Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3584: Dare to challenge me?

  Chapter 3584 Dare to challenge me?

  On the competition stage.

"Don't look at it. There is no way to break my body-refining defense based on your swordsmanship. I think you should not try it. If you surrender now, maybe I will give you a chance." Chen Xuan is holding a long sword. , Feng Qingyun said lightly.

   "I don't believe it!" Lu Yunhong yelled, and rushed towards Chen Xuan again, and his speed suddenly increased.

  Chen Xuan shook his head: "Since you don't believe it, then I can't help it."

  Sword Qi began to rotate around his body, and another fierce sword aura was released, which quickly slammed into Lu Yunhong's direction.


  I only saw Lu Yunhong's body being repulsed by red sword lights. At this moment, his heart was full of shock, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

   "This is impossible, why did his cultivation reach such a terrifying state? I am obviously better than him!"

  At least on the surface, Chen Xuan's cultivation is weaker than Lu Yunhong.

   But after Lu Yunhong was knocked out just now, he also felt how strong Chen Xuan's cultivation level was. Even when facing the three masters of Scarlet Cloud City, he had never felt this kind of aura.

  It's so easy!

  Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. Although his cultivation base was one level higher than himself, Chen Xuan won very easily. There were no scars on his body, just a touch of aura.

After being repelled twice by Chen Xuan, Lu Yunhong resolutely gave up the attack.

  He is not stupid, knowing that there is a gap in cultivation level between himself and Chen Xuan. If he continues to provoke Chen Xuan, then Chen Xuan will definitely kill him directly.

Where there is life, there is hope!

"It is true that you have practiced with Yu Wentian, your cultivation is really good, but don't think I will let you go, Chen Xuan, one day, I will definitely surpass you, and then I will kill you!" Lu Yunhong fiercely Said.

  In order to avenge his uncle, he would naturally not give up. If he finds a chance, Lu Yunhong will definitely count against Chen Xuan.

   "Did I let you go!" Chen Xuan suddenly said in a cold voice.

"What?" Lu Yunhong hurriedly turned his head, his eyes were full of horror, and he knew that his cultivation was definitely not Chen Xuan's opponent. If he continued to fight on the martial arts stage, his final result would only be cut off by Chen Xuan. .

   "What's the matter? What else do you want to do?"

   "Hehe, you just tried to kill me several times in your attacks. Since you wanted my life, how could I put you back?" Chen Xuan whispered.

   "Then what do you want to do?" Lu Yunhong's voice was extremely cold, but his body couldn't help shaking.

  The opponent's cultivation base is much higher than him, even if he wants to resist, there is absolutely no way he can do it.

  In addition, Yu Wentian is obviously partial to Chen Xuan.

Just curling his mouth and smiling, Chen Xuan continued: "This battle is not over. There is a tradition in the Dragon Blood Empire. If you accept the life and death battle, once someone walks down, you will be a coward. In the Dragon Blood Empire, you will not surrender. This traditional."

  Lu Yunhong gritted his teeth suddenly, he knew what Chen Xuan said was reasonable.

  In their dragon blood empire, if you walk down from the martial arts stage, it means that you are not as skilled as people, and you will never be able to raise your face to see people for a lifetime.

   "Damn..." Lu Yunhong's heart was very flustered. He originally wanted to find a chance, and when his strength broke through, he went to Chen Xuan to settle the account.

  But now Chen Xuan would not let him leave at all, which also made Lu Yunhong a little panicked.

  Should I leave? If you leave now, it will definitely become the joke of everyone's ridicule.

   But if he doesn’t leave now, Lu Yunhong’s cultivation is by no means Chen Xuan’s opponent.

  In the short confrontation just now, Lu Yunhong has now been seriously injured, and there will be absolutely no good fruit to continue the fight.

   "Chen Xuan, what do you want!?" Lu Yunhong's voice was extremely cold.

A question made Chen Xuan's expression become mocking: "Lv Yunhong, I thought you were a man. I didn't expect you to be a coward, and you're still a trash. It's just a rubbish. People like you really throw the Dragon Blood Empire. Face, don't say I know you from now on."

what did you say!

Lu Yunhong’s face was full of anger, but immediately afterwards, he grinned and said, "Okay, Chen Xuan, if you are good, I am indeed not your opponent. Today, I, Lu Yunhong, gave in. One day, I will definitely come to you. of."

  He didn't hit Chen Xuan's aggressive strategy, but arched his hand at the top of the competition stage, and left in the eyes of everyone.

  After seeing him go, many of the dragon blood warriors who had been clamoring before, now they dare not speak.

  While Chen Xuan shocked these warriors, some people had already secretly reported the battle situation to the people of the three major families.

  In a short while, several young talents from the three major families came over.

  The three major families in Scarlet Cloud City have monstrous rights, and even Scarlet Cloud City’s lord must give them a bit of face.

Among the three major families, a middle-aged man wearing a black long dress and a serious face, he immediately walked over and asked: "Master Dragon Blood, why do you want to accept a person from the Kamikaze Dynasty as an apprentice? Why don’t you teach it to my son!?"

  This man is the head of the three major families. As soon as he arrived, he immediately asked, his tone full of dissatisfaction with Chen Xuan.

  "How do you know that I am from the Kamikaze Dynasty?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

   "Hehe, how did I know? You kid is the lord of Skydragon City, do you think I don’t know? You killed our Great Sacrifice in Scarlet Cloud City. I always remember this!"

  At the same time, young talents from the three major families also rushed in.

  These three people are all disciples cultivated by the three major families, and they are also very strong. They are also the strongest masters among the younger generation in Scarlet Cloud City.

Naturally, Song Qingqiong was ranked number one. When he arrived on the martial arts stage, he immediately asked: "Master Yuwen, this person is definitely from the Kamikaze Dynasty. Why would you accept him as a disciple instead of choosing? Those of us from the Dragon Blood Empire?"

  Song Qingqiong originally thought that if Yuwentian chooses the heirs, he would definitely choose them. Among the three major families, Song Qingqiong's family is definitely the strongest.

  Their Song family occupies almost 30% of Scarlet Cloud City's power. Even the city lord of Scarlet Cloud City depends on the expression of their Song family.

  Song Qingqiong thought that the person who could get the inheritance of Yuwentian was definitely him, at least the one who had the most chance.

  But when he learned that Yu Wentian finally chose Chen Xuan as his inheritor, his heart was also very angry.

   But he naturally didn't dare to ask Yu Wentian questions, and only picked Chen Xuan's fault.

  After all, the Dragon Blood Empire also has an unwritten rule that no master of the dragon pattern can accept people from the Kamikaze Dynasty as heirs.

  After all, the battle between the two empires has entered into full swing. Although it has calmed down in recent years, it is still on alert.

  Especially in Song Qingqiong's eyes, Chen Xuan cannot be compared with him no matter what.

"A small city lord of Sky Dragon City, ha ha, I really don't take it seriously." Song Qingqiong said in a low voice, "Moreover, this kid has a problem with his conduct, and he actually deceived others. It has already reached the city lord!"

   Seeing his son’s continuous questioning, the Song family’s patron didn’t say a word, just holding his arms and smiling coldly. Obviously, he also felt that Song Qingqiong’s question was right.

   "Yes, Chen Xuan did use my name to deceive some people's wealth, but there is nothing wrong with his character."

   "You said he was from the Kamikaze Dynasty, but what evidence do you have? Where was Chen Xuan born? No one knows, do you know?" Yu Wentian asked in a low voice.

  At this moment, Yu Wentian also focused on Chen Xuan.

After Chen Xuan realized this, he immediately stepped forward and said to them: "Everyone, I was not born in the kamikaze dynasty, so why can't I get the inheritance of the dragon pattern? Besides, I am also cultivating the power of the dragon pattern. Everyone is equal. Isn’t this the consistent aim of your Dragon Blood Empire?"

  In the Dragon Blood Empire, even the imperial royal family advocated equality.

  Most of the warriors of the Dragon Blood Empire can be reused as long as they can awaken the power of the dragon pattern.

  Regardless of birth or poverty.

  And the Dragon Blood Empire will not hesitate to spend all costs, just to cultivate a person.

   sneered, Chen Xuan said: "You said I lied to them. I'm afraid you don't know the situation at that time!?"

   "What was going on at that time!?" Song Qingqiong asked immediately.

Chen Xuan laughed: "I just walked out of the mansion and saw this group of people standing outside, saying that I am the servant of Master Yuwen. I have explained to them, but they didn't believe it, so I too There is no way."

"Hehe, you kid is really good at arguing, since you want to die, then don't blame me for being polite!" Song Qingqiong snorted coldly, and then a fierce breath gathered all over her body. Started to squeeze in the direction of Chen Xuan.

At this moment, the patriarch of the Song family also chuckled, and said with a fist to Yuwentian: "Master Yuwen, we didn't do this with the intention of doing it right with you, but because you are a respected senior in Scarlet Cloud City. It should be admired by thousands of people, and your apprentice must also be recognized by our Scarlet Cloud City and even our entire Dragon Blood Empire!"

  "Master Yuwen, this apprentice of yours is still very poor-mouthed. It seems that he is very confident in his cultivation, and he dares to talk to my son in this tone."

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly: "Then what do you want to express?"

  Since the opponent has risen to the level of the entire dragon blood empire, Master Yuwen can no longer speak for a while.

   "They are right. Looking for heirs, you really need to be recognized by the entire Dragon Blood Empire. You can't just casually." Yu Wentian said softly.

  But Yu Wentian is also very confident in Chen Xuan's cultivation, and believes that Chen Xuan can deal with Song Qingqiong.

   "Do you think you can deal with me with your cultivation base?" Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, and a murderous look appeared on his face.

Song Qingqiong chuckled, her face full of disdain: "Chen Xuan, what's the matter? You really thought it was my opponent. Although you defeated Lu Yunhong just now, I tell you that I am completely different from Lu Yunhong. It depends on yours. The cultivation base can't be compared with me at all. In the end, you are just an ant that I stepped on!"

  "What if you lose?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "Hehe, don't say such arrogant words, you must be the one who loses." Song Qingqiong is very confident of his cultivation base, no one is his opponent in Scarlet Cloud City, and has reached the late stage of the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm.

   Coupled with the double cultivation of the dragon pattern realm, among the monks of the same age, it is difficult for me to be better than him.

   "Then you make a bet." Chen Xuan said.

   "Hehe, that's not necessary, because you will definitely be killed by me. I will fight you to death. I wonder if you dare to accept?" Song Qingqiong asked coldly.

  It’s not going to be crazy with them, are you going to have a life-and-death battle!

  The cultivation base that Chen Xuan broke out just now was quite strong, and even Lu Yunhong was not his opponent, maybe Song Qingqiong might not be able to beat him.

   "Hehe, forget it, I don't want to make things so big, if you kill you, your father will definitely find me trouble." Chen Xuan said softly.

   "What are you talking about!" After hearing that, Song Qingqiong's face suddenly showed a murderous look: "Boy, don't be so proud, do you really think you can beat me?"

  (End of this chapter)

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