Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3610: Yang Guqiong

  Chapter 3610 Yang Guqiong

  Chen Xuan waved his hand helplessly: "Are you deliberately trying to trouble me?"

   "Hahaha, what's the matter? I'm just trying to trouble you, boy, if you don't talk to me for a few rounds today, you are a trash, and you won't be able to look up to see people at our sword moon gate in the future!"

  I was originally a new disciple, so I can't stand up to see people even if I learn from him?

"I think you should be the one who is ashamed. I only have three days to join Jianyuemen, and my cultivation is only in the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm. Everyone with a discerning eye sees it. I am definitely not your opponent." Chen Xuan replied indifferently. Tao.

   "Hahaha, didn't you say that and it would be fine!" Yang Guqiong suddenly burst into laughter, making Chen Xuan feel unexpected.

   “It’s good to admit that you are not as good as me. As long as you become my little brother, no one will dare to offend you anymore. What do you think?” Yang Guqiong asked suddenly.

  Chen Xuan rubbed his head, mocking once again appeared on his face: "I'm afraid you don't have that qualification."

what did you say! ? "Yang Guqiong's face released a murderous look: "Chen Xuan, did I give you a face just now?" You really think you are a thing, a five-level trash, dare to be arrogant and domineering in front of me, I only need to move a finger to kill you directly, believe it or not ? "

  Chen Xuan shook his head.

   "Very good!" The next moment, Yang Guqiong's body suddenly turned into a red light, and the long sword in his hand swung out afterimages, directly surrounding Chen Xuan's direction.

  The disciples who had practiced in the spirit sword formation, now all have their eyes focused on them.

   "Yang Guqiong is in conflict with these newcomers again!"

   "Hahahaha, look at it, everyone, I heard that this kid's cultivation level is pretty good, Yang Guqiong may be kicking the iron this time."

   "Who knows if he can deal with Yang Guqiong, after all, Yang Guqiong is also in the middle stage of the sixth stage. Although Chen Xuan has good talent, he is only about the fifth stage of the Shenluo realm. How could he be Yang Guqiong's opponent."

   Seeing Yang Guqiong was about to rush in front of him, Chen Xuan's sword suddenly waved, a burst of red light was continuously released, and the power of the dragon pattern was suddenly released.

  Under the increase of the power of the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan's speed instantly increased. As soon as Yang Guqiong rushed over, Chen Xuan's body instantly jumped into the air, and a sword energy on his backhand fell in front of him fiercely.

   "How is it possible!" Yang Guqiong suddenly exclaimed. He never thought that Chen Xuan's speed would increase in an instant, even his naked eyes could not catch it.

  Chen Xuan wielded the Liaoyuan sword with a cold smile, and the sword aura accompanied by the power of the Vermillion Bird suddenly slammed towards Yang Guqiong.


  Yang Guqiong's body is like a kite with a broken line, flying hundreds of meters in an instant.

  Chen Xuan's pace continued to follow, and the Liaoyuan sword in his hand once again released a red flame, causing a violent explosion on Yang Guqiong's body.

  Even though Yang Guqiong's cultivation base is already good, but facing the two groups of sword aura, there are still more blood marks on his body, making his expression extremely low.

   "This is impossible, why is his cultivation so strong? I am obviously a level higher than him..."

  "Is this a genius? It's simply too powerful. This is the fifth level of the Shenluo realm that can deal with Yang Guqiong. If he enters the sixth level of the realm, wouldn't it be possible to kill Yang Guqiong in one round."

  "Yang Guqiong's strength does not seem to be very good..." Many disciples began to talk, but they obviously began to mock Yang Guqiong, thinking that Yang Guqiong was not even Chen Xuan opponent, and was definitely a little rubbish.

   After Chen Xuan repelled Yang Guqiong, he also shook his wrist and retracted the Liaoyuan Sword.

  But at this moment, Yang Guqiong's face showed a hideous murderous aura. Although Yang Guqiong was at the Sword Moon Gate, he could not be regarded as a master, but which of the five disciples who had just entered the Sword Moon Gate was not polite to him?

  Only Chen Xuan was the only special case. Not only did he not be polite to him, but even ridiculed him coldly. This made Yang Guqiong feel unbearable and wanted to take this opportunity to teach Chen Xuan a lesson.

  Stealing chickens can’t be eclipsed, and did not teach Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan gave him a lesson, and even suppressed him completely.

"It's absolutely impossible. There must be something wrong. I must kill him today. It made me ashamed in front of so many people. It's unbearable!" Yang Guqiong's self-esteem was originally very heavy. Laughing, there was a hideous murderous look on his face.

   didn't care about other things, Yang Guqiong's speed directly increased, and in just two seconds, a sharp blade appeared in front of Chen Xuan's neck.

  He had long expected Yang Guqiong to hurt himself, and Chen Xuan also shook his wrist quickly, and the Liaoyuan sword suddenly appeared, blocking his body.


   A crisp sound of sword collision came out, and Yang Guqiong's body flew directly out several tens of meters to the ground in the distance.

   "You actually want to kill me, don't blame me!" Also showing a hideous killing intent, Chen Xuan held the Liaoyuan sword tightly, and the sword intent continued to wreak havoc.


The   Liaoyuan Sword suddenly rushed out, and Chen Xuan relied on the soul of the sword to manipulate the Liaoyuan Sword from a distance, launching a fierce attack on Yang Guqiong.

  Although his cultivation is good, he is still destined to be somewhat different from Chen Xuan.

With the power of the dragon pattern, and Yu Wentian personally helped Chen Xuan sculpt the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan’s cultivation base has now been greatly increased, and the strength of his punch has reached more than 30,000 jin, and that is still Chen Xuan. Xuan restrained deliberately.

  If Chen Xuan waved with all his strength, I am afraid his strength would reach 36,000 jin.

   hit Yang Guqiong with a punch, and once again knocked his body away.

   "What can you do? Do you still want to kill me?" Chen Xuan said with a sneer.

  Yang Guqiong struggled to stand up from the ground. Although his eyes were full of murderousness, he also knew that it was not the time for revenge.

  But suddenly, Yang Guqiong seemed to have thought of something, his wrist was shaking slightly, and a red light appeared.

  When the light dissipated, a sharp-eyed disciple suddenly noticed that he was holding a dagger in his hand, and there was a **** atmosphere around him.

   "Be careful!" the disciple said loudly.

But Yang Guqiong rushed out in an instant, came behind Chen Xuan with a thunder, and just wanted to lift the dagger to stab him, only to find that a burst of red energy had gathered in Chen Xuan's body, and he directly destroyed his The body curled up and flew out.

   "Impossible!" Yang Guqiong's face was full of amazement, but he could not stop the energy released from Chen Xuan's body. Finally, his face was full of wounds, and his arm was directly abolished.

Chen Xuan walked over and said murderously on his face: "You actually want to kill me. Do you know that what you did just now has touched the precepts of the Jianyue Gate? If the elders know about it, I'm afraid he will directly Drive you out of the house?"

   "However, there is no need for a few elders to come over now, because I will kill you now." With a sneer, the Liaoyuan Sword shook slightly, and directly cut off Yang Guqiong's head.

  In this scene, many warriors who were onlookers saw their eyes, and their hearts were also full of shock.

   "No way, this Chen Xuan is simply a devil, he killed Yang Guqiong if he didn't agree with him."

   "He actually killed Yang Guqiong, should we report it to the elders..." The faces of the warriors were full of panic.

  There was still a person in charge who came out and stopped their impulsive steps: “Don’t report to the elders, you just say that Yang Guqiong took the initiative to provoke Chen Xuan and was killed.”

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan also gave a fist to the mysterious man: "Thank you."

  The man did not answer either, he just smiled.

The reason for beheading Yang Guqiong is that Chen Xuan does not want to buy a hidden danger by his side. Although Yang Guqiong's cultivation is not very strong, if he acts secretly, it will cause Chen Xuan a lot of trouble, instead of guarding against it. Chen Xuan might as well solve a disaster with his own hands, and it would be considered a peace for himself.

  The killing of Yang Guqiong was not much different from what Chen Xuan thought. After learning about it, several elders did not ask him to blame, but when the incident passed, no one mentioned it.

  For Jianyuemen, Chen Xuan is obviously more important.

  To meet his once-in-a-century genius, Jianyuemen valued it very much, and did not want to let Chen Xuan's talent drain.

  Compared with Yang Guqiong's trash, Chen Xuan is the confidant of Jianyuemen.

  After returning to his place of residence, Chen Xuan felt a surge of sword intent in his mind. He was holding the Liaoyuan sword and his pupils looked into the air.


  The Liaoyuan sword swung by Chen Xuan suddenly released a wave of fierceness and rushed towards the sky.

  As Chen Xuan's cultivation level improved, Heaven's Dao's suppression on him gradually loosened. Chen Xuan only felt a little pain in his head, and finally, he felt a dense array of formulas appear in his mind.

"Unexpectedly, I was able to unlock the next level of Suzaku's swordsmanship." Chen Xuan's face also showed a surprise. Now, the fifth level of swordsmanship is unlocked directly. With the power of sword soul, Chen Xuan can guarantee the fifth level. The heavy sword technique can cause very terrifying lethality.

   With a touch of joy on his face, Chen Xuan tried to swing the long sword, and the breath of the whole body was immediately released, and he waved a sword aura into the sky again.

   Seeing the gas produced by the explosion of the sword qi in the air, Chen Xuan also smiled slightly: "Oh? It's really good. It seems that my understanding of the power of the dragon soul has reached a stronger level."

  On this day, Chen Xuan had just left the residence and came to a boulevard outside, only to find two people in front of him, directly blocking his way.

  Chen Xuan frowned slightly. From the bodies of these two people, he could detect the murderous intent on the other's body.

   "What do you want to do?" Chen Xuan whispered.

   "Hehe, what can we do? Boy, I heard that you killed Yang Guqiong before? Do you know who Yang Guqiong is me!?"

   "This kid actually provoked Yang Gupo. I think he is really unlucky now."

"Before, Yang Gu-po would bully new entry disciples. Even his younger brother had been bullied by him. Now Chen Xuan is probably suffering from blood mold for eight lifetimes. After all, Yang Gu-qiong was killed by him. Yang Gu-po absolutely I won't let him go."

  Although Yang Guqiong and Yang Gupo are cousins, there is no friendship between them. The reason why Yang Gupo came to trouble Chen Xuan, the most important thing is to blackmail him to cultivate resources.

In addition to cultivation resources, they also need a lot of spiritual grass to improve their cultivation. Yang Gupo also inquired that Chen Xuan's origin is rather mysterious, and he must have a lot of good things in his body, so he would use Chen Xuan's idea. .

   "You kid is really reckless, even Yang Gupo dare to provoke him!"

  After hearing what they said, Chen Xuan could only shook his head slightly: "Your brother provoke me, it has nothing to do with me."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could an honest person like my brother take the initiative to provoke you, don't give me nonsense here, I tell you, give me the cultivation resources now, otherwise I will kill you today !" He suddenly pinched his waist and let out a cruel sneer: "Yes, all your cultivation resources will belong to me in the future."

  Although it was avenging his younger brother on the surface, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Yang Gupo still wanted to blackmail Chen Xuan's body to cultivate resources and let him practice.

   "You and your brother are worthy of being carved out of the same mold, and the tone and way of speaking are so similar." Chen Xuan also said.

  Yang Gupo sneered: "Boy, did you hear what I just said? Would you not give me Yang Gu's face?

   Chen Xuan became impatient with his making things difficult, so he said: "Can you stop me? I am still in a hurry. If you want to challenge me, feel free to accompany you."

  (End of this chapter)

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