Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3476: The horror of Qianyuan's phantom wing dragon

  Chapter 3476 The Horror of Qianyuan's Phantom Wing Dragon

At the beginning, Chen Xuan provoked two Qianyuan phantom winged flood dragons in Tianlong City, but the two Qianyuan phantom winged flood dragons did not bird him at all. No matter which one, the cultivation level reached the fourth level of the Shenluo realm. Chen Even if Xuan and Dugulun were tied together, they would never be the opponent of any Qianyuan Illusion Wing Flood Dragon.

Phantom shadows suddenly appeared in front of him. Chen Xuan discovered that the purple Qianyuan Phantom Wing Flood Dragon exuded a burst of thunder, and the Qianyuan Phantom Wing Flood Dragon that had just tracked him was covered with a layer of extremes. Really frosty.

Two Qianyuan phantom winged flood dragons collided fiercely in the sky, and a burst of extremely frosty tortoise shells were smashed. Obviously, this Qianyuan phantom winged flood dragon with thunder attribute had a stronger cultivation base, but his The edge can destroy the Extreme Frost Tortoiseshell, but it can't completely damage the Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragon on the opposite side.

   "The battle between these two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragons is really terrifying." Chen Xuan whispered.

When they were watching on the ground, there was a purple thunder in the sky suddenly, and it struck down in Chen Xuan's direction. Chen Xuan was so frightened that he hurriedly used the "Vermilion Power" and finally blocked it. After it came down, there was another extremely real frost that spread from around Chen Xuan and directly sealed his arm.

   "Are these two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragons fighting? Or are they hitting me!" Chen Xuan couldn't help muttering.

But he also ran the "Suzaku Power" quickly, dispelling all the extremely true frost surrounding him, and fierce anger emerged in front of him, and Chen Xuan and Du Gulun could only rush to the cave. inside.

   "The strength of these two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragons is indeed very powerful, but they will affect us when seen below." Du Gulun complained.

Judging from the look on his face, Dugulun obviously wanted to continue to watch the battle between the two Qianyuan's phantom winged dragons, but Chen Xuan knew how terrifying the power of Qianyuan's phantom winged dragons was. When they hid in the cave, Chen Xuan also began to condense the true energy in his body, speeding up his cultivation. He knew that only by breaking through to the fourth level of the Shenluo realm could he have the foundation to compete with Qianyuan's Phantom Wing Dragon.

"By the way, Chen Xuan, I seemed to have heard that these two Qianyuan phantom winged dragons were fighting here because they were fighting for the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade". Then I think, this "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" is very It might be in this cave," said Dugulun.

   "Yes, you are right. This "Bone-Crushed Dome Hook Jade" may indeed be in the cave where we are." Chen Xuan's pupils suddenly widened, and he looked at the cave carefully.

"Let’s look inside, and while these two Qianyuan phantom winged flood dragons are fighting, if we can find the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade", we can make my cultivation level break through to the fourth level of the Shenluo realm. It is very likely that your realm will reach a breakthrough." Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

  Just do it, Chen Xuan and Dugulun immediately looked towards the depths of the cave, but they thought so, why not the monsters in Fenglei Valley thought so.

For these monster beasts in Fenglei Valley, the battle of these two Qianyuan Phantom Winged Flood Dragons left them nowhere to hide. Suddenly, many monster beasts also began to escape into the cave, which made Chen Xuanhe Dugulun felt miserable.

Although these monsters that escaped are not as terrifying as Qianyuan's Phantom Wing Dragon, their cultivation bases are not weak. Many of the monsters' cultivation bases have reached the second level of the Shenluo realm, especially the number of these monsters. a lot of.

   "Chen Xuan, there seem to be many Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers coming here?" Dugulun said suddenly.

Chen Xuan said in a low voice and cautiously: "Of course I can feel it. Why do these Tianzhao magic winged tigers suddenly come in? Is it because the two Qianyuan phantom winged dragons are fighting, and they also received the "Bone-Crushed Sky Gouyu". So I want to come here to get a share of the pie."

   "It should be, otherwise why do these Amaterasu Devil Winged Tigers come here?" Dugulun said.

"You also quickly kill these Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers, we can't waste time with Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers." Chen Xuan knew that his current goal was to find the "Bone Breaking Sky Gouyu", these people broke in. Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger also attacked them immediately.

  One of the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers burst into a layer of Yuan-breaking thunder, and directly rushed towards Chen Xuan.


  The thunder of breaking the yuan spread rapidly in the cave, causing Chen Xuan to immediately take out the Liaoyuan sword and wave a sword aura.

  With Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, the control of Liaoyuan's sword qi has reached the realm of perfection.

The fierce flames immediately burned toward the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger, even though the cultivation base of these Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers had reached the second level of the Shenluo realm, but facing the burning of these terrifying flames, their body was full of scorching black. It was another shock. The blade in Chen Xuan's hand slammed into the body of the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger and directly smashed the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger away.

  Two Qianyuan phantom winged dragons were fighting outside, while Chen Xuan and Dugulun were fighting with Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers in the cave.

  These Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers, as many monsters that can be used in Fenglei Valley, most of them have mastered the power of Fenglei, this kind of power can only exist in a few monsters.

More Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers only possess the Thunder attribute. When the Yuan-breaking thunder that bloomed from them hits Chen Xuan's body, Chen Xuan escaped extremely easily, and another sword aura bloomed out. Directly hit the Amaterasu Devil Winged Tiger.

The body of the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger was shot out hundreds of meters, and it fell on a distant wall. Chen Xuanfei kicked and held the head of the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger, blood and brains flowed. come out.

   "The little Amaterasu Demon Winged Tiger still wants to provoke me. It really does not live or die." Chen Xuan said loudly.

Dugulun also fully displayed Dugu Sword Art, a fierce sword aura continued to bloom, and the bodies of several Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers were immediately destroyed by them, and they used Dugulun's current cultivation base to deal with Amaterasu Demon Wings. The tiger is also extremely relaxed, just a few short rounds, they left wounds on the body of the Amaterasu Devil Winged Tiger.

Suddenly, ten minutes later, the twenty-odd Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers that just broke in were all beheaded by Chen Xuan. After taking out the inner alchemy from the Amaterasu Demon Winged Tigers, they did not continue. Staying here, but hurriedly searching for the way forward.

   "I suspect that the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu" must be in the deepest part of the cave. We continue to look for it, maybe we can find it, but let's be more cautious." Chen Xuan suddenly turned around and said.

He hurriedly followed behind him and took the giant sword back. Dugulun also replied: "Brother Chen, I really didn't expect that there would be so many Amaterasu Devil Winged Tigers here. Are you sure that the "Bone-Crazed Sky Gouyu" is inside Right?"

  What exactly is "Bone-Crushed Dome Gouyu"? Chen Xuan didn't know clearly, but these two Qianyuan phantom winged dragons actually made a big shot because of the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade", which shows that the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" must be very precious.

  It might not be so easy to **** the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" from the hands of these two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragons.

   Just as Chen Xuan continued to deepen into the cave, he suddenly felt a roaring sound and thunderstorms gathering in the sky.

   "There seems to be some power at work ahead." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

Dugulun nodded constantly, his pupils also looked at the front carefully, and felt a fierce thunder coming from the front. Chen Xuan discovered that there was a lilac thunder in front of him, but this force also began to move towards. Their bodies are wrapped around.

   "No way, there is such a strong power, is this "Bone-Crushed Dome Gouyu"." Chen Xuan was full of shock.

  The power of this "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" is really terrifying, and the power of thunder contained in it can definitely make Qianyuan's Phantom Winged Dragon's cultivation breakthrough, but Chen Xuan himself cultivates Vermillion Bird's Fire.

Getting the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" might not help him at all, but he just turned his head and found that there was also a spar emitting a red light next to it. The energy contained in it was spinning in the sky. It's much richer.

   "What's the matter? Why do I feel that this power is stronger than what I have just encountered, as if this is the real "Bone-Crushed Dome Gouyu"."

  The genuine "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" was next to them, but Chen Xuan didn't notice at all. Instead, he put all his attention on the thunder spar.

Seeing the genuine "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade", Chen Xuan's face suddenly became happy: "Unexpectedly, we would meet the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" here, so quickly get the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" down. , I must use the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu" to improve my cultivation and deal with the two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragons outside the cave!"

Dugulun rushed over immediately, just about to reach out and grab the "Bone-Crazed Vault of Gou Jade", but suddenly bursts of terrifying auras around the "Bone-Crazed Vault of Gou Jade" directly took the bodies of the two of them. Blocked the past.

   "No way, this "Bone-Crushing Dome Gou Jade" actually has such a powerful force. It seems that it is not so easy to get "Bone-Cast Dome Gou Jade"." Du Gulun whispered.

  Chen Xuan moved the "Power of Vermilion Bird" in his body, and began to continuously attack the core of "Bone-Crushed Dome Gouyu".

"Dugulun, this "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" can only operate with its inner core. I think the Qianyuan Phantom Winged Dragon also set up a spiritual formation in this "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade". If you want to block us, you can rest assured, as long as the formation in the inner core is broken, we can get this "bone-breaking dome jade"." Chen Xuan said.

  In order to obtain the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade", they also spent a lot of effort. After several hours of hard work, Chen Xuan finally injected his own qi into the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade".

A light red light burst out from the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade". At this moment, the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" began to slowly fall from the sky, and the surrounding shell gradually disappeared. Chen Xuan took all his power back. He directly grabbed the "Bone Breaking Dome Gouyu" in his hand.

The "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" is much heavier than Chen Xuan imagined. Although it is only a small piece of spiritual stone, it weighs several thousand jin. After grasping the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade", Chen Xuan became greedy Absorb the spiritual power inside.

   "The power of this "Bone-Crushed Dome Gou Jade" is almost the same as I had imagined before, so quickly absorb the power of "Bone-Crushed Dome Gou Jade"." Chen Xuan said hurriedly.

Qianyuan’s phantom winged dragon absorbing the energy in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" is not a one-time absorption, because the power of this "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" is too terrifying. Bring a huge burden.

After continuous absorption, Chen Xuan could feel that the power in the "Bone-Crushed Dome Hook Jade" was constantly gathering. Even though it had been absorbed for a long time, the energy in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" still showed no signs of dissipating. , He is still blooming continuously.

As the ferocious spiritual energy was spreading, Dugulun also hurried over and said to her in a hurry: "Chen Xuan, we must not absorb the energy of the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu" here, just in case these two Qianyuan Fantasy The winged dragon suddenly ended the battle and came back halfway. We were in danger."

  Chen Xuan also nodded cautiously, received the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" into his ring, and then carefully looked forward.

   "Yes, we have to escape from here as soon as possible." Chen Xuan lowered his voice, and he could feel that the battle between the two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragons was about to end.

  (End of this chapter)

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