Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3609: The weakest outer door

  Chapter 3609 Outer door is the weakest

  The man in the red long coat on the high platform is full of confidence: "Come on, next one, let me see how your cultivation level progresses."

"Brother, you can't underestimate us? After more than three months of cultivation, my brothers' cultivation level has also improved. Look at how I suppressed you!" Another black man jumped up, but still Without holding for three minutes, he was directly restrained by the strength of the man in red.

   "It still doesn't seem to work, it's our brother!"

  Chen Xuan took a look, then gently jumped onto the stage.

   "What's the matter? Do you still want to challenge me?" The man in red had a sneer on his face.

  Chen Xuan just joined Jianyuemen, and dare to challenge his authority.

Although the man in red cannot be regarded as the top powerhouse in the outer gate, he is definitely not weak anymore. Few people can be stronger than him. Now Chen Xuan, a newcomer who has just joined the sword moon gate, still wants to compete with him. It really made this man in red feel ridiculous.

   "What are you talking about so much nonsense? Just try and see." Chen Xuan didn't have a good tone.

The power of the dragon pattern in the body slowly released, and then, Chen Xuan's pupils released bursts of light red light, a powerful to the extreme aura, suddenly diffused, and squeezed in the direction of the man in red. Past.

  The man in red also frowned tightly, his face was full of shock: "This kid's cultivation is so strong, it's completely different from what I imagined."

   Within a few minutes, the man in red realized that he could no longer withstand Chen Xuan's spiritual pressure. Then, he also released all his powers, and was finally able to fight against Chen Xuan.

  Time passed by one minute and one second, and the two of them were not injured after all, and in the end it was a tie.

  Chen Xuan was in the limelight this time, and many outside disciples were amazed at him.

   "This kid's cultivation is so strong, it seems that I really underestimated him before!"

   "You can actually fight against our seniors, which means that his cultivation level must have reached the early stage of the sixth stage of the Shenluo realm, it is simply terrifying!"

  "This is the first time I have seen someone with such a terrifying talent. If he continues to practice, I'm afraid Senior Brother is definitely not his opponent."

  The second assessment also ended in one day. After all, it was just a discussion between Reiatsu, and there was no real duel. It was only half a day, and most of the disciples had also passed the assessment.

  The third day is coming soon, and today everyone has to personally enter the formation around the spirit sword. Chen Xuan also knows very well that he must grab the resources of the spirit sword this time.

  He used to practice for two hours near the spirit sword, knowing that cultivating sword tactics here can improve his understanding of the soul of the sword.

  Chen Xuan will not waste time, he just walked into the formation, he felt a tyrannical to the extreme spiritual power, squeezing towards his body frantically.

  Looking at the spirit sword in the middle, he continued to release the vicissitudes of life and simplicity, Chen Xuan also snorted, and a fierce aura gathered all over his body.

  If you want to pass this trial, it is impossible without a super cultivation base and control of the sword soul.

After Chen Xuan entered here, he felt a sword intent around him, which was constantly pulling his body.

  Fortunately, Chen Xuan has now begun to absorb the Pangtuo energy in the spirit sword. In just a few minutes, he felt that his dantian was a little hot, and he became more proficient in the control of the Liaoyuan sword.

A light red light faintly emitted from the spirit sword. Chen Xuan knew that there was a majestic sword intent in this light. If you want to cultivate here, you must ensure that you have a deep understanding of the sword spirit, otherwise It is very likely to get confused.

  When he closed his eyes to practice, Chen Xuan also noticed bursts of sword light around his body.

  His eyes suddenly closed tightly, and Chen Xuan kept concentrating in his mind.

  As the power of the dragon mark kept beating, Chen Xuan could even feel the energy in this spirit sword moving little by little in his dantian.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan opened his eyes again and found that he had a deeper understanding of sword intent.

  Lightly dancing the Liaoyuan sword, there was a burst of red flames bursting into the sky.

   "Sure enough, this Liaoyuan sword has indeed increased my strength a lot. Fortunately, Yuwentian helped me refine it before, otherwise I really can't control the Liaoyuan sword..."

  Any disciple who enters this formation can continue to practice near the spirit sword, and the energy of the spirit sword in the formation is even more majestic. If you want to cultivate here, you must ensure that you are not troubled by the demons.

  Sword Soul is the most troubled by Heart Demon among all the Divine Soul cultivation rules. No one can tell why, but to completely master the Sword Soul, it absolutely requires a very powerful sense of power.

  Closed his eyes tightly, Chen Xuan once again urged Dan Tian, ​​and began to continuously absorb the surrounding Pang Tuo spirit.

Under the interference of this sword intent, Chen Xuan even felt that his consciousness was a little blurred. Fortunately, he possessed the power of the dragon pattern to ensure that his soul would not be disturbed. Finally, after more than two hours , Chen Xuan heard the crackling sound of his bones, and directly entered the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  "Finally entered the fifth stage, more than two months have passed..." Because of the power of the dragon pattern, the promotion of Chen Xuan's realm was slower than other monks.

  Although Chen Xuan is now able to deal with the powerhouses in the early sixth stage of the Shenluo realm, when he absorbs the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth, he will also divide a part to cultivate the power of the dragon pattern.

As time passed by, even though all the disciples were in the formation, they all knew that there was not much time to enter the spirit sword formation, so naturally they would not let this opportunity pass, and they all stopped to practice honestly. .

  Among these cultivators, a man in a red shirt showed a hideous look on his face.

  This person's name is Yang Guqiong, and his cultivation in the outer door is quite good. He has reached the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm, and many disciples are not his opponents.

  Because of this, these disciples respect him so much.

  The world is always respected by martial arts. As long as the cultivation is strong, he can naturally gain the respect of others, but Chen Xuan also knows Yang Guqiong in front of him, but he shows a hatred of him.

With a few horses next to him, Yang Guqiong came over immediately. He looked at Chen Xuan indifferently, and then let out a chuckle: "Boy, your cultivation level is pretty good. You can actually protest with me. I Seeing that you have reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, why not learn from me?"

  Chen Xuan just glanced at him, then continued to close his eyes, and began to absorb the biting sword energy around him.

Yang Guqiong was obviously not going to let Chen Xuan go, so he walked over, grabbed his clothes with his palm, and almost touched Chen Xuan's face with his saliva: "Boy, I talked to you, didn't you hear me? You? Are your ears deaf?"

  "Yes, yes, you can't hear our brother Yang Guqiong talking to you, are you looking for death!"

   "Do you know what identity Yang Guqiong is? That is someone who has been passed down by the elder himself. Moreover, Big Brother Yang Guqiong is still a personal disciple. You provoke him, do you want to die?"

   Surrounded by these horses, Yang Guqiong suddenly raised his face, his face full of irreverence.

  "Have you heard? Boy, do you know who I am? I, Yang Guqiong, also practiced for a long time at Jianyuemen. It's unreasonable that you don't see me in your eyes!"

   "What are you? Why should I take you in my eyes?" Chen Xuan replied indifferently.

"Hehe, I just want to discuss with you, this little junior, I have no other intentions, why don't you agree to it, how about the two of us on the duel stage?" , Makes Yang Guqiong feel very humiliated in his heart.

  He was also a disciple of Jianyuemen, but in the end he did not defeat Chen Xuan, and even became the laughing stock of others around him. This made Yang Guqiong feel very angry, so he would find Chen Xuan's trouble in the spirit sword formation.

   "Have you heard? If you pretend to be on me again, be careful that I cut off your ears with a single knife!" Yang Guqiong said harshly.

  "This senior, although you can fight in the spirit sword, are you sure you want to let go of this opportunity and have a showdown with me here?"

"Hehe, Chen Xuan, what you think is so simple. I won't fight you here. You know, Yang Guqiong has been in Jianyuemen for a year. No one dared not give me face. What I said was deaf ears, it was hilarious!"

  Chen Xuan has also joined Jianyuemen for a few days, and has basically learned a lot about the sect, especially on the booklet, which also contains records of Yang Guqiong.

  This person has only joined Jianyuemen for a year and three months, but he is very arrogant and domineering. Like the Ma Zi and Chen Xuan beside him, they are all new disciples who have just joined Jianyuemen and have not been long.

  Yang Guqiong in the outer door, although the cultivation base is not weak, but at most it is an embroidered pillow, looks quite handsome, but the cultivation base is very average, reaching the middle of the sixth stage of the Shenluo realm.

  For these rookie disciples, Yang Guqiong is definitely a strong one. After all, the cultivation base of these rookies is basically the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, and there is basically no way to compare with Yang Guqiong.

  Although Yang Guqiong is extremely arrogant in front of these newcomers, he can only be regarded as a very mediocre state among his peers.

  Chen Xuan just broke through to the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm. In addition, he also has the soul of the Vermillion Bird, which can greatly increase the speed of his promotion. With the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan believes that he can definitely defeat Yang Guqiong.

   "You are taking a step forward, don't blame me for being polite." Chen Xuanlu said in a voice.

When these words came out, Yang Guqiong burst into laughter and shook his hand at Chen Xuan: "This little brother, your temper is so irritable, brother just wants to point you, after all, you just joined us Jianyue. Door, not a few days, how about? Let's have a discussion after three days

   "You don't have to wait for three days. From now on, I can accept your challenge." Chen Xuan whispered.

  He doesn't want to discuss with Yang Guqiong again in a few days, and also delay his cultivation time. After all, every new disciple can only stay in this formation for two hours at most.

Only the disciples who succeeded in the assessment can spend more time. Chen Xuan’s two previous assessments did shock many senior executives in the outer sect, but they only added two hours to Chen Xuan. There are only four hours in total.

   And in this semi-annual assessment competition, Chen Xuan and the others can practice for two days near this spirit sword.

During these two days, Chen Xuan believed that he could definitely raise his cultivation base to another level. He was not prepared to let this opportunity slip away from his eyes in vain. If Yang Guqiong continued to look for things, Chen Xuan would not bear it, and would even kill him. dead.

   "Chen Xuan, you kid is really a brave guy, you actually talk to me in this tone, don't think I can't kill you!" Yang Guqiong said.

  (End of this chapter)

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