Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3608: Awakened the Soul of Sword

   Chapter 3608 Awakening the Soul of Sword

The    spirit sword is twelve meters high in total, with a line of small characters engraved on the top, and a light blue mysterious light in the middle, indicating that it is engraved with spirit patterns.

  Outside disciples, there are only two places where they can practice, but Chen Xuan has heard that there is a third place, which is known as the Outer Gate Lingshan Peak.

  Only outstanding people in the outer gate are eligible to practice on the outer gate spirit mountain. Since Chen Xuan has just joined the sword moon gate and has only three days of new disciples, he is absolutely not qualified to enter the outer gate spirit mountain peak to practice.

  Looking here, Chen Xuan gathered his true energy and began to absorb the power of the surrounding heaven and earth.

  Lightly dancing the Liaoyuan sword, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a fierce force surrounding him.

   "It's worthy of being a spirit sword. The aura inside is really strong. It's a pity that I can only practice here for two hours."

  While Chen Xuan was practicing, he found two men in the distance, staring at him with disdain.

   "This kid looks like a newcomer. It seems that it hasn't been long since he joined us at Jianyuemen."

  "Let’s go, let’s go over and see, this little junior brother can’t help but pay for protection."

  The two men smiled and walked towards Chen Xuan.

   "Oh hello, boy, you are also practicing here, why I have never seen you before, you are a fresh face!"

  "Do you know that we have a rule here? If you don't come up with something good and give up your cultivation time, if we get angry, we won't spare you lightly!"

The two men pointed at Chen Xuan without a smile, and shouted to him: "Boy, since you hear it, move, hurry up and get out of here and give up your training time. Otherwise, you two A senior is angry, but he won't keep anyone under the sword!"

  It was ridicule, and Chen Xuan would naturally not eat them.

  Liaoyuan sword did not retract, Chen Xuan's face released a strong murderous intent: "Want to trouble me?"

   Feeling the ferocious power released by Chen Xuan in an instant, the faces of the two men suddenly showed a horror.

   "No way, his cultivation is actually that strong?"

   "Obviously he is a fresh face. It must have not been long since joining us at the Jianyue Gate. Why can he reach such a strong state?"

  "Have you entered the peak of the Shenluo realm?" The two men in black dared not to trouble Chen Xuan.

   "There is another test tomorrow, let's go quickly." The man said hurriedly.

   "Yes, let's go quickly!" The two of them didn't dare to continue to make trouble, and hurriedly lifted their legs and left here.

   But at this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly stopped these two people: "What are you talking about?"

   "What did you say, nothing said..." The man scratched his head suddenly, his face was full of fear.

   "I asked you? What did you just say."

   "We just said that there will be an assessment tomorrow, and all the outer disciples will participate..."

   "How long have I joined, there is actually an assessment at the outer gate, where will it be held?" Chen Xuan suddenly asked.


In   Sword Moon Gate, there will be an assessment competition about spirit sword every month. When Chen Xuan appeared here, he found that many outer disciples had all rushed over.

Seeing this black and oppressive crowd, Chen Xuan couldn't help feeling in his heart: "It's really different from the small sect I joined before. I'm afraid this is more than two thousand, and this is just an outer disciple, I don't know. Will the number of inner disciples be more..."

  Although the number of inner disciples is not necessarily large, the cultivation base is absolutely very strong, and some of the super powers have reached the ninth level of the Shenluo realm.

  Being able to become the number one power in Jianyue Ancient City, Jianyue Gate does have a reason to attract these people.

  Although Jianyuemen is a sword repair sect, it is not ranked first in the entire Kamikaze dynasty, but it can definitely be regarded as second to none in the two-star sect.

  As far as Chen Xuan knows, the entire Kamikaze dynasty can reach the five-star level. Basically, on the logo of the sect, they will get the logo of five wind marks personally presented by the royal family.

  As for the token of the sword moon gate, there are only two wind marks.

   What surprised Chen Xuan was that there were still many outside disciples at Jianyue Gate who had not rushed over.

  Chen Xuan came very early, and when several elders from the outer door rushed over, he immediately began to count the number of people.

   "There are more than 80 people who have not come. Where have they all gone? Don’t you know that today is an assessment competition."

"This is about the assessment of the spirit sword. If they don't come, they will be disqualified. If they can pass the assessment, they will be able to get the opportunity to enter the inner door. I hope they will not let it go..." The middle-aged man in a red shirt suddenly appeared on the high platform.

"If they can't come back, we will conduct an assessment. Everyone, you must cheer up this time. Although this assessment is not particularly important, you must be more cautious. After all, this assessment is about whether you can enter faster. The inner door."

  And above this high platform, there is an old man wearing a white long coat. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that it is the old man with white beard.

  The old man with white beard walked up to the middle-aged man in the red shirt and didn't know what he said in his ear.

The next moment, the man in the red robe began to search for Chen Xuan's position among more than 2,000 people. Under continuous glances, he quickly saw Chen Xuan, so he extended his finger towards him: "Before this, I want to tell you one more thing. Yesterday our school only brought in twelve newcomers. I hope you will take good care of these new beginner disciples."

   "Also, these disciples who are just getting started are eligible to refuse to participate in this spirit sword assessment. After all, their cultivation base is very weak. Even if they participate in this assessment, they will definitely not get the opportunity to enter the inner gate!"

  As soon as these words came out, many warriors who had just entered the Sword Moon Gate gave up the qualifications for the assessment one after another, and in the end only Chen Xuan was left.

   When the man in red put his eyes on him, all the outer disciples also looked over.

   "Does this kid participate or not? Don't waste time!"

"That's right, this assessment of the spirit sword can also improve our cultivation level. After all, there are only two hours a day to practice here. If you can pass the assessment, you can practice four hours a day... …"

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "I will participate in the assessment."

  Just finished speaking, Chen Xuan heard the chuckles of a few old fried dough sticks.

   "This kid is absolutely reckless. Seeing his young age, he is really angry. Do you think this assessment is that simple?"

"I said, brother, you should give up as soon as possible. This assessment is not that simple. I think your cultivation level has just entered the fifth element of the Shenluo realm. Do you know that your brothers are basically all It has reached the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, and many more have reached the peak of the five-stage Shenluo realm!"

  Zang Feiyu and their cultivation are quite strong, but unfortunately Zang Feiyu is planning to go to other sects to practice together with his brothers.

The sect that   Zang Feiyu participated in is also inextricably related to Jianyue Sect. For example, it was originally from the same clan and the same clan 300 years ago, but it was a pity that they separated later.

  However, after the two sects separated, they did not fight like other sects. In the end, they chose to reconcile. In this crowd, Chen Xuan naturally saw Zang Feiyu's figure.

It's just that Zang Feiyu is far away from him, and Chen Xuan can only say hello with his eyes.

   "This kid is arrogant, thinking that we people are vegetarians. If he had just joined us at the Sword Moon Gate, he would get the place in the assessment. I really convinced him!" Another warrior said suddenly.

   "It's so ridiculous, he really thought he was a genius, who can join us in the Sword Moon Gate, which one is not talented, the cultivation base is much better than him, yes, he really looks down on us!"

   "Your name is Chen Xuan? I heard that you still want to participate in this assessment. Don't blame the brother for not reminding you. Don't cry back after a while!"

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "It is not your decision to participate in the assessment."

  As soon as these words came out, all the Jianyuemen disciples laughed one after another. They didn't believe that Chen Xuan could win the assessment.

   "Oh, well, since you want to participate, let you in, but wait a minute, don’t say we bully you!"

  In this assessment, although on the surface it is to compete for the time to practice the spirit sword, but it is actually a competition for cultivation.

  If a person's cultivation base is stronger, he can get more training time. At the same time, he also needs to test the combat power between the two warriors. If he can win in the assessment, he will definitely get the attention of the high-level Jianyuemen.

  The elder of the Jianyuemen Outer Sect who was in charge of this assessment, also came over immediately, stopped the noisy outer disciples, and said to them: "The assessment is about to begin soon, don't say anything."

  In a few minutes, they suddenly came to the test stone monument.

  Looking at this test stone tablet, Chen Xuan slightly clenched his fist: "You don't know what level of strength I have reached now."

  Since Chen Xuan cultivated the strength of the dragon pattern before, he has never tested the strength of his punch. If he can reach 30,000 jin, it means that his cultivation is already very strong.

  Beside the spirit sword, a young man dressed in black had a smile on his face, and his cultivation reached the sixth stage of the Shenluo realm. Among the outer gates, he was considered very strong.

  This person had just walked over, and the fist that he held suddenly showed a wild aura on his body, and he slammed a fist on the trial stele.


  A turbulent breath began to gather around, and everyone stared at him with shocked eyes.

   "Unexpectedly, he has reached 35,000 powers, his cultivation level will not be very strong."

   "As expected of Li Hong, he is indeed one of the strongest people here..."

   "Very good!" The elder showed a touch of admiration on his face, and then said: "The next game, you can skip the preliminary round and go directly to the final."

  His words immediately caused an uproar among many outside martial artists.

   "I skipped the cumbersome preliminary round directly, but that's right. Even if I match him with my cultivation base, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent..."

  There are a total of twelve stone steles used to test strength, and time passed unconsciously. By the afternoon, more than 1,200 disciples had all passed the test.

  But the rest of the people basically failed, and they can only participate in the preliminary rounds.

  As for the more than 1,200 disciples, they were subdivided into many groups.

  This game is just a competition, not a real competition. Several disciples are at best competing with each other. Their own spiritual pressure will not really compete.

  Chen Xuan also discovered that even the weakest disciple in the outer gate of Jianyuemen can basically reach a strength of 28,000 catties.

   "As expected of Jianyue Sect, these disciples' cultivation is indeed good." Chen Xuan whispered.

  As for this strength test, Chen Xuan also found that he had reached thirty-two thousand catties, far surpassing monks of the same realm.

  As for Chen Xuan to achieve such a high intensity, it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

  Especially the outer martial artists who had mocked him, all showed amazement.

   "This kid is really terrifying, but the five levels of the Shenluo realm can actually hit more than 30,000 catties."

   "I have never seen anyone who can play such a heavy force. Of course, I have never seen him in his cultivation."

   "It's a genius. No wonder the three elders treated him very kindly. Now I understand..."

  The next morning, on a high platform, the second assessment has already begun.

  On the high platform, two men in white clothes were competing with each other, but it didn't take long for one of them to be defeated and could only walk down with a grey face.

   "Hahaha, it seems that he still can't do it, it's time for me to go!" A few people went up again, but they still didn't win.

  (End of this chapter)

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