Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3620: Remnants of the Black Blood Sect

  Chapter 3620 Remnants of the Black Blood Sect

Chen Xuan just used the Liaoyuan Sword to directly smash the blade in his hand and gave the disciple in white a good start. Otherwise, with his cultivation base, he would definitely not be defeated in such a short period of time, and even Chen Xuan would return it. It will take a long time to get a tie with him.

The strength that    suddenly showed, also let this disciple in white clothes know that there is a difference in cultivation level between himself and Chen Xuan. He just wanted to agree to Chen Xuan's entry into the Sword Moon Ancient Vein, but a tall warrior came again in the distance.

   "What the **** happened, Junior Brother? Why are you wandering here? The Jianyue Ancient Channel is about to open, we will go in later!"

  As soon as these words came out, the disciple in white seemed to have found a life-saving straw, and suddenly said: "Brother, this kid seems to belong to Jian Yuezong, but I doubt his identity."

   "What? Doubt his identity? Since he is not a member of Jian Yuezong, he must not be allowed in!" The tall disciple said suddenly.

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's face also became cold. He was planning to go in, but he was blocked by these Feiyun faction again and again.

Chen Xuan is not that good-tempered. Since they are making trouble for themselves, Chen Xuan will certainly not sit and wait for death: "You should all be from the Feiyun school? Didn't you feel the exercises I just demonstrated? It's genuine. Sword Yuezong’s sword art!"

   "Hehe, I didn't feel it. You kid is definitely a pretender. I heard that many people from the Black Blood Sect have appeared recently. Maybe you are the remnant of the Black Blood Sect!"

   Chen Xuan knew that the relationship between these sects was not very good, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

The two disciples of the Feiyun faction clearly wanted to stop him outside, so that Chen Xuan would lose the opportunity to enter the Jianyue Ancient Channel. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that when the Jianyue Ancient Channel was just opened, there would be even greater The odds are passed down.

If you continue to delay with them here, the chances of Chen Xuan getting the inheritance will be smaller, so he can only say: "Two, I am a member of Jian Yuezong, you should have known it a long time ago, since I want to find My trouble, you might as well just say directly, don’t be insinuating here."

   "Haha!" They all smiled: "Although your cultivation level is good, you can't compare it with my brother. I think you should get out of here!"

"Stop talking nonsense, come if you want to come over." Chen Xuan gave a soft drink, his wrists trembling slightly, and the Liaoyuan Sword suddenly appeared. A fierce flame burned directly from all around him and flew towards these people. The disciples of the Yun Sect were killed.


  This tall Feiyun Sect warrior, just about to lift the long sword in his hand to counterattack, he felt an extremely ferocious dragon pattern power, and instantly entangled him from the sky.

  Chen Xuan had never fully displayed the dragon pattern before, but after Yu Wentian gave him the sword bamboo, Chen Xuan also realized the power of the dragon pattern inside.

   mastered a more powerful dragon pattern. Although Chen Xuan did not know the difference in the dragon pattern, he knew that the dragon pattern that Yu Wentian taught him must be offensive.

  When the power of this dragon pattern was released, the two disciples of the Feiyun faction were also shocked.

   "His cultivation base is so strong..."

   "Impossible, what he just displayed should be the Dragon Blood Empire technique!"

  "Is he a member of the Dragon Blood Empire? What is the origin of this kid? Why does he want to join the Sword Moon Sect."

   "Do you also know that I am from Jianyue Sect?" Chen Xuan smiled coldly.

  He had long known that these two Feiyun Sect disciples knew that he was a disciple of Jianyue Sect, and here has been preventing him from entering the Jianyue Ancient Line, just to delay Chen Xuan's time.

Flying directly into the air, Chen Xuan was not going to waste time with them anymore. After using his spiritual power, Chen Xuan's speed suddenly accelerated, and the remaining two people could not chase him, so they could only let Chen Xuan enter. The Jianyue ancient vein.

  As soon as he entered the Jianyue Ancient Vein, Chen Xuan felt an extremely powerful sword intent around him, and he was constantly gathering towards his Dantian.

   "The aura inside is really fierce. Compared with Jianyue Ancient City, this place is much more abundant!"

  As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan suddenly saw a light red sword aura appeared in front of Jianyue Ancient Vessel, and instantly killed him towards his face.

  Chen Xuan originally thought that someone wanted to attack him, but after seeing this terrifying sword intent, Chen Xuan could also guess why it was called the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

"It's worthy of the Jianyue Ancient Vein, the aura inside is really terrifying..." A wave of sword aura that rushed into the sky continued to radiate throughout the Jianyue Ancient Vein, even Chen Xuan was surprised , These sword auras were really overbearing. Just now there was a sword intent and rushed to Chen Xuan in an instant. Fortunately, he defended in a timely manner and was not hit by this sword aura.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to probe, he found several warriors in white long clothes in the distance, and gave him cruel laughs.

   "Unexpectedly, I encountered a disciple of the Sword Moon Sect here."

   "Our luck is really good, just kill this kid!"

   "That's right, he must be carrying a lot of valuable things on his body. If you kill him, maybe you can still get the swordsmanship!"

   "Let's go, and teach him a lesson!" After these white-clothed warriors finished speaking, they immediately walked in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  There was a squalid on their faces, and they stared at Chen Xuan gloomily: "Boy, are you from Jianyuezong?"

   "Yes." Chen Xuan didn't know what they wanted to do, so he nodded and replied.

   "It turned out to be a disciple of Jianyuezong, I guessed it..." The few of them looked at each other, and there was a burst of murderous aura in their pupils.

The figure headed by    is extremely thin, but his cultivation is not weak, and these warriors are basically people of the Feiyun School.

Although the Feiyun Sect cannot be regarded as the strongest sect in Jianyue Ancient City, they have existed for a long time, second only to Jianyuezong and the Li Family.

  Sword Moon Sect also knew about the opening of the Jianyue Ancient Vessel, but very few people from Sword Moon Sect came. As for this Feiyun Sect, they were originally sword repairers, but they were weaker than Sword Moon Sect.

  Feiyun faction tried every means to surpass Jianyuezong, but unfortunately they all lost to Jianyuezong in several martial arts competitions.

Because they came early, they also wandered around a lot, trying to find trouble with the disciples of Jianyuezong. Just today, they felt a breath from Jianyuezong, so they just stayed here and watched. See if you can kill a few disciples of Jian Yuezong.

   "What's your name." A warrior of the Feiyun faction asked in a low voice.

  Chen Xuan's face also showed a touch of caution, knowing that these people have bad intentions, so he also replied: "What do you ask my name for?"

   "Boy, don't talk nonsense, I tell you, today you will die here, haha, I'm afraid no one will come to rescue you!"

  At this moment, a very weird-looking man suddenly pointed to Chen Xuan and said, "I seem to remember. His name is Chen Xuan. He injured Lin Lianhong before!"

   "What? You wounded Lin Lianhong. You brat brat, you dare to beat my brother. It's just a death!"

   "You moved Lin Lianhong, I will never spare you today!"

   "Kill him directly!" The faces of several warriors were bloody.

"Let me teach him a lesson!" Among them was a tall man, who immediately walked out of the crowd. His cultivation in the Feiyun Sect is not bad, at least among this group of people, it can be regarded as a medium cultivation. .

After walking out, the tall man suddenly sneered and whispered to Chen Xuan: "Boy, I heard you are quite arrogant. Even Lin Lianhong was injured by you, but Lin Lianhong and I were like this. The goods are different. You can beat Lin Lianhong, but you can never be my opponent."

   "Stop talking nonsense." Chen Xuan also had a touch of disdain on his face.

   "Very good, then I will let you see my cultivation skills!" The man immediately rushed towards Chen Xuan with a long sword in his hand.

  His face changed slightly, and Chen Xuan also displayed the Suzaku sword technique.

  A fierce sword aura was immediately released, only to see the tall warrior's body was instantly knocked into the air, fell to the ground, and his breath was wilting.

  "You still want to fight against me, you can't live or die." Chen Xuan said coldly.

The Feiyun Sect disciple headed by    also had a cautious look on his face. From Chen Xuan's shots, he could also see that Chen Xuan's cultivation was indeed very strong.

   "This kid seems to be quite strong, brothers, be careful, don't let your guard down, let's go together, we can definitely take this kid down!"

  Several warriors immediately started together, wanting to avenge Lin Lianhong, but where they were Chen Xuan's opponent, they were defeated by a sword aura in just a dozen rounds.

   Seeing their bodies fall to the ground, Chen Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I thought your cultivation level was very strong, but that seems to be nothing more than that."

After retracting the Liaoyuan Sword, Chen Xuan gave a cold snort and left here.

  Now that his cultivation has reached the mid-fifth stage of the Shenluo realm, he will only be threatened when he encounters the warriors in the late-sixth stage of the Shenluo realm. Otherwise, no one is his opponent.

Although the Feiyun Sect is also one of the martial sects, those who provoke Chen Xuan just now are all disciples who have not joined the Feiyun Sect for a long time. Chen Xuan's current cultivation base can easily deal with them.

  It didn't take long for Chen Xuan to feel a fierce aura in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, and his face also darkened.

   "I heard that the Jianyue Ancient Vein is very dangerous. It is really extraordinary. There seems to be a piercing purple cloud tiger in front." Chen Xuan raised the Liaoyuan sword and stared at the front of his body.


A fierce spiritual power suddenly rose to the sky, a huge monster slowly emerged from the distant jungle, a blood-red spiritual power also condensed in the huge body, a pair of huge eyes, staring at Chen firmly. Xuan's body.

   "It's really an armor-piercing purple cloud tiger, and the breath of the armor-piercing purple cloud tiger inside actually has a sword intent, which is worthy of the sword and moon ancient vein." Chen Xuan slightly praised.

After entering the Jianyue Ancient Vein, Chen Xuan also realized that this Jianyue Ancient Vein was indeed very dangerous.

  Only spent two hours in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, and Chen Xuan met this armor-piercing Purple Cloud Tiger, and he could only say that he was out of luck.

  The body of the armor-piercing Ziyun Tiger suddenly jumped into the air, and a fierce aura gathered in the body, and it bit directly towards Chen Xuan.

Seeing that the armor-breaking Ziyun tiger was about to rush in front of him, Chen Xuan gently shook the Liaoyuan sword, and a fierce aura was immediately released from his pubic area, and slammed into the armor-breaking Ziyun. On the tiger's body.

  After two rounds, Chen Xuan killed the armor-piercing purple cloud tiger, and then he took out the inner alchemy from the body of the armor-piercing purple cloud tiger.

  Although Chen Xuan no longer needs to rely on the monster inner alchemy to enhance the power of the demon soul, these inner alchemy can also be sold for a lot of money and stay in the ring, which may be used at any time.

Moving on, Chen Xuan also met many disciples from other sects, but among these disciples, the Feiyun Sect was the most numerous. In addition, there were also some Li family martial artists, but the Sword Moon Sect was very poor. Up.

"Why are there so few people in Jianyuezong? This Jianyue Ancient Vein also has sword intent. The disciples of Jianyuezong must come here to practice. It is a bit strange. I don't know why Old Man Zhuge wants me to come over?" Chen Xuan was also a little surprised in his heart, but he didn't want to think about these cumbersome things. Taking one step at a time, Chen Xuan continued to move forward and began to search the entire Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  These disciples all showed a guard against Chen Xuan. They saw that Chen Xuan was a disciple of Jianyuezong and his cultivation level was not weak.

   "Could it be that the Sword Moon Sect is also here!"

   "Before the number of people from the Sword Moon Sect was very small, after all, the number of people who practiced in the Sword Moon Sect was not as many as ours."

   "Those who can enter the Sword Moon Sect are basically elites. Could it be that this kid is also very strong?"

   Chen Xuan turned a blind eye to their remarks, and continued to search in Nuo Da’s Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  If it is possible to find the sword canon hidden in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, Chen Xuan will be lucky.

  In these sword books, there are also many methods of sword tactics practice recorded in the countries of the Fourth Age.

  Once you get a copy, it will allow Chen Xuan to cultivate the sword soul faster.

  (End of this chapter)

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