Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3611: Yang Gupo

  Chapter 3611 Yang Gupo

As soon as these words came out, Yang Gupo laughed suddenly: "Okay, boy, when you killed my brother in the formation, the people of the sect would naturally not care, plus your cultivation level is really good, let That old guy takes you very seriously."

"But don't be so proud. My Yang Gupo's cultivation is also very strong. If I kill you, those old guys will definitely not trouble me." Yang Gupo is very confident of his cultivation. Thinking that Chen Xuan could never be his opponent.

  Chen Xuan could only helplessly spread his hands, and did not know why the two brothers were so confident, thinking that they were invincible in the world.

"It's still a bit difficult to kill me with your cultivation base." On the surface, Yang Gupo has reached the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm, basically no gap with Yang Guqiong, but he thinks he is the best in the outer door. The strong, obviously belong to the narcissistic personality.

  Wrists shook lightly, the Liaoyuan sword suddenly appeared, and Chen Xuan's gaze was constantly scanning his body: "Yang Gupo, are you sure you want to trouble me?"

  Yang Gupo smiled: "I have already told you that I am not here to cause trouble, but to kill you."

  In this tree-lined trail, a fierce light suddenly appeared on the bodies of both sides, and they directly collided.

  Under Chen Xuan's attack, Yang Gupo directly released the sword soul, and the long sword controlled from a distance pierced in the direction of Chen Xuan.

"Boy, today I want you to see the gap between the two of us. Based on your cultivation, it is absolutely impossible to be my opponent!" With Yang Gupo's roar, this sword aura A light red light was released, and it exploded directly in the sky.

  The aftermath that bloomed still swept across Chen Xuan's body. Feeling a pain in his body, Chen Xuan immediately danced his sword quickly.

  "The fifth step of the Vermillion Bird Sword Technique!" With his anger, all the warriors let out a cry of exclamation.

   "No way, is this the Suzaku swordsmanship? It was actually horrified by him to cultivate to the fifth level!"

   "This Suzaku sword technique should have been lost in the legend, why did he realize it? Is this kid related to the previous royal family of the fourth dynasty?"

In the exclamation of everyone, Chen Xuan’s sword energy had already hit Yang Gupo’s body. Even though Yang Gupo’s cultivation had reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, when he was hit by the sword energy, Blood was still bumped out of his body, and blood was dripping outside.

   sighed, Yang Gupo immediately raised the long sword, the pain in his arm made him unable to continue the attack.

  "I have troubled me over and over again, but I can't keep you. Chen Xuan said, "I don't know who else is in your family? I'll kill them all once, so that you don't have to come over one by one. "

  Faced with Chen Xuan’s questioning, Yang Gupo suddenly let out a sneer: "Boy, you are so arrogant, I will tell you..."

  Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan sword slashed directly on his head, and a stream of blood suddenly flowed out.

  Yang Gupo's head rolled onto the ground, his eyes widened, and he obviously didn't believe Chen Xuan's decisive killing.

  Looking around, no one dared to look at Chen Xuan. They saw with their own eyes how Chen Xuan killed Yang Gupo.

  Even Yang Gupo, who has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm, is definitely not Chen Xuan's opponent, not to mention that many of them are new entry disciples, and they are basically the five-level peak of the Shenluo realm.

   Regarding the killing of Yang Gupo, the senior officials of Jianyuemen basically closed one eye and didn't want to give up Chen Xuan, an outstanding disciple of talent because of Yang Gupo.

   Strong talent is good, especially in sects like Jianyuemen, for disciples with outstanding talents, they must be taken care of.

  Although Chen Xuan has just made his mark, the elders in this sword moon gate have already admired him.

   "Chen Xuan's cultivation is really good. If we focus on cultivating him, we will definitely become the number one master of our Jianyue Gate!"

   "You are right. We really need to train Chen Xuan well. As for Yang Gupo, let him die!"

  Several elders were discussing in a hall, and Chen Xuan knew nothing about it.

  One day, when Chen Xuan was about to go to the spirit sword to practice, he found a person standing in front of him.

  Chen Xuan just frowned slightly, preparing to bypass the opponent and leave.

  The man in the black long coat suddenly chuckled twice: "Boy, let out the spirit sword training time, otherwise, don't blame me."

  Chen Xuan originally wanted to go to practice directly, but he didn't expect to meet this man halfway down the road and want to rob him of his practice time.

  Thinking about it carefully, Chen Xuan joined Jianyuemen for only five or six days, and two of them wanted to rob him of his cultivation time.

   "I can't imagine that the cultivation resources of this sword moon gate are so scarce. More than two thousand outer disciples can only do so..." Chen Xuan sighed in his heart.

   "Enter our sword moon gate, don't you even know the rules?" the man asked in a cold voice.

  However, Chen Xuan just smiled slightly, curled his lips and said, "What are the rules of this sword moon gate? Why didn't I hear the elder talk about it."

The man suddenly laughed: "You kid, you are a newcomer who enters the Sword Moon Gate. Naturally, you need to honor our old disciples. You have had several hours of spiritual sword cultivation time, so quickly give me a few hours. Otherwise, you don’t want to pass here today."

   "I will give you some time to cultivate, what about me? Don't I need to practice anymore." Chen Xuan asked back.

The man suddenly sneered: "Little bastard, do you know who I am? I am Guo Yujie, and this is the Jianyue Gate. Do you think you are still a genius outside? Even if you are a genius in the secular world, But you are at Jianyue Gate, nothing!"

  Chen Xuan also knew that in the world of these sects, there were delicate hierarchies, which were different from the secular world.

  The martial arts in some cities are even stronger than Yunxiao Mansion.

Guo Yujie can be regarded as a master among the outer disciples. If Yang Gupo and Yang Guqiong can rank in the top 500, Guo Yujie is definitely a strong one who can enter the top 200, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm. .

   Chen Xuan did not answer, but glanced at him with a mocking look, and then prepared to leave here, not going to continue to waste time with him.

Just when he turned and was about to leave, Guo Yujie suddenly came over, and then said: "Boy, I am talking to you, are your ears deaf? Because we are all disciples of Jianyuemen, I will do it today. I don't care about you, as long as you give me the time to practice, I will definitely not trouble you."

  At this moment, many disciples who were cultivating near the spirit sword area also glanced at Chen Xuan with their jokes.

   "This kid is really looking for death. Whoever just got started doesn't give up time, he thinks we old people don't need to practice!?"

   "That's right, are these newcomers really flattering, especially this Chen Xuan, who has repeatedly raised the bar and must teach him a lesson!"

   "Yang Gupo is not his opponent, but I think Senior Brother Guo Yujie can definitely crush this Chen Xuan easily, at most three rounds, Guo Yujie can defeat him!"

  Since joining the Sword Moon Gate, Chen Xuan has been threatened by many people continuously, but he has never paid attention to it. Although Guo Yujie's cultivation is not weak, it is not that simple to deal with Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan raised his head, glanced at Guo Yujie’s body, and then said in a cold voice: "Your name is Guo Yujie, right? If I don't let it, what can you do with me?"

  Guo Yujie smiled coldly, just about to speak, he saw that Chen Xuan had left.

   "Good boy, he is really courageous. He dares to ignore me. If I find a chance, I must teach you a lesson!"

  At this moment, Chen Xuan had once again entered the spirit sword area, and felt the aura around him constantly converging. Chen Xuan's dantian also condensed bursts of energy, and began to continuously absorb the surrounding heaven and earth aura.

  Time is fast, and twelve hours have passed in a blink of an eye, and Chen Xuan's cultivation time has also been lost.

  Since he got the ranking in the last assessment, he has received the attention of many outer elders and has deliberately given him a lot of training time.

  All the disciples who want to enter the spirit sword area to practice, must carry the token of the sect.

If you want to enter the spirit sword training area, you can swipe the token, but at the same time, the time marked above also makes all the disciples miserable. Many people can only stay in the spirit sword training area for five hours, but only Chen Xuan can. Stay in it for twelve hours.

  But Chen Xuan knew very well that the twelve hours of cultivation time was fleeting, and only two weeks later, he would also adjust to five hours.

After all, there are more than two thousand disciples, it is still difficult to allocate cultivation resources. Many disciples also want to enter the spirit sword area to practice. For this reason, they did not hesitate to spend a huge price with them, even consuming a lot of middle-grade spirit stones, and bought themselves Only the brothers can enter into cultivation.

  What's more, like the old disciples who have joined the Jianyuemen, they will blackmail the cultivation time from the new disciples to improve their cultivation.

  Time flickered, and two weeks passed in a blink of an eye. In the last twelve hours, Chen Xuan has been improving his cultivation level in the Spirit Sword cultivation area.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan felt the sword intent around him, and he was constantly converging towards his dantian. Only a few seconds later, Chen Xuan breathed bursts of blue spiritual power and began to vomit the surrounding air.

  While he was cultivating, a young disciple in a long black dress showed a sneer in the distance, and slowly approached Chen Xuan.

   "Boy, when you make such a big movement while cultivating, do you not take me in your eyes?" The disciple said suddenly.

  Chen Xuan frowned and looked at the visitor. He knew that this person was definitely here to find fault on purpose. Everyone could tell that this disciple had a very good relationship with Guo Yujie. Guo Yujie must have asked him to do this kind of behavior.

   "I feel bad when I hear your breathing."

   "Everyone has to breathe, do you want me to hold it?" Chen Xuan said coldly.

   "Hehe, get out, or don't breathe, have you heard it!" The disciple said sarcastically.

   "This place is so big, you can also go to other places to practice, I still think you bother me." Chen Xuan said.

  The cultivation base of this disciple is only the five peaks of the Shenluo realm, which is not worth mentioning in Chen Xuan's eyes. It only takes three rounds at most before he can defeat this disciple.

  To him, Chen Xuan didn't care at all, but regarded him as a clown.

   "Hehe, your kid is quite courageous. It provokes our senior brother Guo Yujie, so you dare not put me in your eyes. You are a little bunny who has just started, you are quite arrogant!" the disciple said coldly.

  "What does it have to do with you where I am going? If you want to find fault, then come over and see if you can support me for a few rounds."

  As soon as these words came out, the disciples who were cultivating around showed panic.

   "Is this kid looking for death? He dare to provoke Guo Yujie."

  "Doesn’t he know what position Guo Yujie is in our outer door? After provoking Guo Yujie, this kid will not be able to eat it and go around."

"Good boy, you are really arrogant. Today I will let you know that the outer door of our Jianyue Gate is not a place where you, a little bunny, can be arrogant!" The disciple suddenly yelled, tightly He clenched his fist, and a fierce gust of wind suddenly released, blasting in the direction of Chen Xuan fiercely.

   Seeing his attack, Chen Xuan chuckled and didn't use his sword art. Instead, relying on his physical strength, he directly collided with the opponent in the air.


  The disciple's body was instantly knocked off and fell to the ground.

  (End of this chapter)

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