Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3587: Lu Yunhong who engages in conspiracy

  Chapter 3587 Lu Yunhong who engages in conspiracy and tricks

   "Oh ha ha ha, Chen Xuan, you are so naive, thinking that I was defeated by you in Scarlet Cloud City, my cultivation level is really inferior to you, and I still haven't used a killer."

   "There are still assassins that have not been used, then you can just use them. I want to see what you can do." Chen Xuan also said.

  Lü Yunhong chuckled, and then waved the long sword in his hand, an extremely fierce aura slowly rising from his chest, followed by a stream of dark red air currents, enveloping him.

   "You show me the power, this is the power of the dragon stone stele I got before, and it allows me to absorb your true energy. I don't believe it, you can still resist my attack."

   Following Lu Yunhong's order, the other two Dark Flame Demon Tigers quickly surrounded Chen Xuan's direction.

  The two Dark Flame Demon Tigers on the left and the right spit out bursts of green venom, and they instantly landed beside Chen Xuan.

  As for Lu Yunhong, his speed was very fast, a red light group appeared in his palm, and he instantly caught Chen Xuan's left hand.


A fierce gust of wind continued to blow, Chen Xuan only felt that the spiritual power in his body was being continuously absorbed by him. Just about to break free from his shackles, Chen Xuan felt an extremely fierce force in him. In the middle of the pubic area, he dashed left and right.

   "Damn it, what the **** is going on." Chen Xuan's pupils also darkened, and he felt that this force was constantly absorbing his Dantian spiritual power.

   Swinging the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan's wrist shook slightly, and a burst of Suzaku sword aura was released immediately.

  Lv Yunhong also knew the terrible power of the Vermillion Bird, so he instantly distanced himself from Chen Xuan, and watched him coldly from a distance.

"Chen Xuan, don’t think that you can do whatever you want with the power of the Vermillion Bird. Today I have to kill you. It is a revenge for my uncle. Haha, I dare to insult me ​​in front of so many people, you Who do you think you are?"

   Chen Xuan helplessly spread his hands: "If you weren't here to provoke me, how could I insult you? Besides, I don't know who your uncle is at all. Why should I kill him!"

  "Still quibbling here, Chen Xuan, only my father saw you killing my uncle. Fortunately, my father hid at the time and was not killed by you, otherwise..."

   "What do you do with so much nonsense? Come here if you want to hit you." Chen Xuan sneered and stood on the spot holding a long sword.

Lu Yunhong laughed loudly: "Very well, you are a tough one, but today you are dead. These two Dark Flame Demon Tigers have been controlled by me. The combined cultivation base of the three of us has definitely reached the Shenluo. In the late stage of the fifth stage, how could you be my opponent!"

   "Even if Song Qingqiong came over, he might not be able to beat me now." Lu Yunhong said vowedly.

   Obviously he hadn't seen how Chen Xuan defeated Song Qingqiong in the first place. He only thought that his cultivation level could suppress Chen Xuan, so he would utterly talk in the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range.

   "The innocent person is you."

  Although the opponent can control the Dark Flame Demon Tiger, Chen Xuan is not to be outdone.

  Improving the power of the dragon pattern, coupled with the inheritance of Yuwentian, Chen Xuan has understood the power of the dragon pattern to a deeper level.

  Although he has not reached the third level of the dragon pattern, he is already able to skillfully use the power of the dragon pattern to improve his cultivation.

  A dragon pattern appeared on Chen Xuan's arm. Under the blessing of this power, his speed suddenly increased, and he came to him with lightning speed.

  "Go to death for me!" A fierce sword net instantly killed Lu Yunhong.

  Lv Yunhong's strength is very strong, and he directly blasted towards Chen Xuan with a punch.


   Chen Xuan's body was immediately repelled by two steps, but Lu Yunhong's fist also left two blood marks.

  When the Vermillion Bird's fire was burning, Lu Yunhong immediately covered his arm and screamed loudly: "Damn it, this smashed, his Vermillion Bird's fire is so terrible."

  After running the power of refining, the fire of the Vermillion Bird also slowly disappeared, but Lu Yunhong was still slightly injured.

  In just three seconds, Suzaku's fire had left a trace on his skin.

  Two Dark Flame Demon Tigers immediately rushed towards him, and the venom spewed from the mouth of this Dark Flame Demon Tiger once again swept in front of Chen Xuan.

   "You still want to trouble me, Mingyan Devil Tiger, today I will kill you all..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart, and then lightly stepped on the ground, and his body rose into the sky.

   was another extremely fierce sword aura, released from his Liaoyuan sword, and instantly killed one of the Dark Flame Demon Tigers.


  The body of the Dark Flame Demon Tiger was directly cut in half by the sword qi. Chen Xuan held the long sword and directly displayed the Wan Jian Jue without hesitation.

  After the Wanjian Sword Shadow was on display, red sword shadows continued to float around him. Under Chen Xuan's order, the sword auras immediately slew towards the Dark Flame Demon Tiger.

   Sword Qi tore the air, and in just a few seconds, it hit the Mingyan Demon Tiger's body.

After the two Dark Flame Demon Tigers were killed by Chen Xuan, Lu Yunhong's heart was also full of shock.

   "How is this possible? Why is his cultivation so strong? I summoned the Dark Flame Demon Tiger and none of his opponents..." Lu Yunhong's heart was full of horror.

  He thought he would summon two Dark Flame Demon Tigers, and with the power of his dragon pattern, he could definitely kill Chen Xuan.

"I have already told you that your cultivation is not my opponent at all." Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, but his eyes were full of murderousness, making Lu Yunhong's body trembling uncontrollably .

  He also took Chen Xuan helplessly. The power released by Chen Xuan just now had already suppressed him firmly.

  Retreat quickly!

  Lv Yunhong now only wants to escape, the farther he runs, the better.

  Chen Xuan was like killing a god, the flame of the Vermillion Bird released from his eyes instantly wrapped around him.

   "Just because you still want to fight with me, if it weren't for the fact that many people were watching, I would have killed you a long time ago."

  When Chen Xuan was duel with Lu Yunhong on the martial arts stage, he also saw murderous in the eyes of the opponent. He knew that if Lu Yunhong was not eliminated, he would definitely bring many disasters in the future.

   "Unexpectedly, you actually came to the door on the initiative, trying to escape from my hand, there is no door." Chen Xuanhan said.

  Lv Yunhong once again raised the long sword, his face was full of coldness: Oh I don’t believe it, how could you have such a strong cultivation base, could it be that Song Qingqiong is not your opponent..."

  At the same time, Song Qingqiong also sent several subordinates to search for Chen Xuan's whereabouts in the mountain. At this moment, he was dressed in military uniform and his face was full of fierceness.

   "This Chen Xuan actually made me foolish in front of so many people, I must not let him go."

   "Report your lord, we seem to have found Lu Yunhong in the mountain just now. Seeing him, we should also be looking for Chen Xuan."

"What are you talking about?" Song Qingqiong suddenly became energetic and touched his chin and smiled: "It's really unexpected that Lu Yunhong is also looking for Chen Xuan, very good. Maybe I can use Lu Yunhong. As long as Lu Yunhong can help me, I will Certainly be able to kill Chen Xuan."

  Several members of the Song family also nodded one after another.

   "My lord is right, Chen Xuan must be killed this time."

   "This Chen Xuan has been walking in the Scarlet Cloud Mountain Range for several days. We still haven't found him. Where is he going?"

   "Lu Yunhong doesn't know where to go anymore, we have to find Lu Yunhong again..."

  Several Song family martial artists were also miserable, but the son of his own family wanted to chase Chen Xuan in the Scarlet Cloud Mountains, so he could only agree with it with a sad face.

  "You have listened to me. Once this task is completed, I can give you 50,000 top-grade spirit stones."

  "Fifty thousand high-grade spirit stones..."

  At this moment, many warriors are excited in their hearts.

  Fifty thousand high-grade spirit stones is not a small price.

   Suddenly, the enthusiasm of these warriors rose.

   "Well, Chen Xuan must be killed this time!"

   "We will not return to Scarlet Cloud City without killing Chen Xuan!"

   "We must kill Chen Xuan!"

Hearing the voices of these people, Song Qingqiong's face showed a weird smile: "Very well, you all listen to me. Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong. We must use formations to kill him. ."

  "Don’t make any announcements about this. If you let me know, who has revealed the news of this mission, it will be hard to tell whether your family is alive or dead by that time."

   is a threat, but Song Qingqiong can't manage that much.

  Although he took the initiative to admit counsel and gave Chen Xuan the defeat, Song Qingqiong was very unconvinced. He was the first young man in Scarlet Cloud City since he was a child, and no one has ever surpassed him.

  But in the ring match three days ago, he lost to Chen Xuan's hands, which made Song Qingqiong feel very wronged.

  Dignified Scarlet Cloud City's first master, not only did he not become the heir of Yuwentian, he was actually defeated by Chen Xuan.

  The most important thing is that Chen Xuan still came from the Kamikaze Dynasty, which made Song Qingqiong's heart even more resentful.

   Although Chen Xuan told them straightforwardly that he was not a member of the Kamikaze Dynasty, Chen Xuan did not lie, he had only descended into the Kamikaze Dynasty.

  Chen Xuan does not have any sense of belonging to the Kamikaze Dynasty.

  The battle between these two empires naturally has nothing to do with Chen Xuan.

   However, now that Chen Xuan has also met Yuwentian and Princess Yuwen, the hatred of the Dragon Blood Empire is naturally not as serious as before.

  At the beginning, Chen Xuan had seen many warriors of the Dragon Blood Dynasty in several villages and towns in the north, and killed the entire village and town. During that time, Chen Xuan did not have much favor for the Dragon Blood Empire.

  But he also discovered that the two empires had their own advantages.

  Although the Kamikaze dynasty has now begun to go downhill, it can generally be guaranteed not to fall into the wind.

  After all, the Kamikaze Dynasty has existed for thousands of years, and it is also the pioneer of the Fifth Dynasty.

Although the Dragon Blood Empire is not as strong as the Kamikaze Dynasty, their current national strength can be said to be thriving, especially the competition between several emperor princes, which has also attracted the attention of the entire continent.

  Chen Xuan also met Princess Yuwen, knowing that the battle for the throne of the Dragon Blood Empire is very cruel, and those who cannot compete for the throne will basically be killed.

  This cruel competitive environment has also created the royal family of the Dragon Blood Empire, which is basically very strong.

   did not fall into the realm of the emperor.

  But the Kamikaze Dynasty is different. As the pioneer of the Fifth Era, the Kamikaze Dynasty has ruled for thousands of years, although the area of ​​the country has been shrinking in the previous hundreds of years.

  But at least it can ensure that the central area is firmly held by the Kamikaze Dynasty.

  Dragon Blood Empire almost wiped out the entire Yunxiao Mansion in the previous several attacks.

  But the Dragon Blood Empire also knows that it is very difficult to defeat the Kamikaze Dynasty thoroughly.

  (End of this chapter)

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