Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3643: Delusional challenge

  Chapter 3643 Delusional challenge

Li Tianpo’s face was full of anger. He was defeated by Chen Xuan at the time, and Li Tianpo was extremely ashamed. As the most outstanding disciple of the Li family, he let the Li family lose in the Zongmen match. To the contempt of the whole Li family.

Fortunately, Li Zhufeng helped him improve his cultivation. Now Li Tianpo’s strength has broken through to the six major consummations of the Shenluo realm. Coupled with the power of his swordsmanship, even if he meets the masters of the early seventh stage of the Shenluo realm, he can directly Was killed by him.

After hearing that Chen Xuan easily defeated Lin Youde, Li Tianpo was only slightly moved, not thinking that Chen Xuan could defeat him.

With a soft smile, Li Tian sneered: "Chen Xuan, don't think that I am still a few days ago. I advise you to take out the Moon Sky Sword. Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to leave here. !"

  Li Tianpo also winked at several disciples around him.

  He didn't want to put Chen Xuan back, but planned to kill Chen Xuan in Jian Yuelin.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of icy coldness: "Do you think your cultivation base is stronger than Lin Youde?"

"Chen Xuan, even if you kill Lin Youde, I don't believe you can still withstand my attack today. I warn you that if you honestly take out the Moon Sky Sword, you can spare you one today. Fate, if you don’t hand it over to me, you will definitely die!” His face was full of cold: “There is one more thing I want to warn you. To escape, his old man is waiting for you outside!"

The martial artists around    were shocked.

   "No way, why did Chen Xuan provoke the worship of the Li family?"

  "Who knows, Chen Xuan was not alive before, thinking that he was very strong, so he provokes the Li family, and he can't eat it!"

   Just killed a Lin Youde, and now he ran out of Li Tianpo, but Chen Xuan's face always carried a calm expression, holding the Liaoyuan sword in his hand, and a burst of Suzaku fire slowly burned.

   "Lin Youde is not my opponent, can you deal with me? I want to kill you, I only need three rounds!"

  As soon as these words came out, Li Tianpo laughed suddenly: "You are so naive. It seems that you still don't know what realm my current cultivation level has reached!"

His face was full of gloomy smiles, and he thought he was going to take Chen Xuan down: "If you kill you, you can get the Moon Sky Sword from your hand, and my cultivation level will be further improved. Among all the new disciples, I, Li Tianpo, is the first, and no one is my opponent!"

   Although Li Tianpo was defeated by Chen Xuan, he still did not think that his talent was poor. He is the inheritor of the dignified Li family, regardless of talent and cultivation.

  In addition, Li Tianpo had once worshipped a master as a teacher before, and after the instruction of the other party, his cultivation base also broke through very quickly.

  Li Tianpo is very proud. He believes that none of the new disciples in the sect is better than him, and he does not think that anyone is more talented than him.

  But now Chen Xuan just overwhelmed him, which made Li Tianpo very jealous. He must kill Chen Xuan here, otherwise, Chen Xuan could threaten his position.

  When Li Tianpo was in Yunxiao Mansion, no one of the monks of his age could deal with him, but when he met Chen Xuan, he tasted the taste of failure and knew the gap between himself and Chen Xuan.

  This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable. Li Tianpo was an invaluable genius before, but Chen Xuan ruthlessly defeated him, falling from the highest to the lowest, making his heart burn with anger.

"Chen Xuan, this is what you asked for yourself. Don't blame me. Today I will let you know how strong the swordsmanship of our Li family is. You will pay for your arrogance!" Li Tianpo Said angrily.

   Hearing this, Chen Xuan just smiled slightly, and with a light wave of the sword in his hand, a sound of sword screaming suddenly entered everyone's ears.

  Hearing the sound of the sword, everyone's heart was shocked.

   "The level of this Liaoyuan sword is also very high. It should have reached the heaven level. Weapons of this level are very rare!"

  "Go to death for me, Chen Xuan!" Li Tianpo roared, then his figure flashed, his wrists shook quickly, bursts of extremely fierce aura suddenly bloomed.

   Sword Qi was like cutting through the void, Chen Xuan also quickly danced his long sword and began to defend.


  The two sword auras collided fiercely in the air, and then their bodies each took two steps back.

  Li Tianpo smiled contemptuously, "Chen Xuan, our Li family's swordsmanship is not so easy to deal with. I have cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, and now you can't be my opponent!"

   Inspired by the fierce sword intent, Li Tianpo revealed a light red air flow all over his body, and the sword lights in the sky continued to float around his body.

  The power of the Li family's swordsmanship, which has been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, has naturally increased several times.

  The sword aura in the sky released bursts of fierce light.

  Under the suppression of this terrible force, Chen Xuan also frowned, and he could feel an extremely fierce energy that was constantly gathering.

  The sword light in the sky exudes a bright light group. Only the Li Family's swordsmanship that has reached the realm of Dacheng can exude such a terrifying aura.

"Chen Xuan, how could you be my opponent today? Have you seen it? Hahahaha, the sword technique that has been cultivated to the Dacheng realm has doubled my cultivation level and killed you for two rounds at most. I'm optimistic!" As Li Tianpo's swordsmanship condenses, Chen Xuan is not to be outdone.

  He must kill Li Tianpo here, otherwise Li Tianpo will definitely bring endless disasters.

  Li Tianpo's life experience is also very noble, and he has a high status in the Li family.

   Therefore, Chen Xuan must eliminate the troubles, and he did not hesitate to display the Suzaku sword technique.

  Compared with Thousands of Thousands of Swords, the Suzaku Swordsmanship is more lethal. If the power of the dragon pattern is condensed, it will increase the power dozens of times.

   "Let you see today, after the breakthrough of my dragon pattern power, how much increase can be brought by my cultivation level!" Chen Xuan's face showed sarcasm.

  Without hesitation, he displayed the power of the Vermillion Bird, and in front of Chen Xuan, a group of fiery red lights appeared, and in an instant, a group of red sword aura was floating in the sky.

  The figure flickered, and Chen Xuan's face also had a touch of surprise. He could feel that the sword aura in the sky had completely merged.

  The power of dragon pattern and the power of Vermillion Bird increased Chen Xuan extremely obviously.

The biting sword aura suddenly pierced into the sky. Above Li Tianpo's sword aura, the Suzaku sword aura released a loud noise, and bursts of red streamers flickered, and instantly slammed in the direction of Li Tianpo. past.


  Suzaku's sword aura exploded with terrifying energy. At this moment, Chen Xuan's expression also became savage.

   Feeling the horror of Chen Xuan’s sword aura, even Li Tianpo kept his pupils low and whispered: "His sword aura has become so strong, but unfortunately, it is not my opponent at all!"

  Li Tianpo was very confident from beginning to end, and his swordsmanship was cultivated to the realm of Dacheng.

  For someone else, it is impossible to comprehend the essence of swordsmanship in such a short time.


  The sword aura in the sky was still constantly colliding, Chen Xuan stepped up his efforts, and red sword auras suddenly pierced into the void.

  Under the shining light of the bright streamer, the sword aura began to explode with even more terrifying energy.

  At this moment, Li Tianpo's face was surprised: "This is impossible, why did he break through my sword aura? I don't believe it!"

  The sword energy released by Li Tianpo caused countless cracks.

  Under the fierce attack of Suzaku Fire, the sword aura is gradually shattering.

  The powerful energy burst out instantly, Chen Xuan's wrist shook, and another sword aura burst out, directly knocking Li Tianpo's body back.

Li Tian vomited blood and hit the tree behind him. His eyes were full of shock. He stared at Chen Xuan and said in a silent voice, "My swordsmanship has been cultivated to the realm of Dacheng, why can you break through my defense? "

  Chen Xuan always had a look of disdain on his face. When Li Tianpo made trouble for him, he was going to kill him.

  Everyone was stunned to watch a sword aura in the sky slowly dissipating, and in the end only Suzaku sword aura was left.

"It's impossible. Chen Xuan's strength is too strong. Not only did Lin Youde kill Lin Youde, but it took only five rounds to completely suppress Li Tianpo. This kind of cultivation is even if it meets our sect. Old disciple, you can easily win!"

   "He is the most talented person I have ever seen."

  Even Li Tianpo, who was knocked into the air, watched Chen Xuan's body approaching him step by step with shock.

Li Tianpo could not accept this cruel fact. He practiced his sword desperately in order to kill Chen Xuan in the Jianyue Ancient Vein, but now Chen Xuan only defeated him in five rounds, which made him feel very emotional. Frustrated.

   "It's too strong, how could this happen!" Li Tianpo let out a cry.

Judging from the murderous aura released by Chen Xuan, Li Tianpo also knew that Chen Xuan would definitely not let him go.

"I beg you, don't kill me!" Li Tianpo began to desperately begging for mercy, he was also scolding himself, why did he come to trouble Chen Xuan in the first place? If you rely on Elder Li to deal with Chen Xuan, it will be easy. If you kill him, you don't have to cause trouble for yourself.

  In an instant, Li Tianpo suddenly said to the Li family disciples beside him: "Don't look around! You guys hurry up and do it together, maybe you can kill him!"

  Several Li family disciples hesitated beside them, and didn't move.

  Chen Xuan easily defeated Li Tianpo, they all saw it in their eyes, and they knew that they were not Chen Xuan's opponent, and they didn't dare to come and provoke him.

   "Brother Li, I still have something to do, so let's see you another day."

   "The Jianyue Ancient Vein is very dangerous, I think it's better to go back!" These Li family disciples escaped very simply. Seeing that Chen Xuan had completely gained the upper hand, they didn't dare to step forward.

  A bunch of waste!

  Li Tianpo yelled: "Your trash is really rubbish!"

  In an instant, he also made the decision to escape, leaving the green hills, not afraid of not having firewood.

  If he continues to fight with Chen Xuan here, he has no chance of winning at all.

  Li Tianpo can become an outstanding disciple of the Li family. Not only is his talent very good, but he is also very good at refining spirit patterns. Knowing that he can't defeat Chen Xuan, he instantly gathers the power of spirit patterns and prepares to escape from here.

  As long as he can escape, he will definitely be able to make a comeback in the future. In addition, Li Tianpo's life experience is also very mysterious. His father is also a Li family spirit pattern master, who has taught him many mysterious techniques.

"This is the inside of Jianyue Ancient Vein. I have to run out from here. As long as I leave Jianyuelin, Chen Xuan will never catch up with me!" Li Tianpo made up his mind, his figure flashed, and instantly The power of urging the spirit runes.

  Li Tianpo's body showed a light orange light, covering his whole body in it. After the speed reached the extreme, Li Tianpo instantly swept away towards the distance.

  Do you still want to escape?

  Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and a fierce aura suddenly released from his body, suppressing Li Tianpo.

  The shame of the day, Chen Xuan must be repaid a hundred times. He said that as long as he had the opportunity, he would kill Li Tianpo, and he would never be able to let him go.

  After seeing Li Tianpo escaping very simply, there were even a few swordsman martial artists who laughed.

   "It seems that he is not Chen Xuan's opponent!"

   "We still don't want to hit the moon sky sword in Chen Xuan's hand. Instead of letting other martial artists take it away, it's better to leave it to people of our own sect!"

Before leaving, several disciples of the Sword Moon Sect also followed. They wanted to help Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan's answer was also very simple: "Your cultivation is too weak, even if you keep up. It's no use, let's go ahead and look for magic weapons!"

  These Jianyuezong disciples were not the ones who were troubled by Chen Xuan.

  Swish swish swish!

  Li Tianpo displayed this spirit rune, which can double his speed. After a while, his figure has disappeared in the sword moon forest.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of contemptuous smiles: "You are actually faster than me. It seems that you still don’t know the gap between us!"

   After displaying the power of the dragon pattern, his speed also improved in an instant. Under Chen Xuan's full strength, he soon saw Li Tianpo in front of him.

   "I want to escape, there is no door!" Chen Xuan said with a sneer.

  (End of this chapter)

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