Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3583: Zhang Yuanzhi

  Chapter 3583 Zhang Yuanzhi

  He believes that his cultivation base, even in the entire Scarlet Cloud City, can definitely be considered the top ten.

  But under Chen Xuan's attack, he was instantly defeated.

  What realm has his cultivation reached?

  Zhang Yuanzhi kept thinking in his heart, but in the end he didn't get the answer.

   "Could it be that his cultivation level is comparable to our three top powerhouses in Scarlet Cloud City?"

  At this moment, many dragon blood warriors who were onlookers under the stands also let out a cry of exclamation.

  In their impression, Zhang Yuanzhi's cultivation base is extremely strong. Although he can't reach the top three, he can at least make it to the top ten, or ninth in any case.

   has reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, and he also found a dragon stone stele.

  Even in the entire Scarlet Cloud City, the number of people who can find the dragon stone stele is very rare.

  After all, not everyone can absorb the dragon stele.

Although the   dragon pattern stone steles are scattered all over the world, not everyone who cultivates dragon patterns can awaken the power in them.

  Only when it resonates with the dragon pattern will it absorb the energy in the dragon pattern stele.

  After all, the power of dragon patterns varies greatly, but a slight difference will cause the same goal in different ways of cultivation.

   Seeing that Zhang Yuanzhi was defeated, there was a man in black robes under the stands, his face also full of murderous aura.

   "This Zhang Yuanzhi is really rubbish. I didn't expect to lose out so soon. I want to ask for advice. What is Chen Xuan's cultivation level?"


  An obese man with a body size of nearly three meters appeared on the competition stage.

  After he jumped out, the whole competition platform kept shaking.

   "I'm afraid this guy is about to have a ton..." Chen Xuan's heart was full of shock, and it was the first time he saw such a large body.

  After the black-clothed man walked up, some warriors suddenly began to exclaim.

   "I didn't expect him to come too. Didn't I see that he had left Scarlet Cloud City before?"

  This is Lu Yunhong!

   "Unexpectedly, Lu Yunhong will also come. It seems that we can win this time. We must teach Chen Xuan a lesson and let this kid know that our people in Scarlet Cloud City are not easy to provoke!"

  Lv Yunhong has a strong cultivation base and is the top powerhouse second only to the top three among the three young generation powerhouses in Scarlet Cloud City.

   "Lv Yunhong is here. It seems that I don’t have my share. This time I am destined not to be a disciple of Master Yuwen. What a pity."

   "Oh, you still don't think so much. Even if Lu Yunhong doesn't come, there is no chance for you at all. Let's take a good look at which of them can win."

After Lu Yunhong came out, everyone cheered for him.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuankeng had many treasures of these dragon blood warriors, and this group of warriors hated Chen Xuan very much.

   "Lv Yunhong, you just kill him directly, don't worry about that much!"

   "Kill him and you can get the guidance of Grandmaster Dragon Mark!"

  These dragon blood warriors all thought that Lu Yunhong could win.

  Chen Xuan's expression was also slightly lowered. He felt that Lu Yunhong, who weighed nearly one ton, had a very strong cultivation base.

   "I don't know what state he has reached."

  Lu Yunhong stood on the martial arts stage, motionless as a mountain.

  And above his palm, he also held a long knife, watching Chen Xuan coldly.

   "You are Chen Xuan, I seem to have heard your name before, you killed my uncle."

   "I will kill your uncle." Chen Xuan asked doubtfully: "Is there anything about this?"

  He really didn’t know who the uncle of Lu Yunhong in front of him was. "

   "Hehe, don't pretend to be garlic with me here, otherwise, why do you think I am going back to Scarlet Cloud City, I am here to kill you!" Lu Yunhong suddenly rushed.

  An extremely fierce blade suddenly slammed into Chen Xuan's neck.

not good.

  Chen Xuan was shocked.

  He felt a terrible murderous aura carried in this blade, even if it was running the power of Suzaku, there was no way to resist it.

   "Where the blade is directed, your physical body can also defend? Don't be foolish, hahaha, your cultivation is not my opponent at all, today you are destined to die by my sword!"

  Under Lu Yunhong's continuous attack, Chen Xuan quickly retreated to the edge of the competition stage.

  If any of them falls, the game will end directly. This is also the tradition of the Dragon Blood Empire.

  Although the life and death battle of the Dragon Blood Empire is more cruel, they will still have a chance to survive. As long as they voluntarily surrender, they will not be killed by the opponent.

  The dragon blood empire has almost no counsel. They will fight to the last drop of blood before they die. This is also the reason why the dragon blood empire is strong.

  And in the competition stage, you can also see the epitome of their personalities.

  Even if it is impossible to win, these dragon blood warriors will kill to the last moment, unless they are killed by the opponent, otherwise they will never stop attacking.

  When he came up, Chen Xuan felt that he was in trouble. After all, although the strength gap between him and these dragon blood warriors was not very great, he couldn't stand this round of battle.

  There are so many people, Chen Xuan will definitely not be able to hold their offensive turns alone.

  Not to mention that Lu Yunhong's cultivation is extremely strong, even not much different from Chen Xuan.

  On the entire stage of the martial arts competition, only the two of them quickly shuttled through, and Chen Xuan did not dare to carry it head-on.

  A ton of multiple bodies, it hits him like a monster, and his sword is extremely powerful, every time it is accompanied by waves of murderous aura.

  Under Chen Xuan's continuous dodge, Lu Yunhong suddenly showed a sneer: "I thought you were so powerful, but you only know how to escape, it's just a laugh!"

  Chen Xuan was also bitter, and was sealed by Lu Yunhong’s sword energy as his final escape

  Chen Xuan now can only fight to the death.

   Swinging the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan's face carried a fierce look: "Since you are forcing me, then don't blame me."

  The third stage of Wan Jian Jue!

   Chen Xuan roared.

  Swords of blue-blue sword lights immediately surrounded both sides of his body. Under Chen Xuan's control, the swords of light rushed towards Lu Yunhong one after another.

  A sensation!

  Lv Yunhong's body was immediately repelled, and a drop of blood flowed out of his arm.

   "What the **** is going on? He learned the sword technique of Wanjian Villa, it's terrifying..."

  "This is the sword technique of Wanjian Villa. I heard that this is the most famous sword repair school of the Kamikaze Dynasty!"

  There are many dragon blood warriors, and they are all surprised in their hearts.

  They naturally know the Thousands of Swords in the Wanjian Villa, and they also know that there are many variants of the Ten Thousand Swords. Only the third stage that Chen Xuan has just displayed is only the third stage, which already possesses such a powerful power.

   "Unfortunately, you are not my opponent yet." Chen Xuan whispered.

Yu Wentian, who was observing next to him, is now surprised: "This kid has a very strong talent for the power of the dragon. I can't think of his talent in martial arts, and it is also not weak. It seems that what I thought was right. , His dragon pattern power definitely got the guidance of an expert."

  "Is that the person from Wanjian Villa?" Yu Wentian couldn't help thinking.

After all,    is also Grand Master Longwen, and he can only tell from Chen Xuan's actions just now.

  Chen Xuan has fully displayed the power of the dragon pattern. If it were placed three hundred years ago, even Yu Wentian would not have the terrifying talent of Chen Xuan now.

  It took such a short time to cultivate to the second level of the dragon pattern, and the entire dragon blood empire wanted to find something stronger than his talent, I am afraid it was rare.

   Yu Wentian indulges these people to challenge him, Chen Xuan also knows in his heart that even though he and Yu Wentian have been together for a few months, Yu Wentian still doesn’t understand Chen Xuan’s true cultivation.

  He definitely wanted to take this opportunity to see what level of Chen Xuan's cultivation level had reached, and whether he could deal with masters two levels higher than his realm.

For Lu Yunhong, he must win this battle. One is to prove that his behavior is better than Chen Xuan, and the second is to avenge his revenge, because Chen Xuan killed his uncle. Lu Yunhong must win this battle.

Chen Xuan always had a calm smile on his face. This battle did not allow him to use all his cultivation skills, and after the second level of the power of the dragon pattern was released, he was condensed with shocking auras all over his body. , Will set off his whole person in it.

"Boy, although you have obtained the power of the dragon pattern, the second level of power, but it is only the fifth level of the Shenluo realm. I, Lu Yunhong, don't care at all, because you are definitely not my opponent." Lu Yunhong's face is covered. With a grinning smile, he said to him ironically.

  If it weren’t because there were so many people around him watching, Chen Xuan would have killed him a long time ago.

   "It's arrogant." Chen Xuan smiled: "Many people want to kill me, but now their graves are all ten feet tall, you are the next one."

   "Hehe, Chen Xuan, don't speak big words here, don't think that I am the same as those trash, just relying on your current cultivation base, wanting to deal with me, it is a foolish dream!"

  At the same time, many dragon blood warriors who were deceived by Chen Xuan are now shouting and cheering for Lu Yunhong. "Lü Yunhong, we must kill him, and pay for the silver we lost!"

   "Hurry up and kill this kid. Seeing him arrogant here makes me very upset."

   "Yes, my kid is really nasty. Not only did he cheat a lot of things from me, but he didn't even say hello!"

Chen Xuansi did not put their words in her ears, but shook her head: "Lv Yunhong, now you need to worry about yourself. If you offend me, maybe I will really kill you on this martial arts stage. dead."

   "Come on, stop talking nonsense." Lu Yunhong once again raised the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan's direction quickly.


  Chen Xuan's body suddenly released bursts of ferocious aura. The next moment, the Liaoyuan sword circled his body directly, and a majestic sword aura was released.

   condensed a thousand sword shadows, and then slammed in the direction of Lu Yunhong.

  Under Chen Xuan's attack, Lu Yunhong had no chance to resist at all. It was just a few seconds before he was directly knocked out by Chen Xuan.

  The next moment, Chen Xuan retracted the Liaoyuan sword, gently tapped his toes on the ground, and then appeared in front of Lu Yunhong, stepping on the opponent's head with one foot.

   Once again the true energy gathered in the body, Chen Xuan's face was full of madness, and the whole body revealed the aura of killing gods.

   "Unexpectedly, his power has become so strong!" Lu Yunhong was surprised in his heart. He just wanted to raise his long sword to defend, but he found bursts of fierce aura that instantly passed in front of him.

   However, under the attack of Wan Qian Jian Qi, Lu Yunhong was not an opponent after all.

  'S body was knocked out in an instant. As for Chen Xuan, he didn't let go of this opportunity. Once again, he swung the Liaoyuan sword, which was mixed with the flames of Vermillion Bird, and hit Lu Yunhong's body.

"It seems that you are destined to lose in my hands today. I am afraid it will not be so easy to avenge your uncle." Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, and his eyes scanned Lu Yunhong's body. It also made his body tremble uncontrollably.

  Impossible! Why is his cultivation so strong? Why is he and I both the second power of the dragon pattern? But his realm is higher than mine, could it be because of his practice with Yu Wentian?

  It is definitely not easy to be able to practice with Yu Wentian. It seems that Chen Xuan must have a killer skill that he has not used!

  On the competition stage at this moment, Yu Wentian remained cautious.

After being flew out by Chen Xuan, he stopped in place, did not continue to attack, and began to scan Chen Xuan, trying to find weaknesses, and launch a fatal blow.

  (End of this chapter)

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