Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3621: Sword Code

  Chapter 3621 Sword Classic

  About three hours later, Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly locked to a jungle in front of him. He walked here and couldn't move forward anymore.

"What's the matter? Why is the power in front so strong? Is there any change nearby?" Chen Xuan's face was slightly puzzled, he still wanted to continue walking forward, but a sword aura that rose out of thin air suddenly appeared. Stirring around.

"It seems that there is no way for people with a weak cultivation base to enter." Chen Xuan's heart was also full of shock. He thought he had walked into the Jianyue Ancient Vein, but only now did he find out that this Jianyue Ancient Vein. There are many mysterious areas inside, none of which have been unlocked.

  At this moment, many other disciples also rushed over, and they all stared at Chen Xuan with doubts.

   "Is he really from the Sword Moon Sect?"

   "Look at his appearance. Although he doesn't carry the token of Sword Moon Sect, it is impossible for these disciples of Sword Moon Sect to come out alone, right?"

  "Who is he?" The faces of these disciples also had some doubts.

  This area has not been unlocked in the first place, and only some powerful people can explore it. Chen Xuan's current cultivation base requires great efforts to take a step forward.

   "Where is this place?" Chen Xuan also showed surprise. With the power of dragon patterns running, Chen Xuan wanted to try again, but he just walked to the boundary of this mysterious area and his body was instantly bounced back.

"Why can't I get in this place? Could it be that my cultivation level is required to be very strong?" Chen Xuan's heart was full of stormy waves. He thought he was in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, and he could pick up a few casually. This sword canon allows him to cultivate the sword soul, but what is happening now also makes Chen Xuan feel that this sword moon ancient vein is not so easy to enter.

   "It seems that you still have to find a way by yourself." Chen Xuan looked around and suddenly found that there were already several acquaintances nearby, among them Zang Feiyu.

  Zang Feiyu also smiled and walked towards Chen Xuan. Beside him, there were also many warriors who had followed him, and these people also followed.

   "Zang Feiyu, why are you here too?" Chen Xuan asked.

  Zang Feiyu smiled: "Brother Chen, why can't we come here? This Jianyue Ancient Vein contains extremely abundant sword energy. This time, the two elders personally named them and asked us to come."

  Chen Xuan nodded slightly: "Okay, let's not talk about it so much. If we want to remember the old, we have opportunities in the future. Did your elders tell you how we are going to explore these mysterious areas?"

  Zang Feiyu and a disciple behind him glanced at each other, and then said, "Do you know? Did the master tell you when we came?"

The warrior smiled and slowly said: "I did say that I also know a little about these mysterious areas. The place where we are now is the periphery of this mysterious area. If you want to enter the inner circle, you not only need to cultivate a strong base. , And resist the terrible Reiatsu..."

  "Is there any difference inside?" Chen Xuan asked.

   "There is not much difference inside, but many of these mysterious areas are places that have not been explored. Maybe you have encountered a few sword canons that can improve your cultivation." Martial artist whispered.

   "Then what method are we going to use to enter the mysterious area? I just felt the spiritual aura contained in it. Even a master of the Seventh Level of the Shenluo Realm, it is not so easy to get in." Chen Xuan said softly.

  The Jianyue Ancient Vein they were in contained extremely powerful spiritual pressure. Chen Xuan just walked here, feeling that his body seemed to be pressing on two mountains.

  Not to mention that mysterious areas are more dangerous.

After hearing Chen Xuan’s question, the martial artist replied: “I don’t know exactly how to get in, but if you want to enter the mysterious area, strength is only the criterion for assessment, and you need to understand the sword soul to a very deep level. That's fine."

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan suddenly fell into thinking. He finally came to the Jianyue Ancient Vein. If he did not enter the mysterious area, it would be no different from not coming.

  As they were talking, there were a few men in white clothes, all of whom were from the Feiyun faction, and they all concentrated on the periphery of the mysterious area.

   "I don't believe it anymore, this area is really so evil, let's go in today to see if it will be suppressed!"

   "That's right, let's go in and take a look, I don't believe this place is as terrible as it is in the legend!" These warriors displayed aura and wanted to enter.

  It's a pity that all their efforts were in vain. A warrior just wanted to rush in, shot a blue sword aura from the mysterious area, and killed him directly.

  The warrior’s face was full of exclamation: "There is such a strong sword aura, let's not force it..."

There are inheritance treasures in the mysterious area. It has long been no secret. Many people are now red-eyed and want to go in to find out. If they can get some inheritance treasures or sword canons, they will not only increase their cultivation base, It will also bring gains to one's own sect, and even improve one's own status.

  Seeing the red sword aura that suddenly shot out, everyone's faces hesitated.

  "What should I do? The breath inside is so strong that it is impossible for us to enter."

   "Would you like to think of other ways? It's not a problem that we have been consuming here."

   "Unless you are a genius of swordsmanship, let's not think about it. I am afraid that only those of the Sword Moon Sect will have a chance to enter..."

   "By the way, why didn't the people of Jianyuezong come here?" a warrior asked.

  While they were talking, Chen Xuan heard a movement in front of him, so he and several people beside him hurried over.

  Only saw a red light group suddenly emerged from the inside, slowly falling on Chen Xuan's hand.

   With a touch of surprise on his face, Chen Xuan carefully looked at the light ball on his hand. It didn't take long for the light ball to turn into a dragon pill spirit stone, and it appeared in his hand.

  Seeing the dragon pill spirit stone transformed by the light group, everyone's faces were full of madness, and they obviously wanted Chen Xuan's body to **** this dragon pill spirit stone.

   "This kid actually got the Dragon Pill Soul Stone, so he must not let him take it away!" Several Feiyun Sect warriors immediately waved their swords and rushed towards him frantically.

Chen Xuan gently waved the long sword in his hand and released an extremely fierce sword aura. Several Jian Yuezong warriors who appeared in front of him were instantly knocked into the air. After clearing the road ahead, Chen Xuan A fierce murderous aura was also released on his face.

   "I got this dragon pill and soul stone, do you still want to grab it blatantly!?"

  At this moment, many warriors are still rushing in Chen Xuan's direction. Facing their screams, Chen Xuan once again released the power of the Vermillion Bird, and red flames rose from his body.

  One of the warriors holding a long sword, a red light appeared on his body, and he came directly to Chen Xuan's side.

   "That Dragon Pill Spirit Soul Stone is mine, you don't want to take it away!" Following his anger, this sword aura directly knocked Chen Xuan away for several steps.

  The Dragon Pill Spirit Stone he originally held in his hand also fell directly to the ground. The faces of several warriors were full of madness, and they rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

One of the men in a red long coat took the dragon pill spirit stone directly into his hand, his face was full of wild colors: "Aha, this dragon pill spirit stone was taken by mine. !"

  But before he finished speaking, another fierce figure rushed over, a sword light flickered, and one of his arms was directly cut off.

  Red blood kept flowing from his arm.

  Seeing these people is like crazy, Chen Xuan's pupils are also slightly low: "These people are not crazy, are they? It's just a dragon pill soul stone, why did it become like this..."

   "In order to **** this dragon pill soul stone, they actually even killed their fellow senior..."

  I only saw the warrior who was holding the dragon pill spirit soul stone in his hand just now, and his arm lost control, and after the dragon pill spirit soul stone fell on the ground, it emitted a burst of colored light and jumped into the air again.

  "This dragon pill spirit stone belongs to me, don't grab it with me!" Many warriors let out a ferocious roar, wanting to **** this dragon pill spirit stone.

  But after a fierce battle, Chen Xuan's hand also released the power of a dragon pattern: "If you want to **** the dragon pill spirit stone from my hand, I am afraid that you are not qualified."

  A fierce sword aura rose to the sky, and Chen Xuan's body also showed a murderous aura. It was originally the Dragon Pill Spirit Stone he had obtained for the first time, so how could he give in.

  Under the release of this fierce sword aura, the bodies of several warriors were instantly knocked into the air, and there was no way to stop Chen Xuan's attack.

  After getting this dragon pill spirit stone, Chen Xuan's body floated high into the air, and he glanced at the group of warriors coldly.

   "You people are not crazy, right? It's just a dragon pill soul stone." Chen Xuan said cruelly.

  But these warriors had already fallen into hysteria, and they screamed at Chen Xuan one by one fiercely.

   "Boy, this dragon pill soul stone belongs to me, and it can't be kept by your cultivation base. I think you should take it out honestly!"

   "That's right, if you don't hand over the Dragon Pill Soul Stone to us, don't blame me for being rude today!"

"Yes, this kid is really looking for death. He dares to **** the Dragon Pill Spirit Soul Stone under our noses. Don't blame us for not giving you face. Our Feiyun faction people, once they are all over, how can you possibly be? Get the Dragon Pill Soul Stone?"

"This dragon pill soul stone itself was first obtained by me, and it is also a masterless thing. Since I am holding it again now, it is mine. If you want to **** it, come over." Chen Xuan's face Full of peace, holding the Liaoyuan Sword in his left hand and the Dragon Pill Soul Stone in his right hand.

   Feeling the ferocious aura released from Chen Xuan's body, these fierce warriors suddenly showed a fierce look.

   "This kid dares to be so arrogant in front of us, and kill him in the past!"

  The next moment, several fierce men suddenly burst out with a burst of red light, and thunder light also directly filled around Chen Xuan's body.

  For them, getting this dragon pill soul stone is the most important thing.

Even Chen Xuan felt a fierce aura from the Dragon Pill Soul Stone. If he could absorb the energy in the Dragon Pill Soul Stone, he might be able to make breakthroughs in his cultivation and comprehend a stronger sword soul. .

   "Kill him!"

   "What is the origin of this kid? Isn't he from Jian Yuezong!"

   "I recognize it. This kid seems to have joined Jianyue Sect before. His name is Chen Xuan. Lin Lianhong was defeated by him!"

   "You turned out to be a member of Jianyuezong, no wonder you are so arrogant!" Several people have surrounded Chen Xuantuan.

  Suddenly a disciple swung a long sword and killed him towards Chen Xuan.

  Chen Xuan just shook the long sword in his hand, and the fierce red light was immediately released from his arm and pierced into the body of this warrior.

  A stream of blood was released, and the warrior suddenly fell to the ground, motionless.

  Other weak warriors also felt the terrifying power released by Chen Xuan, they were all shocked, and they never dared to attack again.

  As for the other monks with strong cultivation bases, they still showed greed towards Chen Xuan's Dragon Pill Soul Stone, and the sword in his hand was also firmly grasped, ready to move.

   "Boy, your cultivation level can't keep this dragon pill soul stone. I advise you to be more acquainted. If you wait for us to attack together, you can only be killed in the end!" said a ferocious warrior.

   "Yes, if you don't hand over the Dragon Pill Soul Stone to us, this is your burial place!"

"That's right, you little boy, just joined Jianyuezong. I really think that my cultivation is very strong. Let me tell you, if we get serious, it only takes three rounds to subdue you at most. Up!"

  (End of this chapter)

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