Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3641: The treasure of Jian Yuelin's heritage

  Chapter 3641 Jian Yuelin's Inheritance Treasure

  The entire Jian Yuelin fell into calm once again, the spiritual pressure that had originally bloomed has also returned to silence, without any fluctuations, as if falling into a deep sleep.

  After seeing Chen Xuan leave, several disciples of Jianyuezong also hurriedly followed.

  Half an hour later, Chen Xuan appeared on a piece of rock. He was ready to look at the Moon Sky Sword he had just obtained, but he heard a voice from behind him.

After discovering several Jianyuezong disciples, Chen Xuan also relaxed his vigilance: "Why are you here?"

  As soon as his voice fell, the sword in the hands of one of the Jianyuezong disciples had already pierced towards him, bursts of fierce auras were constantly released, and then, the sound of swords rang through Chen Xuan's ears.

   "What do you want to do?" Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, releasing a fierce murderous aura.

  He thought that these Sword Yuezong disciples were here to help him, but when he didn't agree with him, he did it. Obviously, he also wanted to get the moon sky sword in Chen Xuan's hands.

   "There is only one moon sky sword, not to mention that I have obtained the moon sky sword inheritance. Even if you kill me, you won't get this moon sky sword." Chen Xuan explained.

   "We can't manage that much. You must not take this Moon Sky Sword. Leave the Moon Sky Sword, otherwise we will kill you today!" The faces of several Sword Moon Sect disciples were full of hideousness.

  For the Moon Sky Sword, they didn't care about the friendship and directly displayed the Sword Art of Extinguishing the Sky.

As one of the top sword arts of the Sword Moon Sect, the   Sky Destruction Sword Technique, only a small number of inner disciples can cultivate to the top level. These outer disciples have just learned a little, but they are very powerful.

  A sword shadow appeared in front of Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan's face was full of disdain.

   "Just because you guys still want to do something to me, and don't take a **** to take pictures of yourself?" Chen Xuan's face was full of wind and light, and these people were really not his opponents.

  After displaying the dragon pattern, Chen Xuan's speed instantly increased. Before a Sword Yuezong disciple could react, his body was directly knocked out.


  Chen Xuan directly kicked the sword Yuezong disciple in the chest, and then swung the Moon Sky Sword, wanting to test the power of the Moon Sky Sword.


   Moon Sky Sword naturally released the power of the dragon pattern, and the defensive power of this Sword Moon Sect disciple only reached a star body.

  He couldn't resist Chen Xuan's attack at all. His body was shot out hundreds of meters in an instant, and he lay motionless on the ground.

  The other Sword Yuezong disciples now have shocked expressions on their faces: "We are not his opponents, we should withdraw quickly!"

   "Run, run!"

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of coldness: "Since you want to kill me, I can still let you run away?"

  The next moment, a fiery red light appeared on his body, and the Vermillion Bird's fire burned instantly, and a Sword Yuezong disciple didn't run two steps before his body disappeared.

  The others had already peeed their pants in fright, and looked back at Chen Xuan in shock.

  "Please don't kill me, we are all disciples of Jianyuezong!"

With disdain on his face, Chen Xuan said in a cold voice: "You also know that we are all members of the Sword Moon Sect? Then why did you act on me just now? Obviously, you didn't see me in your eyes!"

As soon as these words came out, this Jianyuezong disciple dared not say a word, and looked at him with shock on his face: "I beg you not to do this to me. All that happened just now was an accident. I didn't mean it! "

Not intentional? Let's talk about it in hell!

  Chen Xuan's face was full of fierceness, and he directly swung a long sword to chop off the head of this disciple.

After slaying these Jianyuezong disciples, Chen Xuan did not continue to stay here.

  I got this moon sky sword from Jian Yuelin, which attracted the attention of many people.

  The purpose of the disciples who are cultivating in the Martial Arts School is very simple, to obtain stronger treasures and to make their cultivation stronger, but they have no other way.

  In this world, as long as your cultivation base is low, you will most likely be bullied by others, and even be snatched by other disciples with high cultivation bases.

  In order not to be bullied by the powerful warriors, these disciples all tried their best.

   Their current goal is to seize the Moon Sky Sword from Chen Xuan's hands.

  Chen Xuan would not be as they wished, with his current cultivation base, guarding his Moon Sky Sword, it is completely possible to do it.

   Just when Chen Xuan was about to leave, he found many disciples of Jianyuezong looking at him from a distance.

  These disciples now know that Chen Xuan's cultivation is very strong, so naturally they will not come to him for trouble.

  But a man in Tsing Yi came from a distance, and Chen Xuan's expression also became surprised.

   "I didn't expect you to be here, Chen Xuan!"

  Chen Xuan looked up and found that this person released a fierce aura, his eyes were full of greed, and he clearly wanted to take the Moon Sky Sword from his hand.

  After seeing this young warrior coming over, the expressions on everyone's faces also brightened, and they kept looking at Chen Xuan's body.

   "I didn't expect him to come here."

   "I wonder if he can **** the Moon Sky Sword from Chen Xuan's hand!"

   "This Jian Yuezong disciple named Chen Xuan is really hateful. He actually snatched the Moon Sky Sword from under our noses. We must not do what he wanted!"

   Seeing the man in front of him, Chen Xuan also calculated in his heart: "My cultivation base is not necessarily his opponent."

This person's name is Lin Youde, and he is very strong in martial arts. He has reached the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm before. The most important thing is that he has reached a deep grasp of the sword art, and he is also a top master in the ancient city of Jianyue. Offspring.

  With a chuckle on Chen Xuan's face, he immediately replied: "What does it matter to you if I can't get in here? What's the matter? Are you here to trouble me?"

"Hehe, what a big tone, do you really think it is my opponent? I heard that you have killed all the masters of Jianyuezong's outer sect, but I and them are not at the same level!" Lin Youde face It was full of fierceness.

   Chen Xuan's face changed slightly: "Your purpose is to think of the Moon Sky Sword from my hand, right?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Youde's face changed slightly: "Chen Xuan, don't think you are a disciple of Jianyuezong. I can't deal with you anymore. You should be clear about the current situation. If you don't give me the Moonsky Sword, I'm afraid you There is no way to leave from here!"

  Lin Youde turned around and said to the many warriors behind him: “You have all heard that, if Chen Xuan doesn’t give me the Moon Sky Sword today, don’t even want to leave here!”

  Lin Youde, with a fierce look on his face, under his order, many martial artists of the sect surrounded Chen Xuan one after another.

  Lin Youde thinks that his cultivation is enough to deal with Chen Xuan, and he can kill Chen Xuan with his own power.

  But his character is very cautious, and he is also worried that he is not Chen Xuan's opponent. If the horse blunders, it will be very difficult to find Chen Xuan next time.

  Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, and a strong murderous intent flashed in his pupils, asking him to hand over the Moon Sky Sword. Unless he was killed, Chen Xuan would not be able to give this magic weapon that he had just obtained.

   "You want me to hand over the Moon Sky Sword, what you think is so simple, next life!" Chen Xuan looked at the opponent mockingly after finishing speaking, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

  When Chen Xuan said this, all the martial artists around him showed shock.

  They stared at Chen Xuan, wondering how Lin Youde would respond.

   "This kid is really ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth, doesn't he know that Lin Youde is definitely a genius in our Jianyue Ancient City!"

   "Although he killed several outer disciples before, he is definitely not Lin Youde's opponent. It is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers!"

   "This kid wants to die, we can't control him, I want to see what he uses to fight Lin Youde!"

   "I guess Lin Youde will definitely win this time. Chen Xuan can't be Lin Youde's opponent!"

  In the eyes of these disciples of the sects around, Chen Xuan’s cultivation is indeed very strong, but it is incomparable to Lin Youde...

  Lin Youde’s cultivation is well-known, and he is definitely an outstanding disciple of the Outer Sect in the Feiyun Sect.

"Chen Xuan, you are playing with fire!" Lin Youde's face was full of murderous aura. In the entire Jianyuelin, his cultivation is the strongest, and he is also very confident that he can use Chen Xuan's hands. I snatched the Moon Sky Sword last year.

"I'll give you a chance now. If you kneel down and kowtow to me and apologize, I will choose to spare your life. Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to leave here today!" Lin Youde's face was full of gloom, and his body was full of fierceness. His spiritual power spread directly in the direction of Chen Xuan.

   Just now, Lin Youde wanted to use this as a deterrent and grabbed the Moon Sky Sword from Chen Xuan's hand, but seeing that Chen Xuan showed no fear at all, Lin Youde was also very angry.

  He is the top disciple of the Outer Sect of the Feiyun Sect, and now he is so despised by Chen Xuan, his heart has already given birth to killing intent.

  What if he is a disciple of Jianyuezong? Now that I have reached the Jianyue Ancient Vein, life and death are up to the sky, even if I kill him, I am afraid that Zhuge Bai can't do anything to me!

  Lin Youde thought fiercely, and the long sword in his hand suddenly appeared. This wild aura began to suppress Chen Xuan, hoping that Chen Xuan would take the initiative to take out the Moon Sky Sword.

  Chen Xuan was unmoved, a pair of bright red eyes stared at Lin Youde, he had already used the power of the Vermillion Bird, if Lin Youde chose to attack, Chen Xuan would definitely counterattack without hesitation.

  Pale red lines gradually appeared on his skin, and he had gradually realized the second level of the power of the dragon.

  Chen Xuan hoped that Lin Youde would retreat in the face of difficulties and stop to trouble him again.

  How could the duck that reached its beak fly away?

  Lin Youde had long wanted to get this Moon Sky Sword, and seeing Chen Xuan take the Moon Sky Sword away, his heart was full of fury.

   "I tell you, you only have three minutes to survive now. I only give you the last three minutes. If you don't take out the Moon Sky Sword, don't blame me for being polite!"

  Chen Xuan’s face is full of calm: “I will give you the Moon Sky Sword, it depends on my mood, but I can tell you with certainty that I can kill you in three minutes!”

   "What nonsense this kid is talking about, does he really think he is my opponent!?" Lin Youde laughed wildly and looked at Chen Xuan's body.

He has reached the sixth peak of the Shenluo realm. Few disciples here are his opponents. In this Sword Moon Forest, the strongest cultivation base is the six major consummation of the Shenluo realm, but they don’t necessarily ensure that they are perfect. Can defeat Lin Youde.

  Although Lin Youde did not enter the realm of Dzogchen in his cultivation, his comprehension of sword art is very profound.

"Chen Xuan, I have given you the opportunity, and I have given you the time. You are not sure of your destiny! Then I will kill you with my own hands. I will kill you in full view. Isn't it embarrassing?" Lin Youde said angrily with a playful smile on his face.

  Chen Xuan didn't take it seriously, just shook his head slowly. With the strength that he has now entered the five peaks of the Shenluo realm, even facing Lin Youde, he is half-assured to win.

  Several Sword Yuezong disciples also knew that the enemy was currently, and were not ready to **** Chen Xuan's treasures.

  If there were no Lin Youde, they might still have the idea of ​​playing this Moon Sky Sword, but after Lin Youde came over, the disciples of the Sword Moon Sect gathered together and stood behind Chen Xuan.

  The relationship between the disciples of the various sects was originally not harmonious. For the promotion of their own sect status, these Sword Moon Sect disciples could not control whether their cultivation level was raised or not. The most important thing was to ensure the strength of the sect.

  If the Moon Sky Sword is obtained by Lin Youde, the strength of the Feiyun faction will increase, which will not do any good to the Sword Moon Sect.

  (End of this chapter)

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