Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3477: The power of the broken bone dome gou jade

  Chapter 3477 The power of the bone-breaking dome gou jade

  If these two Qianyuan phantom wing dragons were discovered, Chen Xuan and the others would not have the slightest chance to leave here.

The cultivation bases of these two Qianyuan phantom wing dragons were extremely terrifying. Even if Chen Xuan burst out with all his power, it was absolutely impossible to deal with them. Fortunately, after Chen Xuan got the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade", he received some of them. Part of the energy also restored Chen Xuan's cultivation base a lot.

Now he can make his speed the same as before. In just a few minutes, Chen Xuan has already left the cave, and the two Qianyuan phantom winged dragons in the sky are still fighting, but at this moment , Chen Xuan discovered that one of the Qianyuan phantom wing dragons realized that his "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" had been stolen.


  A thunder that broke the yuan suddenly struck down in the direction of Chen Xuan. Feeling this fierce energy, Chen Xuan and Du Gulun immediately escaped towards the distance.

   is another wave of thunder, which is also mixed with waves of extremely real frost, and it also swiftly attacked them.

  Heaven and earth were constantly containing all kinds of energy, launching a fierce attack on Chen Xuan and Dugulun, Chen Xuan could only resist desperately, but fortunately, they were not slow, and finally left the neighborhood after half an hour.

The two Qianyuan phantom wing dragons who were fighting also stopped the fight immediately. Instead, they stared fiercely into the distance and found that their "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" had been stolen. Qianyuan's phantom wing flood dragon, who had the power of wind and thunder, also roared in anger.

   "This **** human actually stole my "Bone-Crushed Dome Gouyu". I will never let them go. All these humans are damned!"

"The third child, the fight between the two of us has been going on for two years. You see, this "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" has now been snatched away by humans. You must help me to get the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" back. , If you can help me get the "Bone-Crushed Vault of Gou Jade", then you don’t need to come over to fight with me, I will naturally share the energy of "Bone-Crazed Vault of Gou Jade" with you." This thunder-attributed Qianyuan Phantom Winged Dragon Said.

   "Okay, don't lie, since I promised you, I will definitely find you "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade"." Said this extremely frosty Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragon, Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragon.

However, this Qianyuan phantom wing flood dragon clearly showed a touch of cunning color. If he could really **** the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" from Chen Xuan's hand, he would not bring it back at all, but absorbed the internal energy by himself. .

After hiding in a safe place, Chen Xuan immediately mobilized the true energy in his body, constantly absorbing the energy in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade". Now Chen Xuan has clearly felt that his dantian has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy. You can break through in one step.

   "There is still a little bit to break through the four levels of the Shenluo realm..." Chen Xuan was full of anxiety, and he could feel that Qianyuan's Phantom Wing Dragon was already following her.

   "Dugulun, help me quickly." Chen Xuan said suddenly.

   "What can I help you?" Du Gulun scratched his head, his face was full of doubts, and he didn't know why Chen Xuan said that.

"Then you should also quickly absorb the aura in the "Bone-Crazed Sky Gouyu" and let your cultivation breakthrough as soon as possible. With my strength alone, I am not necessarily the opponent of the Qianyuan Phantom Winged Dragon. It is difficult for me to deal with him. "Chen Xuan said slowly.

Chen Xuan's strength reached the fourth level of the Shenluo realm, and at most he could only block one Qianyuan Phantom Wing Flood Dragon, but if he encountered two Qianyuan Phantom Wing Flood Dragons, he would have no way to deal with it, and only Dugulun. His cultivation base broke through like him, even if he couldn't reach the fourth level of the Shenluo realm, but only entered the third level, it would still bring a lot of help to Chen Xuan.

Dugulun did not continue joking, but showed a cautious look. He carefully observed the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" on the palm of Chen Xuan's palm, and continued: "Chen Xuan, the energy in this "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade" is very If it is abundant, you must be careful when absorbing it, and don't let the "Bone-Crushing Dome Hook Jade" damage the dantian."

  "Is there anything more to pay attention to?" Chen Xuan asked doubtfully.

   "Well, of course, when I was in the Demon Wind Empire, I had heard of the origin of this "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade". It is said that it was condensed from the aura around the ice for thousands of years."

   "Well, what then?" Chen Xuan asked again.

"The spiritual energy condensed from the thousand years of ice is harmful to the human body. When absorbing, you must not gather all of your brain into the dantian, but first pass through your heavenly spirit cover. Only the heavenly spirit cover can remove this extremely cold frost. All the power is gathered to succeed."

   "Then I will try!" Chen Xuan lowered his eyes, a burst of red light radiated from his pupils, after releasing the "Power of Vermillion Bird".

  Dugu Lun was immediately surprised: "I didn't expect that your "Suzaku Power" could actually withstand the aura of this thousand years of ice. It really surprised me."

"Haha." Chen Xuan smiled: "There are so many things that you didn't expect. Hurry up and help me. The two of us quickly absorbed all the aura in this "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade", and waited for the two Qianyuan Illusion Wing Flood Dragons. When I come, I can only eat fart."

   "Well, hahaha, what a..." Then Du Gulun laughed.

But the expression on his face immediately became low, and he looked at Chen Xuan's "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" carefully, and said helplessly: "Chen Xuan, although you can safely absorb the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" with the Fire of Vermilion Bird Reiki, but I’m different. If I directly absorb the energy of the "Bone-Crushed Dome Jade", it is likely to cause damage to my body."

   "Then you don't have to worry, I can first use the Suzaku fire to form a protective layer around the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu", then it will become much easier for you to absorb it."

   Just do what you say, Chen Xuan immediately gathered the "Power of Vermillion Bird" and wrapped it around the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu".

The "Power of Vermillion Bird" emerging from the body wrapped the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" rounds, and Chen Xuan also absorbed the power in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade" again. After just half an hour, Chen Xuan I feel that my body temperature has dropped sharply, almost reaching three degrees Celsius.

   "The extremely frosty power of "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu" is actually so powerful." Chen Xuan said softly.

"Well, of course, this is a thousand-year-old ice, do you know what this concept is." Dugulun said broadly, "This thousand-year ice is only frozen on the body of the three masters of the Shenluo realm, you can directly They punish you, Brother Chen. Fortunately, you have the "Power of Vermilion Bird" so that you can absorb the energy in the "Bone-Crushed Dome Jade" so unimpeded. Oh, I can't do it."

"Hey, don't talk so much nonsense. Just absorb it. I have used "Suzaku's power" to help you get through all obstacles. The thousand-year ice has been weakened by my Suzaku fire. It can be absorbed."

   "Really?" Du Gulun asked tentatively.

  "Can this be fake? When did I lie to you? Are you looking down on me, Chen?"

   Thinking of this, Dugu Lun suddenly thought of the incident when Chen Xuan cheated her to eat the "Dragon Scale Pill", which caused him to be hit by the water on the date. Thinking of this, he hated it.

"Chen Xuan well, I will believe you once this time, but if something goes wrong with me, you must hurry and save me. I don't want to let my life be buried here." After Dugulun finished speaking, It also directly gathered the true energy in the body, and began to continuously absorb the energy in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gou Jade".

  After being absorbed, Du Gulun's eyes instantly brightened. I found that when I absorbed the aura of "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu", it didn't bring any side effects to his body: "Ah, oh, oh, oh, ah, it's my brother Chen, I didn't expect it to be absorbed by me. The thousand-year-old ice power of "Bone-Crushed Dome Gouyu"

  After continuous absorption, several hours have passed without knowing it, and the lightning attribute Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragon has also been standing not far from Chen Xuan.

   suddenly opened his eyes, his face was full of horror, seeing Chen Xuan still carefully absorbing the power inside, he said: "You quickly absorb it, I feel that the Qianyuan phantom dragon is coming."

  Chen Xuan was already completely immersed in his own world. He didn't pay attention to Dugulun at all. He didn't even notice that Dugulun was already jumping up and down in a hurry.

  When a fierce force radiated from the outside of their hiding place, Chen Xuan felt that there was a breath of Qianyuan's phantom wing dragon, which was constantly approaching them.

   "I will be able to break through in a while, you first help me divert this Qianyuan phantom wing dragon." Chen Xuan said anxiously.

  Dugulun swallowed. He knew that Qianyuan's phantom wing dragon was extremely difficult to deal with, but in order for Chen Xuan to break through to the fourth level of the Shenluo realm, he could only do that.

  "What realm has your cultivation reached?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Dugulun was running True Qi, and found that his cultivation had broken through to the initial stage of the triple stage of the Shenluo realm, and he had increased two levels in a row, indicating that the energy in the "Bone-Crushing Dome Gou Jade" was very useful for cultivation.

  After absorption, Chen Xuan's body temperature is already far lower than that of ordinary people, but now he can only continue to absorb the spiritual energy inside to make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

Dugulun slapped it out, only to see in the sky, a Qianyuan phantom winged dragon was staring at him, his huge and red eyes exuded a fierce aura, followed by a thunder that broke the origin. He directly hacked it down and smashed towards Dugulun.

  Dugulun immediately raised the huge sword and blocked it in front of him, but the Thunder of Breaking Yuan directly hit Dugulun’s huge sword, knocking his body out hundreds of meters and reaching the far wall.

  The cracks listed on the wall are like spider webs. Dugulun's body is embedded in it, and there is no way to get it down.

"This **** Qianyuan phantom wing dragon, when Chen Xuanxiu's base breaks through, you must be good-looking." Running Zhen Qi, and then swallowing a dragon scale, Dugulun greatly increased his defense power, and then began. escaped.

  With Dugulun's eyes to attract Qianyuan's phantom winged dragon, Chen Xuan has enough time to absorb the energy in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Hook Jade".

  After several hours of improvement, Chen Xuan felt that the aura in the dantian was one step away from the bottleneck. He only needed to absorb one more hour, and he could completely break through to the fourth level of the Shenluo realm.

  "Give me a breakthrough!" Chen Xuan let out an angry roar, and the "Suzaku power" all over his body was rippling in front of him. Although these were two completely different powers, Chen Xuan could already use it skillfully.

The energy in the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu" was still continuously converging into his body. After a few more hours, Chen Xuan suddenly opened his red eyes, but at this moment the aura emanating from his body was completely different, becoming More powerful.

   "Finally let me break through to the fourth level of the Shenluo realm. This little Qianyuan phantom winged dragon, you killed me so much at the beginning, I will definitely not let you go." Chen Xuan's heart was full of murderous aura.

But Duguluan was quite embarrassed at this time. Facing the chase of Qianyuan's phantom dragon, he could only swing left and right, and finally escaped the thunders of breaking the yuan, but suddenly a similar light group appeared in front of him. , Hit his chest directly.

  Dugulun's body was directly knocked to the ground. After several hours of escaping, his current physical strength was almost exhausted, and it was good luck to be able to block the Qianyuan Phantom Wing Dragon's attack.

   "Damn it, this nasty Qianyuan phantom wing dragon actually forced me to this point." Du Gulun couldn't help but cursed.

   But he was helpless. If it weren't for the "Dragon Scale Pill" Chen Xuan gave him, Dugulun would not be able to withstand the blow of the Qianyuan Illusion Wing Dragon.

   Qianyuan’s Phantom Wing Dragon’s deep voice exudes: “Humans, hurry up and hand over the "Bone-Crazed Dome Gouyu" to me, otherwise I will make you look good today!"

  (End of this chapter)

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