Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3607: Enter the Sword Moon Gate

  Chapter 3607 Entering the Sword Moon Gate

  A shocking force continued to stir, and in just a few seconds, the two sword auras were handed over in the air.

   What made this black blood sect warrior unimaginable, his attack did not have any effect on Chen Xuan, but his own attack, which was defeated by Chen Xuan one after another.

"Impossible, how could his cultivation level become so strong? Is it completely different from what the Sect Master said, has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo Realm..." He thought that his cultivation level could deal with Chen Xuan, but he In the brief encounter with Chen Xuan, this black blood warrior could also feel that he was far from Chen Xuan's opponent.

The next moment, the long sword in Chen Xuan's hand flew out, and the fierce Vermillion Bird's fire began to burn. Even though the defense power of the Black Blood Sect warrior was not weak, he was still killed by Chen Xuan after two rounds. died.

After killing the Black Blood Sect warrior, Chen Xuan also got the storage ring from him, but found that there were actually two Thousand Fate Devil Leaf Grasses inside.

"The luck is really good. Zhengshou couldn't find the Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf Grass, so I found it in his storage ring." Chen Xuan smiled happily, and then carried his storage ring. Returned to the Sword Moon Gate.

  At this moment, in the mission hall of Jianyuemen, Chen Xuan handed in the mission token. It didn't take long for him to get three high-grade spirit stones.

   "The top-grade spirit stone is quite good, and the price is far more valuable than these thousand-fate magic leaf plants."

  Chen Xuan also bought Thousand Fate Devil's Leaf at the time, knowing that the price of Thousand Fate's Devil's Leaf is definitely not that expensive.

  Since Chen Xuan joined Jianyuemen, Zang Feiyu and the others have entered other schools.

  Zang Feiyu's cultivation base only has the five major consummations of the Shenluo realm. Although they can barely enter the Sword Moon Gate, they are not sword repairs. Even if they enter the Sword Moon Gate, they will not have much effect on their own cultivation base.

  On this day, Zang Feiyu and a few warriors also came over. First, after saying goodbye to Zang Feiyu and the others, Chen Xuan then went to look for the white-robed old man.

  This white-robed old man is also an elder of the Jianyue Gate, and he is also an elder of the Inner Sect, and even the junior of this Sect Master of the Sword Moon Sect.

  Not only is seniority high, but the cultivation base is second only to the current Sword Moon Sect Sect Master.

When he saw Chen Xuan, his face suddenly showed excitement: "I've found a baby. This kid's cultivation and talent are almost seen in ten thousand years. I didn't expect to accidentally hit this place. Kid!"

  After seeing Chen Xuan's first glance, I can feel how terrifying Chen Xuan's talent is.

  However, he would definitely not tell others about Chen Xuan's cultivation of the power of the dragon pattern. The old man with white beard slowly walked towards Chen Xuan.

   "Chen Xuan, I have been busy with things in the sect these few days, and I have no chance to take care of you. You should be in the junior disciple's area now." The old white beard asked.

  Chen Xuan nodded: "Since I joined the sect, I have been in the primary area, what's wrong? Old man."

  The old man with white beard laughed and said, "Boy, you are so impolite. I am your uncle. If your boy dares to call me that way, be careful that I teach you."

   has been in Jianyuemen for several days, Chen Xuan and this old white beard are also very familiar, knowing that the other's personality is not trivial, so naturally they don't care about the name.

  "Call me uncle master to listen first." said the old man with white beard.

   "Well, Master, what are you going to tell me this time?" Chen Xuan asked.

The old man white beard smiled lightly, and then said to him: "You have not joined our Jianyue Gate for a long time. There are some rules. I want to talk to you well, lest you touch the law of our Jianyue Gate in the future. law."

   "What!? Is there any violation of the law?" Chen Xuan couldn't help but touched his head. Unexpectedly, Jianyuemen had so many clear rules and precepts.

  But then Chen Xuan remained calm and just listened quietly.

"The Jianyue Ancient City, where our Jianyue Gate is located, cannot be compared with us by other sects. Moreover, Jianyue Gate is divided into outer and inner gates. Although the old man values ​​you very much, he cannot violate the rules. You are still an outer disciple, but I believe that with your talent, it will not take long to become an inner disciple of our Jianyue Sect!"

   After a pause, the white-bearded old man looked at the dragon pattern on Chen Xuan's body, and continued to say to him: "You'd better reduce the power of this dragon pattern. Don't use it when you are not a last resort."

  "I also inquired about some news. I heard that you have a lot of contact with Palace Master Yunxiao, right?"

"But you have to know that we are the Sword Moon Gate and the Zong Sect. The two are not related at all. I hope that since you want to enter the Sword Moon Gate to practice, you must leave these things in reality behind, otherwise , It’s hard for you to raise your realm again..."

   Hearing the words of the white-bearded old man, Chen Xuan also nodded: "Does the Jianyue Gate respect the strong? Only disciples with strong cultivation can get more resources?"

The white-bearded old man touched his gray beard and smiled at him: "Of course, whether it is our Jianyuemen or their Li family, they are among the best martial arts in this Jianyue Ancient City. "

"The reason why you can become a martial art sect is because it is absolutely fair and respects the strong. As long as you are strong, the elders of the sect will naturally tilt the balance towards you, but you have to fight for it on your own. No? The most important thing is that we, Jianyuemen, as a decent sect, must not use evil ways to cultivate. If I find out that you are connected with a cult person, don’t blame me!" The white beard's face suddenly turned into a book. , His face is full of seriousness.

  Chen Xuan smiled: "Old man, don't worry, I killed a lot of people from the Black Blood Sect before, and it is impossible to contact them."

The old man Bai Hu sighed: "Chen Xuan, there are too many magic gates in the world, and the Black Blood Sect is only one of their branches, and it is still the most insignificant. I hope you must be more rational, Qian Don’t let the power confuse your mind, and you can’t break through the demons. In the end, you can only become a prop..."

Chen Xuan also knew that what the other party said was for his own good, so he continued to ask: "By the way, old man, I have already told you before. I originally wanted to join the Li family, but I only came here temporarily. Sword Moon Gate..."

"Okay, okay, I've already asked you, do you want to see the person in charge of the Li family? Their Li family's sphere of influence in Jianyue Ancient City is still very large, I am afraid it is not that simple to see him. "

   "Then what can I do to see him?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Chen Xuan is more than just seeing him. If it is that simple, Chen Xuan only needs to squat in front of Li's house every day.

  But Chen Xuan still wants to hear from the person in charge of the Li family. Find out where Li Qiuyu is.

The white-bearded old man continued to stroke his gray beard, and slowly said to him, “Don’t think about it so much. When your cultivation level improves and you reach the best in our inner sect, you will naturally see the Li family. The person in charge is now, but he is just a branch established by the Li family in Jianyue Ancient City. If you want to meet the current helm of the Li family, I am afraid it will not be so easy."

  Chen Xuan could only smile bitterly. Although he was eager to find Li Qiuyu now, Chen Xuan also knew that it would be difficult to meet someone from the Li family.

  He also wrote to Shangguan Haoran before, hoping to use the Shangguan family to meet the helm of the Li family, but unfortunately, although he and Shangguan Haoran have a very good relationship.

  But the entire Shangguan family had never heard of Chen Xuan, and naturally they would not help him match up.

   "It's the blame that my current cultivation base is still a bit weak. If you want to break through the suppression of the heavens, you must work hard." Chen Xuan whispered.

The old white beard obviously heard it, so he patted his shoulder lightly: "Don’t worry, kid, your talent is very strong. It won’t take long before you can successfully promote to the inner disciple. I will take it first. Go and meet our Jianyue Sect. There are still a few elders who don’t know you. By the way, you can practice with an Outer Sect elder today."

  Sword Moon Gate is located not far from Jianyue Ancient City, and the surrounding area is surrounded by mountain peaks. The place where the outer gate is located is outside the mountain peak, as for the inner gate, it is within the mountain peak.

After walking outside the mountain, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a middle-aged man dressed in white, nodding respectfully to the old man with white beard.

   "The elder, is this him?"

  The old man with white beard smiled: "Yes, this kid, he was able to withstand my spiritual pressure at the beginning, indicating that the talent is definitely not weak, you must take good care of him."

  This elder did not say much, but directly arranged a residence for Chen Xuan.

  After returning to the area where he lived, Chen Xuan discovered that there was a booklet in the house outside.

  And on the surface of this booklet, a line of text is written using the power of the spirit pattern, and there is a burst of aura permeating.

  Chen Xuan transferred spiritual power to his own eyes, and immediately read the words above.

  Sword Moon Gate Outer Gate Law...

  This is a book created with an extremely special spirit pattern. Only by running the spirit can you see what is written in it. If it is viewed by ordinary people, it is just a piece of ordinary white paper.

  "The above actually recorded the names of all the outer disciples in detail, as well as their names..." Chen Xuan looked it up carefully, and after a while, he saw that there were a few small characters behind.

   "All the disciples who joined this sect must not enter the inner door without the permission of the elder of the inner door."

  After seeing it, Chen Xuan suddenly smiled: "I just walked out of the inner door, and it says that I can’t go. Forget it, or no matter how much it is, can someone stop me where I want to go?"

  After a long time, a set of red lines appeared in Chen Xuan's palm, and he burned the booklet directly.

  In the sword moon gate, all the disciples will use the sky spirit sword in the sky to practice.

  The sky spirit sword itself gathers the power of the surrounding purple fire and demon thunder. It is said that this sky spirit sword has long been psychic, and it also possesses the power of ancient monsters.

  As the first sect of Jianyue Ancient City, Jianyue Gate can naturally occupy the Sky Spirit Sword for the first time, and it can also be cultivated through the Sky Spirit Sword.

  Only on the first mountain peak of the inner gate of Jianyuemen, can you be qualified to practice with the Sky Spirit Spirit Sword.

  As for the disciples who just joined the outer gate of Jianyuemen, they can only practice in a small square outside the mountain.

  Because there is also a spirit sword that emits blue spiritual power hanging over this square.

  In this spirit sword, Chen Xuan could also feel a wave of extremely fierce energy, and the turbulent sword intent was extremely strong. If he practiced around him, he would definitely achieve a multiplier effect with half the effort.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a place. Jianyuemen is worthy of being the first sword-cultivation sect in Jianyue Ancient City. If I can practice here for a few hours, it may improve my sword soul a lot." Although Chen Xuan is in He had awakened the soul of the sword before, but he had not fully realized the power of the soul of the sword.

Only a warrior close to the realm of the soul is qualified to comprehend the power of the soul of the sword. Chen Xuan had already realized the soul of the sword when he was in the third stage of the realm, but he did not go any further. Only the soul of the sword can control the Liaoyuan sword. .

  In this vast world, the sword soul is only one of them, but most of the monks of the Kamikaze Dynasty are basically sword souls, that is, sword repair.

  Because it hasn’t been long since Chen Xuan joined the Sword Moon Gate, he couldn’t practice near this spirit sword all the time.

The   Spirit Sword was hung in the air, gathering the surrounding spirits at the very center. After Chen Xuan approached, he also felt a stronger sword intent, surrounding him.

  (End of this chapter)

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