Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 3647: Silver Frost Dragon

  Chapter 3647 Silver Frost Dragon

  Silver Frost Dragon uttered a roar, and his red pupils stared at Chen Xuan: "Damn human beings, if it wasn't for your sudden interruption of my cultivation, I would be able to easily resist the second thunderstorm!"

After this silver frost dragon killed the Chiyun Magic Lion before, it also swallowed the opponent’s inner alchemy and allowed the cultivation base to break through. He thought he could withstand the second thunder catastrophe, but now he was attacked by Chen Xuan and injured. There is no way to resist the next round of offense.

  The sky is still densely covered with dark clouds, but before the second wave of sky thunder arrives, the Silver Frost Flood Dragon is already embarrassed, and his body is covered with blood.

  His heart was full of hatred, and Chen Xuan suddenly rushed out halfway, and launched a surprise attack when he was at his weakest, making the silver frost dragon lose its power.

The   Silver Frost Dragon has been cultivating for more than 700 years, and it can be regarded as an outstanding cultivation base among all monsters, in order to completely evolve into a two-claw silver frost dragon on this day.

   Although Chen Xuan was a little scared, he did not go far. He was seeking wealth and wealth. If only the Silver Frost Dragon was killed by the sky thunder, Chen Xuan could still pick up a leak.


  The continuous bombardment of thunder and lightning continued, and even if the Silver Frost Flood Dragon's power was strong, there was no way to resist the attack of the sky thunder.

  In a short while, a total of more than a dozen sky thunders fell.

  At this time, the silver frost dragon was dying. After the last red sky thunder fell, the body of the silver frost dragon was shot down to the ground, lying motionless on the ground.

   Chen Xuan's face was surprised, and he didn't know if this silver frost dragon died.

Suddenly, the last wave of sky thunder also arrived.

  Chen Xuan found that Yinshuang Jiaolong's body moved.

  The mighty sky thunder broke out again with a terrifying aura, and there was a loud noise in the entire sky.

  Just before the sky thunder descended, the Silver Frost Flood Dragon exuded a terrifying aura and roared fiercely.

In the end what happened?

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise. He found that the silver frost dragon's body surface showed bursts of blue aura, which had undergone a huge transformation, and the whole body was condensed with golden light.

  In a short moment, the body of this silver frost dragon appeared in the air.

  After finishing all this, the Silver Frost Jiaolong rushed towards Chen Xuan and slammed its tail.

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of horror. If he was hit by the silver frost dragon's desperate blow, he would definitely be killed.

  In a flash, Chen Xuan dodged directly.

  But at this moment, Chen Xuan noticed that a gust of wind formed around the body of the Silver Frost Flood Dragon, and directly knocked his body out.


  Chen Xuan fell on the ground, and the power of this gang wind was also very swift and violent. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's defense by the power of the dragon pattern, he might have been smashed to death just now.

   "It's such a strong power, just the wind is so strong, if it is really hit, I am afraid I can't eat it!"

  When the squally wind continued to blow, the Silver Frost Flood Dragon was finally hit by the last sky thunder.

  Even though the Silver Frost Flood Dragon's cultivation base was extremely strong, there was absolutely no way to resist the attack of the Sky Thunder. In the end, the Silver Frost Flood Dragon was killed by the Sky Thunder.

   Seeing that the ground was struck by the sky thunder, Chen Xuan also showed a horror: "It is too strong, I don't know if I can withstand the sky thunder's attack!"

When the sky thunder hit the silver frost dragon, a violent explosion occurred.

  It didn’t take long for this silver frost dragon to lose its skin, and there was nothing in it.

  Chen Xuan walked over and found that the Silver Frost Dragon was already dead and could not die anymore.

  But at this moment, he vaguely saw the silver frost dragon's body, condensing a cyan aura, and then, a cyan spirit stone slowly suspended in the air.

  Cultivating to the level of the Silver Frost Dragon, he basically has the ability to transform spirits, and Chen Xuan does not make sure that the Silver Frost Dragon will be killed.

   walked over and took out the spirit pill that was transformed into the silver frost dragon, Chen Xuan also took out the alchemy furnace and refined the magical tools in the cave.

  Chen Xuan had already mastered the skill of weapon smelting before. Now, he directly smelts the silver frost dragon's inner alchemy in the Liaoyuan sword.

  In the next second, Chen Xuan took out the Moon Sky Sword he had previously obtained in Jian Yuelin.

  After he put the Moon Sky Sword in for refining, the level of the Liaoyuan Sword increased again, and a fierce aura emerged.

   Chen Xuan's face was filled with surprise.

  Silver Frost Dragon’s inner alchemy possesses extremely powerful sword intent, so Chen Xuan also put the Silver Frost Dragon’s inner alchemy into it.

  However, the weapon refined through the silver frost dragon's inner alchemy exudes an extremely fierce energy.

  Chen Xuan could even feel the monstrous hatred of this silver frost dragon.

"It seems that this Silver Frost Flood Dragon is not dead. He should only use the method of transforming a spirit pill to avoid the attack of the sky thunder. However, this Silver Frost Flood Dragon has been sealed by my Liaoyuan Sword. I am afraid there is no way to escape!"

Although the   Silver Frost Dragon was transformed into a spirit pill and temporarily saved his life, he could only hide in the Liaoyuan Sword in the following years, otherwise he would be attacked by Tianlei next time.

Unless Chen Xuan's cultivation base is very strong, there is no way to get the Silver Frost Flood Dragon out of the Liaoyuan Sword. After all, this Silver Frost Flood Dragon has been seriously injured. He wants to wait for his cultivation base to recover, but he doesn't know it will be delayed until the year of the monkey. .

Chen Xuan gently stroked the Liaoyuan Sword, with a smile on his face: "Stay in it well, don't you hate me, maybe one day I will become a golden dragon, and you can become a nine-clawed golden dragon! "


The   Liaoyuan sword swayed suddenly, and it was obvious that this silver frost dragon was responding to what he said.

  He still felt the hatred of the Silver Frost Dragon from this Liaoyuan sword.

  Chen Xuan smiled slightly: "What I said is true. If you don't believe it, there is nothing you can do."

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan still felt the hatred of the Silver Frost Dragon, so he could only put the Liaoyuan sword into the space ring.

After the   Liaoyuan Sword merged with the power of the Silver Frost Dragon, it was indeed a bit weird. However, there was a sword formation in the original Liaoyuan Sword. Even if the Silver Frost Dragon was sealed in, there was no way to shake the energy of the Liaoyuan Sword.

  Unless the silver frost water dragon gradually increases in strength after recuperating, it is possible to break through the shackles of the Liaoyuan Sword.

The   Silver Frost Dragon, this monster, wants to recover its cultivation base, it must go through a long time of cultivation, otherwise there will be no way to escape from the seal.

  In the center of the Liaoyuan Sword, there is a silver frost dragon. It is through the dragon pattern that Chen Xuan seals the silver frost dragon inside the Liaoyuan sword.

  Chen Xuan would not easily use the power of the Silver Frost Dragon. When it was not a last resort, using the power of the Silver Frost Dragon, it was very likely that Chen Xuan would suffer backlash.

  After all, the Silver Frost Jiaolong had not recognized him as his master, but was only sealed in the sword. If something happens during the battle, it is likely to cause trouble to Chen Xuan.

  After the crisis was resolved, Chen Xuan was about to leave here, but at this moment, he saw a light red breath coming from the front.

   Chen Xuan’s face was full of surprise, and he immediately walked towards the front: "What is that? Could it be the inner alchemy of the Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion just now?"

  The Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion was a powerful cultivation base, but it was only beheaded by the Silver Frost Dragon for three rounds.

  Because the Silver Frost Dragon wants to resist the sky thunder, it also needs to hunt down other monsters and absorb the inner alchemy of these monsters to improve its cultivation.

Coincidentally, the Chiyun Magic Lion was attracted by Chen Xuan. The Silver Frost Flood Dragon killed the Chiyun Magic Lion in only three rounds, and also took out the Chiyun Magic Lion's inner alchemy.

  Silver Frost Dragon wanted to swallow the inner alchemy of the Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion at the moment before the arrival of the sky thunder, but Chen Xuan was cheaper.

   "It seems that my luck is still pretty good, ha ha." Chen Xuan laughed loudly.

  In the entire world of monsters, these monsters want to cultivate their wisdom, and not a few hundred years can’t do it.

  He had also been to the Morrowind area before, knowing that these monster races were very difficult to cultivate.

The inner alchemy of the Chiyun Magic Lion exudes an unparalleled energy. Chen Xuan held it in his hand, and his face was full of joy: "The inner alchemy has extremely powerful power and will definitely allow me to cultivate. For promotion."

  After directly swallowing the inner alchemy of the Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion, Chen Xuan suddenly found that his Liaoyuan sword flew out of the spatial ring automatically, floating around Chen Xuan.

   Smiling lightly, Chen Xuan whispered, “It’s useless for you to resist now, what's the matter? You don’t want me to swallow the inner alchemy of this Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion?

  Liaoyuan Sword let out a sword chant, which was obviously against it.

  But Chen Xuan didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the ground, gathering the aura of his body, and began to absorb the inner alchemy of the Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion.

  A few minutes later, Chen Xuan exuded a strong aura. After closing his eyes slightly, Chen Xuan clearly noticed a scorching energy running through his limbs.

  "It is indeed the inner alchemy of the Scarlet Cloud Magic Lion. It is indeed very strong. If I can absorb all this inner alchemy, my dragon pattern power can break through to the third level..." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

  At this moment, he noticed that his strength had weakened a little. Turning his head, Chen Xuan saw the Liaoyuan sword floating around his body, and he was also absorbing this strength.

   "Damn it!" Chen Xuan roared, and directly took the Liaoyuan Sword in his hand. After a burst of fierce energy was released, the Liaoyuan Sword stopped moving.

   is absorbing the critical moment of the Chiyun Magic Lion's inner alchemy, Chen Xuan will not waste time, and desperately waving his dantian, absorbing all the energy in the inner alchemy.

  There is also the incomplete will of the Chiyun Magic Lion in this inner alchemy, and Chen Xuan can even feel that the Chiyun Magic Lion is resisting.

  In a moment, Chen Xuan seemed to be in the illusion, the huge body of the Chiyun Magic Lion in front of him, let out a huge roar.

  Chen Xuan held the sword with one hand, and his fierce sword aura was released instantly, and he slammed into the Chiyun Magic Lion.

  The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the Chiyun Magic Lion was also nowhere to be seen. Chen Xuan absorbed the energy of the inner alchemy more freely. As time passed bit by bit, Chen Xuan's process of absorbing the inner alchemy went very smoothly.

  In this way, more than two hours passed, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes: "It's really strange, why the power of the dragon pattern has not improved? On the contrary, my cultivation level is about to break through..."

  Chen Xuan had reached the five peaks of the Shenluo realm before. Now, he found that with the expansion of the Dantian Qihai, his cultivation level was already extremely close to the five major points of the Shenluo realm.

   "No wonder someone desperately wants to obtain the inner alchemy of these powerful monsters, and if they absorb their inner alchemy, they can directly raise the level of cultivation!"

  A smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face. In the blink of an eye, the sea of ​​Qi expanded twice, and Chen Xuan's cultivation level directly entered the five major consummation of the Shenluo realm.

   "It seems that the previous time has not been wasted." Chen Xuan smiled lightly. In order to track Li Tianpo, he kept running for hundreds of miles.

  Although he was still in Jianyue Lingfeng, Chen Xuan encountered a few extremely terrifying monsters here.

After   's cultivation base broke through, Chen Xuan also heard the roar of a few Yuanyuan Linghu coming from a distance.

  Chen Xuan’s face was full of wind and wind. After his cultivation base broke through, it was easy to deal with these monster beasts.

  Two Yuan-breaking spirit tigers leaped into the air, their huge bodies blocked in mid-air, and they were launching a fierce attack towards Chen Xuan.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan also bounced, waved the long sword in his hand, and bursts of fierce auras were released immediately, before the Yuan-breaking spirit tiger had rushed over, he directly knocked the opponent out.

In just a few short rounds, Chen Xuan killed all the Poyuan Spirit Tigers. After taking out the inner pill from the Poyuan Spirit Tiger’s body, Chen Xuan did not continue to stay here, but continued to stay in Jianyue. Search in the forest.

  (End of this chapter)

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