Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3642: Lin Youde

  Chapter 3642 Lin Youde, who knows nothing about life and death

  Among the many disciples of Jianyuezong, there was a young man in black with a disdainful smile on his face: "This Lin Youde is really reckless, and I don’t know if he can defeat Chen Xuan!"

   "It's hard to say, the cultivation base that broke out between Chen Xuan is very powerful, and many people wanted to trouble him, but they were all killed in the end!"

  The disciples of this group of Jianyuezong knew Chen Xuan's strength very well. Even in the face of Li Tianpo, Chen Xuan won very easily.

   "Go to death for me!" Lin Youde's thunderous speed was released immediately, and he rushed towards Chen Xuan in an instant.

After a fierce aura burst out, the Liaoyuan sword in Chen Xuan's hand also released a burst of fiery red light, directly attacking several warriors.

  When this sword aura broke out again, Chen Xuan's body jumped high into the air, gathering the power of the dragon pattern in his body, and Chen Xuan also released his power completely.

  In an instant, their bodies collided fiercely in the air.

  Something that surprised everyone happened.

   Although Chen Xuan took two steps back, the sword energy he released directly hit Lin Youde's body.

  Faced with Chen Xuan's fierce attack, Lin Youde gradually lost after three rounds.

In the battle behind   , Chen Xuan displayed the Ten Thousand Sword Art, and the red sword shadows in the sky suddenly slayed in the direction of Lin Youde.


  The explosion sounded, Chen Xuan's speed increased again, even Lin Youde could not capture Chen Xuan's body.

"How is this possible! Why did his speed become so fast!" Lin Youde opened his eyes wide and wanted to catch Chen Xuan, but no matter how hard he tried, he could only see a shadow passing by in the air, nothing at all. The way to attack Chen Xuan.


  Four consecutive sword qi directly hit Lin Youde's body, causing a violent explosion.

After landing on the ground, Chen Xuanfeng said calmly: "Lin Youde, you are no longer my opponent. I advise you to know the current affairs and don't force me to take action. Otherwise, I can give you at most two rounds. Kill!"

  As soon as these words came out, all the disciples of the sect were shocked. They wanted to trouble Chen Xuan before, but how Chen Xuan defeated Lin Youde, they also saw in their eyes.

Lin Youde, whose left arm was hit by a burnt prairie sword, had a wound on his face. After falling on the ground, his face was obviously unbelievable. After a while, he took out a black one from his ring. Elixirs.

   "Don't be proud, Chen Xuan, I don't believe it! After I take this pill, you can still be my opponent!"

  At this moment, Lin Youde gathered a burst of black magic energy all over his body, enclosing his whole body in it, and this released power also slammed into Chen Xuan's body in an instant.

   lightly accepted the opponent's attack, Chen Xuan said with a smile: "I want to kill you, it only takes three rounds at most!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces were shocked.

  He is not crazy, right? Lin Youde has already eaten the Demon God Pill, and his cultivation level must have been greatly improved. He actually uttered a wild word, can he kill Lin Youde in three rounds?

  Moshen Pill is a kind of magic pill. Although it can temporarily improve one's cultivation level, it will also bring side effects to one's own body.

  All the warriors are not optimistic about Chen Xuan, do not think he can kill Lin Youde.

   "However, this Lin Youde actually has a Demon Pill hidden in it. Does he have anything to do with the people of the Demon Sect..."

   "Maybe there is a relationship, the Lin family had a lot of exchanges with the Blood Demon Sect before!"

Although he took the pill, Lin Youde did not lose his mind. A pair of red eyes stared at Chen Xuan's body, and then said: "You are so naive, thinking you are my opponent? I want to see. How did you kill me in three rounds!"

  The Demon God Pill improved Lin Youde's cultivation a lot, and now he has gathered a blood red aura, and directly knocked Chen Xuan's body away.

After taking a few steps back, the expression on Chen Xuan's face also became savage. Chen Xuan was not 100% sure of winning this battle with Lin Youde.

  "How can you kill me, hahahaha!" Lin Youde laughed wildly, his face full of hideousness.

   Immediately afterwards, Lin Youde gathered a wave of ferocious spiritual energy all over, and instantly blasted in the direction of Chen Xuan.

The   Feiyun faction not only practiced swordsmanship, but their boxing skills were also very powerful. The burst of power from this punch almost ripped the air. This was also the strongest attack that Lin Youde could display.

   "I will use the power of thunder to kill you and make you arrogant!" Lin Youde roared out.

   Seeing him rushing towards him, Chen Xuan just shook his head slowly. Using his current cultivation base to deal with Lin Youde, it didn't take much effort at all, not to mention that he had just obtained the Moon Sky Sword.

The power of the Moon Sky Sword is obvious to all. Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan Sword is originally powerful, but it has only one shortcoming. It can't match the power of the dragon pattern, but this Moon Sky Sword can cooperate with the Liaoyuan Sword.

  Suddenly, Chen Xuan gently danced the long sword, and a monstrous sword aura immediately filled the entire earth.


  The fierce sword aura immediately slew towards Lin Youde, a cold light flickered, and a miserable cry came out.

  Lin Youde covered his arm, his face was full of ferociousness, his body was covered with blood, and the left arm that was holding the long sword was also directly cut off.

   "No way, Lin Youde actually lost to him, where did Chen Xuan come from!?"

   "Is his cultivation really that strong?"

  All the martial artists around were in an uproar. They all looked at Chen Xuan in surprise, as if they were watching a killing god.

   "It took only a few rounds to defeat Lin Youde. This is impossible. Lin Youde has reached the sixth peak of the Shenluo realm, but Chen Xuan's cultivation is only the five major consummations of the Shenluo realm..."

   "As expected to be a disciple of Jianyuezong, this kind of cultivation is really terrifying, we can't be his opponent..."

  Why is his strength so strong?

  Everyone let out an exclamation in their hearts. They originally thought that Lin Youde could at least last several rounds.

  As a result, Chen Xuan took such a short time to defeat Lin Youde, which far exceeded the expectations of this group of disciples.

  Chen Xuan walked towards Lin Youde step by step, his face full of murderous aura: "Lin Youde, what did I tell you before? You come to trouble me, you should know what I am going to do?"

   Seeing the violent murderous aura revealed on Chen Xuan’s face, Lin Youde’s face was also full of horror.

  Even though there is pain in the heart, compared with the left arm that was cut off, life is more important: "Chen Xuan, don't come over!"

  Chen Xuan's face was full of wind and light, and he said softly: "I said that you must be killed today. No one can save you. I am a person who speaks and counts!"

  The next moment, Chen Xuan's body instantly gathered the power of the dragon pattern. At the same time, the Suzaku fire was released from the Liaoyuan sword. Under the attack of this fierce sword aura, Lin Youde had no chance to resist.

  When the Suzaku Sword Qi hit him, Lin Youde's body instantly exploded.

   Killed Lin Youde in just a few rounds and deterred all the warriors present. They looked at Chen Xuan in horror, their faces full of shock.

   "It's horrible, it seems that we will definitely not be able to get this moon sky sword."

  "Leave here as soon as possible. His cultivation is indeed very strong. There is no benefit to fighting him..."

  Some warriors stared at Chen Xuan in horror, for fear of causing Chen Xuan’s anger. They all saw how Chen Xuan killed Lin Youde just now, and they knew that their cultivation level could not be Chen Xuan’s opponent.

  Chen Xuan's eyes were flat, looking around at everyone, wherever his eyes passed, everyone bowed their heads, not daring to look directly at his sharp edge.

With a smile of disdain, Chen Xuan whispered: "Very well, I warn you, if anyone still wants to take the Moon Sky Sword from my hand, just come to me to challenge, if you can defeat me, Moon Sky Sword It belongs to you, but if you are not my opponent, you will die under my sword!"

  Everyone dared not speak anymore and looked at Chen Xuan one after another.

   Chen Xuan's gaze stayed on everyone, his face vaguely released a murderous look.

  No one dares to challenge him.

   Nodded in satisfaction, Chen Xuan then prepared to raise his foot to leave here. Many martial artists around did not dare to stop him and could only let Chen Xuan leave.

  But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the voices of two men coming in front of him.

   "Big Brother Li Tianpo, what are the people in front of who are doing noisy? Wait a minute, isn't this Jian Yuelin?" A warrior's face was full of ferociousness.

  Because there were too many warriors around, Li Tianpo did not see Chen Xuan, but he also knew the legend of Jianyuelin. If the Moonsky Sword could be found in Jianyuelin, he would surely make a breakthrough in his cultivation.

   "Unexpectedly, we found this Sword Moon Forest by accident!" Li Tianpo sighed.

  The Li family disciple next to him, his face was full of compliments, and he hurriedly replied: “Brother Li Tianpo, let’s go and take a look. These people are in a circle and don’t know what they are doing.

   "It is said that there is a peerless treasure in this sword moon forest. If we can get it, our strength will definitely skyrocket!" Away the crowd, Li Tianpo looked around while walking.

   However, Li Tianpo suddenly stopped, his eyes filled with murderous aura.

  Li Tianpo found Chen Xuan surrounded by many warriors. After he was defeated in Chen Xuan's hands, he has been looking for opportunities to kill Chen Xuan.

  There were killing intent in his eyes, and Li Tianpo walked towards Chen Xuan step by step: "Chen Xuan, I am still looking for you, today you will never escape from my palm!"

   Li Tianpo, with a gloomy face, has been looking for opportunities to deal with Chen Xuan after his cultivation base broke through.

  Chen Xuan had obviously noticed Li Tianpo, and his eyes flashed with anger. Chen Xuan still remembers how Li Tianpo lied to him in the first place.

  I can’t let him go!

   "I didn't expect to meet you here, are you looking for the Moon Sky Sword here?" Chen Xuan asked suddenly.

  Li Tianpo laughed, but his face was full of mockery: "What's the matter, I can't come here to find a baby?"

   Seeing several beheaded warriors on the ground, Li Tianpo's eyes flickered, and he also knew that these people were all killed by him for robbing Chen Xuan's treasures.

  After seeing Li Tianpo coming over, many Feiyun Sect warriors shouted.

   "It was actually Li Tianpo who came here. I don't know who is higher and lower than Chen Xuan's cultivation level!"

   "I heard that the Li family and Jian Yuezong once had a competition, but Chen Xuan won easily. Li Tianpo is really not necessarily Chen Xuan's opponent!"

   "That's right, Lin Youde's cultivation base is already very strong, but he can't deal with Chen Xuan, this battle is hard to predict..."

   Hearing the comments from the surrounding martial artists, Li Tianpo’s eyes also flickered with a grin: “Is this kid’s cultivation level stronger again? Isn’t Lin Youde his opponent?”

  It’s just that after Li Tianpo’s cultivation base broke through, he has a better grasp of the Li Family Sword Art, and now he thinks he can easily defeat Chen Xuan.

  Li Tianpo squinted at Chen Xuan, and said softly: "Chen Xuan, I have to say, your luck is really good, and you can actually hit this moon sky sword."

  Several Li family disciples also gathered beside him, staring at Chen Xuan intently.

   "Even if he gets the Moon Sky Sword? Now that our Senior Brother Li Tianpo's cultivation base has broken through, our understanding of the sword art has reached the realm of great success, I am afraid Chen Xuan is no longer an opponent!"

  I must snow the shame of the past!

  (End of this chapter)

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