Nangong Jing was the first to applaud, and the rest of the elders also applauded.

   "Okay, don't be lazy, keep practicing."

  After finishing speaking, Chen Xuan also turned around and shook his head. These unpromising people had to say so clearly before they could think clearly.

  (End of this chapter)

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