Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3639: Sword Soul Seal

  Chapter 3639 Seal of Sword Soul

  "Brother Chen, you see, these pillars are carved with sword-blade souls, which contain ample sword aura. If you can get one of the sword souls, you can increase the power of the sword tactics again!"

"Unexpectedly, I would meet the legendary Jian Yuelin..." Chen Xuan sighed first, then he smiled. A sword soul had already been sealed in his Liaoyuan sword, which was the original one in his body. Demon soul.

  With the assistance of Yuwentian, no matter how strong the demon soul is, there is no way to resist the power of the dragon pattern.

  In the end, Chen Xuan was sealed in the Liaoyuan Sword.

   "However, we have not fully entered the depths yet, we have to walk forward." A disciple said.

  Chen Xuan directly lifted his foot to leave, but at this moment, he felt a fierce force pressing on his shoulders, no matter how Chen Xuan used his aura, he could not leave.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Xuan was surprised.

  The disciple who spoke just now showed a wry smile: "Brother Chen Xuan, haven't I already told you, you must follow the rules here, otherwise you will encounter Jian Lin's suppression..."

   "Then you go try." Chen Xuan said to him.

  Before this Jianyuezong disciple could go out, a burly man of the Feiyun faction flashed, and he walked inside with a laugh.

  It can be seen that when the mighty man dashed on a rampage, thunder flashes from above, squeezing toward his body quickly.

  Everyone stared at the tall man one after another, wanting to see if it would work if he rushed over like this!

   But at this moment, a fierce force instantly fell towards his body, and then, the man's body was instantly knocked into the air.

  Several Feiyun Sect disciples also came over one after another, staring at this scene dumbfounded.

   "What happened? His cultivation is so strong that he can't resist it?"

   "It's amazing. I didn't expect that he could not bear this force..."

  Chen Xuan locked his eyebrows, he squinted his eyes and looked at Jian Yuelin in front of him. He also felt a wave of fierce power, but he felt that something was wrong.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly heard a loud sound coming from a distance. He could only see that in the entire Jianyue Forest, all the auras were emerging towards the body of the Feiyun Sect warrior. past.


  The strong man let out a scream, blood mist spurted, and his body almost burst apart.

   Seeing this, everyone was stunned, and a trace of fear appeared in their eyes, and they all felt that this sword moon forest was not that simple.

   "No way, it was so miserable. I thought he was just bounced away. It seems that this sword moon forest is not that simple."

   "It's really weird. I have never been to such a terrible place. No, I have to go..." a warrior said hurriedly.

  At this moment, several other people also rushed in.

The Feiyun Sect warrior just now has reached the mid-sixth stage of the Shenluo Realm. Although his strength is not too strong, he is definitely not weak. Even he can't resist the rebound of the sword formation, which is enough to show how powerful this place is. terror.

   "It seems that if we want to go in, we must be more cautious, otherwise we will definitely be bounced back by the formation. Even the six masters of the Shenluo realm are directly killed, and we are not opponents!"

  Several warriors all had unspeakable shock on their faces. They knew that it was not so easy to pass on.

  One of the disciples of Jianyuezong also walked in the direction of Chen Xuan: "What should we do now?"

   Chen Xuan’s pupils flashed with a hint of light, and then he replied: “You have to be more cautious. It’s not that simple here.”

After walking into Jianyue Forest, Chen Xuan kept observing the surroundings. Although he also felt that there were dangers nearby, with Chen Xuan's current cultivation base, even facing monsters one level higher than him. , It can be easily dealt with.

  In this Jianyue Forest, opportunities and dangers coexist.

  For all the martial artists who entered this sword moon forest, this is definitely an opportunity.

  They can find many precious magic weapons in the Sword Moon Forest. If they are lucky, they are very likely to get the sword canon handed down from ancient times.

  Everyone dreams of getting the sword canon. After all, the sword canon is very rare, and the techniques recorded in it are basically above the heavenly rank.

  A few people stared at the sword moon forest with jealousy. There was even a sword moon sect warrior who said behind Chen Xuan: "Should we go there? Brother Chen?"

  Chen Xuan stared at his eyes, scanned the front and said, “Don’t act rashly. We must act according to the rules of this sword moon forest, otherwise it is very likely to cause this sword moon forest to backlash!"

  Cultivation is always going against the sky. When they moved in this sword moon forest, they also clearly felt the suppression of the heavens.

  For the monks of these sects, they have only one purpose, which is to improve their cultivation level, and they are absolutely impossible to succumb to this little difficulty.

  After finally opening the door to the mysterious area, they would naturally not let this opportunity pass.

  How many years has it been? The inner circle of Jianyue Ancient Vessel has finally opened, and this opportunity must be seized!

  Several Feiyun Sect warriors are eager to try.

  Naturally, Chen Xuan would not let go of this opportunity, his eyes flashed with a sharp light, thinking about Jian Yuelin's secret.

"This Sword Moon Forest should have existed a long time ago. I am afraid that it is almost the same time as the Jianyue Ancient Vein. The rules inside are also very mysterious. The Feiyun faction just rushed in and was bombed. Crushing is definitely not possible, you have to think of other ways..."

   Just as he was thinking, Chen Xuan suddenly felt waves of terrifying power coming from the front. Several Feiyun Sect warriors had not rushed in, and their bodies were suddenly thrown out like a broken kite.

   "What the **** happened? Jian Yuelin is really terrifying, right?"

   "Their cultivation bases have reached the fifth peak of the Shenluo realm, and they can't resist the backlash of this sword moon forest. Could it be..."

"People who are higher than the seventh level of the Shenluo realm cannot enter this sword moon forest. If our sect masters come, they will definitely be able to easily cross the sword moon forest, but our current behavior is still completely impossible. ......" A warrior said.

  Many cultivators thought they could find the magic weapon in the Sword Moon Forest. At this moment, they all began to swiftly move forward, but in the end, there was only one, one after another, they were bombed out.

Chen Xuan's face was filled with sorrow: "The power in Jianyuelin is very strong. Although my cultivation level has surpassed that of a monk of the same level, it is not that simple to go through Jianyuelin! "

  No one can see through the formation of this sword moon forest, let alone find treasures.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan discovered that the traces of gossip were actually carved on the ground, which made his face show a smile of joy: "It seems that this should have a lot of connection with the five elements and gossip. Start from this aspect..."

  When he saw the five elements gossip, Chen Xuan's memories of the original came to mind bit by bit. It didn't take long for him to feel a fierce force surrounding him.

   "Sure enough..." Chen Xuan's face was full of joy, and his body suddenly bounced into the air. Surrounded by the power of the five elements and gossip, he quickly advanced more than two hundred meters.

  After seeing the monks of other sects, their faces were filled with shock.

   "How did he do it?"

   "Isn't this a new disciple of Jianyuezong? Why can he do it but we can't do it?"

   "Is there any technique for this? This Jian Yuelin is indeed very mysterious. Let's follow him as soon as possible..."

While    spoke, several disciples immediately followed Chen Xuan and kept walking towards the inside of Jian Yuelin.

As expected by Chen Xuan, in this sword moon forest, there is still a hidden symbol of a sword blade, and on the altar in the distance, there is a blue long sword thrusting into the sky, and it is caught in the eyes of everyone. .

   "This is the treasure in the mysterious area, let's hurry and grab it!" A disciple said loudly, his body turned into a blue light, and quickly rushed towards the moon sky sword.


  He hadn't rushed to the front of the Moon Sky Sword, his body was bounced off for hundreds of meters, and he landed directly on a distant stone.

   "Moon Sky Sword! It's Moon Sky Sword!"

  When the warriors of other sects saw this, their faces were full of surprises, but after that, their faces were full of greed. If they could get the Moon Sky Sword from here, they would be able to improve their cultivation a lot.

   "Don't let your chances go!" A disciple of the Feiyun faction shouted loudly, immediately took the lead, and rushed towards the Moon Sky Sword again.

  The time passed bit by bit, most of the warriors all failed, one by one they were bounced out.

  The disciple of Jian Yuezong who had been following Chen Xuan could not contain the excitement in his heart, and quickly rushed in the direction of the Moon Sky Sword.


  The bodies of several people were instantly knocked into the air, without even touching the Moon Sky Sword.

   Chen Xuan's eyes revealed a deep sense, and now he is not in a hurry to act.

  He also knew that it might not be so easy to get this moon sky sword.

  It is necessary to proceed with caution to be able to win in the end.

  Many monsters in this area have been staring at them all the time. If one is not careful, it is very likely that these powerful monsters will be attracted to them.

  If it were not because of their large numbers, that these monsters would also be very jealous, I am afraid the monsters would have already rushed over.

  One hour later, Chen Xuan's body surface was covered with the power of dragon patterns, and there were waves of fierce aura from this mysterious area, which also made Chen Xuan's heart a little excited.

  He could feel the power of a dragon pattern in the Moon Sky Sword.

  Could it be said that there is a dragon stone stele here?

At this moment, Chen Xuan could feel that the power of the dragon pattern in his body was trembling quickly. At the next moment, an invisible dragon pattern power was immediately released from his body and intersected with the moon sky sword in the sword moon forest. Echoing.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Xuan's face also showed excitement.

   had a reaction with his dragon pattern power, indicating that there is definitely a dragon stone stele here.

  The power of the dragon pattern can greatly increase the power when there is a dragon stone stele nearby.

  The dragon pattern covered on the body surface made Chen Xuan's expression become hideous. The majestic power covered the entire sword moon forest, intertwined with the aura in the sword moon forest.


Suddenly, Chen Xuan only felt a pain in his head, and he couldn't help covering his head: "What's the matter? Isn't this power being handed over with my dragon pattern? Why is it so? such!"

  Chen Xuan still resisted the pain, and when the time passed for more than 20 seconds, a red light suddenly flashed in his pupils.

   Jian Yuelin, who had been silent, also became restless.

  The Moon Sky Sword at the center altar suddenly trembled and swayed in the direction of Chen Xuan.

  (End of this chapter)

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