Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 204: arrival

  Chapter 204 Arrival

  Youyou on the official road.

  A group of convoys were slowly advancing on the road. The thirty-six guards guarded them. Their mighty appearance made almost any bandits and bandits daunting. Seeing them from a distance, they would want to escape.

  There will be no mentality of blocking the road and robbery at all.

In the center of the convoy there is a carriage with gems the size of pigeon eggs inlaid on its wheels. It is magnificent and splendid. From time to time, there are some popular carriages, which makes people can't help but look at it. Who can sit on this carriage is definitely life. Winner.

  However, those who are familiar with the road know that this is the carriage owned by His Majesty’s favorite Second Prince.

  Just the cost of this carriage is worth the income of a small city for a year.

  Fang Ziwu rode a horse beside the carriage of the second prince, and assumed the role of guard. Although he was the vice-chairman of the Chiffon Empire Alchemist Guild, he was still a courtier in front of the prince.

  Must take responsibility.

While    was advancing, the two princes poked their heads out and glanced at the long road ahead.

   "Elder Fang, how long will it take to arrive? My **** is about to be broken."

   said the second prince.

  Fang Ziwu gave his hand slightly.

   "Back to Your Highness, it's less than three hundred miles away. You can arrive tomorrow morning."

   "There is still tomorrow. If you don't go, you can go home!"

As    said, the second prince raised his hand, and the guards in front of him stopped immediately.

After receiving the command,    also made a gesture.


Fang Ziwu suddenly gritted his teeth. On the way, His Highness the second prince can be said to be doing all kinds of evil, and he is constantly doing death. He walked here to play, went there to play, saw the girl here teasing, and the children there bullying. , Everything can be done, the prince does not look like a prince.

  At this moment, we are about to arrive at the Pharmacist City. It turned out that the whole team is about to turn around in one sentence. You are obviously doing things, but Fang Ziwu, a courtier, has no way to do it, and can only smile barely.


   "His Royal Highness, there is less than three hundred miles away to get there, and his Majesty also said before that he wants to let His Royal Highness personally guide this exchange event."

  The pharmacists who came to the pharmacist guild from the emperor's capital all rushed to the city of pharmacists from another direction, and they did not go with Fang Ziwu and the others.

   "I have given you five days, and you can't go anywhere in these five days. You have all been delayed. You can't blame me for this, return!"

  Speaking, the second prince closed the curtain angrily and ignored Fang Ziwu.

  Behind Fang Ziwu, Ji Tianshu gritted his teeth with hatred.

  If you don’t have a good father, you are nothing but rubbish. You can crush to death at will, but now you are showing off in front of yourself, and you are so crazy.

   "Ahem, Your Majesty the Second Prince, I heard a few days ago that Wei Ruoxue, the first beauty in the empire, is in the city of Pharmacists." Ji Tianshuce said immediately.

Fang Ziwu also glanced at Ji Tianshu in a little surprise when he heard this, and was quite happy that the latter was able to come up with this strategy.

   "What!? Wei Ruoxue is in Pharmacist City!?"

The second prince poked his head again, and there were endless surprises in his eyes. The name of the first beauty in the empire has been heard for a long time, even as the second prince, he has no chance to see it, because of this Wei Ruoxue I have always stayed in my own home and never came out.

The city where the Wei family is located is quite remote, so the two princes have never seen this Wei Ruoxue, but they have seen a portrait. In the imperial capital, even a portrait of Wei Ruoxue is enough to sell tens of thousands of gold coins. The high price.

  I can actually see it now, let alone how excited it is. I didn’t expect that there would be such benefits.

   "You can be sure!"

  The second prince looked at Ji Tianshu and said solemnly.


   Ji Tianshu forcibly endured the nausea in his heart, and replied with a smile.

Seeing the performance of the hungry ghost in the second prince, I was extremely disdainful. What the second prince is clearly a rubbish, rubbish, stupid, and even a pile of shit. If it weren't for the emperor's father, The second prince is not even worthy of carrying shoes for himself!

   "Haha, well, if I didn't see Wei Ruoxue in Pharmacist City, I would definitely ask you for it!"

  His Royal Highness the Second Prince seems to be in a good mood.

   "Turn around, go to Pharmacist City!"

   With an order, the convoy turned its direction again. These soldiers can be said to be obedient to His Highness the Second Prince.

   Seeing that the second prince changed his mind again, Fang Ziwu was also relieved, and gave a thumbs up to Ji Tianshu behind him. His apprentice is still quite smart, and his actions at this time are quite wonderful.

  However, he had not walked many meters before he saw the second prince rush out of the carriage.

   directly fell on a horse.

  "Drive! Elder Fang, I'll take a step first, take your time!"

   "Your Highness can't wait!"

  The figure of the second prince flew out.

  And after that, two quick horses chased up.

   is the two personal guards of the two princes, one named Lian Qiu and the other named Binghun.

   Both of them were cultivated by the two princes personally, and were loyal. Anyone who wants to harm the two princes can use their lives to protect the latter in the first place.

  The three fast horses disappeared into the night.

   Seeing the movements of the two princes, Fang Ziwu was also speechless. He was simply a hungry ghost in the color, and he was also a hungry ghost in the color.

   "His Royal Highness, these two princes, really mud can't support the wall."

The mere beauty is enough to make the latter so impatient, what great things can be achieved in the future.

   "It's up to him to be such a trash, if not, his Royal Highness, can he tolerate the latter?"

Ji Tianshu sneered. In addition to the identity of the disciple of the God of the Underworld, this Ji Tianshu also has another identity, that is, the staff under the account of the prince. This time he came here to observe the two princes, whether they are true or not. Stupid or fake stupid, now it seems that it is indeed a real waste.

   "But if I went to Medicine City this time, I am afraid it will be the last days of the two princes. As far as I know, Wei Ruoxue is in the house of that person named Chen Xuan."

   "Oh?" Fang Ziwu didn't know Wei Ruoxue before, but he knew that Chen Xuan was not easy to provoke.

  Unexpectedly, Wei Ruoxue had something to do with Chen Xuan. If Chen Xuan was really as fearless and fearless as the legend, he might really kill the two princes. If this happened, wouldn't it be killing two birds with one stone.

  Chen Xuan killed the second prince, and the empire would also take action against Chen Xuan.

  On your own terms, you can at most be punished for one crime. Ineffective protection. As the vice president, you can't behead yourself.

   "Cook, trick!"

  (End of this chapter)

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