Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3586: Song Qingqiong

   Chapter 3586 Song Qingqiong

   "Chen Xuan, I am indeed not your opponent. What I said before, I will honor my promise."

  Song Qingqiong is also a veritable man of the Dragon Blood Empire, knowing that he is not Chen Xuan's opponent, so he simply admits it.

  At this moment, he suddenly fell on his knees.

  In the eyes of other people, this is simply unreasonable. Dignified Scarlet Cloud City, the most prestigious master of the younger generation, is actually kneeling down for Chen Xuan.


  In the vicinity of the entire competition platform, countless warriors looked at both of them with shocked eyes.

  Chen Xuan easily defeated Song Qingqiong with his own strength, and it seemed that he hadn't used much strength yet.

   Could it be that Chen Xuan's cultivation has surpassed Song Qingqiong, and surpassed our three top powerhouses in Scarlet Cloud City?

  Among the younger generation of Scarlet Cloud City, he is definitely considered a top master.

  Many warriors in Scarlet Cloud City let out a cry of exclamation. They originally thought that Chen Xuan would not win, but in the end they repeatedly slapped them in the face.

After seeing Chen Xuan's victory, Yu Wentian smiled, and immediately walked towards him: "Chen Xuan, your kid's cultivation level is really fast, you really deserve my fancy. People."

  And the leaders of the other three families are also somewhat helpless.

  I can only blame my son for not being able to live up to it, and his cultivation level is completely inferior to Chen Xuan.

  Even a strong man in the realm of Song Qingqiong, he couldn't pass a few moves in Chen Xuan's hands, and was defeated by Chen Xuan in just a dozen rounds.

  After this battle, Chen Xuan was also a blockbuster in Scarlet Cloud City. Basically the entire Scarlet Cloud City knew his name.

   When everyone talks about him, they will talk about Chen Xuan who easily defeated Song Qingqiong. Among the younger generation of warriors in Scarlet Cloud City, Chen Xuan was the most resounding one.

  No warrior dared to question Chen Xuan's cultivation level, and naturally no one dared to challenge him again.

  Now, Chen Xuan has obtained the dragon pattern inheritance of Yu Wentian.

  After a day's rest, they also returned to the mansion.

  Now Chen Xuan is not ready to return to Xingyue Sect. He knows very well that there is no benefit in returning to Xingyue Sect now, and it is likely to attract the attention of other schools.

  When Chen Xuan was in the game, he killed many disciples of the school.

  Of course, if others don’t provoke him because of Chen Xuan’s character, he naturally doesn’t bother to take care of others.

  All these people were killed by themselves, trying to kill Chen Xuan and rob him of his belongings, but instead of stealing chickens, they were killed by Chen Xuan instead.

  Chen Xuan has accumulated a lot of experience in carving dragon patterns for several months.

  Now Chen Xuan can already sculpt some basic spirit patterns proficiently, and within a month or two, he can understand all the basic spirit patterns, which is enough to make Yuwentian embarrassed.

   "It took me so long that year to master all these basic spiritual patterns. Chen Xuan is really terrifying. It took only two months to completely master it..."

  Using the power of dragon patterns to refine tools, Chen Xuan also discovered that dragon patterns can not only be used to carve spiritual patterns, but also can be used for enchanting.

  These refined artifacts can give them stronger power through the power of dragon patterns.

  Now Chen Xuan has carved a dragon pattern on the Liaoyuan sword. As for the power of this blade, it has become stronger than before.

  According to Yuwentian's current statement, Chen Xuan has mastered the basic rune carving skills very proficiently.

  If he wants to go further, he still needs to explore it himself. As for Yuwentian, he can teach him some more advanced dragon carving methods.

  With Chen Xuan's current level, it is impossible to learn these extremely advanced carving methods.

  A few days later, when Chen Xuan was trying to carve dragon patterns on the monster leather, he suddenly found that the dragon pattern covering the monster leather had actually increased a lot.

   "It seems that I have become more and more proficient." Chen Xuan looked at his proud work with a smile on his face.

   At this time, he suddenly discovered that he had accidentally hit and bumped, and he had actually developed an extremely strange dragon pattern.

Although    is only a low-level dragon pattern, it also proves that Chen Xuan has made great progress in dragon pattern carving.

  "Hurry up and show me!" When Yu Wentian heard the news, he hurriedly asked.

  Chen Xuan smiled lightly, opened the storage ring, and his wrist was shaking slightly, and the monster leather suddenly appeared.

Stroking the leather, Yu Wentian’s face became more and more intoxicated: "Good kid, I didn’t expect you to spend so much time studying the dragon pattern on your own. It’s not bad, this dragon pattern is indeed very complete and can be used for improvement. Cultivation base, but there is a little flaw, can I explain it to you?"

have flaws?

  Chen Xuan was also full of surprises in his heart. If you can get Yu Wentian's reminder, Chen Xuan's progress will be faster.

"You are optimistic. The dragon pattern you have researched is only an increase in speed, but the effect of the increase is too small. When you use the power of your soul and divine consciousness to carve the dragon pattern, you must not half-hearted, otherwise, The effect will definitely be greatly reduced!"

  Chen Xuan slowly nodded: "That's what I said, when I was carving dragon patterns, what I was thinking about was alchemy."

  "Practice what pill? Boy, you listen to me? If you can master the spirit runes skillfully, the whole world will be your back garden, huh, do you know what I mean?"

  Chen Xuan smiled and said, "Of course I know that the number of high-level spiritweave masters is very rare, and it is even less than the number of alchemists."

  But the top levels of these two professions are basically similar.

  The number of spirit patterns is rare, because most of the people who can carry out spirit patterns have already mastered the power of very skilled spiritual consciousness, otherwise it would be impossible to engrave spirit patterns.

   "Listen to me, you still have a flaw here..." Yu Wentian pointed to the monster leather, and again patiently explained to Chen Xuan.

  After talking for a few minutes, Chen Xuan nodded slowly: "That's it, I finally know."

  "Being able to study a spiritual pattern carving method does prove that you are about to become a teacher, haha, you kid can be regarded as my inheritance."

  As the dragon masters, they must inherit. In the next thousand years, the inheritors will definitely inherit their mantle.

In the next few days, Chen Xuan has been studying the carving skills of spirit patterns. Finally, after a few days, Chen Xuan has now mastered the carving of spirit patterns more proficiently.

  These days, Yuwentian has indeed helped Chen Xuan a lot, and Chen Xuan's heart is very grateful.

  One day, Chen Xuan found Yu Wentian, told him his thoughts, and left.

And when he left, Yu Wentian also took out a yellowed book from his arms, approached slightly, and said to Chen Xuan: "Chen Xuan, you are optimistic, this book is where I practiced dragon patterns before. Some thoughts from that time may be useful for your future cultivation. Take these away."

  Chen Xuan looked at the book, then smiled lightly: "Thank you, I will definitely remember your great kindness."

  Even Chen Xuan did not know why this Yuwentian had to help him so much.

  Chen Xuan is not a member of the Dragon Blood Empire, and Yu Wentian is still the dragon pattern master of the Dragon Blood Empire.

   "Hehe, Chen Xuan, are you wondering why I should help you?"

Yu Wentian nodded: "Don't think about it so much. What is recorded in this book is my original understanding of cultivation. If you encounter a bottleneck, you can turn this book out and have a look. It will definitely be for you. A lot of help."

  "Since you want to leave, I will naturally not keep you. It just so happens that I also have something to do. If there is a chance in the future, we will meet again."

  Speaking of this, Yu Wentian suddenly approached: "Chen Xuan, if there is a dragon blood empire killer who wants your life, you can directly report my name, they will definitely not do it."

  Yu Wentian, as the master of the dragon pattern, has a great influence in the dragon blood empire.

  Only in some very important cities in the empire, there will be the existence of the dragon master.

  This time Chen Xuan defeated the three major families, which would definitely cause him a lot of trouble.

  Yuwentian also knew that the three major families would never give up. What he said this time was a reminder to Chen Xuan, fearing that he would relax his vigilance on the road and be tricked by others.

  Chen Xuan cleaned up, and then he was about to leave here.

Shortly after Chen Xuan left, in one place, a young man who was almost three meters tall had a fierce face: "This kid made me make a fool of myself in front of so many people and made me unable to lift my head. He must be killed!"

   had not left yet, the young man naturally did not dare to do it, but followed Chen Xuan's back, looking for opportunities.

   Chen Xuan, who was about to leave here, naturally did not know that there was another person following him.

  Unconsciously, Chen Xuan had already arrived in the nearby Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range.

  At this moment, as soon as he stepped into the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range, Chen Xuan felt that danger was coming.

  He stared at the front carefully and felt the call of a monster beast coming, so Chen Xuan also showed the power of the dragon pattern, and a terrible aura burst out all over his body.

  The power of the monster beast suddenly approached, and Chen Xuan also yelled, and instantly swung a sword aura into the jungle in front of him.

  When this sword aura exploded, two Dark Flame Demon Tigers suddenly appeared around.

  It was the first time that Chen Xuan saw the Dark Flame Demon Tiger in the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range. He only saw these two Dark Flame Demon Tigers, and they rushed towards him with their teeth and claws.

  Among the teeth of one of the Dark Flame Demon Tigers, a puff of toxin was directly sprayed towards Chen Xuan.

  No squeak!

  This venom suddenly burst beside Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan also showed horror, and the venom fell on the vegetation nearby, immediately causing the trees that had grown extremely lush to wither.

   "These Dark Flame Demon Tigers have actually mastered the venom." Chen Xuan was filled with surprise, but he hurriedly waved the Liaoyuan sword, his wrists shook lightly, and a fierce aura was immediately released.

  When the sword qi hit the Mingyan Demon Tiger, Chen Xuan suddenly felt the power of a mysterious warrior coming from behind him.

   "Who is it?" Chen Xuan hurriedly turned his head and found an extremely tall figure with a terrifying aura exuding all over his body, quickly approaching him.

**** it!

  Chen Xuan roared, but he still had to deal with the Mingyan Demon Tiger in front of him, and this figure was leaping towards him, Chen Xuan couldn't resist, and he was directly knocked out.

  From the opponent's swordsmanship, Chen Xuan can also feel that this person is very likely to be Lu Yunhong who was defeated by him in Scarlet Cloud City.

   "I didn't expect it to be you." Chen Xuan whispered.

   "Haha." Lu Yunhong took off the veil on his head, his face was full of fierceness: "Don't think I dare not do anything to you in Scarlet Cloud City, I dare not dare to come out."

   "What can you do? Are you following me?" Chen Xuan asked.

  At this moment, the two Mingyan Devil Tigers in front rushed towards him once and again.

  Chen Xuan also discovered that the two Dark Flame Demon Tigers were both controlled by Lu Yunhong.

  Dragon Blood Tribe originally had a very ancient technique of controlling beasts, which can control some monsters to fight for themselves through powerful gods.

Lu Yunhong must have used these techniques to control the two Dark Flame Demon Tigers here in advance and set an ambush for him. Fortunately, Chen Xuan's cultivation base is not weak, and these two Dark Flame Demon Tigers would never give him. What a threat.

  Even the strongest Dark Flame Demon Tiger was only at the beginning of the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, and with the addition of Lu Yunhong, Chen Xuan did find it a bit tricky.

   "Lv Yunhong, although you don't know who your uncle is, since you want to kill me, then you don't want to leave the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range." Chen Xuan said.

  (End of this chapter)

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