Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3619: Jianyue Ancient Vein

  Chapter 3619 Sword Moon Ancient Vein

  Rather than wasting time in Jianyue Ancient City, Chen Xuan might as well explore the Jianyue Ancient Veins himself. Maybe, if he is lucky, he will also be able to get some swordsmanship inheritance, allowing his sword soul to break through.

Chen Xuan has stayed in the first small realm of the sword soul for several months. He hadn't deliberately cultivated the sword soul before, but now he has been practicing for several months and still has not improved, which makes Chen Xuan feel Helpless.

  "It must be improved!" This is the small goal set by Chen Xuan for himself.

After walking for more than an hour, Chen Xuan then came to the top of a plain in Jianyue Ancient City.

The vicinity of Jianyue Ancient City is basically all plains, and there are many monsters nearby. The reason why Jianyue Ancient City can stay here is because the vicinity of Jianyue Ancient City has extremely sufficient aura, enough for the martial arts in Jianyue Ancient City to practice. And the cultivation base of these warriors is basically not weak. If they have not reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, they will naturally not come to Jianyue Ancient City.

Standing on the plain, Chen Xuan saw a huge mountain in the distance, and bursts of fierce aura continued to bloom.

  It is rumored that the mysterious monster that appeared from the ground back then came out of the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

   After pondering for a moment, Chen Xuan also sighed inwardly: "It is indeed very spectacular, much larger than the Tianlong Mountain Range."

   Although the Tianlong Mountain Range is endless, the Jianyue Ancient Vein is very high, straight into the sky, and there are waves of purple clouds surrounding it, making the entire Jianyue Ancient Vein a fairy air.

  Chen Xuan was originally flying in the air. Just when he flew into the air, he saw a disciple dressed in white and stopped in front of him.

  "This is the Jianyue Ancient Vein. Who are you, and no one can enter!"

   "I want to enter the Jianyue Ancient Vein. Why is it that no one has waited." Chen Xuan replied

"We have already received orders from the Sect Master. If you have the courage to challenge the entire Jianyue Ancient City, then you can enter. If you don't have the courage, I advise you to get out early and don't make us unhappy!" The disciple said suddenly.

   "I am a member of Jianyue Sect, and I am not an unrelated person." Chen Xuandao.

When the disciple in white heard this, a shock appeared on his face: "It turns out that you are from the Sword Moon Sect. Do you have a token of Sword Moon Sect? Show it to me. If you don't have one, you can't go in. ."

  "Sword Yuezong's token?" Chen Xuan touched his waist and found that he had forgotten his token.

   scratched his head, Chen Xuan also said: "Brother, I wonder if you can tolerate me and let me in?"

  He also saw that this disciple in white clothes was not from Jian Yuezong, but was definitely from another sect.

This time the experience in the Jianyue Ancient Vessel is not only the martial artist of Jianyuezong, but also many disciples of other sects have also rushed over. After all, they all want to inherit and improve their cultivation. further.

After this disciple saw it, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face: "Boy, you still want to pretend to be a disciple of Sword Yuezong. It's really funny. Which one of Sword Yuezong's cultivation has not reached the sixth level of the Shenluo realm? , You only have the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, so don't enter the Jianyue Ancient Vein. It's not a place where you can stay!"

Seeing the mocking look on the other's face, Chen Xuan could only shook his head slightly: "I am a member of Jianyuezong, why should I lie to you? I originally brought the token, and it should have been forgotten in my room. Come on, I don’t know if you can forgive me, I’m still in a hurry.”

   "It's so funny, whoever is here is not in a hurry. If you don't take it out today, just get out of here, don't waste our energy!" The disciple in white said solemnly.

  Chen Xuan was also a little unhappy, pointing to the identification of his identity, and said to him: "This should prove that I am a disciple of Jianyuezong."

"Prove that you are a disciple of Jianyuezong? Don't be funny, this thing is really good forgery, just find a tailor shop to create it, if you can't get the token, get out now, don't make me angry! "This disciple's temper is very irritable.

  If the other party speaks well, Chen Xuan might give him a face and go back to get the token, but seeing this disciple's arrogant look, Chen Xuan was not prepared to do that.

   "I didn't bring the token today, what can you do to me?" Chen Xuan asked.

  While speaking, Chen Xuan walked into the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

   "Then you are looking for death!" A fierce aura suddenly appeared on the body of this white-clothed warrior, and the manual long sword suddenly slew towards Chen Xuan.

Seeing this sword aura formed an explosion in front of him, Chen Xuan's body suddenly jumped into the air, dancing quickly with the Liaoyuan Sword, bursts of fiery red light bursting out, instantly and this spiritual power When they collided with each other in the air, the explosion caused the two of them to retreat one after another.

  The disciple in white also showed horror on his face: "His cultivation is so strong, why is it completely different from what he sees on the surface? Is he always hiding his cultivation?"

   Originally, this disciple in white thought that Chen Xuan had reached the fifth level of the Shenluo realm, and he could beat Chen Xuan without even knowing his mother in two rounds at most.

   But the sword energy that just broke out just now made him feel heavy pressure.

Feeling the cold sweat under his back, the warrior in white clenched the long sword in his hand and said cruelly to him: "Boy, don't blame me for not warning you, pretending to be a disciple of Jianyuezong, and forcibly breaking into Jianyue Gu Mai, do you know that this will bring you a murderous calamity..."

   "Now all the sects of Jianyue Ancient City have come over. If you want to make trouble here, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Chen Xuan smiled contemptuously, and said to him: "I didn't lie to you. I am a disciple of Jianyuezong, but I haven't joined Jianyuezong for a long time. This time I also got the advice of Elder Zhuge. , That's why you came here, why don't you let me in and let others in?"

"Hehe, it's really funny. Those people are all my juniors. I naturally let them in. But who you are, I haven't seen you before. You lied to be the Sword Moon Sect. You thought I would believe your nonsense. ?"

   "They can enter if they are your brothers, ha ha, I think, you must see our Jian Yuezong not pleasing to the eye, you want to deliberately make things difficult for me, right?"

When these words came out, the disciple in white immediately smiled coldly: "What's wrong? Today I am deliberately making things difficult for you, what can you do to me? I tell you, if you dare to come over again, I will call someone to come. Yes, I won’t kill you today without leaving a piece of armor!"

  Chen Xuan smiled coldly, the long sword in his hand immediately released a fierce aura, and rushed directly towards the white-clothed disciple.

  In just one second, the disciple in white also quickly waved the magic weapon, releasing the sword art.

  The spirit sword in his hand burst out with swift rays of light, which directly produced bursts of explosions in the air.

The long swords in the hands of the two of them were rare magic weapons. After the collision in the air, Chen Xuan's energy sank to his dantian and instilled all his strength on the Liaoyuan Sword. The Suzaku's fire immediately wrapped around it, violently spreading towards the surroundings. With.

The disciple suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the possibility of cracks in his hand. He had already displayed all his power just now, but when facing Chen Xuan's attack, he found his long sword. It broke directly and fell on the ground.

   "How is this possible!" The face of the disciple in white was full of surprise.

After seeing his long sword shattered, Chen Xuan did not attack. Instead, he took the Liaoyuan sword back and said to him: "You should have seen the sword technique I used just now, although the overall sword spirit is not the same. Great, but the cultivation methods of each school are different, and the spiritual energy produced by the sword soul is also different. I use the sword tactics of the Sword Yuezong. If you haven't seen it yet, don't blame me for being impolite."

This disciple in white also felt the power of Jianyuezong’s swordsmanship from Chen Xuan’s attack. Although Chen Xuan did not come up with a token, he could guess that Chen Xuan was definitely a new disciple of Jianyuezong, indeed. Forgot to bring the token.

If Chen Xuan wanted to kill him, he would have done it a long time ago, but Chen Xuan did not do that. He knew that if he killed the disciples of other sects outside of Jianyue Ancient Vessel, he would probably provoke him. Disaster.

   Although Chen Xuan was very upset with this person, he would not be so stupid.

  The cultivation base of this disciple in white clothes is not weak, and it must be ranked in the top 100 in the outer sect of their sect.

  Several sects in Jianyue Ancient City are all two-star sects. Naturally, there are many disciples who come here to practice, and the number of outer disciples of almost every sect can reach more than 4,000.

But only the number of Sword Yuezong disciples is much smaller than them, only in the early 2000s, because the conditions for recruiting disciples in Sword Moon Sect are more rigorous, they have not reached the realm of Shenluo, are not sword repairs, and have not shown extraordinary talents. Anyone who has not passed the Sword Moon Sect examination cannot enter.

  Although Chen Xuan's friends also wanted to join the Sword Moon Sect, although their cultivation reached the fifth level of the Shenluo Realm, they still did not choose to enter the Sword Moon Sect.

  If Chen Xuan wasn't looking for Li Qiuyu, he wouldn't necessarily go to great lengths to join Jianyuezong. He knew that only Jianyuezong could fight against the Li family.

  As the big family of Yunxiao Mansion, the strength of the Li Family is indeed very huge. It is impossible to see the person in charge of the Li Family in the Jianyue Ancient City area with Chen Xuan's current cultivation base.

  Not to mention the head of the Li family, his cultivation level is extremely terrifying, but Chen Xuan can vaguely feel that as long as he sees the head of the Li family, he can definitely ask about Li Qiuyu's whereabouts.

  Li Qiuyu was suddenly taken away, and Du Gulun was also looking for Li Qiuyu's trace, but it had been so long, and only a sound transmission stone was sent to Chen Xuan.

  Dugulun did not find any clues, they can only look for it in the vicinity of Tianlong City to see if they can find Li Qiuyu.

  But according to the information provided by Du Gulun and Yu Wenqiu, Chen Xuan could only target Li's house.

  If even the Li family can’t find Li Qiuyu, Chen Xuan really doesn’t know where to look.

  Chen Xuan also knows very well that Li Qiuyu’s origin is also very mysterious, and it is very likely that he has inextricably linked with the Li family.

  Sword Moon Sect disciples have an extremely important position in Jianyue Ancient City. Although disciples of other sects do not dare to provoke them on the surface, as long as they are in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, these disciples will be uniform.

  They also know that Jianyuezong martial artists have a strong cultivation base. If they want to grab resources from their hands, they must unite.

  The disciple in white who made things difficult for Chen Xuan just now naturally had the same idea.

  As long as one less of Jianyuezong's people came in, they would have more chances to obtain treasures, and then they got bad thoughts and wanted to stop Chen Xuan outside.

  But he didn't expect Chen Xuan's burst of power to be so powerful, but in fact, if it really fought, Chen Xuan might not be his opponent.

  (End of this chapter)

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