Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3638: Sword vein area open

  Chapter 3638 Sword Vein Area Opened

Li Tianpo whispered in his ear: "My lord, don't worry. My cultivation level has now broken through. Chen Xuan can never be my opponent. It only takes two or three rounds for me at most. You can kill him!"

   Several elders from the Li family also rushed over, with surprises on their faces, not knowing why this Li Gongfeng was bothering Chen Xuan.

  But what Chen Xuan said just now was also heard by these Li family elders.

  A law enforcement elder of the Li family asked coldly: "Li Gongfeng, what happened?"

  Li Zhifeng also felt speechless, he could not say, what Chen Xuan said just now was correct?

  Moreover, he and Li Tianpo besieged Chen Xuan together, and both let the other party escape.

  Chen Xuan is just a new disciple, he can't even deal with Chen Xuan, besides, there are so many people here, if you talk about it, you will not be able to raise your face in the next life.

   gave a cold smile, he did not continue to say more, but gave Chen Xuan an angry look, turned and left here.

Li Tianpo's eyes were also full of disdain, and even looked at Chen Xuan provocatively: "Very well, I can't do anything here. As long as I enter the mysterious area, I will kill you. ,Ha ha!"

  In a blink of an eye, many disciples began to walk into the mysterious area one by one.

  They just walked to the periphery of the mysterious area, but when they entered the inner periphery, they suddenly felt a fierce spiritual power.

  Everyone was no longer in the line, and rushed in.

  A black figure just rushed to the inner circle.

  The next moment, his body flashed with blood, and the whole person shot out directly from the inside. A huge scratch appeared on his arm, and it even revealed that a cyan breath was swallowing his body.

   "What the **** is going on?" A warrior's face was full of surprise. The sudden scene made everyone stop and never dared to move inside.

  The periphery of the mysterious area is very dangerous. After the formation is loosened, some monster beasts that were originally active on the periphery have also entered the inner periphery. Therefore, the inner periphery has become more dangerous.

  From the wounds caught on this disciple's body, they could also see that there must be a very powerful monster inside.

  Everyone is not paying attention to the injured disciple anymore, instead focusing all their eyes on the inner periphery of this mysterious area.

   "There must be a lot of good treasures inside, let's go in and look for them!"

   "Everyone must be careful, there is a monster with a tyrannical cultivation base at the door..."

  I didn't know who shouted, and disciples of these sects rushed in.

  Even though the monster inside was very powerful, it couldn't stop the attack of so many disciples. In the end, the monster guarding the door was killed by everyone in just a few minutes.

  Chen Xuan stepped into the inner circle last.

  At this moment, when he just walked in, he suddenly felt a fierce breath, squeezing him in all directions.

The status of the Jianyue Ancient Vein is very special.

  Only near the ancient city of Yunxiao Mansion.

  The nine main cities of the entire Yunxiao Mansion are basically first-class cities, but the Jianyue Ancient Channel has also attracted warriors from many other cities.

  After all, this ancient sword moon vein has many methods to enhance the power of the sword soul, and there are many people in the entire Black Rock Continent who do not cultivate the sword soul, but the martial soul.

  The difference is only the gap in understanding.

In the   Sword Moon Ancient Vessel, there are not only the magic weapons needed to cultivate sword tactics, but also many martial arts cultivation spirits can use.

  It’s just that most of the ancient sword moon veins are used to cultivate sword soul, and some cultivators of martial soul will not travel thousands of miles and come to Jianyue ancient city.

  Most of them are cultivators of Soul Sword, and they came here to enhance the power of their swordsmanship.

  Chen Xuan had been to Wanjian Villa at the beginning, but most of them were for tempering sword arts. Although they also practiced sword soul, they were not as good as the two-star sect Sword Yuezong.

  Sword Moon Sect is one of the top two-star sects in Yunxiao Mansion. When it comes to the sword repair sect, most people will think of Sword Moon Sect.

This time, the Jianyue Ancient Vessel had an abnormal reaction, and it had disturbed all the sects around the entire Jianyue Ancient City. Even several families in the Jianyue Ancient City sent disciples from the clan to find treasures in it. Let your family strength improve.

Of course, they will not send all the disciples over. After all, everyone knows the danger in Jianyue Ancient Vein. Even if some disciples with too low strength come in, there will only be one result, that is, they will be killed by others. .

  Although Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the five peaks of the Shenluo realm, these new disciples of Jianyuezong admire Chen Xuan very much, knowing that he even defeated Huang Yunhong.

  There are even some disciples who saw with their own eyes how Guo Yujie was defeated by him.

  The warriors who know the truth will definitely not question Chen Xuan's cultivation level. After they entered the Jianyue Ancient Vein, they have been following Chen Xuan.

  This also made Chen Xuan somewhat helpless.

  The footsteps moved lightly, and Chen Xuan's body suddenly disappeared, leaving several Jianyuezong disciples dumbfounded.

The Jianyue Ancient Vein has existed for thousands of years, and some of the treasures handed down from the outside have been excavated by various sects. However, several mysterious areas are too strong because of the power of the formation, which is the top of the sect. There is no way to get in.

   The formation of the loosening, only the monks below the seventh level of the Shenluo realm can enter. Once other people walk in, they will be attacked by the ancient veins.

  In normal times, ordinary people have no way to get in at all. Only geniuses with talents far surpassing ordinary people have the opportunity to enter and find the magic weapon of inheritance.

   Legend has it that a thousand years ago, a powerful man with extremely talent appeared in the ancient city of Jianyue. He entered the ancient line of Jianyue when he was 23 years old, and he also found a treasure of inheritance.

  This person is the ancestor who founded Jianyue Sect, and this incident also shocked the entire Jianyue Ancient City for a while.

  Sword Yuezong has been a thousand or two hundred years since the founding of the sect. In these hundreds of years, there has never been a genius who can enter the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  In these years, the major forces around the entire Jianyue Ancient City are also looking for a way to enter, but even if they rack their brains, they can’t get in.

  The formation around Jianyue Ancient Vessel was set up by an extremely strong person.

  Sword Moon Sect has also used many strong men, but still there is no way to break the restriction of the formation.

  Even when the formation was broken once, it caused a rebound from the Jianyue Ancient Vein. Several elders were seriously injured, and in the end this matter could not be stopped.

  Chen Xuan did not fly in the air. He knew that the Jianyue Ancient Vein was extremely dangerous, and the forests appeared in front of him, which also made Chen Xuan bewildered.

   "It's Jian Yuelin!"

  He discovered that the bamboos in the Sword Moon Forest were all carved with sword blade symbols. What shocked Chen Xuan was that it was exactly the same as the bamboo Yu Wentian brought him back.

   "No way, could it be that Yu Wentian did this?" Chen Xuan's face was full of shock.

  He knows how terrifying Yu Wentian's cultivation level has reached as the dragon pattern master.

  On this empty ground, Chen Xuan saw many bamboos that contained extremely majestic sword soul power.

   Chen Xuan, who was shocked in his heart, immediately walked towards a bamboo. At this moment, several disciples of Jianyuezong also rushed over next to him.

  As soon as he walked into this mysterious area, Chen Xuan and many other disciples dispersed, although before coming here, the person in charge had told them that they must act together.

  But these disciples were weaker than Chen Xuan. They couldn't keep up with Chen Xuan's speed, so only a few disciples with slightly stronger powers could follow.

  After seeing the surrounding environment, a disciple of Jianyuezong suddenly came over and said: "Brother Chen Xuan, look, this is Jianyuelin who specializes in tempering sword intent."

   "Sword Moon Forest contains a very majestic sword aura. I didn't expect there to be such a place..." Chen Xuan was slightly surprised.

   At this moment, he suddenly saw in front of this sword moon forest, a huge figure was slowly approaching them.

   "Be careful!" Chen Xuan said to the disciples behind him.

The Poyun Dragon Bone Snake shook its huge body, sprayed a fierce venom from its mouth, and slammed into Chen Xuan's body.

   "Be careful!" A disciple just wanted to run away, but saw that the venom had rushed towards his body

Chen Xuan roared, and then instantly released the power of the Vermillion Bird. When a burst of red flames burned, even if the venom of this cloud-breaking dragon bone snake was fierce, it could only be burned to the ground by the flames. steam.

  Chen Xuan's pupils looked carefully at the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake.

  He was surprised: "As expected of the depths of Jianyue Ancient Vein, there are indeed many powerful monsters, and they can actually encounter a cloud-broken dragon bone snake here..."

Two horns have gradually grown on the head of the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake. If you look closely, you can see bursts of light from the horns.

"It seems that this Poyun Dragon Bone Snake is about to cultivate into a Flood Dragon, and in a few hundred years, he will be able to evolve into a Flood Dragon, but it's just a one-claw Flood Dragon." After Chen Xuan finished speaking, he swung the Liaoyuan sword again. , A burst of terrifying force was released in the body.

  Under the release of this sword aura, the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake instantly shook its huge body, and its scales flashed with a burst of cold light, and it rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

  Chen Xuan displayed the power of thousands of swords.


The    Sword Art suddenly turned into a phantom, slammed into the huge body of the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake, and directly knocked the body of the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake hundreds of meters away.

   "Brother is mighty, even Poyun Dragon Bone Snake is not your opponent!"

  "Fortunately, we are following Brother Chen Xuan, otherwise I will definitely have been killed by this Poyun Dragon Bone Snake!"

   "The strength of the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake is really terrifying, we can't be his opponent!"

  Poyun Dragon Bone Snake also frequents the Jianyue Ancient Vein.

  Chen Xuan had encountered one before, but the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake he encountered was completely incomparable with the one in front of him.

"Heaven and Earth here is also very aura. Poyun Dragon Bone Snake is cultivated in the depths of Jianyue Ancient Vein. It is naturally much stronger than the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake outside. You should be more cautious and don't let your guard down." Chen Xuan reminded aloud.

  Although these disciples have joined Jianyuezong for a long time, many of them have been in the past few years, but they are now looking forward to Chen Xuan's horse.

  They all know that Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong, and there is meat behind Chen Xuan. If they leave the team, they will definitely be killed by the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake every minute.

  Finally after two rounds, Chen Xuan took the lead and fiercely inserted the Liaoyuan sword into the skin of the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake. Chen Xuan roared, and bursts of fiery red spiritual power aroused all over his body.


  The body of the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake produced a violent explosion. After directly beheading the Poyun Dragon Bone Snake, Chen Xuan began to continue to look at the sword moon forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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